Exercise and Weight Loss Challenges



  • Cclill
    Cclill Posts: 191 Member
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    YES, YES, YES! Happy Birthday Gayle!

    And good job Lil!
  • merrygrannie
    merrygrannie Posts: 220 Member
    Happy Birthday Gayle !!
  • gmabethof3
    gmabethof3 Posts: 267 Member
    Happy Birthday Gayle
  • gmabethof3
    gmabethof3 Posts: 267 Member
    July 8 - 188.4
    July 15 - 188.0

    Good Morning Ladies, Another good day, my weight is going down slowly, but it is going down.. YEA!!! :)

    Marney, I stuck with this weeks challenge, proud of myself for doing so. I will be checking back in to see what the new challenge is for the new week.

    Hope that you Ladies had a great week, and hope that your weekend is also a good one.
  • merrygrannie
    merrygrannie Posts: 220 Member
    edited July 2016
    Fri. May 20-204.0
    Fri. May27-199.5
    Fri. June 3-201.5
    Fri. June 10-205
    Fri.June 17-205.5
    Fri.June 24-201.5
    Fri. July 1-200.0
    Fri.July 8-199.0
    Fri.July 15-199.5

    Not happy with the gain.I've been exercising and logging in.Hopefully next week things will look better
    Beth,small losses add up to big losses.I would have loved a loss and hopefully we'll both have one next week.I think you did great!!! Keep it up.

  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    edited July 2016
    Well done ladies!

    Hey, Mary. You broke a decade and stayed under! That is one of my goals at the moment.

    Well done on the logging and the exercise.

    I missed on the logging when I went to a friends over night but .... I ate really carefully this week. So, I have maintained my loss (with half a lb bounce up this morning.)

    Mary, :):) for the exercising and logging. Were you under your calories goals for 5 out of 7 days or more? (Bonus points on the line!)

    Beth, :):) Are there bonus points for you too?

    Marney: :'( for not logging everything every day but :) for maintaining losses

    Gayle, I finally found the new 9 week challenge, Thanks!

    This week's challenge for anyone what wants to join. STRESS REDUCTION!

    Choose something to do (or not do) to reduce your stress. Make it a SMART goal. Like go to bed an hour earlier each night, or do not try to 'correct' something in others - let it slide, or do something that you should have done before so that it isn't preying on your mind, or sit for 10 minutes each day and just breath. You choose, you know your life. Big, small, every day or just once. Reduce your daily stress in some way this week.

    Let's get this journey re-energized.
  • merrygrannie
    merrygrannie Posts: 220 Member
    Ladies,had a terrible day.Went to Long John Silvers for lunch and didn't eat healthy.We went to a cook out tonight,again,didn't eat healthy.I did log it the best I could.
    Tomorrow is a new day,new start.I'm going somewhere with my Granddaughter and I was told to wear comfortable shoes.I believe I'm going to be doing a lot of walking,which will be good.
    I'm ready for the new challenge and ready to be re-energized.
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Re-energized. Good for you Mary. A mystery outing, that sounds like fun!

    I too had a bad day yesterday. I was just plain hungry. Ate lots and the scale shows it. I am off to an overnight at a resort with a golf game with friends. Probably will not be able to stay on plan with restaurant lunch, dinner and breakfast and lunch, dinner and breakfast at our friend's place to follow. I am going to try my best though!
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    7/09/16: 185.7
    7/16/16: 187.5
    Just have to keep on telling the truth. Not actually using the silver sneakers yet, have been logging sparsely, comfort eating, not drinking enough water. I know what to do and am at least staying (marginally) engaged. Cross fingers for me for two new jobs panning out. Teaching drawing after school to kids and teaching for one of the canvas and cocktails places. Both have more earning potential than Michael's.
  • Cclill
    Cclill Posts: 191 Member
    My fingers and toes all crossed for you Gayle!
    You are such a great artist and art teacher!
    Im inspired by your truth telling
    My truth tell:
    Still spotty logging
    Still not excercising except power walk with friend
    Hope to improve after give presentation monday
    My printer just died!
    Luckily pauls printer working!
    And at least i am doing weekly weigh in report:
    Last new Low was april 16: 181.4
    7/1/16, 185.0
    7/9/16, 183.4
    7/14/16 182.8
    7/16/16, 183.4 (water weight bump up)
  • Cclill
    Cclill Posts: 191 Member
    forgot to say I'm also weighing daily for my peace of mind
  • Cclill
    Cclill Posts: 191 Member
    Daily weigh in started when i started weekly
    Thank you for weekly weigh in
    Thank you all!
  • gmabethof3
    gmabethof3 Posts: 267 Member
    Well done ladies!

    Hey, Mary. You broke a decade and stayed under! That is one of my goals at the moment.

    Well done on the logging and the exercise.

