100+ to Lose Support Group Permanent Thread(Everyone is welcome)



  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Good morning. Jan so glad you’re back...and safe from the tornado and that wretched driver.
    Roger hope you stay warm. I miss the seasons but then again am spoiled by the warm weather convenience... no scraping windshields no shoveling snow. Fitbit in the pocket on a treadmill wouldn’t count the steps because there’s no location change.
    This morning I go for my cardiac stress test and echocardiogram. Mildly nervous (I hate IVs and I don’t want anything to be wrong). I do like my fancy scale. It was only about $24 on Amazon. Not a necessity but it’s interesting to see all the data. I like data!
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Good morning!

    You are too cold for me up there!! And cold for you means really cold!!

    Some of those recipes looked yummy, especially the cabbage pie that was made. Some of the recipes in the last video, (not the only, lol... :#) were awfully high for strict keto also. If your portions were in keeping, it might not be worth making for such a small amount. You have success freezing things, so of course always an option..

    Butter here is only a little more than margarine, depending on the brand. I also use it less as what you are making can really be targeted specifically and is often less food than usual per day. I would not have believed bullet proof coffee myself if I had not tried it. The butter must be mixed with an emersion blender- that is a must. I am not fond of most flavored coffees.
    Hi Jan
    It sounds as if they are selling a Butter and Margarine blend as butter. It just is not the same, We grew up using Margarine due to cost and ever since then I think of it as Yellow Grease and only use butter. My Brother does use ICBINB AKA I can't Believe It's Not Butter, TBH I have no problem telling that it isn't butter :smiley:

    Does the Butter make the immersion blender harder to clean or Do You just run it in hot soapy water to clean ?
    My daughter absolutely loves Patti Lupone. She would love to see her in anything!! How lucky to be able to take in all those shows..probably a really great time period in Broadway history. I saw Yul Brenner once in Cleveland in a small theater in the round. It was a great venue..and I do not quite remember where exactly it was located. Bugs me, I can think of no one I know living that could tell me. I remember we would go to Warrensville Heights, I think, to a Brown Derby for supper on the same day..I remember seeing Tom Jones and Mitzi Gaynor there too. ( theater, not B.D.!) A long time ago!! I enjoyed it a lot, but Jenny said they were not the best touring crew and had expected better. Not in the same league as the original cast for sure!! :) Jenny said the Atlanta tickets were running over $400.00 for the nosebleed section for Hamilton, that new musical. She did not like a lot of the newer music in it, which included some rap...though the critics have all said it is excellent. I would not pay that, lol.. She said she would to ever see Patty Lupone!! :)

    I was thankful to see anyone on that day!! <3

    Val, great job on losing!! Hope your bruising heals soon!! I need to exercise for sure!! Not just run like a chicken with her head cut off!!

    Very sad article on the "mini pigs."

    Hope everyone has a very good day!! ...Jan
    They had a Theater in the Round out in California near where my Aunt & Uncle lived. They had some popularity and then sort of dropped off of the Radar. Is this the one You went to, I googled from curiosity :wink:
    The FRONT ROW THEATER, built at an approximate cost of $3 million, was completed in 1974 and opened on July 5 of that year. It was located in HIGHLAND HTS. on Wilson Mills Road near I-271

    Tom Jones and Mitzi Gaynor should have been able to do a great show with their experience.

    Hamilton from the advertisements on the local TV stations has no appeal to me and It could be my age but neither does Rap or I think of it Garbage and noise. Then I also see on the TV news where some rap artists, I use the term artists loosely Physically attack others, Class acts the are not. I would not pay $4 to see Hamilton unless I could resell the tickets at a profit.

    Mini Pigs, There is a lot of fraud out there in the pet area. Another sad time for animals will be Easter and baby Chickens and Rabbits. Why anyone thinks they are a good idea is beyond me. At least Rabbits can be a good pet.

    Oh well, Moving On

    Congratulations on 100 days logging in
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Good morning. Jan so glad you’re back...and safe from the tornado and that wretched driver.
    Roger hope you stay warm. I miss the seasons but then again am spoiled by the warm weather convenience... no scraping windshields no shoveling snow. Fitbit in the pocket on a treadmill wouldn’t count the steps because there’s no location change.
    This morning I go for my cardiac stress test and echocardiogram. Mildly nervous (I hate IVs and I don’t want anything to be wrong). I do like my fancy scale. It was only about $24 on Amazon. Not a necessity but it’s interesting to see all the data. I like data!
    Hi Val
    I think I would miss the seasons and would not like the humidity and heat :smiley:
    Different people have different weather likes. We had a UPS driver at work who Loved Snow, Not something I like BTW.

