

  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,422 Member
    lennoncpa wrote: »
    I appreciate all of the suggestions for drinking my water, but I did the same thing again today! My sons bought me an Apple Watch for Christmas and I set a reminder to “ breathe “ and I’m so insanely busy at work that I don’t even stop to breathe let alone drink water. I get in a crazy work frame of mind and I just don’t stop all day. I don’t even stop for lunch, which is a bad thing!! I had 2 bottles of water on my desk all day and didn’t have a drop. Now that’s weird but when I’m in that work mode it’s not! Don’t know if that makes any sense.

    Can you set reminders on outlook every hour or so to take a swig of water? Once it becomes a habit then you can delete them :)
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,422 Member
    Good morning all and HAPPY Friday!!!

    Yesterday was another good day. Drank my water, ate good food, walked and did yoga. I'm doing the new Yoga with Adriene Dedicate 30 day challenge. Love it so far!!!

    Now..just need to get through today :)

    Have a great day everyone!!
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    Daily check in for: Thursday
    Logged: Yes and under
    Water: 56 oz
    Exercise & Steps: 13189 steps

    Good morning everyone. Was a good day yesterday. was on track with my new food. my grocery's are almost gone. so when the ole boy was worried I would not eat all the veggies. he was ohhh sooo wrong. Yesterday was day 4. still feel the same. no changes yet in pain or energy. cravings seem to be some less. its early in the journey. got my hair cut yesterday. my regular girl is on vacation and someone was filling in for her. wow. she took off more than I wanted and it seems like one side is shorter than the other in the back. ughhh...

    @Mrsbell8well woooo whooo the plow and the crow. you rock Angelina! ohh a cabin on the lake would be lovely. as for deep cleaning, I usually pick a room and clean until it is done and then move to the next. by time I make it thru the whole house it is time to start again! my plan is very similar to yours food wise. mostly clean raw fruits and veggies. and my meats as rare as I can eat them without risking my health.

    @twyla77 in my coat closet cleaning I found a jean jacket I use to wear, lol it was bedazzled! jim said the 90's called and wants their jacket back! great job yesterday. on track in the new year!!

    @ljdanny don't let that get you down. you just keep moving forward. you got this. sometimes the scale is just not nice to us.

    @kirsten11872 we have missed you. thanks for checking in. also at the beginning of the thread is a reflection exercise. it may help you get refocused on your goals for the new year.

    @lennoncpa until upping your water intake is important to you, it won't get done. your important. take the few seconds it takes to drink some water.

    @czvanut I love taco salad. it is one of my favorites. I make mine with chicken instead of burger.

    @phoebe112476 I love that you are making the time for the yoga. it is so good for your body. you summer vacation sounds amazing. which state is it in?

    @coolchick207 are you getting all moved in? moving is very stressfull. watch out for that dreaded stress eating. good job at staying on track tho. you are doing great.

    @carlsoda awesome day for you yesterday. keep it up! your doing great.

    @sleepymom5 being ill messes with your water retention. when your sick your body needs extra water to help repair the damage. don't let it get to you. you are doing great. how are you feeling? any better?
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    @sleepymom5 when I use to wear bangs I always new exactly how to cut them. if they cut them to short, they would stick straight out and if they left them to long I would have a colic. lol. I grew out my bangs about 6 years ago. I miss them! I hate it when my hair hangs in my face when I am trying to work.
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    Week 1
    PW 157.7
    CW 157.4

    I will take even the small loss as I am just back in the MFP saddle! On the negative side, over the past 4.5 months, I gained the 15 lbs of the 25 lbs that I lost earlier in 2018. On the positive side, I managed to keep 10 lbs off! I am determined to continue on my weight loss journey and not let injury get the better of me. It has been tough going the past few months and have had to fight to stay positive. My physio introduced me to a nice app that reminds me to do my physio exercises twice a day and track how I am doing. I continue to be very inspired by all of you, particularly those of you who are facing serious issues in life, but you share with the team and keep going! It is helping me do the same!

