Pot Bellied Stove / Water Cooler



  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning, I watched the videos and it's definitely a rat. A very big rat. I don't know why he's not attracted to the traps, I used peanut butter and cheese, but this rat wants corn. He also passes on the poison pellets. I'll have to come up with something new and different. Or, wait it out until all the corn is gone.

    I got another llama sheared yesterday morning and then John and I both took the afternoon slow and easy. John actually sat in his rocker and napped a bit. I tried to work on my email update. I need to get that out this weekend because I know I want it done before Norma comes up. I won't take the time to do it then, we have a whole week of activities planned.

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Morning all.

    I took a fall on Sunday and am sore and bruised all over. Also have a sprained right arm (though that's starting to feel a bit better now). Too make matters worse, I had to walk the dog Tuesday night when he went to his monthly American Legion meeting, so just hobbled along with the dog (who kept looking over his shoulder giving me the "you're not doing it right" look once again).

    Sheryl already knows about this (posted about it on Facebook), but when I got home from work yesterday I had to chase down our neighbor's little white dog, who once again got out of her backyard. Finally caught the little stink pot and put her in our house until our neighbor got home from work (we emailed her to let her know we had her). She pretty much put Cisco in his place, ate his food, ate some of the cat food, checked out the litter box, jumped on my bed, and then started following Dad around. Ha!

    We'll be back in triple digits by the end of the week. Oh boy!

    Alright, back to work. Again, oh boy!

    Have a great one everyone.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited July 2017
    Sannferris-poison a few pieces of corn on the cob.

    Mygnsac-Wow, I hope you heal quickly. Has cisco decided to be friends with the neighbor dog or just be bullied instead? LOL.

    Good morning everyone, it's 85 degrees and 68% humidity out there right now. I came in an hour ago and it was 81 degrees and 80% humidity then. At least it's a little bit drier now but we do have another one of those 105-109 degrees heat index warnings today.

    I watered the garden and dreamed about picking another watermelon this morning, lol. We finished the one we pulled on Saturday. Yummy to the last bite.

    Have a great day everyone.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Morning all. Well, once again, yay it's Friday.

    Eating a fish taco for lunch from the Grille in the office. Not too bad.

    Took Dad a bowl of potato soup home from La Bou after work yesterday, but I just got stuck in the office, so by the time I got home he had already eaten. I guess he'll have it for lunch today.

    Will be stopping at the grocery store after work, then home to get my first load of laundry going. Will probably only do one tonight, then finish the rest this weekend.

    Cisco migrated to the middle of my bed in the middle of the night again, but at least this time he left me some blanket!

    One of my co-workers brought in her new bull dog puppy to show us, but the security guards wouldn't let her in with her...sheesh. I got to meet her outside the building. Just cuteness overload, and she gave me a puppy kiss.

    Anew...the neighbor's dog was only in our house for about an hour, so no they aren't friends. They weren't agressive, but Cisco was obviously jealous of the attention I paid her. Also, sure wished I could have one of your melons! Still haven't found a good one around here!

    I guess I'll finish my lunch and get back to work. I suspect it will be another long day. Be glad when it's done.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited July 2017
    Mygnsac, I'm amazed you can't get a decent watermelon out there. Used to be all fruits and vegetables were excellent coming from California. Sad.

    Is that fish sandwich a new item on the menu? I'd love to have a good fish sandwich.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Mygnsac, I'm amazed you can't get a decent watermelon out there. Used to be all fruits and vegetables were excellent coming from California. Sad.

    Is that fish sandwich a new item on the menu? I'd love to have a good fish sandwich.

