Pot Bellied Stove / Water Cooler



  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning, John is already up and out the door, so I'll make this short.
    No rat activity this morning.
    Mom's doing fairly well, we'll see how she does today and possibly she'll be coming home tomorrow.

  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Wednesday (8/9) my friend and I took the Echoes to file at the Mennonite Historical Library. They open at 9:30 so we got there close to that time and finished about 11. We went through all the years and added ones we had to fill in the blanks. Gives us another place to keep them safely. From there we went to Billy Sims Barbecue for their pulled pork sandwich since we had a B1G1 coupon. I tried the potato salad this time and friend tried the cole slaw. She had another coupon so watched for someone she could give it to. Cuts your cost in half. Then we went to Walmart. Arlene waited in the car while I went and bought the food for the little kids. Home for the rest of the day. Got my “laundry” basket out and started loading up for Thursday.

    Thursday the Missions Banquet was the focus of the day. In the morning I went and helped set the tables, helped set up the area for the little kids, put some of the programs on and headed home about noon. Headed back to church about 5:30. I helped kids get checked in and name tags on and then left them in the hands of the awesome babysitters. We had 10 of them with 30 kids so decent odds. About half of the were 2 and under. I went and enjoyed the banquet. Good food, good visiting around the table and excellent speakers – missionaries in the Ukraine. I left once to take the trays of food for the babysitters. I had fixed hot dogs for the kids and applesauce and cookies. All went good.

    Friday was town but we left a little later cause we were going to the Open House at our REC and eating hamburgers there. Saw some people we don't see often so that was fun. Home the rest of the day and I was home all day Saturday. Ralph went to a memorial service of someone he knew way before my time so ate in town and I fixed yellow squash and onions. I did stuff for dinner, straightened the house and started on 4-H. Nothing big or exciting but enjoyed the day.

    Sunday we had special music by 2 ten year olds. Such a thoughtful song and then a good message. We had chef salads for dinner and cheesecake for dessert (I bought it) but it was yummy. And then it was a quiet evening at home.

    Monday was getting ready for 4-H. I had the calendar to do and some other papers and our copier is not working well so I got it ready and went to church and got it all run off. Those that could met at our local nursing home and the 4-Hers told about their 4-H projects and then we spent some time visiting with the residents. Then we ate pizza together and had our program. We started earlier but ended about the usual time. Most interesting talk to me was on how to wash a chicken.

    Tuesday was our 42nd anniversary. Ralph took me to my periodonist appointment when I was pleasantly surprised to be complimented on my hard work. So have to keep it up. Still have work to be done but my gums are better. Then we went to Olive Garden Garden and met a friend whose birthday was that day. We had salad (wished later I had chosen soup) and we each had a different main dish. Mind was an Italian qesadilla – very good. Then we had a coupon for a free dessert so shared something yummy – forgot what they were called. With a gift card we had been given, we only had to pay $3.00 so that was fun. Then we went shopping and got a dehumidifier. That evening we watched 3 of Alan's kids while they took Ava to meet the teacher. School started on Wednesday.

    Wednesday was work on the Echoes and home for the day. Thursday was take the recycling in and I had starred certain jobs on my list and I pushed through and got them done. We started a new book at Bible study – How to Walk the Walk you Talk – looks like it will be good and we just work on it together. Good discussion to start. Today we did the usal errands. Then I typed up a paper that Ralph wants to hand out to the class when he teaches this week , put away what we bought today and am working on getting the 4 gifts ready for Sunday. Tomorrow we are going to a CEF teacher training so will be gone most of the day – dinner is included so will enjoy that.

    Remember the mess that happened in Taryn's room. A week ago I got a letter from the younger sister of the girl we thought had done it saying she had done in cause she was made at her sister for bothering them (for just a bit) and asked me to forgive her. Wow that surprised me so I called Lindsey and got the rest of the story. Anyway, shows how what you think is not always right.

    Deacon had a bad asthma (after none all summer) and has had a couple of rough days. As far as I know they have been able to avoid the hospital but winter is coming. We were hoping he was growing out of it but not yet.

    Then last night I learned that my brother with parkinsons is back in the hospital with three different infections and another diaognosis. Then they also found a blod clot in his leg so lots to treat. He will end up going to rehab again. Ralph wondered if we should travel out there again soit' something to think about. Right now we'll work on our trip to KC on Monday.