    The Cuisinart kitchen scale we have is OK. One feature my brother wishes he looked for is a zero button so as to allow changing things and then just hit the button to zero the reading. As it is You have to Hold the Power button until it turns off then hit it again with whatever on the scale to zero it out before adding anything. I hope I'm clear ?

    I can see why You would hate the IVs.
    Good Luck with the testing.
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Good morning,

    Thank you Roger! I believe that theater in the round was it! I enjoyed some of the other archived photos from the Case University too that I could see. :) I forgot how much of Cleveland's past is preserved. I went back to the area once, but it had changed so much, I was totally disoriented there, lol.. The neighborhood's were the same, but the system of freeways and other infrastructure since built was amazing. One of the areas I knew very well has multi freeway exchanges which just blew my mind. But the places where the houses were, remained as I remembered 45 years ago. Amazing journey. I wish I could go back just once more. Seems silly, but just something about it...it was where I grew up.

    I have a nice place here where I am thankful to be, but Alabama was not where I envisioned retiring. So unlike my interests, though I like the warm weather, rare snow and being close to the ocean if I want to go. There is an element here though that they are years behind in their thinking sometimes, and somewhat uneducated as to the world outside their county, and proud of it. Southern hospitality and charm makes up for some of it.

    With you on the rap music and lifestyle. So much of today's music and culture, like TV shows and movie I do not find at all appealing. Real news barely exists anymore. No wonder older people focus on a different time as they age, lol. All your posts were very interesting today.

    Val, I hope your tests went well today. I know it is more nerve racking with the kind of care you have experienced in the past. Hope all the results help in some good care for you!! Keep up the mindful work you are doing towards your health!! <3

    Hope everyone stays safe and warm!!! I am ready for a slight warming..not this week I do not think, however!!
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Hi Roger- my food scale(about $7) has a tare button so i can easily subtract the weight of the plate and only measure the food. The new fancy scale i was mentioning is a human body scale to measure my weight and visceral fat and stuff.c0jhmxyqg51j.jpeg
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Hi Jan. Thanks. I was most nervous about the IV insertion because of the hospital blowing every single vein last year. Fortunately the vein this lady selected worked just fine. I get the results next week. But sitting there waiting, I marveled at the small and seemingly fragile look of the heart and I felt very sad that I haven’t been taking care of mine. For 35 years I've forced my poor little heart to work extra hard because of my size. I felt okay during the tests, but when I got home, I only worked for an hour and a half and felt really shaky and sick. So i logged off and took a nap. I thought I’d set my alarm to get Em from school but apparently i set it for earlier than it was, do it was ready for the next day. Luckily, Em sent me a text asking when I’d be there. I wasn’t that late, but felt badly.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I Just posted more Humor

    I'm back home from walking and once again no money was found. The Temperature out the door was 27 degrees. There is a slight breeze outdoors, I have a 1/2 of my cup of coffee left for tomorrow, that means 16 ounces left for tomorrow. The weather forecast is for Rain moving in for the evening into Thursday. Thursday's High temperature is forecast to be 59 degrees before the weather turns colder.

    Antony and Cleopatra's long lost tomb 'FOUND and is set to be uncovered'
    Archaeologists in Egypt have identified an area in Taposiris Magna, around 18 miles from Alexandria, where they believe Mark Antony and Cleopatra (VII)'s bodies are

    Big Data meets Big Gov't: New IRS spy software
    Exclusive: Daniel J. Pilla explains agency's plan to surveil your finances

    ‘GLOBAL WARMING’ UPDATE: Montreal’s Fête Des Neiges (Winter Snow Festival) Cancelled Due To Extreme Cold!

    Dutch surgeon wins landmark 'right to be forgotten' case
    A Dutch surgeon formally disciplined for her medical negligence has won a legal action to remove Google search results about her case in a landmark “right to be forgotten” ruling.

