LCD Chat...



  • AlexandraCarlyle
    AlexandraCarlyle Posts: 1,603 Member
    Grazie, ne sono molto contenta, infatti devo dire che il benvenuto e stato caloroso - ma nel miglior senso possibile!!
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    edited March 2017
    anglyn1 wrote: Energy issues usually have more to do with electrolytes. I never have a carb refeed and my energy is fine through my workouts. [/quote]

    I have to agree with this. I did serious HIIT, for months, with no refeeds or cheat days and had all the energy needed.
    Soon as I added in sugars in maintenance... the struggles began, and are unrelenting...both by sapping me phyically and challenging my mental committment. Not worth it, for me.
    I'd look into an electrolyte adjustment or additions first, before a refeed.

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Thanks everyone for the feedback on my refeed! I'm thinking that the real problem is my Lymes disease is causing me the fatigue more than anything. Pesky little ticks! I did do a dirty 1 day refeed which luckily showed me that I actually like the taste of bacon and veggies with dip a lot more than sweets! My chocolate donut was not what it use to be!

  • sisterlilbunny
    sisterlilbunny Posts: 686 Member
    Do you ever have those days where it feels like you run out of everything good to eat a week before pay day? No? Just me? Crap...

    So we're running low on good fats. I'm out of the good butter (salted), coconut oil, avocados, etc. I did cook my lunches with olive oil but I'm still running low prediction wise on fats. So, I tried coffee with olive oil (mild). You'd have thought I was going to drink sludge with the way I was acting.

    All in all? Surprisingly boring. I'm not sure why I was so paranoid to try this. I think you guys are rubbing off on me. :)
  • rugged1529
    rugged1529 Posts: 95 Member
    I worked out yesterday, Felt good after too, (given that I have RA). But this morning I am TIRED arrrggg... :s . I'm trying to figure out why.
  • BedsideTableKangaroo
    BedsideTableKangaroo Posts: 736 Member
    Do you ever have those days where it feels like you run out of everything good to eat a week before pay day? No? Just me? Crap...

    So we're running low on good fats. I'm out of the good butter (salted), coconut oil, avocados, etc. I did cook my lunches with olive oil but I'm still running low prediction wise on fats. So, I tried coffee with olive oil (mild). You'd have thought I was going to drink sludge with the way I was acting.

    All in all? Surprisingly boring. I'm not sure why I was so paranoid to try this. I think you guys are rubbing off on me. :)

    i know it's hard to think this way while actively going through it, but be conscious of the fact that it can be a positive and learning experience. at the very least, you can say "yep, definitely not trying that substitution again!" at the best, "damn that was good." ;)
  • melbybs1
    melbybs1 Posts: 11 Member
    edited March 2017
    My name is Melody and I'm new here and new to LCHF, but not low carb in general. I'm 42 and I'm married to a guy with the metabolism of a hummingbird who loves carbs. For the nine years we've been together, I doubt his weight has fluctuated more than 4-5 lbs, while mine has dramatic ups and downs, mostly ups for the last few years.

    I'm a registered nurse and work in a high stress intensive care unit. I'm also in graduate school part time, working toward my acute care nurse practitioner degree. To add a bit more stress to my life, we bought a new house (without selling the old one) and my daughter is getting married in September this year!

    I don't have any current diagnoses right now, but my feet and legs swell after my 12-hr shifts and if I work too many in a row, my knees and ankles hurt. My highest weight was 311, and I'm sitting at 293 right now so I've lost 18 lbs so far doing LCHF for about 5 weeks.

    I'm not exercising yet, but I have a set of 5-15 lb hand weights, a kettlebell, and a new yoga mat. I used to be a pretty serious road cyclist, but it's too hilly here for me at my current weight and I hate to drive my bike anywhere to ride.

    My goal is to drop enough weight to feel healthy again and resume some of my previous activities, as well as live longer to spend time with my eventual grandchildren. I'd also love to use my position as a NP to help others change their lives.