    I think it's new, but was a fish taco. I keep holding out hope.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Hi all, thought I'd better get in here and chat cause I know I'll be gone a lot the next week as out County Fair is starting. We had Fair set-up this morning. I helped from 8-9:30 and then did my shopping and still made it home shortly after 12. Lori and I did one job we've never done before and that was staple up the green sheeting that helps keep the sun from shining in so strongly in the swine area. I held the fencing and she stapled and the staple gun had a kick to it. Now I'm working on the house, getting stuff together that I'll haul around for use and some other little things.
    I didn't do anything big and exciting this last week. We did get two nice rains – any rain in July is nice. I fixed a 6 lb. Meatloaf for Sunday dinner in the crockpot. Had enough left for one leftover meal. It was a little crazy celebrating but we got it done. We sang the song 6 times, lit candles for each and they took turns opening their gifts.
    When I was cleaning Saturday, I found some soft scrub I had bought one time and must not of thought it did a very good job since it was there and I didn't know it. Well I decided to give it another whirl in the back shower and it worked well. I just did a bit on one wall but will work on cleaning u the whole thing in the coming weeks.
    We bought more boxes for books this week. Ralph went to a book sale and the Bibles were free so got about 3 boxes of them plus bought some study type books. We took our friends going back to Kenya out to Braums and had a nice visit and meal. I've also acquired a bunch of kitchen staples as they had stuff they didn't get used and had to empty the house. So some for the freezer, a little for the fridge and a bunch from the cupboards. Can use it myself or donate to the food pantry but it got it out of their house. I had the spaghetti box in my hands and leaned over to pick something up. The box didn't stay closed so guess who got to play pick up spaghetti sticks.
    My sister picked the last of the sweet corn Alan had planted and sent me over another bag (husked at least) so I spent a morning freezing about 7 quarts of corn. The white corn we plant for the Kenyans was ready to pick this week. They charge them a dime a year just so they pay something and they picked 5443 ears in about 4 days – most was picked in the heat of the day. They would come out dripping wet but they wanted to get it.
    Lori's kids were out this afternoon to give their pigs the first washing. They'll get another one on Monday. Ralph is taking them to the fair about 7:30 in the morning. I'll go in around 9 when the foods judging starts. Will maybe help there. I've been gathering stuff I take together as I've straightened the house.
    Alan's family left yesterday to go out where she is from but the bus got hot so they took it to a chevrolet place (think it's the water pump) and they gave them a loaner car and they came back home (an hour's drive). They they figured out they could take the van so left to return the loaner car and travel on. It was kind of funny cause they had to jump the loaner car.
    Tonight will be the usual pizza and salad. We had a bunch of produce given us last Sunday so I've made cucumbers and onions, tomatoes and cucumbers with a little ranch and vegetable relish so lots of good eating. I'll be eating out a lot this next week and Ralph will have a number of TV dinners but I kind of call this my “vacation”.
    Ok, I'm going to try and finish this up. Went down to the furnace room this afternoon and there was a bunch of water on the floor. I was afraid it was the water heater except I still had hot water. No, it's how our ac drains and it wasn't doing it right so Ralph got the air compressor and blew dark yucky fluid out – seems like more than the pipe should have held. I did get the broken exercise bike carried out in the yard and picked up things a bit. Now hopefully the floor dries out quickly.

    Sheryl, glad the moles seem to be gone but yuck on the big rat. Can you put corn in the trap to get him to go in? Glad you had a nice outing a week ago. Kind of fun just to meander around the stores. Glad you were able to help John with the project he started when you went to Bible study. John has a real gem in you. How many llamas have you gotten done now? How exciting that it's almost time for Norma to come.

    Isabella, nice of you to spend some time with Jami. Sorry her ankle is not healing well.

    Anew, fun to have friends come and visit. I'm sure they enjoyed your meals. 17 pounds is a big watermelon and good to the last drop is even better. Alan's hired man was down in Texas last weekend and brought back some watermelons and Alan said one was 44 lbs. That's huge. I think they took it out west with them.

    Oh, Marcie, sorry your had another fall. Doesn't sound like it slowed you down too much though – even giving Cisco a walk and chasing down a neighborhood dog. I saw his picture on facebook. He's a cute one.

    Today only got up around 90. Would love to have a week of those kind of temperatures – would help with the animals at the fair. We'll see what happens. We can use fans so they are taken care of. I've got all but two rooms straightened now and the are probably the worst ones (kitchen and living room). I need to find my belt pack so I don't have to carry my purse all the time and get my bag loaded up so getting closer to be ready.

  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Hi everyone,
    I worked today from 7am to 2pm. Yay! I got the contracts caught up except for ones that I am still waiting for something on. I didn't have time to work on the warranty letters or the city licenses. You never seem to get as much done as you think you are going to.

    I got an e-mail from my nephew who lives in NC whose wife had a baby named Austin about 6 mos ago. They are having a "meet Austin" party in NJ in September and are inviting everyone in the family. I'd love to be able to go because you never know if/when everyone will be together again but it is not in the budget. That's OK.

    Debora mentioned getting some rain in July. I had my car detailed last month and a couple of weeks later a bird pooped all over one side of it at work so I took it to the carwash last weekend. We very seldom get rain in July but that Monday we had a very short very hard rain fall. I was parked under a tree so all the dirt from that tree came down on my car and it looked FILTHY! I couldn't stand it (can't I have her clean for at least a little while!!!) so when I got home from work that night we got the hose out and washed her down again! I am not parking under those darn trees any more if I can help it!

