The New Water Cooler



  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,251 Member
    Hi. I went to a training class tonight. There were 3 of us and the trainer. He set up a circuit that we did 3 times for different time and rest intervals. Kicked my butt. Obviously I've lost strength and muscle. I will go two more times this week on my own.

    WTG on your machine, Marla.
    Shirley, I hope your knees don't end up like mine.

    40 and sunny today!

    I'm liking my meal replacement shake. I drink it for either breakfast or lunch depending on my schedule.

    Sleep well.

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Jenny - so pround of you getting into exercise keep it up it will get better. I feel like a slug right now with my limited exercise routine. I think I will go to Yoga on Saturday as Dave will be shopping at Costco with our friend Tom. Tomorrow is aqua fit class, yay!

    Today was my chiropractor apt. and she massaged the meniscus and its hurts like a bash but each time it gets less hurtful. The pain is subsiding each day but I have tightness as she said I have fluid on the knee too. I am doing my exercises of stretching and I started some light squats to strengthen my
    muscles around the knee. My chiropractor has been treating a lady with a torn meniscus and she said she is coming along great. I still have to see what my MRI says and it seems like forever before I get there. You guys must be getting tired to hear about my knee as I am too!!! Patience.

    Have a great day.

    day by day
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,704 Member
    first basketball game tonight for Caleb - fingers crossed!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,704 Member
    first basketball game tonight for Caleb - fingers crossed!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,251 Member
    Shirley, fluid on the knee is so uncomfortable. I had that with my knee injury 2 years ago. Hang in there. You'll get answers.

    Marla, how was Caleb's game?

    Book club was tonight. Tired and have 7am visit. 5 apps back to back tomorrow. Ugh! Going to see Hidden Figures after work.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,704 Member
    basketball was AWFUL!!! We got beat by Grand Island. We ALWAYS beat Grand Island - even Zach's 8th grade year when they were terrible. It was a farce. Caleb played better as a 5th grader than what I saw last night. The coach's big pep talk/coaching at the beginning, "that most important thing it... have fun." Um, no. This ain't AYSO or Y league. They need to be learning the core basics, working their tails off and achieving their fun from doing a great job. And, no I really don't ultimately care about the win or loss if they are playing solid ball with great fundamentals. There was no basics beyond maybe dribbling (even that was spastic) - NO REBOUNDING - if they would have gotten 20% of the boards they could have won. Not a single 3-point shot. No basic defense (get your freakin' arms up). I am pissed. That is not the goal of these teams is to have fun - and I can already see where Caleb and the other two that got put back on JV their basic skills look like crap too - because they are feeding off the others spazzing - HAAAAATTTEEEE
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Going to aqua fit class this morning and not much else planned. Dave has finished painting the kitchen and now he is painting our cupboards. It takes a little longer to do but will look great when finished.

    Isaac is coming for a sleepover on the 28th so I will go and pick up a few things for when his comes.
    There is a sale at our local clothing shop so I will check that out too.

    Dinner last night was delicious and our friends told us they sold their vetranarian business
    and Kim as a vet will stay on for a 2 year contract and her husband who is 20 years her senior
    will semi retire while this process is concluded. They also bought a Florida place for their retirement.


  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    edited January 2017
    Here a picture of Isaac and Grandma last Monday. He will be 2 in April.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,704 Member
    Isaac is so big! quite the man already
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,251 Member
    Cute boy! Grandma is having fun.
    I worked out this morning at gym. I did the circuit my trainer wrote down for me and I did beginning of week. We did errands and had the dogs washed and groomed.

    Chef salad for dinner tonight. Doing laundry, changing bed sheets and finishing a book. Rainy and foggy here today.

    Enjoy your evening.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,251 Member
    Knee pain today. Did not go to gym.

    Russ' birthday so we went to a steak house for dinner. Very full!

    Nothing new...

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    I skipped chiropractor this morning because I had a stomach ache last night and didn't sleep well so slept in this morning. We are headed for the Toronto Boat Show this morning so finishing up my coffee and I should get some steps in just walking around looking at boats we can't afford. ;)

    Jenny - Watch those knees!

    Have a good week.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,704 Member
    teenagers and tweenagers. Mmfftttt -
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,251 Member
    Training session (boot camp) kicked my butt again. It felt good but I have so far to go to fitness.