    Thursday check in - Logged food and was just under target. Water was 700 ml. Steps were 6242. My step target is going to be between 6000 and 7000 as I work through my injury.
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    @czvanut yoga is one of my favorite forms of exercise along with walking and gardening. I am so glad you are enjoying our group. feel lucky you get to feel the soreness from exercise. it means you are getting stronger and need to drink some water. lol have an awesome day.

    @FieryVixsin wooo whooo great loss. how have you been doing?

    @Cafelelia hey we will take that loss. keep up that hard work. and good job on meeting your daily goals


    @Mrsbell8well that is such a cute planner. nice.

    @eyesopennow you knew it was gonna look like that. now it is time to change it. to help you, get the junk out of your house. replace it with healthy good for you snacks. you can do this.
  • Shirin_K
    Shirin_K Posts: 258 Member
    Daily log in for: Thursday
    Logged: Yes, under
    Water: 48 oz
    Exercise: 25 minutes yoga (Day 13 of Adriene 30 Days of Yoga)
    Step: 11,177

    The support on this team is amazing! Thank you all for your encouragement and ideas yesterday! I’m just going to keep on moving forward and doing the right things and know the scale will catch up. Last night I had family over for dinner. We had an awesome spinach/lettuce salad with grilled chicken, strawberries, onions, walnuts and goat cheese. Everyone was perfectly happy having salad… a nice change after the heavier holiday meals the last time we were together! And I made sure to get lots of steps in before they arrived and did yoga after.

    @cyndiesstuff Good job eating all those veggies! I sure hope that your efforts will eventually help reduce your pain. I haven’t taken measurements, but it would be interesting.

    @sleepymom5 No worries on that gain! I tend to gain when I’m sick too – it will be off in no time. That’s great you are figuring out your stationary bike!

    @carlsoda Awesome job doing the yoga with Adrienne!

    @eyesopennow Sorry to hear about your difficult start to the year. Hope you are able to make time for yourself now.

    @DananaNanas Great goals for this year!

    @nstephenson01 Nice measurement results! And what a great feeling to know you did so much better over the holidays this year.

    @ljdanny It’s like we had the same week with the scale! Next weigh-in will be better for us!

    @Mrsbell8well Losses for us next week sounds wonderful! It’s really inspiring hearing how yoga has made a difference for you.

    @czvanut Another great day for you! I absolutely love the Adriene videos too!!

    @twyla77 Sounds like a successful day. Way to go!

    @lennoncpa I also struggle with water - you’ve inspired me to try extra hard to get 64 oz today.

    @phoebe112476 Awesome on the yoga. And it’s a great feeling to know your fitness level is improving. Lake vacations are the best! Last year we rented a cabin on Lake Superior and I’ve been dreaming of going back since. You will definitely be walking that whole trail this year! And yes, I do use a food scale at home and measure nearly everything! But when I was at my parents for a few days around Christmas, it was a lot of guessing, so maybe I underestimated then and just seeing the effects now!

    @cafelelia Nice job pushing forward! You have such a great attitude!

    @coolchick207 You've got me thinking about carbs... I tend to focus so much on the calories, I often overlook how many carbs I'm eating. Hope your back feels better soon.

    @kirsten11872 I totally relate with summer being a motivator. I want to feel comfortable with the way I look in summer clothes and go to the pool this year feeling at least somewhat less self-conscious! And I love lentil soup! I have all the ingredients here, so think I will make this weekend as well.

    Hope everyone enjoys the rest of their Friday!
  • AtLeastOnceMore
    AtLeastOnceMore Posts: 304 Member
    Shirin_K wrote: »
    You've got me thinking about carbs... I tend to focus so much on the calories, I often overlook how many carbs I'm eating. Hope your back feels better soon.

    Thanks, mate. Woke up feeling a lot better (anti-inflams and physio stretches for the win!). I'm the exact opposite when it comes to tracking - I only really track carbs and don't care about calories. lol. Whatever works, if my motto! =)
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