Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    @shanaber I would have eaten half of that cake yesterday!

    I had a 21 mile run yesterday with a 2500 calorie burn (and only one gel consumed during the run) so I didn't bother logging. I find when I log on days with a big run I eat beyond satisfying my hunger, just because I can. So yesterday I ate until I was full and that was it. It was a beautiful day so I grilled burgers. I normally skip the bun but not yesterday. Two bacon blue cheese burgers... Mmmmm-mmmm with my home cured bacon. In retrospect I should have topped it with a fried egg.

    I'm logging today. Planning for a 10 mile run this afternoon but I'm not going to eat like it until after the run.

    Prepping for my lunches I have three containers of the chicken biryani in the freezer (no one likes it but me, apparently) and will have chicken sausage and hard boiled eggs the other two days.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Dh and I have a birthday coming up. I tried to tell him I needed cake. He said it’s not your birthday yet... more beans, sausage and chicken today... and he complained when I farted. He made it. Oh well, I’ll settle for a few halo oranges as a sweet snack.

    What goodies did you have or not this weekend?
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Minor crisis.
    The batteries in my scale leaked, and I have no replacements. I’ve had to stop myself twice from weighing. I really feel like all this inactivity and eating anything is going to be a shocker if I don’t keep up on it.

    I’m ready to go to the pool today. I ache, I don’t wanna get out, I have hw to do, and class tonight. Dd might still wanna go to enroll. But if I bait myself with some batteries, I just might go pool walk.

    Today’s food? Narcotics, coffee... um..I need a plan. Any ideas what a gimpy crybaby person can fix?
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,407 Member
    @elise4270 - did you hear back from the doctor on the pool? I think it would feel amazing and will help the achiness maybe?
    Remember you need to eat to heal - ortho and nutritionist made that very clear to me for my foot and it was no where near as big a healing process as what you are going through. I wouldn't worry too much about the eating right now if you are eating pretty healthy and not just chips and cookies...

    I am having oatmeal with some tart cherries and walnuts. It has become my go to breakfast for run days. No clue what lunch will be but I am making chicken taco bowls in the IP for dinner. We have agility this afternoon so DH will have it to eat early if he wants. They move the class to 4:30 so it conflicts with fixing dinner but if it is all made before I go we should be good.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    I’m up 3 cuties... why am I so helpless when it comes to food? Haha! I spent the day catching up on homework, now I need to find grub. No word back on the doc yet, but I’m sure it’s absolutely healed and fine. So, the pool schedule fits my schedule tomorrow- hope I’ll go.

    Suppose I can go cook some eggs. Share them with baby monster, that only wants people food. Leg is doing good today. It almost feels about where I was on a cranky day presurgery.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Well I think I’m doing well enough to plan some foods and start watching what I eat. I took my kid like chewy vitamins, drinking a protein shake, and found a package of broccoli for later. I also have some fresh spinach I can put in some eggs. Dh said we had chicken, maybe it’s outside. If I find it, I’ll make a soup.

    I’m spending the day studying. When I was out I missed an exam, so I better get on it since I make it up tomorrow. I some how have the reputation as the “smart kid”. What they don’t understand is that I’m twice their ages, and just know more from dumb luck exposure. Well, I gotta maintain the illusion- so I’ll study.

    Back to watching my macros and trying to do better.

    What’s on your plate today?
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,407 Member
    I discovered something I really like yesterday. I picked up a package of FlatOut wrap thingies and made a veggie wrap with avocado and some sliced turkey. It was delicious and the wrap had 7gms of protein and 22gms of carbs, 10 of which were fiber. I kind of discovered them in the deli section of our grocery store while waiting to have said turkey sliced. Wish I had found them sooner. Tomorrow I think I will make one with eggs and spinach and other veggies for breakfast after I run.

    DH is leaving tomorrow for a week so I will be on my own to cook and eat what I want to. Kind of looking forward to it too as he seems to always want to eat the same thing or order out.
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    I had too much late night snacking last night. So much so that I wasn't even hungry for breakfast so instead of my usual 400 calories of scrambled eggs with veggies and cheese, I had an english muffin with peanut butter and orange/mango preserves for 250 calories instead.

    Leftover biryani for lunch.

