

  • bbcbw
    bbcbw Posts: 53 Member
    @cyndiesstuff thank you. Idk whats moving the scale. Im just continuing IF 16/8 but not restricted diet.
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    @Shirin_K boy that scale can be fickle. If you know you have done what is right. It will show on the scale.... Eventually! Do you take your measurements? sometimes that is a better predictor of your work. don't let it derail you tho. your doing great.

    @nstephenson01 hey we will take it!! great job. holidays are over now. we are gonna get to work.

    @sleepymom5 we all need to know what our no no's are. mine main one is bread. but really anything junk food wise is a problem for me. I sure hope you feel better soon.

    @eyesopennow man... our old folks. I am sorry it has been difficult. but you mil is so lucky to have you. and you will be repaid for all you do. I don't know how but God does. hang in there buddy.

    @DananaNanas I love your intro and your reflection exercise. you have learnt so much this past year. your always so very busy I am amazed that you find the time to do any extra. that being said. this is going to be your year. now you have said who you want to be. now its time to make her. get moving girl!!
  • GingerPwr
    GingerPwr Posts: 1,984 Member
    @eyesopennow I am so sorry. Dementia and Alzheimer's are such awful diseases.
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    It's been a busy morning. Yesterday I did get in all my 10k steps! And managed to get through yoga even with a headache. I was shocked when I was able to do the "plow" pose. My belly has been too big to successfully perform that pose. Yesterday my feet sailed up on over my head and easily touched the floor. I kept having to wiggle my toes to make sure they were on the floor and not on the top of my daybed. Lol. I am loving the progress. This is my 3rd consecutive month. I remember the first week being possibly the hardest. I managed the high lunges. Not easily but successfully. Molly knocked on the door while I was holding the pose..."ughhhh...not now" I yelled out. She had just gotten home from work. Kisses have to wait.
    Had a good eating day yesterday.

    Big hugs to everyone! Let's keep going and taking this one day at a time.

    @Shirin_K ...well that scale just sucks! It must be broken! You will need to take it one day at a time and shake it off. No matter what we say or how we know better...that scale will still miss with you. It's going to happen. Best we get it over with early in the month/year. Now let's kick butt this week and dazzle everyone next weigh in with our amazing loss. It WILL happen!!!
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @phoebe112476 love the paris t-shirt story! I too have lost 37 pounds. How tall are you and how much more did you want to lose?
    @cyndiesstuff Way to go Cyndie!!!! It is great to get over the first 3 days. You can definitely do this! Next week the 140's and a healthier body!
    @sleepymom5 I am so sorry you aren't feeling well. Elderberry syrup can be helpful, but rest is your best bet.

    More later.
  • twyla77
    twyla77 Posts: 445 Member
    @cyndiesstuff - your post about cleaning your closet gave me a nudge to do mine too! the extra winter coats & boots i no longer wear aren’t doing anyone any good stuffed away. Packed up a bag and I’ll drop off in one of the collection bins later today! thanks for the reminder!
  • ljdanny
    ljdanny Posts: 2,079 Member
    Week 1
    Pw 187
    Cw 188.8
    Steps 87,522
  • kirsten11872
    kirsten11872 Posts: 519 Member
    Happy New Year! I just realized we are in a new month, new year, and I have not been on here at all. I just checked and there are 11 pages of posts I have not been able to catch up on.

    I will try to get on here later to introduce myself to any new members and catch up with you all.

