Exercise and Weight Loss Challenges



  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Oh @merrygrannie ! It is frustrating to live life and have such a result.

    New week. New goals. You go, girl.

    Pam, Glad to hear you are down again. I still have trouble with an hour on a machine particularly in this heat. We do run the air but as little as possible.

    Yes, delaying gratification, a grown-up skill.
  • gmabethof3
    gmabethof3 Posts: 267 Member
    Hi ladies, since most of us had a frustrated week, let's blame it on the high heat....LOL ..Not really suppose to have excuses, but hey, we can break rules every now and then.... I'm going to use this, who's with me?
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    I am! The air is back on here and since we live in cottage lake country, I really hate having it on but must for sleeping.

    I am hoping I will have good news on Friday. My scale has been bouncing around again but I like today's number.
  • merrygrannie
    merrygrannie Posts: 220 Member

    Fri. May 20-204.0
    Fri. May27-199.5
    Fri. June 3-201.5
    Fri. June 10-205
    Fri.June 17-205.5
    Fri.June 24-201.5
    Fri. July 1-200.0
    Fri.July 8-199.0
    Fri.July 15-199.5
    Fri.July 22-203.0
    Fri. July 29-201.0
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    It is never linear is it, Mary? But well done. 2 lbs down this week!!! Big loss for a week.

    I was so excited this morning. (It was 6am after a very poor night's sleep but I was due on the golf course to play with friends.)

    But I remembered to step on the scale. 169 So excited to see this decade for the first time in a year.

    Then I walked 18 holes while playing. Then I drained our lake of water. Now all I want is a nap. But I had to share my excitement.

    I did not log every day. :( But because I am logging the majority, I am paying attention and the weight is going down. So not perfect, but apparently, you don't have to be.

    The upcoming week's challenge. Your choice of two. 10 minutes a day of mindful meditation. Stop and think about you, your stress, your goals, your creativity, anything to do with you, for 10 minutes every day this week. Or: 5 deliberate standups and sitdowns each day. Try not to 'thump' down on the chair, hover if you can. 5 only but every day.

    I hope others had a good week!
  • Cclill
    Cclill Posts: 191 Member
    Thanks Dasher! Thot i replied last week but dont see my post. Pls remind me of your real name.
    Was out of town for week
    Will check in tomorrow
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    I hope you had fun out of town.

  • gmabethof3
    gmabethof3 Posts: 267 Member
    188.0 again this week, no gain or loss, but I'll take it.

    I'm having a blast in Virginia, right now sittibg on the deck drinking my tea, it beautiful right now, but going to get humid again.

    You ladies have a great day and weekend. :)
  • Cclill
    Cclill Posts: 191 Member
    Marney! I remember now

    Forgot to check in yesterday
    Gained water weight out of town, followed immediately by two wedding receptions yesterday!
    So bumped up from 183.4 when i left to 184.8 today
    But Back on the program again now - i hope!
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Well we had guests this weekend and I don't think pancakes, berries. maple syrup, butter with a side of bacon is quite on my list.

    Oh well. I enjoyed! And logged!
  • merrygrannie
    merrygrannie Posts: 220 Member

    Fri. May 20-204.0
    Fri. May27-199.5
    Fri. June 3-201.5
    Fri. June 10-205
    Fri.June 17-205.5
    Fri.June 24-201.5
    Fri. July 1-200.0
    Fri.July 8-199.0
    Fri.July 15-199.5
    Fri.July 22-203.0
    Fri. July 29-201.0
    Fri.Aug 5-203.5
  • gmabethof3
    gmabethof3 Posts: 267 Member
    July 8 188.4
    July 15 188.0
    July 16 188.0
    July 30 188.0
    Aug 5 186.4

    Good Morning Ladies, Hope everyone is doing good. Weather is finally breaking, still humid, but not as bad as it was. I had a small loss this week, after staying the same for the past three weeks, I will take this loss this week, starting to go back down YEA!

    Everyone have a great weekend. Beth
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Hi Beth and Mary.

    Great going, Beth. More than a small loss after staying the same. You broke the plateau which is hard to do! I hope this next week is good for you.

    Mary, difficult when it goes up. I hope you are not too frustrated by it. Even knuckling down my losses are slow and there are bounces up. As I said in my goals, I just want to get back to where I was a year ago for this challenge because I would like to lose some new lbs if you know what I mean. So I do understand the up and down of 'staying the same'. New week, new slate.