    ‘Amazing’ 4,500-year-old stone circle was actually built in 1990s by farmer, admit archaeologists

    Bible site where ‘God met Moses’ to be BULLDOZED for 'super city' by Saudi Arabia

    Colleges are raking in revenue from rejected applicants’ fees

    Have a Great Wednesday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited January 2019
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Good morning,

    Thank you Roger! I believe that theater in the round was it! I enjoyed some of the other archived photos from the Case University too that I could see. :) I forgot how much of Cleveland's past is preserved. I went back to the area once, but it had changed so much, I was totally disoriented there, lol.. The neighborhood's were the same, but the system of freeways and other infrastructure since built was amazing. One of the areas I knew very well has multi freeway exchanges which just blew my mind. But the places where the houses were, remained as I remembered 45 years ago. Amazing journey. I wish I could go back just once more. Seems silly, but just something about it...it was where I grew up.
    Hi Jan
    If I said I feel like going back to the old neighborhood where I grew up for the first few years of grade school, Thus I know exactly why You wish that too. I might have been 10 years old when the family moved to NJ and I still remember the old street address :wink:
    I have a nice place here where I am thankful to be, but Alabama was not where I envisioned retiring. So unlike my interests, though I like the warm weather, rare snow and being close to the ocean if I want to go. There is an element here though that they are years behind in their thinking sometimes, and somewhat uneducated as to the world outside their county, and proud of it. Southern hospitality and charm makes up for some of it.

    With you on the rap music and lifestyle. So much of today's music and culture, like TV shows and movie I do not find at all appealing. Real news barely exists anymore. No wonder older people focus on a different time as they age, lol. All your posts were very interesting today.

    Val, I hope your tests went well today. I know it is more nerve racking with the kind of care you have experienced in the past. Hope all the results help in some good care for you!! Keep up the mindful work you are doing towards your health!! <3

    Hope everyone stays safe and warm!!! I am ready for a slight warming..not this week I do not think, however!!
    Every area of the country has its pluses and minuses.

    One reason I do not watch many of the TV shows is the Politicizing of them. Especially the Late night talk shows and SNL. Once I skip past the Political port ion of the TV news 20% of the news broadcasts are gone. Thankfully I can watch via the DVR and skip over the Commercials and Political BS.

    I refuse to think of what passes as music as real music.

    I am happy You are getting some good out of the News Links, I try to be selective.

    Have a Good Day

    Buttons61 10 hours ago
    Buttons61's food and exercise diary was completed for 1/22/2019 and was under Buttons61's calorie goal
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    edited January 2019
    Hi Roger- my food scale(about $7) has a tare button so i can easily subtract the weight of the plate and only measure the food. The new fancy scale i was mentioning is a human body scale to measure my weight and visceral fat and stuff.c0jhmxyqg51j.jpeg
    Hi Val
    The New Scale You are using would be useless to me as there are no smart phones in the house. Three Flip Phones between My brother and I :smiley:
    Hi Jan. Thanks. I was most nervous about the IV insertion because of the hospital blowing every single vein last year. Fortunately the vein this lady selected worked just fine. I get the results next week. But sitting there waiting, I marveled at the small and seemingly fragile look of the heart and I felt very sad that I haven’t been taking care of mine. For 35 years I've forced my poor little heart to work extra hard because of my size. I felt okay during the tests, but when I got home, I only worked for an hour and a half and felt really shaky and sick. So i logged off and took a nap. I thought I’d set my alarm to get Em from school but apparently i set it for earlier than it was, do it was ready for the next day. Luckily, Em sent me a text asking when I’d be there. I wasn’t that late, but felt badly.
    You are not the only one that has overworked their heart for the same reason, Likely I overworked mine more that You.

    I wonder if the Shaky and Sick could be a a reaction to the testing.

    Text, something My brother has texting turned off and the Low Cost Consumer Cellular Plan I'm on has no texting since that would raise the monthly rate.

    I am sure Em wants you to be healthy and therefore You should not feel badly to be late.

    Have a Nice Day

    Congratulations on this one
    hope4change_val 1 hour ago
    lost 0.2 lbs since last weighing in! Hope4change_val's lost 9.5 lbs so far.
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Good morning!!