    I hope you had wonderful holidays! :smiley:
  • lennoncpa
    lennoncpa Posts: 777 Member
    I appreciate all of the suggestions for drinking my water, but I did the same thing again today! My sons bought me an Apple Watch for Christmas and I set a reminder to “ breathe “ and I’m so insanely busy at work that I don’t even stop to breathe let alone drink water. I get in a crazy work frame of mind and I just don’t stop all day. I don’t even stop for lunch, which is a bad thing!! I had 2 bottles of water on my desk all day and didn’t have a drop. Now that’s weird but when I’m in that work mode it’s not! Don’t know if that makes any sense.
  • twyla77
    twyla77 Posts: 445 Member
    Daily check in for: Thursday
    Logged Food: Yep!
    Water: 6 cups so far, but just refilled my water bottle so i can make it to 8 cups before bedtime.
    Exercise: Skipped the gym, but did my
    28-Day Challenge at home, and went for a walk after supper.
    Steps: 12,484
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,453 Member
    @eyesopennow I know you have had your MIL at you home for a long time and took great care of her. I am sorry to hear of the stressful holiday you had. I hope your wife can come to peace with her Mom being in a skilled care unit. She needs more care than you both can provide. If you tried, you both would end up being sick and exhausted. It is hard to take care of yourself when you have so much going on. No worries about the weigh in, hopefully things start to settle down and you can focus on yourself. Hugs to you and your family is in my prayers.
    @DananaNanas I think 6 lbs down from last year is great! Better than going in the other direction. You really have been working hard to get to where you want to be. You have been making progress even though it is not as fast as you would like. There are always ups and downs on our paths, the important thing is you are still here and still putting one foot in front of the other. You also have a plan, I know it isn't easy. I am so glad you are here with us. Hugs!
    @Mrsbell8well it is so nice to actually see yourself do things you couldn't do before! I really wish I could join you with yoga. Now I have to look up the plow pose!
    @ljdanny Your weight can fluctuate for a number of reasons. Don't sweat it-you're doing great! Keep doing what you are doing and I am sure you will have a loss next week!
    @Kirsten11872 I was wondering where you went! I thought we lost you! Lol! Glad you found us!
    @lennoncpa it is hard to do something new, especially when your mind is otherwise occupied! Maybe you can take a sip when a co worker gets on your nerves or a client isn't prepared...make a game out of it! Instead of saying something that you probably shouldn't take a sip. Lol! Idk, I am grasping for straws here! Hope you can figure something out.
    @czvanut You really have got this down! Great job! Hope you and the hubs have fun tomorrow night!
    @twyla77 Another great day! Keep it going!
  • AtLeastOnceMore
    AtLeastOnceMore Posts: 304 Member
    Check in (Friday)

    Still no logging. Next Saturday, the scales should be unpacked.
    Water: heaps. >2L of water with lemon. Did have diet sprite and Coke Zero. No coffee or tea.
    Steps: 7120 with night time routine to go.

    Successes: stayed under 30g of carb. Drank heaps of water. Chose to walk rather than find a closer park when seeing the solicitors about the house settlement on Monday.
    Opportunities for improvement: Hurt my back helping dad - I need to ensure that I’m not risking myself to help him. Need to ensure that my early morning carb cravings don’t get on top of me. I had most of my carbs at breakfast then struggled to find low enough carb options for the rest of the day.
    Focus for tomorrow: LCHF breakfast. Strawberries to satisfy the ‘sweet’ trigger only if necessary.
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    Daily check in Thursday
    Food-on target
    Water-not enough
    Exercise-steps 10,304

    I love planners. Yesterday my daughter turned me on to the Happy Planner system. I had to order the same beautiful one she has. It’s called fresh romance. I ordered the supplemental fitness segment. I can track my food and water.
    This weekend I begin the deep cleaning of our home. I have planned a 3 month winter schedule. I am also in the midst of planning our yearly budget. And our vacation schedules. I think we’re also going to book a cabin on a lake.
    This Sunday I start back with my running program.
    I start interviewing soon for promotion. It will be a big step up in responsibilities and time commitment. That has me feeling a bit apprehensive.
    Getting ready to transition into 90% raw. And a mid month juice cleanse.
    The good thing is that my energy is increasing with the diet changes and increase in physical activity.
    One day at a time.
    Sounds like lots of other team members are experiencing many changes as well.
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @phoebe112476 you have inspired me with your lake vacation. We were just talking about going camping but wifey wants to check out cabins this year.
    I have been doing yoga for years. But this is the first time I have committed to a daily practice. It’s astounding the difference. Yes I do believe it affects the appearance of my muscles. I am stronger and looking more toned. I m currently doing you tube Adrienne 30 day yoga challenge.
    I’m 5’4. Started at 202.8 pounds. Currently 165.2. Goal 142.
    Good luck!
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