    So, hello! And thanks for the contributions you all make to this forum. It is unbelievably helpful and appreciated.
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,761 Member
    Welcome melbybs1. Stress can really make losing harder, but you can do it. Hang in there. Read the launchpad for tips on what to eat and how much exercise etc.
  • drosebud
    drosebud Posts: 277 Member
    Hi, I've just joined the group.

    I'm mid 50s and exercise regularly.
    I'm currently reading the Mosley Blood Sugar Diet and wanted to learn more about a low carb approach towards my diet without actually following his 8 week very low calorie approach. I'm not diabetic, I just want to lose a bit of weight and feel better.

    A few years back I was around 40lb heavier and couldn't imagine meals without carbs. I have put some weight back on from my lowest (only around 14lb), which was arround 2 years ago and would like to lose it again. Despite having been a lifetime carb addict, I just know that I feel so much better when they are a lower percentage than what most guidlines would have me see as "ideal".

    So, I'm here to learn and hopefully reach my target weight again.

  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    Hi @drosebud! We are pretty close in age. And close to the same distance from our 'happy place weight'. Welcome to the LC Chat thread!
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    I have to say that the last few days I have really been struggling with Food Thoughts every waking moment! All I have been craving is sweets! Yesterday within a 20 minute time period I wanted, cookies, chocolate covered potato chips, whopper Easter eggs, and a bear creek caramel waffle cone. That was during my evening walk around town with my husband. I even decided to go off plan and have the ice cream cone. In fact we were heading there. You all know as well as I do how easy it is to gain weight. I just have to look at sweets and I gain weight! But, loosing it takes a lot of work, mindful thinking, and will power! I thought about eating the ice cream cone and the consequences of that action. First it would definitely have thrown me out of fat burning mode, second I would not want to weigh myself in the morning, third I would feel sick from sugar overload, and fourth it would set me back from reaching my goals. I said this to my husband and we turned towards home leaving the ice cream cone for another day and another battle! I was rewarded with a 2.2 lb loss this morning instead of a gain as well as a re-fortified determination to reach my goals!

  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    @fanncy0626 change your usual walk route for one that doesn't go to the places where your favorite snacks are on offer, even if you have to drive first to get there. Habits are hard triggers to break and heading to our usual haunts can set us up for failure. Try a park somewhere or go for a little hike away from civilization if you can. Make sure you are getting all your required healthy protein in first, and if you are actually feeling hungry have a small piece of real cheese (protein and fat with no carbs) or some pure fat like butter. Hang in there! It can take a few weeks to break old habits and start new ones. Hugs!
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    @canadjineh Great advice! Thanks for your input. Yesterday we were actually on the walking trail that goes into town and we were going to turn around and go back when the craving for ice cream hit. The whole walk I was actually thinking about all the sweet things. We got into town and the ice cream shop was pulling me that direction! It really does help to be on MFP with all of the people that are here to support us. I don't want to let anybody down and that is one of the thoughts that came into my mind. I know that life happens and we all have setbacks. But, we also have to fight the battle and win. And we need to win more times then we lose! Otherwise we won't lose!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    Another good thing to try @fanncy0626 is mindfulness when you are walking (especially in nature/on a trail). Ask yourself what am I hearing (birds, children playing, crunch of gravel under my feet etc) or what am I seeing (what trees flowers animals birds etc) stop and close your eyes to do this if you need to, to redirect your train of thought. Another is to touch and notice the sensations... tree bark, grass, a prickly bush, the texture of a flower petal, pea gravel on the walkway etc. It doesn't take long to do but and can help make the walk less of a chore or a food fight, lol.
  • AlexandraCarlyle
    AlexandraCarlyle Posts: 1,603 Member
    canadjineh wrote: »
    Another good thing to try @fanncy0626 is mindfulness when you are walking (especially in nature/on a trail). Ask yourself what am I hearing (birds, children playing, crunch of gravel under my feet etc) or what am I seeing (what trees flowers animals birds etc) stop and close your eyes to do this if you need to, to redirect your train of thought. Another is to touch and notice the sensations... tree bark, grass, a prickly bush, the texture of a flower petal, pea gravel on the walkway etc. It doesn't take long to do but and can help make the walk less of a chore or a food fight, lol.