    Another gray and rainy day with maybe up to 3 inches of rain. A possibility of a couple of snow flurries on the backside of it for 6 am, no accumulation at all. And possible tornado watches for this evening as that front moves in. We all may get whiplash from the changes in weather...but the bugs will survive!! :D

    Val, I am sure Em understands, and you were there! I can not tell you how often I have set my alarm for PM rather than am and thought I had checked it, or hit the hour by mistake and threw it off..You are not alone!! :#

    I had keto pancakes and sausage for dinner last nite. So good!! I LOVE breakfast for dinner!!

    I am still getting used to my smart phone..Same things as my computer but formatted differently. It can be enough to throw off this non tech-y person!!

    The shakiness and sickness is very much a reaction to those tests. Many people have that.

    Love that scale, Val. Mine does fat, water, bone density and muscle density, and weight of course..but I think yours would be more useful. I do not remember seeing it when I bought mine. Sounds like you got a good deal!!

    Hang in there everyone!! Have a pleasant day!! ...Jan
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    New Humor was just posted

    I'm back home from walking and once again no money was found. The Temperature out the door was 51 degrees and is now up to 53 degrees.
    I got lucky, It had just finished raining when I went out the door and it did not restart raining until I was halfway up the block to my house :)

    Mini Review. I liked the new NS Cheese-steak Pizza, 250 calories and Total Carbohydrates 32g . I did take the Peppers off of it before heating. There was plenty of Cheese, Some diced onions and Beef. It did not have as much beef as shown in the picture of it. That quite possibly is due to a Quality control problem as I have had the other Pizzas where some were light on toppings and others that were over. The way I look at it the average is OK.

    How Plastic Cleanup Threatens the Ocean’s Living Islands
    Home to vibrantly colored, tiny creatures, the ecosystems floating on the ocean’s surface remain all but unknown.

    Millennials Ditching The Doctor; What’s At Stake

    New Study Says Americans Flocking To Urgent Care Instead Of Their Primary Doctor Due To Convenience.

    Run Faster—Your Treadmill Might Be Generating Electricity

    In the Rush to Join the Smart Home Crowd, Buyers Should Beware

    “5 minutes of sheer terror”: Hackers infiltrate East Bay family’s Nest surveillance camera, send warning of incoming North Korea missile attack
    Fake ICBM missile warning over Nest system sends East Bay family into panic

    Have a Great Thursday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Good morning!!

    Another gray and rainy day with maybe up to 3 inches of rain. A possibility of a couple of snow flurries on the backside of it for 6 am, no accumulation at all. And possible tornado watches for this evening as that front moves in. We all may get whiplash from the changes in weather...but the bugs will survive!! :D

    Val, I am sure Em understands, and you were there! I can not tell you how often I have set my alarm for PM rather than am and thought I had checked it, or hit the hour by mistake and threw it off..You are not alone!! :#
    Hi Jan
    the weather forecast for here in NJ is 1 to 2 inches, As I sit here typing this I can hear a heavy rain falling. The heaviest rain is due later today around Noon and it should be out NJ by 3PM. I hope You avoid being anywhere near a Tornado.

    I have done that too, I hate it when I set the alarm wrong, Luckily I rarely need it these days.
    I had keto pancakes and sausage for dinner last nite. So good!! I LOVE breakfast for dinner!!

    I am still getting used to my smart phone..Same things as my computer but formatted differently. It can be enough to throw off this non tech-y person!!

    The shakiness and sickness is very much a reaction to those tests. Many people have that.

    Love that scale, Val. Mine does fat, water, bone density and muscle density, and weight of course..but I think yours would be more useful. I do not remember seeing it when I bought mine. Sounds like you got a good deal!!

    Hang in there everyone!! Have a pleasant day!! ...Jan
    I see no reason not to have Breakfast for any meal of the day. That makes me wonder if I want to have my Dinner as Breakfast and Breakfast for Dinner and Lunch as Lunch.

    And that is another reason I use a flip phone and avoid a Smartphone as if would give me the a deadly disease :wink:

    That sounds like TMI from a scale for me, All I want from a device is that it does its primary function. A Phone that only makes and receives phone calls, A Camera for Photos, and so on.

    Have a Nice Day

    Hi Val
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Good morning,

    Well, I did get up at 6 am this morning to meet some friends for coffee. There were a few snowflakes but not many. I am glad they were right, as I did not want to be caught in any surprises our on the road, lol..It was hard enough to see in the dark the first few minutes, but after I got on the freeway daylite came and behold I could see better. :D

    Okay, the family being hacked thru Nest was creepy. I do not want that technology! My daughter did the Pri-med thing for a while, and I finally convinced her to see a regular doctor. The continuity of care is important, but you sure do need someone you like. They are great for the week ends though. Everything always happens when the doc is closed.