    Debora, county fair is a very busy time for you. Funny that you call it your "vacation" time. :) but for you that is probably true! I can't imagine trying to celebrate 6 birthdays all at once but I bet it was fun! Really nice that you guys plant all that wonderful corn for the Kenyans. I'm sure they love it and really appreciate it. I recently bought softscrub that has bleach in it. It cleans really well. I had to stop and think for a minute when you mentioned your belt pack. I'm used to calling it a fanny pack. I think I like the term belt pack better. Yes, that will definitely be much better than carrying your purse there.

    Anew, that watermelon sounds fantastic! I only bought 1 watermelon so far this year. I'll have to take a chance on another brand because I haven't seen any dulcineas this year. They should hopefully all be good this time of year. I'm glad the pillow works so well for you. I'd love to give it a try but Dan does not want me to purchase from QVC. I'll have to work on him.

    Sheryl, yay on no more moles and getting another llama shorn but bummer on the BIG rat. Just so you know, we really like your rambling! :smiley: When is Norma coming? I did have another question for you - I was wondering if you chopped up the logs of the tree with an axe like in the movies?

    Marcie, so sorry to hear that you fell again! Sounds like it was a bad one. Hope you're feeling better. You'll have to get tougher on Cisco taking over the bed even if he did leave you some covers. Too funny about the neighbor dog coming in and taking over! Your neighbor needs to do something about her fence or gate. Wouldn't want anything to happen to the little devil!

    Well, Dan is waiting for me to go to Trader Joe's and Sprouts so I'll close for now. If any of you have a Sprouts in your area they are having their 25% off the health and beauty dept this week. We plan to stock up.

  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Isyvanek-You can buy that pillow on Amazon too!
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited July 2017
    Good Morning.

    Thanks Isabella, for asking again, saves me from scrolling back and trying to find it. I use a wedge and a sledge hammer to split the wood. Then I can hit it more than once. John has used an axe before, but I'm not that gifted in the aim department, I need to place the wedge where I want the cut and tap it in a little and then heave the sledge hammer over head. On tough logs, where the wedge gets stuck, I have additional wedges to use if necessary, but usually the one will crack that thing open with 3-4 hits.

    Marcie, hope you heal completely and quickly. We all have to watch our step, this falling thing is not fun.

    I got the windows washed...WOW, what a difference. I can see out again.

    Norma's on the road, spent last night with friends in Northern California and will go to church with them this morning and then get back on I-5 right after church and spend tonight with cousins in Grants Pass, Oregon. I expect her to arrive at my house sometime tomorrow, late afternoon.

    I am so excited, and an added bonus for her is that we're forecast to have a heat wave and hit triple digits this week, she will love it.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. The saga continues...

    I got big plastic Rubbermaid containers over the weekend and now have all the bags of cracked corn secured. I mixed some crack corn in with the poison rat pellets at each bait station, untouched. I set another rat trap out plus the live animal trap and used can corn since it sticks better than the dry cracked corn so it would stay in place on the traps. Well, the corn is got and the live animal trap is sprung with no critter in it. This guy is tricky, so much smarter than me. I have found the video clip where he enters, at 11:20 pm, now I have to find the video clip where he's in the trap, eating and see how he escapes. Maybe he's even bigger than I realize and the trap doesn't come down while he's totally inside. If the door comes down on his back, I could see how he could back out. I'll set up the bigger trap tonight. This rodent is costing me hundreds of dollars in surveillance system and Rubbermaid totes and corn and peanut butter and cheese, not to mention my time and effort and frustration, I'm ready for this battle to be OVER!!!

    Only about 6 hours left before Norma is here and I can play, play, play.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Good morning, it's 89 degrees and 46% humidity. It sprinkled a little this morning so it was much cooler when I went out to water. No heat index warnings as of yet today, maybe we get to cool off a little today. The watermelon keeps growing and I think I might have another big one coming on. Seems it's at least 10 pounds already and still has at least 4 weeks out there to finish. The other two are right behind it. I'll start some tomato seeds today.

    Not too much going on here, just trying to keep my house ready for guests instead of letting things pile up on the table and counters. The clutter makes it look so dirty when it really is clean, just stuff to put away, lol. So, on that note, I need to get the dishes done and figure out tonights dinner.

    Sannferris-I hope you can get that rat handled soon.

    Have a great day everyone.

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. Well, I can see that the rat entered the barn, but the traps are untouched, the corn is still sitting on the pad in the center. I set up both live traps, and the rat trap. I'll check out the video clips and see when he entered. Viewing the rest of the videos takes a much longer time and I keep putting it off. I make copies of all the clips and have them in a folder labeled, view to "watch for any action". They're piling up and maybe I'll never make the time to view all of them. Boring!!!!

    Norma arrived yesterday at 2:30 pm and while she made phone calls and texts to let everyone know she arrived safely, I made late lunch and we just visited all afternoon. Sat on the glider bench on the front deck, it was nice, in the shade so not too hot.