    Sheryl, I love the rocher airplane. Lindsey is not big on pets but Taryn has been wanting one so they got her a guinea pig for her birthday. So at least it's in a cage at night or when no one is around and it seems to be a big hit. I even held it. Seems to be pretty easy care too. Those rats are certainly a puzzle. It's like they've gone to a class on how to avoid traps. At least your cameras keep you up on what is going on.
    Glad to hear your mom is doing better but it has been hard on your mom and Norma. Thanks for keeping us informed. I've been praying for her. Hope they can help her keep from getting gout again with her diet.

    Marcie, that's sad to go to go to the grocry store and no place to park. Saw on facebook that you had a fall while walking Cisco. Hope you are doing okay. Sorry the peach festival was kind of a bust but nice that your co-workers got you a taste.

    Isabella, glad ou were able to find affordable tickets so you can go to NJ. Another Saturday at work – you're keeping busy.

    I need to get the flyswatter out. A fly is being very buggy. Not anymore. He met his match in me. :)
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Just found out that Deacon is doing better - lungs are clear and more back to himself.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Hi all, I could have gone in to work again today but I'd already made plans with Jami for pedicures, lunch, then she is going to dye my hair. After that we may rent a movie. So I decided a "girls day" was much better! Hopefully I will be able to go in next Saturday. We'll see. I've been researching airport rides for NJ. So far around $240 round trip. Yikes!

    Dan discovered that the roots of the tree out front in the common area are starting to push up the sidewalk leading to our house. He is NOT HAPPY! We haven't contacted them yet but Dan is anticipating another battle with the association. He wants the tree taken out and a smaller tree planted in it's place. Other neighbors have told us that they were denied a request to remove their tree. This one is causing damage though so hopefully the association will agree. Please keep it in your prayers. Dan is really stressing over this.

    Debora, Happy Anniversary!! Sounds like you've had a really fun week and perhaps a bit more relaxing than usual. Sorry to hear about your brother. Hope he's better soon. How long will you be in KC?

    Sheryl, what a trying week for Norma and your mom. Glad she is improving. Also comforting that she can go to the next level of care at the assisted living if need be. Is she home now? What did they tell Norma about accommodating her dietary needs to prevent the gout? Thank God Norma was able to have some time away with you before she had to go thru this situation. I will continue to keep you all in my prayers.

    Marcie, you have been awol but since Debora mentioned your facebook page I'll have to go visit there to get the scoop. Hope all is well.

    Anew, hope all is well with you. I bet those other watermelons were fabulous!

    Well, I'd better go have breakfast and get ready to go. Have a wonderful week everyone!
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited August 2017
    Good early am to everyone. I have been checking in and getting some reading done. Glad your girls day out was fun for you Isyvanek. Sannferris, happy your mom is doing better and Arobed same for your brother.

    I have been busy on a new game I found online. I don't use facebook and my cell phone and tablet don't do well with gaming. I thought I was going to be forever unable to play games. Well, I have found me one that is a lot of fun and I get to build my farm as big as I want and never break a sweat. I am growing apples and I have lots of different crops in the fields. I have cows, pigs and chickens. It's a farm game called Big Farm. I put the link down below for anyone interested in playing. I am SuzyQ22. Sannferris, I just thought about your hubby right before I checked in here. I wonder if he would enjoy playing this game online? I don't know how he would do but it keeps your mind on things and keeps the brain functioning. I am definitely not bored anymore. Win Win for me!

    If you want to join me use the link below. There is no downloading on your computer. You can join the same co-op I am in and be in a community with other people, lol.


    Isyvanek-We picked the last watermelon a couple of days ago and it was 13 pounds. The one before it was only 5 pounds. They are good though and I pulled the watermelon plant.

    Well, I hope you all have a great day tomorrow.

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited August 2017
    Good Morning.

    Mom did not come home Saturday, the staff doctor wants the orthopedic surgeon took see her hand again before releasing her and he wasn't available over the weekend. So, he'll be coming by to see her sometime today and if OK, maybe get discharged tomorrow. Her finger is still a bit swollen and hurts, but that's probably because she's using it again. With extra days of physical and occupational therapy, she's doing more walking and manual things now than she did before. If fact, Norma pointed that out to the doctor when he voiced concern that he didn't think she could make it on her own at home. We'll see how things go today.

    No rat activity for a couple days, but, big news...we have a new cat in the neighborhood. Maybe this new addition to the area has taken care of the problem. Pretty grey cat with white paws, I saw him (or her?) in the backyard late yesterday afternoon.