    Today will be interesting. I had greek yogurt for breakfast but it had granola on top. Panera just has no good keto options. I also got a free bagel, and I brought that home. I am not supposed to have that at all...but did not say no, lol..So today I will think weight watchers and get to negligible carbs tomorrow. Still better than coming home with an entire baguette which I would have loved to have!! :# This is so long term I am trying not to be too obsessive about it! Probably not be sharing info with my daughter about this wandering from my usual eating day, however!

    I have consumer telephone also and I love them. I am on my phone a lot to me, not like some though, and I thought I might be close to using my limits and I am not. It is only 10 dollars more at $30.00, so I consider that reasonable. Some of the girls I had worked with had phone bills in the hundreds every month. Crazy!!!

    Take care all!! ...Jan
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Hi. I’m running quite a headache...ive exceeded my water goal so not dehydration. Not sure. Could be sugar and or caffeine withdrawal.
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    I have just posted humor, Enjoy

    I'm back home from walking and once again no money was found. The Temperature out the door was 34 degrees and what I saw was that the left over Puddles are freezing over.

    Yahoo. (You Always Have Other Options)

    Mini Review. I liked the new NS Chicken Marsala, 230 Calories 27g Carbohydrates. It was very tasty, I shall be ordering several of these for my next order.

    The Naval Academy is deteriorating so badly, its mission to train midshipmen is under threat

    Alligators renew freaky behavior of freezing themselves in NC swamp with noses out

    Alligator caught living at Pennsylvania sewer plant, fueling talk of urban legend

    1 in 3 consumers fear they will max out a credit card
    Over 1 in 3 people —or 86 million Americans — say they're afraid they'll max out their credit card when making a large purchase.
    Still, most Americans continue to take on ever-increasing amounts of credit card debt.

    Give Me a Break
    2 Birmingham first-graders disciplined after butter knife found at school

    Have a Great Friday
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Buttons61 wrote: »
    Good morning,

    Well, I did get up at 6 am this morning to meet some friends for coffee. There were a few snowflakes but not many. I am glad they were right, as I did not want to be caught in any surprises our on the road, lol..It was hard enough to see in the dark the first few minutes, but after I got on the freeway daylite came and behold I could see better. :D

    Okay, the family being hacked thru Nest was creepy. I do not want that technology! My daughter did the Pri-med thing for a while, and I finally convinced her to see a regular doctor. The continuity of care is important, but you sure do need someone you like. They are great for the week ends though. Everything always happens when the doc is closed.
    Hello Jan
    You were an Early Bird, Unusual for You. The Big problem with night driving is that about the time Your eyes get acclimated to to dark streetlights or headlights ruin it.

    I have no interest in any of that Internet connected things including Alexa. Baby monitors have been hacked too.

    I do agree that the doctor is usually closed when You do need them. I have used a Urgent Care place in the last year.
    Today will be interesting. I had greek yogurt for breakfast but it had granola on top. Panera just has no good keto options. I also got a free bagel, and I brought that home. I am not supposed to have that at all...but did not say no, lol..So today I will think weight watchers and get to negligible carbs tomorrow. Still better than coming home with an entire baguette which I would have loved to have!! :# This is so long term I am trying not to be too obsessive about it! Probably not be sharing info with my daughter about this wandering from my usual eating day, however!

    I have consumer telephone also and I love them. I am on my phone a lot to me, not like some though, and I thought I might be close to using my limits and I am not. It is only 10 dollars more at $30.00, so I consider that reasonable. Some of the girls I had worked with had phone bills in the hundreds every month. Crazy!!!

    Take care all!! ...Jan
    I would have had a hard time telling them to leave the Granola off of the Yogurt too. Free Bagel, How Can You pass that up, Just curious, do You eat them plain, Buttered or Cream Cheese and possibly jelly to go with those ?

    $30 is not to bad, I thought about adding texting to my flip phone from them and decided pass :wink:

    I see the Advertisements for the Big cell phone companies and the bargain prices they tout are no bargain in my opinion.

