Keto/LC 4 Week Challenge April 23rd - May 20th



  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,145 Member
  • colosky17
    colosky17 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi, I'm Sheila new to Keto for the last two days. Would love to join this challenge. My goal is to have no cheat days between now and the end of challenge. I'm aiming for 20 carbs a day and a minimum 65-70% fat. That sounds so wrong in my head but I'm trying to change the mindset that's been ingrained in me for so long about fat!
  • mznik114
    mznik114 Posts: 82 Member
    I've been doing Keto for a week now and love it! I'd like to join the challenge and get more food ideas and gain new buddies! Feel free to add me
  • ZRx4
    ZRx4 Posts: 158 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm Rande. Looking forward to seeing you all around here. I've done Keto for a short period last year and am ready to tighten up my eating. I started the week before Easter and lost 3 lbs that week. Whoohoo! My MIL came out for a visit for Easter festivities and I gave myself a couple days of eating fun stuff lol, then I caught the flu! I'm feeling better and whatching my macros more closely, I intend to be fully 60fat/30protein/10carb by Monday. I'm down a couple more pounds, tho I haven't logged it yet. As for my workouts I do T25, StrongLifts 3x a week and crossfit when I can go to the free classes. Oh and I walk around 6+ miles 4x a week.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,145 Member
    Shelia, Rande and @mznik114 very glad to have you here with us!

    Good morning everyone! Day 1 /28 today being our first day! I took my measurements yesterday and weighed myself this morning. I hope to be 8-10 pounds lighter by the 28th! Thanks for introducing yourself and joining in to help support and motivate others as well as get the support you need to be successful.

    Suggestion for day one is for everyone to take a look at the recipe and food thread and find something that you might want to make this week and share what you think and maybe even take a picture! I find that I tend to eat the same thing day in and day out so that I meet my macros. So for variety sake it is nice to see what other people enjoy eating! Great way to get ideas from other people!

    Let's make this a successful first day!

  • SuperCarLori
    SuperCarLori Posts: 1,248 Member
    edited April 2017
    I'm going to take some pictures to go by. I don't weigh until Tuesday. (My own personal challenge)

    I have one goal. It's not calories. It's not exercise. (Although I'm one active woman) It's to keep my carbs at keto levels.

    I started last June, and over six months lost almost thirty pounds! It wasn't even the holidays that lobbed that curveball, it was the seven birthday parties in January!

    Needless to say, I've been wrestling with staying on that GOSH dang horse. This is my idontevenknow how many, Day Five. Did that make sense? :D

    So I'm keeping the carbs under 20 net.
    Calories loosely between 1500/1800.
    And of course I'll get tons of functional exercise with my profession. (Classic muscle car restoration)

    So that's me. Pleased to meet you all.

    Thank you.
  • azsundancer
    azsundancer Posts: 1,140 Member
    Good morning all, I would like to give this a go, again. I dabbled with Keto / LC with Mary's last challenge, and got down to my lowest numbers in awhile, but the scale is up again. I am hoping to find my happy medium, by cutting the crappy carbs.
  • azsundancer
    azsundancer Posts: 1,140 Member
    Thanks Mary... I was starting again on Monday.. but today works!
  • biancadallas82
    biancadallas82 Posts: 1 Member
    I'd love to join. I just got back on MFP today and have started keto this week and am actually feeling really positive about it. Hoping for more balance energy through the day and hoping to stop crashing and binge eating! I have hypothyroidism, work crazy full time hours and have two beautiful daughters !

    My hair has gonna mega greasy this week, is this from keto ? Haha too much avo and salmon lol
  • lewishesperus2015
    lewishesperus2015 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi I'm shannon I'be been on keto for about a week and just got over the keto flu I have done keto in the past and had great results I need to lose a hundred pounds so would love to join the challenge to keep me accountable
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,145 Member
    edited April 2017
    @azsundancer glad you are here with us! You were so helpful in the last challenge with your support and information! We are so lucky to have you!

    Shannon glad you are here! I hate the keto flu! But you know your body is transitioning at that point. You definitely will have support here!

    @biancadallas82 I know that my skin is much improved in my hair is shinier from eating Keto. Greasy hair probably too much salmon sounds like a possibility mine would be too much bacon :D

    @SuperCarLori I always love reading your posts because you have such a flair with words! Sounds like you have a great plan for success!

