TEAM: The Slimsons (October)



    i_SWEAT_n_SWEAR Posts: 3,309 Member
    Daily Post: Monday, Oct. 1st

    Track: Yes
    Calories: Yes, Under, IF 5/2 fasting day
    Exercise: Yes, 35 min. stairs & 70 min arc trainer HIIT

    Goals: Keep drinking water and tea! Have to watch sodium bc I had a lot of soup over the weekend (sick)... was a high calorie weekend, so I need to really watch it this week--not expecting a loss, but hoping to stave off a gain if I can.
    i_SWEAT_n_SWEAR Posts: 3,309 Member
    Welcome Newbies!

    My name is Jim.....

    Good luck to all. Glad y'all are part of this group. Go Slimsons!

    Jim--- I love your new profile pict!! :D:D:p;)
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    Good morning all!

    I am Lyndsay and I am a newbie here to BLC. I am 29 and currently at my heaviest weight of 220lbs.
    I am no stranger to MFP, back in 2012-2015 I was heavily into fitness, very rarely eating junk food, going to the gym 6 days a week weight training and such. However, mid 2015 I had a wee scare when i started getting pains in my heart when I was going to the gym, so I opted to take a week or so off, but 3 years later, I still haven't fully committed to being back despite all my efforts.

    With my 30th in 5 months, I have decided that I really need to start taking care of myself, especially with a family history of heart disease and stroke. However, what really hit the nail on the coffin, so to speak, was when I looked at my Just Eat account for September and seen that I ordered TEN times in the first three weeks in September. That's roughly 3 times a week I was having greasy takeout's.

    Yesterday, I took part in my third annual Great Scottish Run 10k with my third annual tradition of not training :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: So yesterday after my post run nap, I decided for next year, I will train for it and set up a training plan with Endomondo that has me out walking/running four days a week which begins on Thursday (allow my hips and legs a few days to recover :tongue: ),

    I am excited to see where BLC takes me and to read and cheer on all your accomplishments, no matter how big of small! :D


    @LyndsayAnne316 Welcome!! It's awesome that you participated in a 10K!!! Great plan! Welcome to the team!!
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    Username: PrincessVamp666
    Week: October Week 1
    PW = 259.4
    CW= 260.2

    Slightly up from last Monday - but I have missed two Gym sessions (Friday AM - due to my car being in the garage, and today - as I had to be in at work for 6:45am). I am 100% confident that I will be lower towards the end of the week/beginning of next. I hate being away from the gym!
    @PrincessVamp666 It happens, weight loss isn't linear, hang in there and next week will be better!!
    Username: momma3times
    Weigh in week: Oct Week 1
    Weigh in day: Monday
    Previous Week's weight: 248.0
    Todays Weight: 245.6

    @momma3times Awesome start to October!!
    Oops-sorry last weeks weight should have been 153.4.

    Let's do this! October doesn't know whats about to hit it!
    @CourtneyLomonaco I sort of assumed that considering you started at 160 and all the weights after that were in the 150s :smile: Seemed like a typo...
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    gemwolf110 wrote: »
    Hi all!

    My name is Missy and I’m in my early 30’s living in the Southern New England with my fiancé and our 4 furkids (2 Huskies, 1 Alusky, and 1 Bichon Frise who thinks she is a Husky). I work full time and then some in the corporate world. I recently started my own business as an Young Living Essential Oils Distributor, to support a healthy lifestyle and overall wellness. I’m still fairly new at that, so finding what oils works for me is a work in progress. I’m also in the process of researching a Graduate program to obtain a Ph.D in Sociology or Criminology in hopes to obtaining a job as a Sociology or Criminology Professor.

    I take kickboxing, and Zumba classes. I also go kayaking, hiking, riding my bicycle with my fiancé and friends. My goals is to get back into running since it has been awhile and am basically starting at square one.