    When was the last time you saw a tree that needed to diet? ask yourself that!

    It might be a funny, but there's many a true word said in jest. Nature adapts itself wonderfully to what it needs. The moment mankind interferes, it upsets the balance of things and everything gets out of kilter.
    Stick to what is good and natural; reject artifice and additives.
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    Had a win last night on patrol when I stuck to devilled eggs in a romaine lettuce leaf instead of the full-on bag of SmartFood White Cheddar Popcorn. Hang in there guys and gals... we can do this.
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,761 Member
    canadjineh wrote: »
    Another good thing to try @fanncy0626 is mindfulness when you are walking (especially in nature/on a trail). Ask yourself what am I hearing (birds, children playing, crunch of gravel under my feet etc) or what am I seeing (what trees flowers animals birds etc) stop and close your eyes to do this if you need to, to redirect your train of thought. Another is to touch and notice the sensations... tree bark, grass, a prickly bush, the texture of a flower petal, pea gravel on the walkway etc. It doesn't take long to do but and can help make the walk less of a chore or a food fight, lol.

    ^^^^^This is why I love doing my walks outside. I can totally forget about tummy grumbles, food prep, etc.

    My husband has a saying "people get fat because of boredom and lack of imagination". Bless his heart he has put up with my weight ups and downs for over 40 years. But I realize often just how right that saying is.
  • Just_Eric
    Just_Eric Posts: 233 Member
    Even the cat has gone keto. I guess I shouldn't be surprised when a cat that has spent the first 19 years of his life mooching my Doritos decides that chile and lime pork rinds are his new favorite thing in the world, but I sorta was. After all, it's like the best of bacon and Doritos all in one; why wouldn't he want some?
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,761 Member
    Just_Eric, those are some fancy pork rinds, can't find them around here. Lots of plain and hot and spicy, but no chile and lime which is was one of the few flavored chips I used to enjoy. I love hot sauce so usually just had the plain ones with HOT sauce.
  • WVWalkerFriend
    WVWalkerFriend Posts: 575 Member
    Tacking on at the end here. I'm 37, married for 18 years this summer and mom to twins girls who will me 17 in a couple weeks. I live in WV and love that we are country enough for a big yard and poultry but the nearest grocery store is only 10 minutes away. I was diagnosed with T2D at the age of 25 and I did what they told me. I followed the nutritionist's plan and tested daily and watched my weight and FBG climb steadily over the years. I started reading more about low carb about 10 years ago but it took me awhile to first decide that I should and then to figure out how to do it with a family that doesn't need to eat low carb. My most recent derailment started when life got hectic and I didn't have a game plan. I'm now fully into keto and intend to stay that way, with a few chosen higher carb foods very occasionally. I'm taking note of the convenience low carb foods that are available so that I can be prepared in the future.
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    Hah! @LowCarb4Me2016, as you've noticed, traditional nutritionists/dietitians feed you *kitten* information:
    "Many diabetes experts recommend somewhat lower carb intakes than ADA does. On our site, dietitian Jacquie Craig wrote, “Most people need (??!!) between 30–75 grams of carbohydrate per meal and 15–30 grams for snacks.” So that sounds like between 120 and 300 grams a day."
    Glad you are getting healthier, and it doesn't hurt to cook lower carb for your family either ;) even though they may not 'need' it... yet.
  • WVWalkerFriend
    WVWalkerFriend Posts: 575 Member
    canadjineh wrote: »
    Hah! @LowCarb4Me2016, as you've noticed, traditional nutritionists/dietitians feed you *kitten* information:
    "Many diabetes experts recommend somewhat lower carb intakes than ADA does. On our site, dietitian Jacquie Craig wrote, “Most people need (??!!) between 30–75 grams of carbohydrate per meal and 15–30 grams for snacks.” So that sounds like between 120 and 300 grams a day."
    Glad you are getting healthier, and it doesn't hurt to cook lower carb for your family either ;) even though they may not 'need' it... yet.

