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TEAM: The Slimsons (February)



  • gjaholy33
    gjaholy33 Posts: 2,626 Member
    143tobe wrote: »
    Daily Post
    Track: Yes
    Calories: Yes, Under
    Exercise: total of 35 minute walks with dog, +7000 steps overall during the day
    Water Intake:Over 100 oz

    I survived Tom staying under my calories and allowing myself a few small treats like a lower carb banana muffin one day, two lower carb cookies another day, an extra serving of dark chocolate another. (I do eat 10 grams of 90% chocolate almost daily so I had 20grams) I had the muffins and cookies in my freezer from when I baked last. I've realized for me the best thing is to be prepared. Now every time I bake something I'll leave maybe 30% out to be consumed over the next days and I'll freeze the rest. It really works! I also made a HUGE effort to stay under my calories and as few as possible during these days since my activity on these days tends to go down a lot. It worked! Feeling great and scale is complying! :)

    That's an excellent plan. I love it but myself I wouldn't trust myself. But maybe if I bake brownies and freeze I will be okay something to try in the future when I have more confidence. Thanks for the tip.
  • gjaholy33
    gjaholy33 Posts: 2,626 Member
    AB0215 wrote: »
    mjohemme wrote: »
    Daily Post (Tuesday)
    My "off" weekend undid my efforts for the week. Also, my first appointment to explore the bariatric surgery option is tomorrow. Has anyone here considered it or know someone who did it? Thoughts? Regrets?

    I would like to start off by saying I'm neither for nor against surgery as an option.

    I might have mentioned this before, but I do know someone who did it and it was really hard on her (and her family). She had the sleeve done I think and for like a month wasn't able to eat solid foods, and then it worked for a while, but she adapted and gained back everything.

    It's an option and not one I'd take lightly, but it could work. I think that what's really important is that you find what works for you. I personally think for me, I'd rather just work a little harder and take the weight off than I would go through that process.

    Personally, I'm of the belief that if it's that important to you, you will find a way to achieve success.
    I went another route, I decided that before I even went down the path to think about surgery as an option, I'd explore all my "diet" options. This led me down the path to Keto and I haven't looked back. I'm down 50 lbs, I feel better, have more energy than ever and I EAT! And for a girl who loves food like I do, this is important ;) I did however last year, do a "Healthy Wager" (Healthy Wage) and bet that I could lose 30 lbs in 6 months, and I lost 39 when I switched to Keto. I won 600 bucks and I think that was the catalyst I really needed, kept me from losing it on the weekends because I had money on the line. So maybe that's also something to consider.

    Wow I just check it out and I am definitely considering it. Thanks for the tip
  • gjaholy33
    gjaholy33 Posts: 2,626 Member
    mjohemme wrote: »
    Username: mjohemme
    Weigh in week: February Week 1
    Weigh in day: Tuesday
    Previous Week's Weight: 270.5
    Weight: 270.5

    Daily Post (Tuesday)
    My "off" weekend undid my efforts for the week. Also, my first appointment to explore the bariatric surgery option is tomorrow. Has anyone here considered it or know someone who did it? Thoughts? Regrets?

    Tuesday (I do these in the morning, so my info is for yesterday)
    Track: Yes
    Calories: No, over by, like 30 calories.
    Exercise: Just my walking, did not hit my steps goal, though.

    Hmmm my cousin snd a few of my friends did it and had complications and they are no longer here. My aunt also did it and gained all the weight plus some back.

    I also explore it and decided it os not worth tbe risk after attending 4 meetings.

    I personally have had bad experiences with it but I think you should go in with an open mind and if it is for you than do it. I personally prefer, like Ashley, to try my best to loose it on my own rather than having to deal with complications later down the line. Also I only went through the meetings because my drs have been suggestung since I eas 23 yrs old and now I was 38 and still fighting obesity but even at 39 and still fighting I am still trying to lose it myself.

    I wish you the best in whatever you decide but just do your research
  • gjaholy33
    gjaholy33 Posts: 2,626 Member
    Username: flossie1981
    Weigh in week: Week 1
    Weigh in day: Tuesday
    Previous Week's weight: 273
    Todays Weight: 271

    YAY!! 2lbs down GO YOU :D:D !
  • gjaholy33
    gjaholy33 Posts: 2,626 Member
    IanMoone30 wrote: »
    Pw 223.6
    Cw 220.8
    Track yes
    Calories yes
    Exercise yes cardio and free weight

  • gjaholy33
    gjaholy33 Posts: 2,626 Member
    Calli1616 wrote: »
    Exercise - loads today (trying to workout a lot for another challenge - I'm tired)!
    Track - yes
    Calories - yes
    Water - 80 oz

    Keep it up
  • gjaholy33
    gjaholy33 Posts: 2,626 Member
    JJKM02 wrote: »
    This post is for yesterday (Monday). Sorry I wasn't feeling great and headed to bed early!
    Track yes
    Calories under
    Exercise 60 minutes of aquafit
    Water about 60oz

    No worries I did the same hoping you're feeling better
  • gjaholy33
    gjaholy33 Posts: 2,626 Member
    ssssanaaaa wrote: »
    Daily Post: Monday

    Track: Yes
    Calories: No, over. Will make up for this tomorrow.
    Exercise: Not intentionally but went up and down stairs way too many times.
    Water Intake: 64 ounces

    I wasn't that much over my calorie limit. It's pretty low (1200) so I don't feel terrible if I'm a little over because I still lose weight. But I'm really aiming to get out of the 190s this week- I'm SO CLOSE. So for the next 3 days before my weigh-in day I'm going to go really really hard and make sure to stay underneath so I can meet my goal! Wish me luck!