    Today, we go to Bible study and then have lunch with Carol. Head back home so I can make late lunch for John.

    Tomorrow, John will go with us to Seaside. He probably won't enjoy the women visiting part, but the drive will be scenic. I already told Norma that I want seafood when we go to the coast. I'll be eating out a lot this week and enjoying every bite of it.

  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Good late evening. It's been a couple of blah days for me I guess. I did my usual watering in the garden this morning and promptly sat on my rear end until I told myself I needed to do something. So, I decided to get some tomato seeds started for my fall crop. I have decided not to use the cuttings I took from the plants I already had grown. I will be growing completely different tomatoes this fall instead. I do need some sweet cherry tomato seeds but am having a hard time choosing the kind to get. I guess hubby wants his even sweeter than what we had in the garden this past spring. That explains why he didn't eat as many as I thought he would. He said he liked what we had but he wants sweeter.

    I've also decided that I want to plant a butterfly garden in front. It seems most of the plants they like can handle the hot direct sun for most of the day like we get out there. I still need my planters built though and don't know when that will occur, lol.

    One thing at a time.

    Sannferris-Sounds like you are enjoying your sisters stay with you. I would be really mad if I couldn't get hold of that rat too.

    Have a great night everyone.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning, a quick note before I jump into the shower and get ready to go out. More details later...we'll be staying home all afternoon and I'll try to pop back in here to tell you about the last 2 days, we're having FUN!!!
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member

    Sure was hot here yesterday. Never did get to open the windows and get some fresh air in the house. Still in triple digits, but they say we'll be back down in the 90s by the weekend.

    I need to go out this weekend and buy a clock to hang up in my bathroom. I bought one on Amazon and thing doesn't work. Will have to box that up and send it back to them. I stopped at Ross yesterday after work to see if they had one, but all they had was those huge decorative clocks that you hang in the living room.

    I had a dog pressed against my back all night last night and a cat draped at the end of the bed. Once again infested with animals. Nothing like having a hot dog on a hot night.

    I'm about ready to kill this form I'm working on here at work. Darn thing is just giving me grief. Even had to have someone from IT come down and take a look at it. She couldn't figure out the issue either, so it looks like I'm starting over from scratch. Oh joy!

    Sheryl, glad you're enjoying your time with Norma. It's nice that she could visit again.

    Anew, good luck with the tomatoes. A neighbor gave us a few from his garden. I haven't tried them yet. Think I'll do that tonight.

    I bought a watermelon at the Farmer's Market across the street from work on Tuesday and the guy promised it was a good one. He lied. A Co-worker said she was going to go to the store and pick me out a good one. Came in to work today and there it was. That was nice of her. Will carve it up tonight and check it out.

    Yesterday one of my other co-workers brought in a bag each of the new Lays potato chips, and took a poll on what everyone preferred. I'm not much of chip person anymore, but I did try one of each flavor (Fried Green Tomato, Crispy Taco, and Everything bagel. with cream cheese. The consensus here was the Crispy Taco was the best of the lot. I agree. Though...I won't be buying any! Took a few of each home to Dad and he thought they were yucky.

    Well, back to work. Have a great day
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning, hey guys, sorry that I didn't get back over here yesterday...we're headed out the door again this morning. I'll be back when I can, maybe I just have to wait until Norma leaves.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Alive and well here but now playing catch-up from not doing anything.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Good late evening. Had some rain very early am and some again this afternoon so I did not water the garden. Been a very slow day today because of the rain, I just want to sleep when it rains, lol. I did the dishes and a load of laundry but that's about it until we went out for dinner with some friends. Went to a mexican food place we haven't been in at least 14 years. I can remember now why we never went back, the food is not very good.

    I'm having the problems with cramping all over my body again. This evening while standing in the parking lot after dinner my left thigh backside started to cramp something fierce and I couldn't get it to stop for about 20 minutes. Stretching or putting weight on it did not help, I just had to get through it. I think it's the water pills that are doing it because if I stop taking them I am okay. Even taking the potassium has not helped the situation. I don't know how I can fix this problem and I need the water pills so my lungs don't fill up with fluid again. We have already done blood testing to test my minerals and everything was fine in that area.

    We bought a Sweet Kiss cantaloupe the other day at the grocery store and boy did it live up to it's name. Sweet, almost sickly sweet and it was very juicy with the juice running off the knife blade while cutting it up. I don't think it is something I will buy very often, it was just too sweet for me. It's a hybrid produced by a company called Sandstone.

    Well, I don't have much more to say so I will say goodnight to everyone and I hope you all have a great weekend.

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Night all. Turning in for the night. Been another long day, and I'm ready for it to be over! Anew, I sure you are feeling better!