    I had a problem seeing the main page yesterday so I missed seeing this.
    Buttons61 yesterday
    Buttons61's food and exercise diary was completed for 1/23/2019 and was under Buttons61's calorie goal

  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    Hi. I’m running quite a headache...ive exceeded my water goal so not dehydration. Not sure. Could be sugar and or caffeine withdrawal.
    Hello Val
    I'm sorry to hear about the headache, The worst headache I ever had was when I skipped Coffee for a few days. That one cleared up shortly after I had some coffee. I do not know if a sugar withdrawal can do that.

    Good Luck
  • Buttons61
    Buttons61 Posts: 1,636 Member
    Good morning!

    Careful on those icy puddles! Looks like we are in for more arctic weather as the next week rolls by. It is January, but I would also like to feel I am not living in Chicago, lol... :D I feel for you Roger! My heat feels like it is running constantly the last few weeks. I dread my bill.

    Caffeine withdrawal give me headaches too. So do these fronts moving in lately as they go from one extreme to another. My joints feel it too. I picked up some chicken bone broth from Public's. Not as good as homemade for benefits maybe but less trouble. I mix it with some lemon juice and a little Italian season to warm it slightly and it is not a bad taste. While slightly higher than reg broth in cost, at $4.00, it makes quite a few 1/2 cup servings so to me seems economical enough.

    Good articles.. I find myself running up my plastic a little more lately in the last few days before a payday. Something always comes up last minute and I do not want my balance too low. Usually it is a church meal, or someone asking me out. But I purposely keep the amount I can borrow low, so I am well below what they were talking about. I could do better, however!! :#

    The alligators freezing themselves is fascinating..though I have always known animals are much smarter than man, lol...Okay, you will disagree and laugh at me...but in Birmingham, I am fully behind those teachers and the discipline. They also did not say how they were disciplined so I am thinking not too severe. The gangs up there and the violence are so bad there...and the way they dared they knew they were doing something wrong. What worries me more is the fact that they have been exposed to any influence that made them think of doing that in any fashion.They got that from somewhere, and that needed to be addressed and stopped. I have been in these classrooms and they are not classrooms of old, or even my children's classrooms. You would be surprised what happens at what age now. I have seen teachers having to stop 6 and 7 th grade students from full on sex in the bathrooms... 6th graders!! The fact it was in Birmingham also makes it more urgent also..Just my take in it... :s

    Like the beginning of Lord of the Rings...and with Tolkien he had the theology to know it..."The world is changing..What was once is gone and is lost to the world of men..." :#

    The reason I like dogs, cats and animals so, lol... ...Jan
  • hope4change_val
    hope4change_val Posts: 2,116 Member
    Hi. No headache today. Plus quiet day at work. I’m so overloaded im starting to drop things. But I think I’ve at least identified and prioritized my tasks. I will say that meat does keep the belly satisfied for much longer than veggies and carbs/sugars. I’m rarely hungry and keeping below target calories.
    Such a relief that the furloughed workers will get paid, at least for a few weeks.
    Jan - hope you warm up a bit. San Antonio weather has been quite pleasant. The violence and sex start even before kids go to school. Little ones watch big ones, and sometimes worse. Parents are absent or hands off. Terrified about where society is heading.
    Roger - I’m with you...no interest in Alexa! There was a time when i had multiple credit cards maxed out due to my older daughter’s bills. I’m making good progress and am conscientious about spending (except when I have foster doggos...i spoil them).
    Take care, Val
  • RogerToo
    RogerToo Posts: 16,157 Member
    More Humor was just posted :smiley:

    I'm back home from walking and for once 11 cents was found. The Temperature out the door was 24 degrees however while walking I passed a Time & temperature display that showed 17 degrees.
    Last Year I found a grand total of$4.22.

    Yahoo. (You Always Have Other Options)

    Mini Review. I liked the new NS Chicken Marsala, 230 Calories 27g Carbohydrates. It was very tasty, I shall be ordering several of these for my next order.

    More than 1,000 media jobs lost in one day

    Oh Great :(
    Ambulance equipment contaminated with drug-resistant superbug

    California city approves 25-cent fee on disposable cups

    Mount St Helens WARNING: Scientist reveals molten rock 'rising FIVE metres a DAY'

    China, Russia Building Super-EMP Bombs for ‘Blackout Warfare’
    Report reveals electromagnetic war scenarios

    Have a Great Weekend