    I'm rooting for you! COME ON COME ON 180s!!
  • gjaholy33
    gjaholy33 Posts: 2,626 Member
    Week 1
    Username Frogprincess85
    PW 165.7lbs
    CW 165 lbs

    Will work harder this week.

  • gjaholy33
    gjaholy33 Posts: 2,626 Member
    143tobe wrote: »
    Track: Yes
    Calories: Yes, Under
    Exercise: Brisk 20 minute walk on treadmill with dumbells. 6000 steps overall during the day.
    Water Intake:Over 90 oz

  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    ssssanaaaa wrote: »
    AB0215 wrote: »
    This led me down the path to Keto and I haven't looked back. I'm down 50 lbs, I feel better, have more energy than ever and I EAT! And for a girl who loves food like I do, this is important ;) I did however last year, do a "Healthy Wager" (Healthy Wage) and bet that I could lose 30 lbs in 6 months, and I lost 39 when I switched to Keto. I won 600 bucks and I think that was the catalyst I really needed, kept me from losing it on the weekends because I had money on the line. So maybe that's also something to consider.

    What is this?? This sounds so motivating lol I'm intrigued

    Check out the website and see if it's for you, you're not betting as a team, unless you want to add a side bet, so you're just betting on yourself and I think it really helped me. www.healthywage.com You can use a smartphone to take a video to verify your weight or you can use a healthcare professional or a gym professional to verify it with a form..I had my trainer do it, and you can either get paid by paypal or by check or reinvest the winnings into another bet if you want.
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    @143tobe Great day!! I used to think dark chocolate was awful before I went Keto, now I like it. Having said that, have you tried Lily's? It's sugar free, made with stevia, and it's really great in cookies and things like that, or if you want to eat a handful because TOM is getting you. :) I think your strategy is awesome and keep up the great work!!

    @gjaholy33 Glad you're getting help and meal prepping is ideal, it's a really GREAT strategy, keeps you on point, the same way that planning your day does in MFP. Keep up the great work!! You got this!!

    @tinak33 Playing with a toddler is a workout in itself, or in my case, chasing my niece because she's chasing my cats and they don't want her to :/ Honestly, going over sometimes by a little really isn't a big deal. If you're consistently under, and then go over one day, by a little, you're probably still at a deficit anyway and just get back to it the next meal/day and you will be good!! You're doing great!!
  • ssssanaaaa
    ssssanaaaa Posts: 567 Member
    edited February 2018
    AB0215 wrote: »

    Check out the website and see if it's for you, you're not betting as a team, unless you want to add a side bet, so you're just betting on yourself and I think it really helped me. www.healthywage.com You can use a smartphone to take a video to verify your weight or you can use a healthcare professional or a gym professional to verify it with a form..I had my trainer do it, and you can either get paid by paypal or by check or reinvest the winnings into another bet if you want.

    That's so interesting. Where do the funds come from for this?

  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    edited February 2018
    ssssanaaaa wrote: »
    AB0215 wrote: »

    Check out the website and see if it's for you, you're not betting as a team, unless you want to add a side bet, so you're just betting on yourself and I think it really helped me. www.healthywage.com You can use a smartphone to take a video to verify your weight or you can use a healthcare professional or a gym professional to verify it with a form..I had my trainer do it, and you can either get paid by paypal or by check or reinvest the winnings into another bet if you want.

    That's so interesting. Where do the funds come for this?

    Partially from your bet (and the bets of those who don't win), and the rest is from sponsors like insurance companies and such, those with a vested interest in getting people healthier. I imagine that the rate of winning isn't great because so many people start and then don't finish, however I don't know what those statistics are, however I was determined to not be one of those statistics.
    You pick the amount you want to wager, the amount you want to lose and the time frame you're going to do it in. I wanted to be under 600 bucks in winnings so I bet $30 a month to lose 30 lbs in 6 months sadly because if you win under $600, you don't have to report it as winnings to the IRS...
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    Question of the Week:

    What's your favorite Healthy Snack?
  • jennfalzon1979
    jennfalzon1979 Posts: 290 Member
    Daily post Tuesday

    Track. Yes
    Calories. Way under
    Exercise. Body pump. (Weight lifting)
    Water. 104 ounces

    It’s funny. I missed the gym last week on doctors orders. 5 days. Returning to my routine and I am so sore! Crazy how such little time can weaken you.

  • jennfalzon1979
    jennfalzon1979 Posts: 290 Member
    Fave healthy snack

    Recently has been yogurt pretzels. I only have about 5 or 6 but it really curbs the sweet and salty cravings at once.
  • gjaholy33
    gjaholy33 Posts: 2,626 Member
    AB0215 wrote: »
    Question of the Week:

    What's your favorite Healthy Snack?

    Peanut butter and carrots
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    Fave healthy snack

    Recently has been yogurt pretzels. I only have about 5 or 6 but it really curbs the sweet and salty cravings at once.

    Oh I KNOW!! I was not allowed to squat for 4 weeks and I went back to it and it was a LOW (well low for me) weight when I first went back and I was sore for like 5 days!! and now I'm almost double that weight 4 weeks later and no soreness! It's crazy.
  • JJKM02
    JJKM02 Posts: 250 Member
    Track yes
    Calories under
    Exercise 80min in the pool
    Water about 80oz

    I am not sure what the week will bring as it is that wonderful TOM. Fingers crossed!
This discussion has been closed.