Jim's Progress Thread



  • tlblanksfit
    tlblanksfit Posts: 1,573 Member
    weather weenie all the way ;)
  • sammygold2015
    sammygold2015 Posts: 630 Member
    Weather is constantly changing her but it nothing to compare to the coldness of the northern region! burrrrrrr....
  • Jim_fbr
    Jim_fbr Posts: 251 Member
    I'm off until Jan 2nd! Now, what should I do?

    I did a little 4 day fast this week, had a small meal on Thursday, then pigged out a little at our Christmas party last night. Even had couple glasses of wine and one beer.
  • blambo61
    blambo61 Posts: 4,372 Member
    Do some long runs! Good luck.
  • Jim_fbr
    Jim_fbr Posts: 251 Member
    Good idea Bob, I'm sitting here in a Starbucks and just noticed that it's a balmy 41 degrees out, and sunny. I'm going to go home to take advantage of this and go for an outdoor run.
  • brittdee88
    brittdee88 Posts: 1,873 Member
    A "little" 4-day fast?! That's awesome! I'm sure your pig-out can be mediated fairly quickly if a 4-day fast is nothing to you :)
    See you in 2018!
  • blambo61
    blambo61 Posts: 4,372 Member

    41 isn't so bad. I got in a 5-miler today but pushed it hard. Were you able to get out?
  • Jim_fbr
    Jim_fbr Posts: 251 Member
    @brittdee88 ha, yeah well I meant little in that I had been planning on a longer fast in the first half of December, but circumstances just didn't allow for it so I settled for a quick 4 days.

    @blambo61 yes I did get out for about a 6.5 mile run and it was wonderful. Only pushed a little in spots, mostly just for enjoyment. I'm glad I did, feels great now.
  • Jim_fbr
    Jim_fbr Posts: 251 Member
    Here is a picture of todays meal.
    Two fried eggs, bacon, and sausage
    A pound of seasoned ground beef with crumbled feta cheese
    A good sized pork shoulder steak
    Not shown are my usual pork rinds appetizer and yogurt dessert.
    All washed down with several bottles of sparkling water.
    Good stuff.
    Eat like this and I guarantee you will have no problem eating only once per day.
    It's sticks with you, high satiety all the way.


  • Brendalea69
    Brendalea69 Posts: 3,863 Member
    Yummy, you're eating like a King!!!
  • Jim_fbr
    Jim_fbr Posts: 251 Member
    @Brendalea69 Kings are envious of my meals! B)
  • Brendalea69
    Brendalea69 Posts: 3,863 Member
  • Jim_fbr
    Jim_fbr Posts: 251 Member
    Another 40+ deg day, so ventured outdoors for another 6 mile run.

    I've been working with a sous vide for cooking, and it's pretty darn cool. Last night I added a new twist, doing the finish sear with a blowtorch. Last night I made this top round steak below and while it was a little on the medium rare side for my taste, it was much better than any of my oven or pan techniques would have produced.
    Tonight I'm cooking up a porterhouse with the same technique only only I'm shooting for a little more doneness, and tenderness.

  • katjustkat
    katjustkat Posts: 754 Member
    I've never heard of a sous vide but I'm gonna look it up. Your steak looks beautiful :)
  • Jim_fbr
    Jim_fbr Posts: 251 Member
    katjustkat wrote: »
    I've never heard of a sous vide but I'm gonna look it up. Your steak looks beautiful :)
    It's amazing. Tonight's porterhouse was a new alltime best for me.
    The sous vide cooks the meat slowly and very evenly, and you cannot over cook it.

  • katjustkat
    katjustkat Posts: 754 Member
    Cool I just looked it up: https://anovaculinary.com/what-is-sous-vide/ so weird that I've never heard of it. Be great to make a chateaubriand...it's a big piece of meat but I guess I'd just need a big pot and big ziplock. I'm always guessing at how done the steaks are and sounds like you can sear them afterwards if you want it more well done. Thanks for sharing :)
  • blambo61
    blambo61 Posts: 4,372 Member
    edited December 2017
    That last pic is just how I like it! Yum Yum! Never heard of that method either, looks interesting.
  • Jim_fbr
    Jim_fbr Posts: 251 Member
    katjustkat wrote: »
    Cool I just looked it up: https://anovaculinary.com/what-is-sous-vide/ so weird that I've never heard of it. Be great to make a chateaubriand...it's a big piece of meat but I guess I'd just need a big pot and big ziplock. I'm always guessing at how done the steaks are and sounds like you can sear them afterwards if you want it more well done. Thanks for sharing :)

    I've got the Anova, have also picked up a vacuum sealer for best results. It does make it much easier for big cuts of meat, once you find the temp that you like. Oh and you do need to sear afterwards not to get them more done, they're already cooked through, just to give them a little crust and to look better. When they come out of the sous vide bag they don't look too good. Just a dull light brown.
  • Jim_fbr
    Jim_fbr Posts: 251 Member
    blambo61 wrote: »
    That last pic is just how I like it! Yum Yum! Never heard of that method either, looks interesting.

    Im cooking the other half of that steak tonight, but will change because it was a little too red for me.
    The one in the picture I cooked for 2 hours at 134 degrees, tonight I'm going to go to 139 for 3 hours.
    The temp controls the level of doneness and juiciness, adding more time adds tenderness.
  • Brendalea69
    Brendalea69 Posts: 3,863 Member
    Jim_fbr wrote: »
    Another 40+ deg day, so ventured outdoors for another 6 mile run.

    I've been working with a sous vide for cooking, and it's pretty darn cool. Last night I added a new twist, doing the finish sear with a blowtorch. Last night I made this top round steak below and while it was a little on the medium rare side for my taste, it was much better than any of my oven or pan techniques would have produced.
    Tonight I'm cooking up a porterhouse with the same technique only only I'm shooting for a little more doneness, and tenderness.

    I want that!!! :p