    Debora, so glad that Deacon is better, those attacks must be so scary. I'll be praying that he does grow out of it. I grew out of a lot of the allergies that I had as a kid, it seemed like everything affected me back then. Wow, how interesting and amazing that you got a letter from that girl about Taryn's room. Her conscience must have been weighing on her greatly to have confessed like that. I've washed many a chicken in the years that we've had them. Sometimes a good bath is the only way to fluff them back up. ha ha ha

    Marcie, hope you're feeling better and no lasting soreness from your fall. I had assumed you bounced back since you took over Cisco walking duties. How's Dad's toe healing?

    Isabella, a "girls day out" trumps a morning at work any Saturday of any week. I know you had a great time with Jami. Hope Dan gets his point across and gets his way with the HOA. Of course, I think HOAs are evil and should be banned, but I'm prejudice against this group behind me.

    Anew, thanks for the link to the game and your endorsement, but I've tried that already and John was not able to do it. Billie plays that game and told me about it a couple years ago. I can't give him jigsaw puzzles anymore either, John just gets too obsessed and won't leave the puzzle until it's completed and, of course, gets frustrated and mad when there's a piece that's too difficult. If only I could find a picture that would be attractive for a grown man, but have pieces for a 5 year old. Previously I had 500 piece puzzles, I think I need 30-50 piece puzzles.

    I think I should get an email out to all the cousins about Mom. I have contacted certain family and friends, but not everybody yet.

    I have been subscribing to a lot of free online seminars and one that sounded so interesting and would be helpful, "getting good sleep and relieving stress", I totally missed it last Thursday. They gave me so much advanced notice, I forgot about it until it was too late. I sure could have benefited from that one, maybe I can find it repeated somewhere...sometimes he puts stuff on Youtube.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Sannferris-I don't know if you have seen this but you probably already have.

    Mind Start has puzzles for adults. I hope you can find something for John. What about the library? Might they have these puzzles you are looking for?

    12 piece puzzles

    24 piece puzzles

    Here is the website

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. Oh, Anew, thanks for the link. I didn't think to search for those puzzles specifically. I will get the 63 pc. one of the barn and the 24 pc. old cars, plus the seasonal pack, I know John will like the summer one of the burger and watermelon. 24 pieces may be too quick and easy right now, however, that may be very satisfying for John, to be able to get it done easily. And, in time, I may need the 12 piece puzzles.

    The orthopedic surgeon saw Mom yesterday and called Norma with his report. Since her finger is healed to the point that she can use it, he doesn't think it will do any good to operate and try to remove the crystals at this time. If she has another flare-up, surgery can be done out-patient. He's right across the street from the hospital, which is right down the street from Mom's apartment, very convenient. Norma's so smart in choosing the perfect location for everything to be close by.

    I pray that Norma can cope with the next day or two. She's probably going to take off work and stay with Mom to evaluate how much care she needs when she's back in her own apartment.

    No rat activity this morning. That new cat is pulling his/her weight around here, so we welcome him/her with open arms. John and the cat have already bonded, I looked out the window late yesterday and John was laying on the grass with that cat crawling all over him giving him "loves". I need to get my camera out next time.

    I may skip Bible study today, John has had a rough week and I'm not sure I should leave too often. I have an appointment on Thursday that I need to go to and being gone one day a week may already be one day too many. John is so insecure and checks with me regarding every move he makes. Last Tuesday, when I came home, he was upset about something he did, thinking that I'd be upset. Of course, I didn't think it was a big deal, but he blew it up all out of proportion. I calmed him down, but noticed that there is a change in him this week, the insecurity is mounting.

    We got through the eclipse OK. Not knowing what to expect, I kept John in the house to watch it on tv. I wasn't sure if he would try to look directly at the sun if he were outside. Well, he really wasn't interested at all. We were more fascinated at the number of people who were fascinated about this event.

  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Just checking in everyone. We are under hurricane watch so I won't be lollygagging here. Just wanted to say hi and let you all know what was going on.

    Have a great weekend.
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Hello again. We are now under Category 1-2 Hurricane for our area. We may be evacuating out. Trucks are full of gas, we have the cash needed and the windows are covered. The door covers are ready and will take all of about 5 minutes per door to put them on. Be safe Texas.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Wow. Stay safe. Glad you are prepared.
  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    edited August 2017
    Good Morning, I've been MIA all week, well, since Tuesday, due to either trying to watch the "Bible Health Secrets" series on-line, that I don't get a chance to watch when it airs in the evening, or dealing with John getting up early. Today, he's still in bed, so I paused the seminar and dropped in here.
    Anew, the link for the puzzles also had a list of 50 activities for dementia patients, I printed it out. We do some of them already, like take a drive, take a walk, rake, etc., but it's nice to read the list and get more ideas. You take care during the weather you're having, I know you will and like Debora said, glad you are prepared.