    Took me awhile to catch on, lol. Its gotten the family to try different veggies, so that's a good thing.
  • motherofdragons84
    motherofdragons84 Posts: 58 Member
    1. Go to exercise: CrossFit
    2. Friends: I'm an introverted extrovert... I make friends quickly but I'm good at pushing them away or keeping a distance. Sadly.
    3. Animal: Dogs
    5. Motivation: I want to have a photo of myself and feel attractive again
    6. Country/City: City
    7. Go back: To high school to take it more seriously
    8. Move: I live in Michigan and couldn't imagine moving
    9. Fave LCHF Veggies: Mushrooms
    10. Fave book: Too many to list... Perhaps 1984
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    uuuuww.... 1984 and mushrooms... shall we be intro/extrovert friends? :D
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,761 Member
    1. Go to exercise: CrossFit
    2. Friends: I'm an introverted extrovert... I make friends quickly but I'm good at pushing them away or keeping a distance. Sadly.
    3. Animal: Dogs
    5. Motivation: I want to have a photo of myself and feel attractive again
    6. Country/City: City
    7. Go back: To high school to take it more seriously
    8. Move: I live in Michigan and couldn't imagine moving
    9. Fave LCHF Veggies: Mushrooms
    10. Fave book: Too many to list... Perhaps 1984

    Welcome, always nice to meet another George Orwell fan. 1984 and Animal Farm are both AWESOME. Kinda scary how we are living through so much of what he foresaw in the '30s.
  • pitbullmamaliz
    pitbullmamaliz Posts: 303 Member
    Getting ready to read 1984 again. It'll probably give me even more of the heebie jeebies now than it did when I read it as a kid.
  • Alaplum
    Alaplum Posts: 169 Member
    Hello, I'm a 53 year old who is morbidly obese (145 lbs) and type 2 diabetes. I have two wonderful sons in their thirties. I enjoy video games, reading, and the odd Netflix binge watch. I quit smoking 11 months ago by vaping. I never thought I could quit having tried and failed so many different things and times. I don't make my own vape juice but I'd love to learn how.

    I got myself a cat last year and I love him so much. He's like my baby. I love animals and if I could I'd have many of them.

    Big time newbie to LCHF and low carb entirely. but so far I'm surprised how much I like it! To whomever linked to the fellow named Butter Bob, THANK YOU! I can't say how easy he's made it for me to understand. I've only been really kinda knowing what I'm doing in the past couple of days and a whole lot to learn. Luckily, I'm a reader and when I'm interested in a subject I just go great guns until I'm at least up to speed.

    I am so excited by this new diet, still going thru cupboards and fridge throwing crap out. Having diabetes scares me a great deal, I really want to get it under control. The ADA might be happy with the 90% fail rate of blood sugar stability in diabetics but I am not. I failed on their diet. I kept hearing LCHF was the way to go but I just had to quit fighting it and move forward. It hasn't been long enough to say much of anything, but I already feel this is for me even tho I don't have much in the way or results.

    Favourite book? hmmm there really are so many. I'll go with "In Search of the Miraculous" P.D. Ouspenski.

    I look forward to getting to know people on here.


  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,761 Member
    edited April 2017
    Getting ready to read 1984 again. It'll probably give me even more of the heebie jeebies now than it did when I read it as a kid.

    Kindle Prime members can get it free with the Kindle Reads free feature in Prime.

    I feel like I live on Animal Farm every time the news comes on these days.

    I happen to own a first edition of 1984, one of my prized possessions. No cover but still in great shape except for that. My dearest friend gave it to me for my 21st birthday. Anyone else remember when you could find jewels like that in the used bookstores?
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    Getting ready to read 1984 again. It'll probably give me even more of the heebie jeebies now than it did when I read it as a kid.

    "Ministy of Truth" and "Newspeak"....
  • canadjineh
    canadjineh Posts: 5,396 Member
    Welcome @loriafriesen - have you taken a stroll through the Stickies on the first page of the Low Carber Daily forum? Tons of answers to almost every question there is about Keto, LCHF, Slow Carb, etc. There's also one especially for diabetes related info.

    As for books... I love anything by neurologist Oliver Sacks. The mind is an absolutely amazing thing.