  • colosky17
    colosky17 Posts: 7 Member
    edited April 2017
    For recipes, I'm not much of a cook. I do love these cauliflower pizza crusts I've ordered and plan on making a pizza of some sort with them this week. 0unt32erms1d.jpg
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,145 Member
    edited April 2017
    I wish I had known about those cauliflower pizza crusts! It took me at least an hour yesterday to make my cauliflower pizza crust. I made mine with Parmesan cheese which was really good. It took a lot of time to dry out the cauliflower in the pan though. Thanks for sharing!
  • kendallvon
    kendallvon Posts: 145 Member
    I'm in!!!!

    Been Keto since April/May 2014, but need to get my head back in the game. Carb Creep is my nemesis!

    Keep net carbs @ 25 or less
    weigh in 1x/week (Wednesdays)
    Exercise (other than cooking) 30 min/day, 4 day/week
    jump start my stalled weight loss.
  • bolsen777
    bolsen777 Posts: 5 Member
    Brand new to MFP and looking for Keto answers. I've been trying to change to a low-carb lifestyle on my own. I started at the beginning of March and lost 18 lbs. in the first four weeks. I was feeling confident and wanted to add a physical fitness element to my new eating plan. So I decided to add a 15-min. daily workout. I immediately gained 5 lbs. and after two weeks of being faithful to the diet and exercise, (and not losing a pound) gave up the exercise. I'm still stuck at 18 lbs. down (it's been over 3 weeks now). I'm discouraged and need help from people who have already walked down this path. I found this App and this community today. I feel so much better cutting out sugar, but haven't quiet figured out the right balance.

    Break through the weight-loss stall
    Figure out what my daily macros should be
    Track all food/water intake (so I can figure out what works and what doesn't)
    Meet weight- loss goal of -40 lbs. (22 to go)
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,145 Member
    edited April 2017
    @kendallvon you will be a great asset to everyone with your experience in this way of eating! I think I know what carb creep is but not sure! Fantastic goals!

    @bolsen777 this is the right place for you! You will get a lot of help and advice from people that have been on this journey for a while. Take a look at the first challenge I had in February it has a lot of information for people that are just starting this way of eating. The problem that some people have with exercise is that they feel hungry after and tend to over eat but, in reality their body is craving water! Both thirst and hunger make your stomach growl!

  • anjajacobs10
    anjajacobs10 Posts: 17 Member
    I am going to give keto one more try. I attempted to do it back in August and failed miserably after only a week. I wasn't mentally prepared for how challenging it was going to be. I think the keto flu also really got me. But, I was able to lose 25 lbs just controlling my calorie intake. I fell off that wagon in December and have gained 5 lbs back. So now, my goal is to lose 40 more lbs. My birthday is tomorrow and I've got a family celebration planned on Thursday. I am not going to attempt to go full keto before then, but am going to try to start weaning my carbs down in the meantime. I think I'll probably try to start in earnest next week on Monday. I'll be a week behind the challenge, but I'm hoping for some support and pointers from this group. Thanks!
  • sunigetsfit
    sunigetsfit Posts: 32 Member
    I've never done keto. Starting tomorrow. Pretty psyched to start. Feel free to add me!
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,145 Member
    edited April 2017
    @anjajacobs10 Happy Birthday! I am glad that you are going to join us. You will get a lot of information here from others that have been on this type of eating program for a while. Read the links that I have posted there is a lot of information for beginners. Check in daily with your questions and concerns and your successes! Starting next Monday and weaning yourself off of sugar and processed foods this week is a great idea! Of course you need to eat a piece of cake for your birthday though!

    @sunigetsfit read all the information that I posted it will be very helpful to you since you are new to this way of eating. Come back with any questions you have there are a lot of ladies on here that had been eating this way for up to five years! They will be very helpful!

  • mjj79
    mjj79 Posts: 415 Member
    Starting today. I have 110 lbs to lose. I've done low carb before, but never stuck with it long enough to see much success. Counting calories alone has not been working. I'm currently nursing a 9 month old (he also gets 3 meals a day of table food) ...does anyone know if I need to make adjustments bc of this?