    Mom came home from the hospital late Tuesday afternoon. Norma stayed with her over night to see how much she could do for herself. She was restless and ended up sleeping in her chair, couldn't breathe/sleep laying flat in bed.
    Norma's going to look into getting an adjustable hospital bed. But, Mom did get in and out of bed on her own.

    Debbie came Wednesday for Mom's shower and said that Mom was able to do everything that she was able to do before her stay in the hospital. Debbie walked with her to lunch in the dining room and she made it OK, I suppose just a little slower, but maybe not. When I called her at 2 pm, she said she was tired and resting. She really didn't want to talk much and didn't give me any details on how she thinks things are going. Also Wednesday, at 5 pm, they had an appointment with the in-home nursing care, to evaluate what type of care is needed and what Mom can already do. I don't know yet how many times a week and which days they will be checking in on her. The physical therapist is coming today, before noon, to either evaluate Mom or start PT, I can't remember now which.

    When I talked to Mom yesterday, she was very confused, the phone woke her up, so again, I didn't get any details on her take on how she's doing. She keeps telling me to talk to Norma, Norma has all the answers. She did say that she's worse off now than she's ever been, but I'm hoping that was the grogginess speaking.

    No rats all week, maybe thanks to the new kitty in the neighborhood. Or, maybe because I finally got all the food source packed away in rat proof containers. John is totally obsessed with the cat, needing to know where she is every moment, brought her into the house yesterday and fed her, now she'll never go back home.



    I hear John getting up now, I'll refill my mug and be ready for the day.

  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    Category 4 hurricane is coming ashore in Rockport Texas. Direct hit. We evacuated but don't know if we will have a home to come home to. Take care everyone.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    edited August 2017
    Hi all, I worked today from 6:30am to 2pm. I got a decent amount of things completed so I'm happy. Very happy about the paycheck I'll get next week too! :) The rest of the weekend will be the usual grocery shopping and cooking for the week. Weather report said we will be in the high 90's and even up to 101 degrees Monday and Tuesday. Yikes! I'll have to plan lite cool meals this week.

    Anew, hope everything is OK for you and your home in TX. I've been praying for you. I have heard that a lot of people really like that farm game. Glad you found something enjoyable to occupy your time.

    Sheryl, let us know how it goes with John and the puzzles you ordered that anew recommended. I think he will enjoy them. It breaks my heart that he is uneasy/insecure this week. I hope it passes and that he relaxes a bit. Maybe the cat will help. The cat seems really sweet. Are you going to name him/her? I bet John already has! ;) How is it going with Norma and your mom? Funny about you people watching the eclipse coverage. It is kinda funny how excited we all got over something we really couldn't even view. I went outside with a pinhole in a paper plate and projected a little image on another paper plate. It was fun but not very significant. Dan and I have been using lavender essential oil as a sleep aid for quite some time. We spray it on our pillows and I dab some under my nose. Well, I read recently that it really helps you sleep better if you rub it on your temples - it may have been in that book you sent me. I didn't think it would matter much since we already use it but I tried it anyway and I must say it REALLY works!! Dan uses it on his temples now too and we both feel that we are really sleeping better because of it. Let me know if you try it.

    Marcie, hope you are fully recovered from your fall. How is your dad's toe? Is he walking Cisco now? Since we're supposed to have such hot weather next week, I'm guessing it's going to be triple digits where you are as well. Stay indoors as much as possible.

    Debora, hope your week is going well. Are you getting rain where you are?

    OK ladies, talk to you soon. Have a great weekend and pray for the people of TX.

  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Hi all. I know I've been MIA for a bit. Hope you're all having a nice weekend.

    Anew, I hope all is well. I've been watching the news on that hurricane and all the flooding it has caused. I hope your house weathers the storm. Scary stuff!

    Sheryl, sure hope your Mom is okay!

    My co-worker went to a local farm Thursday after work and picked me out a watermelon after I told her I was having trouble finding really good ones this. She brought it in to work on Friday, drove her car over to mine in the parking garage and lugged it in to my trunk. When I got home and lugged it into the house, Dad and I weighed it and it was 32 pounds! Well we're not going to eat that much, so I bagged up some for three of my neighbors! My co-worker wouldn't take any money for it. She said she's eaten enough candy that I keep on my desk for staff that there was no charge. Really good watermelon, but sure took me a long time to break it down!