    I’ve been a returning member of this Team and this month I’m refocusing on my diet and habits because I’ve been stuck in a rut for awhile now and I want to make it into Onederland by Christmas and at my goal weight/shape by my wedding. I’m currently a size 20 at 212.6 pounds and want to get back down to 110-120 range overall.

    Whose ready to kick off October and achieve their goals?!?

    @gemwolf110 Welcome back Missy! You can definitely make it Onderland by Christmas, you got this!
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    cmm5904 wrote: »
    Weigh in (Sept. 30)
    Starting weight for October challenge is 243.6

    I’m setting a goal to lose 5 pounds this month. I’m going to step up my exercise. What’s realistic for me is yoga class twice a week and one workout at the gym per week.

    @cmm5904 Great goals, you can do this!
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    Daily Post 1 Oct

    Track: Yes (I think this is did we track everything we ate?)
    Calories: no - not even close. See below
    Exercise: Yes 45 min gym session

    Goals/Day: I'm away from home travelling for work. So I dont have the same at-home control over what goes in my mouth. My team went out for lunch (yum!) And dinner (also yum!) And I erred on the heavy side of calorie counting because I just dont know what's in it. Proud of myself to walk extra and do the gym though. Haven't done that while travelling before. Another day at the office and then home late. 😝

    @unchainedzulu Traveling does make it much harder to make better choices, as restaurants don't make it easy to be good, which is probably the entire reason I never eat out (and also it's expensive)! Awesome job sneaking in exercise while traveling, that does help!!
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    ssssanaaaa wrote: »

    Comments: Was a little naughty yesterday. The lady at the samples stand INSISTED that I have a donut hole lol. Was still good with calories though (both weekend days!). Weighed in this morning at 186.8 which is the same as yesterday so I'm glad it didn't go up! Also, really proud of myself. Have been making really good choices lately. My mom asked me to go get her a burger and get myself one as well. Looked up the calories, everything made me go over my calories so I just decided not to get anything at all. Big victory for me. I used to never let go of an opportunity. Also going to the gym today. Got really tired last time I went and did cardio so going to try not to take a break in the middle of the jog like last time. Really wanting to meet my 185 goal by the end of this week so planning on eating under calories tonight.
    @ssssanaaaa OMG those free sample people drive me bat crap crazy, like I very politely decline the first time....but after that, I'm much less nice..just saying. I think when you have a goal in mind, it's a lot easier to think about the things that won't get you there and pass them over, like passing on that burger! Awesome job!
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    tinak33 wrote: »
    I love your idea to weigh in on Mondays.
    I am not brave enough to do that. haha My weekends are hard enough to track, so it would be difficult to stay in my calories...
    I weigh in on Thursdays to try and give myself enough time to "undo" any weekend damage that might have happened... haha Not the best strategy.... And maybe next year, I will change it to Mondays. But anyone who sets their weigh in day for Mondays....

    @tinak33 You ALWAYS find a way to crack me up, and this picture is no exception....

    ANYWAYS how are you doing with your intermittent fasting and coffee?
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    mg07030 wrote: »
    Exercise- 45 min SoulCycle with weights
    @mg07030 Awesome start! I have no idea what SoulCycle is, but it has weights, so yay!
    melbe159 wrote: »
    Daily post:Monday

    Goal for tomorrow to stay in calorie 💪🏼

    @melbe159 Baby steps, take it one day at a time, you got this! It helps me sometimes to track ahead of time and stick to what's written down...
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    Welcome Newbies!

    My name is Jim. I think I'm the old guy of this group. Come to think of it, I might be the only guy. There was another dude that rode a bike and posted a couple times last month. Not sure if he is still with us. But, anyways.

    This is my third month with this outfit, and I thoroughly enjoy it. It holds me accountable, to log daily, and gives me something to do in my quest to lose weight. Ashley is a great Capt, always there for encouragement or a kick in the butt. I'm recently retired, married to my best friend and college sweetheart for 37+ years. We have two grown sons, both married and a precious 2 1/2 year old grandson I aptly dubbed Bubby. Highlight of my week is picking Bubby up from daycare two days a week and hanging out. We also have a chunky English Lab that hates walks, pools, dog parks, the beach, and fetching. Bacon. She loves bacon.