    I missed on the logging when I went to a friends over night but .... I ate really carefully this week. So, I have maintained my loss (with half a lb bounce up this morning.)

    Mary, :):) for the exercising and logging. Were you under your calories goals for 5 out of 7 days or more? (Bonus points on the line!)

    Beth, :):) Are there bonus points for you too?

    Marney: :'( for not logging everything every day but :) for maintaining losses

    Gayle, I finally found the new 9 week challenge, Thanks!

    This week's challenge for anyone what wants to join. STRESS REDUCTION!

    Choose something to do (or not do) to reduce your stress. Make it a SMART goal. Like go to bed an hour earlier each night, or do not try to 'correct' something in others - let it slide, or do something that you should have done before so that it isn't preying on your mind, or sit for 10 minutes each day and just breath. You choose, you know your life. Big, small, every day or just once. Reduce your daily stress in some way this week.

    Let's get this journey re-energized.

    Marney, this challenge will be a good one. I am going to look at different things to help my stress...... Trying not to correct someone or thing will be a challenge in itself...LOL...I have a bad habit of doing that one, and your right, it does leave me stressed doing this....Going to work this.
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Beth, You can tell that the correcting others is a 'stressor' in my life too. I am working hard on it and it is getting better for us all!

    I did OK on my two nights away. I was not on the internet so lost the logging award, but dinner choice was salad and a protein, (we won't mention the bbq sauce!) and breakfast was eggs so stayed on my reduced carb plan pretty well. We did not get lunch at our friends place though so chips and popcorn were offered. Ate more than I should be less than I wanted and I suspect that is a win!

    Back on course today.

    Not logging everything but trying to get better.
    Not exercising except for golf and gardening.
    Watching what I eat though.

    Hoping for the new job, Gayle! Keep telling us your progress. It keeps it in mind and you will get it back to project status when the rest of your life settles a bit. And you are keeping us on course with the challenges.

    I got a compliment on a top I just made (changed the sleeves from the original pattern and it worked). Compliment came from a man and he did not say it was cute, he just said he liked it. I have almost finished another blouse from a 'wadder'. Did not want to waste the fabric and my design worked and it fits well. It is my first self-drafted that fits well! Smaller than before too!
  • gmabethof3
    gmabethof3 Posts: 267 Member
    July 8 - 188.4
    July 15 - 188.0
    July 22 - 188.0

    Good Morning Ladies. No loss or gain this week, I'm ok with this, this week has been hectic.
    It is 90 degrees in the shade and humidity is so high. My allergies and copd have been acting up and I am hibernating in the air condition, only venturing out to get into the air conditioned car...LOL

    Marney, I have worked on the stress level, have bit my tongue some, but I feel better not correcting others and putting my two cents in all the time... :) ....My logging every day this week has not been the best....I have been a slacker... Going to work harder on that this week.

    Going out of town Thursday to see my son in Virginia. :) (taking my scale with me), so will probably not get to weigh in till Saturday or Sunday, so I will get to weigh in, just not on my normal Friday. Hope this humidity goes away for my trip.

    You ladies all have a great weekend, and a super week. Everyone stay safe, cool and eat clean.... Beth
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Hi Ladies,

    Frustrated this week.

    July 1: 173.5
    July 15: 170.5 (-3)
    July 22: 171.5 (+1)

    I did overdo pizza (first in over a year) but the extra pound stuck all week.

    It is really hot here too Beth. We have the air on too which is unusual because of our lake breeze. Hard to exercise but I did play golf twice and the game is improving for me.Glad the stress exercise worked for you. I too have worked on it but there are things I need to do which are still undone. :/ I hope your visit to Virginia goes well.

    My logging hasn't been the best either so that is the challenge this week. Better logging.

  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Hey, Lil? How is it going for you?

    Did the job work out, Gayle?
  • merrygrannie
    merrygrannie Posts: 220 Member



    Fri. May 20-204.0
    Fri. May27-199.5
    Fri. June 3-201.5
    Fri. June 10-205
    Fri.June 17-205.5
    Fri.June 24-201.5
    Fri. July 1-200.0
    Fri.July 8-199.0
    Fri.July 15-199.5
    Fri.July 22-203.0

    no excuses.NONE!!!

  • MapDancer
    MapDancer Posts: 246 Member
    On Monday I was surprised to see the scale hit a number high enough to shock me - 135.8. Above 136 puts me into the overweight BMI.
    Probably due to a couple Blackberry Blueberry Galettes and Peach Cobblers and some unnecessary snacking. Continued my hour/day on the treadmill, though Tues my kdrama episode was so engrossing I was there for 90 minutes.
    Now, Friday I'm 133.6.
    I realized that telling myself "NO" when cruising through the kitchen is much like exercising a muscle. The more I do it the easier it becomes.