    Went to a new fish restaurant today, a little hole-in-the-wall place but getting good reviews. Ordered the grilled salmon and was defenitely not impressed. Their claim there is all their fish is fresh, not frozen. That may be, but if it's over-cooked I just can't eat it. Ick.

    Debora, I need to catch up on your posts!

    Well, I think I'm just going to relax for the rest of the night. I'm tired.

  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Hello, only one week to cover. That's pretty good for me. The CEF teacher's training was good last Saturday but I don't do the teaching. The noon meal was delicious and was worth the going. Thomas was at church for puppet practice and then came home with us. Ralph had him load the books that we were going to take to Kansas City. He did it but 16 boxes was a lot. In the evening he went to the Youth Group party and then came back here and slept.

    Sunday I taught and then worked in the nursery which was fun. We had about 7 kids to watch. All the kids were here for dinner. Did hamburgers and hot dogs – a meal I don't get any complaints about. :) We celebrated 4 birthdays. We went to church in the evening and heard from those that did a summers missions trip. That was really good.

    Monday morning we left at 6:30 for Kansas City. We went that day since the eclipse would be in totality for a bit there and justified it since we could take boxes of books to ship. It's about a 3 hour drive. We had a full day. We drove through more rain that we liked but traffic was never a big problem. After unloading the boxes of books, we went and got the volleyballs that Jim had forgotten on Saturday. We went to 5 used bookstores. We were at one during the eclipse and stood outside there. The people around us shared their glasses which was very nice. Ralph said we could get along wit out them. And we could have but it was something to see. We also made a quick stop at IKEA to get something for Alan. He told us the bin and spot to find it. We had breakfast and a late lunch at McDonalds and were gone 15 hours.

    Tuesday morning was half price day at Etc. Store so went there and also filled up with gas. I had not done my list so took a nap and piddled some and worked on my list for Wednesday. Guess I did do a load of laundry. Wednesday we worked on the Echoes and I had the rest of the day at home. Thursday I was home till evening and tried something new with my list which went well so am trying it again. We went to the school's annual meeting in the evening. Friday morning was the usual errands and then at home again. Of course, even when I have time at home, I still don't get caught up.

    Today was the Potwin Watermelon Festival. We went in and watched the parade (lasted 15 minutes), looked at the car show and came home. We went back for watermelon and the talent show. They have some craft booths, a softball tournament, a street dance ad other stuff but we don't do it all. Tomorrow we have our last Sunday with this class. Always sad to ave the one leave but fun to start a new one too.

    Oh yes, should mention that my brother has now moved to rehab. He might be there for several weeks. He is a fighter though.
    Volleyball and footballs games for the grands will be starting. We'll see how many we go to.

    Oh, Isabella, I sure hope the association lets you remove the tree. It will ruin the sidewalk. You and Jaime have some good times together.

    Anew, hope you are doing okay in Texas and your home is okay. Cool that you found a computer game you enjoy. I get plenty of farming in reality. :) 13 lb. Watermelon – yum. The watermelon we had tonight had one of the thinnest rinds I've seen later and tasted good.

    Sheryl, nice that the rats aren't causing more problems for whatever reason. What a cute kitty. Looks like you may have gotten a pet for John without trying and nice if it helps with mice and rats. Nice that Anew was able to help you find some easy puzzles. Will in interesting to hear if John enjoys them.
    Sorry it's been a rough week with John. You seem to adjust and adapt well for the most part.
    I'm glad your mom didn't have to have surgery. And I sounds like she's able to do quite a bit at home – nice that help is there.Sorry your mom has not wanted to talk when you call. I know you know not to take it personally but you can't say you aren't trying. She may feel worse off cause she needs to recover from being sick so hopefuuly those thoghts won't last long.

    Well, I need to wash a few dishes and put the washed eggs in cartons. Enjoy the rest of the weekend. Thinking especially of you Anew.