    Started this weight loss journey on 23 June. To lose 120 lbs. I've knocked the first 30 off, so I only have to do it 3 more times. Lord knows, I have started and quit numerous times, but this time I am motivated, laser focused and will not stop till I reach my objective. Gonna hit some snags on the way. Last week I had a freak out moment after my initial appt with my nutritionist. But, I'm okay now. Hired a weight and strength coach and had my first session today and it was great.

    Good luck to all. Glad y'all are part of this group. Go Slimsons!

    @jcgator2016 Welcome back Jim!! I agree, I think coming here is really what keeps me accountable and my goals so fresh in my mind, which keeps me on track! I'm not sure I've ever issued a kick in the butt, yet, but, I'm not ruling it out lol.
    And for the record, I can identify with your dog....sadly, I hate pools, walks, the beach....and I do LOVE BACON. lol.
    Also...I'm right there with you, this is the first time in my LIFE I'm heading down and not up, started at 241 and I'm sitting at 174, and I'm starting to see a goal in sight, still not sure exactly what my goal is, but I do know I'm so much closer than I was 66 lbs ago...
    I'm really excited that you hired a weight and strength coach! I think the reason I'm still going is because I hired a personal trainer 2+ years ago and it's been a life changing experience! Glad you liked it!
    Welcome back and let's see where October takes us!
  • IanMoone30
    IanMoone30 Posts: 276 Member
    Hi group. It’s been a long time since I put a post working 2 jobs got me sick and run down. Now just have the one. So it’s time to get back to the grind.
    Cw 181.4
    Track yes
    Calories under
    Exercise yes
  • lorib642
    lorib642 Posts: 1,942 Member
    edited October 2018
    October week 1
    Monday 10/1
    Pw 170.2
    Cw 170.1
  • cmteach4
    cmteach4 Posts: 226 Member
    Daily post:Monday
    Track yes
    Exercise -60 minutes aqua Zumba and side stroke

    Great day in prep for doctor’s appointment especially! Ha ha!
  • _ecofeminist
    _ecofeminist Posts: 44 Member
    edited October 2018
    Daily post: Monday
    Track yes
    Calories yes
    Exercise yes
    Blah. Hard to not eat any more than what I said when I got up at 5am !!
  • jcgator2016
    jcgator2016 Posts: 539 Member
    Daily Report Mon 1 Oct

    Tracking: Yes
    Calories: Under
    Exercise: Yes. Pickleball 60 mins. 30 Min Strength Training Workout.

    Switching my routine from 70% Cardio/30% Weight Training to 80% Weight Training/20% Cardio. Might not see immediate weight loss, but eventually the weight will come off quickly. Talking with a couple of guys that have been training a few months, they said they were losing anywhere from 11-15 lbs per month.

    First day with weight/strength coach went well. It's a one hour session, today we learned proper warm up, lifting technique and form, and post workout cool down. Had an easy day, 30 mins of metabolic resistance training, 10 reps x 2 sets of squats, rows, bench press, deadlift, shoulder presses, etc. Workouts on M-W-F. He said no exercise or lifting on Tues and Thurs for first three weeks for proper recovery. The second month, we will be doing HITT on Tues and Thurs.

    Everything is great. Not sure about all these supplements. Only thing I have ever taken was a multivitamin, so this is all new. Creatine Monohydrate, Muscle Pharm Combat Powder (Whey and Casein), Green Powder, Vitamin D-3 5000IU, Fish Oil 5G, Zinc Magnesium 400 mg.

    Ashley, do I need all this?

  • bdixon1154
    bdixon1154 Posts: 12 Member
    Daily Post (Monday)

    Track: Yes
    Calories: Yes! 110 calories under😀
    Exercise: Yes. 1 mile walk. Not much but more than what I was doing!

    Goals/Day: I've done really good today! Hopefully the rest of the week goes good!
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