    Stomach feeling upset so off to bed.

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Jenny you are killing it, watch those knees.

    I went to yoga last night and did the pigeon posture, it was okay on my knee, no pain. Today not so good hurting again and had to take Advil. I had to try and see if I could do it.

    I have had a week of apts. and traveling to get there so glad when I am done. Tomorrow hair apt.
    and dentist, in town. :)

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,251 Member
    I had my body scan, weight and goals done today at gym. It wasn't pretty. I will start logging again on MFP if I can make it work on my tablet. I did 20 minutes of Cardio and some arm weights. Tomorrow I will go for a better workout.

    Have you seen those salads in a jar you can make? Russ made us soup in a jar. Just add hot water and let it heat up. I had one for dinner since I won't get too much time for lunch the next two days. Very good. There is a veggie bouillion cube, spinach, green onion, chicken, Ramen noodles, carrots, and I added soy and chili sauce. Yum and low calorie. If you are interested in recipe, I can post it.

    Hi Marla. Is Ang gone?

    WTG with your yoga Shirley. Your knee app must be soon?

    I am going to check out logging on this thing.


  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,251 Member
    I tried the computer again and I was able to get in and log on. I logged food and exercise for today.

    David called and he and Chantrelle (girlfriend) are headed to Mexico for 3 weeks. Jealous! They will be on Pacific side (Mazatlan, Sayulito, and some remote mountain village for mountain biking).

    Off to bed. Goodnight!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,704 Member
    Jenny - your soup recipe sounds good - I have been browsing different 'diets' because I am down on myself and looking for something to kick it in gear -

    hope your training sessions continue to be enjoyable - just think how great you will feel!

    Shirley sorry your knee is also hurting - take care!

    last night was finally hair color night (it was so grown out and gray) and I guess choir started but I wasn't ready for it -

    lots of normal drama - arguing with Zach about his grades (watching him ace tests and blow assignments and vice versa - arguing, arguing, arguing about how it is all important!!!! argh) - Caleb is fighting this lingering cold, I am upset about his basketball situation, there is weirdness going on with Zach's choir (the teacher who for a year and a half made it clear that Zach was 'lacking' suddenly asks me to be on the board of the new vocal boosters - so I am screwed - if I don't do it he will continue to hold back Zach (and then Caleb) and still no guarantees if I do) Zach is refusing to do any sort of socializing and I am so worried about how isolated he is being. I know it's no 'excuse' to use stress to eat poorly -but come on!!
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Appointment day today, hair cut and dentist apt. and all went well.

    Weather is so gloomy and getting depressing, we need some sun. We leave for Jamaica Feb. 20 can't wait to sit in the sun and get some Vitamin D. Lots of people sick because of this weather. We are supposed to get snow but nothing so far.

    My car is making a cluncking sound in the steering wheel, I had Dave drive it and of course he hears nothing. I was out today and heard it 4 times, I will tell him again.

    I cleaned the kitchen good today, all painting is done and cupboards are done. Looks great!!
    Cupboards were first painted in 2006 so I guess it was time.

    Isaac is coming on Saturday for an overnight, getting ready for him. <3

    I wonder where Ang is too!

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,251 Member
    Sore muscles today. I was going to go to the gym after work to do a weight circuit but decided to give myself a break and go tomorrow after work. I was tired and really dragged through the day today.

    Overwhelmed at work so that probably adds to my fatigue based on stress. Caseloads are rising and no end in sight. Admin doesn't see it the way we do nor do they empathize with us.

    I'm on day 2 of logging, yay! I'm suppose to eat around 1700 calories per day if I don't work out and 2000 if I do. When they tell you to have a 560 calorie deficit, what exactly does that mean again? Don't eat back calories burned? My brain is mush...

    Marla, I know it is hard with teens, school, activities, etc. We want them to have friends, join in activities, excel, etc. So many worries as a parent. I know it will work out in the end and you will have two wonderful young men to be proud of. Hang in there!

    Shirley, I hear you about the sun. Haven't seen it in a long time. Each day is monochromatic and blah, so low energy and lots of illness around me. Bring on Spring!

    Well I have some work to do so sleep well ladies!