  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited August 2017
    I understand my house to be standing. I don't know the extent of any damage to it as of yet. Major damage in Rockport where I used to live. It was in the eye of the hurricane. We don't know if our car in storage is ok or not. It's in Rockport. We don't know about our RV, MGB or car trailer in my back yard. We have heard all fences and sheds are gone in our neighborhood, and so expect mine to be gone. We are 2.5 hours from home and I can't shower in untreated water with my immune system. There are no other services for us at home. The storm is supposed to come back to our area and dump more rain. We are deciding what to do next. We need a generator to run A/C and appliances but don't have the thousands of dollars it would take to get one. I am so bummed right now. It's a true disaster there. :'(

    NOTICE – Hurricane Harvey

    Public Notice
    Hurricane Harvey
    August 26, 2017
    6:00 p.m.

    Current notice from the National Weather Service (NWS) indicates the Harvey has downsized to a Tropical Storm. The NWS anticipates this storm drifting back towards Ingleside area with high winds and more rain. We expect to receive up to an additional 15 inches of rain in Ingleside as it comes back into our area.
    At this point there are NO electricity, phone, gas, or internet services to the Ingleside area; however, the State Troopers and National Guard are allowing residents with proper photo ID back into the area. This is “Enter at your own risk” due to no utility services. There is a curfew from 9:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. Water is being trucked in. It is our understanding that Highway 37 is clear to get back in the area.
    Please check this website for regular updates. Please be patient with calling our phone lines. We will notify you via these notices as services are returned to order.
    At this time there are no fatalities and no injuries. If you know of someone needing medical assistance, please let us know their name/address/any medical concerns so we can check on them. We will not be able to provide you responses, but we can provide this information to the local authorities to check on them for any medical needs.
    Currently there is a Water Boil Alert for the residents of Ingleside. Boil your water for at least 2 minutes before using. It is okay to shower with, but not for brushing teeth, drinking, or cooking with unless you boil it for at least 2 minutes.
    IISD Superintendent Troy Mircovich stated he will not consider opening the School until after power has been restored and the campuses have been secured. Please monitor the school districts Website and Facebook page.
    We will continue to provide updates as we can from this same media source. Please check back with us often.
    Our next scheduled update is by Noon Sunday.


    And, the oxymoron to the entire thing is "boil your water at least two minutes before consuming.

    Now, hm. No electricity or gas is in service, so unless you have a high heat propane cooker for outside you can't boil your water. Now that is an Oxymoron!
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    Sure keeping you in my thoughts Anew. What an ordeal!
  • anewstart22
    anewstart22 Posts: 885 Member
    edited August 2017
    Thanks everyone for your thoughts and prayers. So many devastated by this storm all around TX.

    Rockport Devastation. This is where I lived until we bought our house. It was a beautiful seaside community. :(

  • sannferris
    sannferris Posts: 1,432 Member
    Good Morning. Anew, you're in my prayers. Hope you find most of your stuff intact when you return home.

    Spent the last 2 hours updating and downloading on the computer, finally got a "compatibility pack" so that I can view newer versions of Microsoft Office. I have 2003 version and Norma sends me stuff using her 2007 version and I couldn't open it before, now, finally, I can.

    Marcie, how do you do this???? Typing on the computer with a kitty on your lap and keyboard. This cat is really something. Since he has been welcomed into our home, I have had a chance to "examine" him more closely...he is a neutered male. So, that tells me that he is somebody's pet. Also, since he's so "at ease" inside, he must belong to someone and he's used to being inside a home. I'll keep a lookout for "lost kitty" posters in the neighborhood. In the meantime, we'll take good care of him.

    Before I forget again, quite sometime ago I mentioned that I wasn't sure if our Old Spaghetti Factory was open anymore. The sign is up, but every time I drove by, the building was dark and the parking lot was empty. I finally checked their web site and found out why. They changed their hours and are no longer open for lunch. Hours are 4:30 pm to 10 pm. That surprises me, I thought they would have a pretty good lunch crowd, but I guess I'm wrong.

    Ah, the cat went outside with John, now I can type with ease.

    I called Mom yesterday and she cut me off, just didn't feel like talking. She sounded so good on Friday, but not yesterday. I'll see how she is this afternoon.

    We have a goose with a growth on the side of her face. John's been bugging me to call the vet and finally, I couldn't appease him anymore by saying "she's fine, she can eat and drink and gets around OK", so we have an appointment tomorrow at 12:30 pm to take her to a new vet, one that specializes in birds. Our regular vet specializes in big farm animals, cattle, horses and llamas. This afternoon, I'll need to prepare the car with a cage to transport her, and I'm sure tomorrow morning will be spent trying to catch her to take her in. I'm not looking forward to this, but I hope this satisfies John.

    Well, John keeps coming in asking questions, so I guess it's time to go outside and see what's going on.