    For me, I stayed the same at 169. Which is a win because I wasn't always paying attention this week and I had some blow out meals so weight varied through the week. I think I have a new "normal" at 169 and not just a bounce to a low. I have seen it fairly consistently.

    Keep going!

    This week's challenge for me is strength training. I did 10 pushups yesterday and I will do 10 more tomorrow. I heard that strength training does not take time. You just do something to "failure" and the muscles grow in response. So upper body, pushups should do, lower body squats. Squats one day, pushups the next. But boy do my knees crackle!

    I hope the others check in soon and did well.
  • MapDancer
    MapDancer Posts: 246 Member
    Friday 8/5 133.0 - still staying in my range

    I've been organizing with a senior client in her 70s and I've been impressed how easily and quickly she sits on the floor as we sort things out. She's always been active and looks to be at a normal BMI. She continues to belong to the local TOPS group. She's an inspiration! I need to work on flexibility!

  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Well done, Pam. Staying the same is the hardest and no one cheers you on like when you are losing.

    Yes, flexibility is so important. It works to keep everything in balance and life looking good. Pain reduction tops the list. I keep working at it intermittently, which, of course, not the way to do it.
  • gaylebodine
    gaylebodine Posts: 1,689 Member
    7/09/16: 185.7
    7/16/16: 187.5
    8/07/16: 188.1
    Well, it could be worse, right? Yesterday was my last day at Michael's and I've started at Whimsy, which is a paint and sip. The plus part is that I am active for 5 hours at a time, I am encouraging creative expression and laughing, and it pays WAY more than Michael's. Later in the month I start with Young Rembrants, which is an afterschool drawing program. Think I am learning important art teaching skills (for my private classes/students) will paying the bills.

    Teach for two colleges, intermitently, and can see a sort of settling down of my schedule (just need a little a little predictability) in the future. Fingers crossed that I can manage to include transportation for Patrick until he buys a car. So--two things that might work for me in terms of weight--moving more on the job and recording food.
    Big cheers for all of you continuing to fight the fitness and health fight!
  • dasher602014
    dasher602014 Posts: 1,992 Member
    Good to hear that you have started at Whimsy. Laughing is really really good for you and for your weight. It is hard when there is a schedule change. That is where I really get off track. I hope your schedule settles down and that you can work the transportation problem. Keep moving, learning, logging and laughing!

    I did not log in yesterday so lost my streak, again. Not concerned though because I leave on Wednesday for a 4 day off the grid trip so cannot log on there. I will be missing on Friday. We return on Sunday and I will check in.

    I had a bump up over the decade mark again this morning. I really want to stay in the 160's for this challenge ending at the lower end. It is hard to see the decade I just left again. But I will stop grousing and just continue.

    Hopefully my time away will not bump me off course. I am hoping for lots of swimming but I expect lots of eating and drinking too.
  • Cclill
    Cclill Posts: 191 Member
    Thats great news Gayle, love your laugh and love to picture you laughing.
    Ive been weighing myself every day but forgot to check in on friday and saturday
    Water weight bouncing up and down, hope to get back to my low before another trip or wedding reception!
    Have fun on your upcoming trip Marney!
  • gmabethof3
    gmabethof3 Posts: 267 Member
    July 8 - 188.4
    July 15 - 188.0
    July 22 - 188.0
    July 30 - 188.0
    Aug 5 - 186.4
    Aug 12 - 186.4

    This does not surprise me, this humidity is causing me to hold water like crazy. I have been good on my diet and exercise.

    Except for the heat, it has been a good week here. Finally settled in my new place. I have an animal sanctuary behind me, and I am constantly seeing wild turkey and deer. I can hear roosters and owls off in the distance, but never have seen any

    Gayle, Congrats on starting Whimsy, sounds like a lot of fun. I know that you will enjoy you Young Rembrants class, its always exciting to teach young people, and watch their imaginations at work.

    You ladies all have a great weekend, hope the humidity goes away so I can walk outside more. Its 630AM, and already it is muggy. :s

    Everyone have a great week, eat clean and stay positive. :)

  • Cclill
    Cclill Posts: 191 Member
    8/12/16, 183.0
    Still up 3 from my low before trip to maine.
    Too hot today - heat makes me childishly petulant