    I have pheasant thawing out but probably won't have time to use it for supper tonight. I'm thinking maybe a pheasant noodle soup for that, even though we're getting out of soup weather.

    I have an 8 mile trail run tonight but I'm not going to eat ahead of the burn. A post-run beer is assured.
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    I just read @shanaber 's post about Flat Out egg wrap sounds fantastic! I'll be making that tonight after my run with scrambled eggs, onions, spinach, chicken, and some Thai peanut sauce I made out of PB2 (much lower calories than peanut butter). I'm not sure how the peanut sauce and the eggs will taste together but I'm willing find out.

    And you've reminded me that we have avocados at home so maybe some avocado toast too.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited March 2019
    Thought i had a win today. Ate broccoli mixed with my left over taco and rice. Dh brought home a burger from red robin. My belly is overly full of shame.

    Do better tomorrow.
  • travelling_lots
    travelling_lots Posts: 377 Member
    Hi Elise 4270.

    Haven’t logged in for what 4-5 months I think.
    Managed to drop inches very little weight. But feeling better about it since got good results.

    Yet I too have been binging 3 chocolates a day twice a week. Ohh craved sugar.

    Mind you I have been hitting the pool these past 2 month and it’s made a difference. 5 days a week 2-3 hours and hiking on the weekends 13km. So yes dropped inches an done weight.
    But love it since it’s a dress size.

    Don’t worry don’t feel guilty. Enjoy every minute if you cheat. It will help get it out of your system and try again.

    I’ve been living and enjoying it and shaping.
    So happy!
  • travelling_lots
    travelling_lots Posts: 377 Member
    Oh my goodness no way I’ll catch up on posts now. Over a thousand posts.
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    7lenny7 wrote: »
    I just read @shanaber 's post about Flat Out egg wrap sounds fantastic! I'll be making that tonight after my run with scrambled eggs, onions, spinach, chicken, and some Thai peanut sauce I made out of PB2 (much lower calories than peanut butter). I'm not sure how the peanut sauce and the eggs will taste together but I'm willing find out.

    And you've reminded me that we have avocados at home so maybe some avocado toast too.

    My wraps were a success but I didn't make them as planned. We had leftover chicken breast, wrapped in prosciutto with a lemon butter sauce which I diced and sauteed with bacon grease, diced onions, and capers, then added blue cheese and four eggs. Once that was done I put it in a wrap with shredded parmesan cheese. It was very nice, and very filling.

    I forgot all about the avocados.

    Today I'm eating the last of my chicken biryani for lunch, along with carrots and hummus. I have just a 5 mile run tonight so I wont' have too many extra calories to eat back. I have no idea what I'll have for supper. I should find something to do with the pheasant I have thawed out.

  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    I made a chicken leftovers soup with yellow squash, spinach, a handful of pinto beans and carrots. Then i dropped a raw egg in it to make the broth rich. I then fished out a yolk for the baby monster, it was a hit with a few bits of chicken. His nickname is "yolkie" bear. We mostly call him Beary. I think yolks are his favorite food.

    Dd applied to school. We looked at the course schedule for summer. She can enroll april 8th. Fingers crossed!
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited March 2019
    I think I’m going to put some beans in the ip. Dh made some last night to take to lodge last night and they smelled pretty good. I might hide the chicken and veggies I made yesterday in them so it won’t go to waste and add a sausage thing for flavor. Maybe I’ll make some rice to go with them... mmmm!

    What are you having today?
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,407 Member
    I went to breakfast with a friend this morning and haven't felt well all afternoon/evening. Not sure how I made it through strength training but hitting the bathroom immediately before and after helped. I had chicken noodle soup and crackers for dinner and a little bit of Ben and Jerry's. So far my stomach is calming down and I feel ok. I am thinking maybe a bit of food poisoning but who gets that from scrambled eggs and bacon??
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Yuck @shanaber . Hope it passes quickly.

    I'm off to a basic life support class, cuz why not?
    Why not? cuz its early? Ugh what was I thinking?

    Happy Friday to all the working folk.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,074 Member
    Just saw this thread. I think I'll join in. I am trying to lose about 20 more pounds. I need to figure out how to eat healthier and still fuel my new-ish running habit. I'm also trying to keep my sodium intake fairly low to hopefully help keep my blood pressure at a reasonable level since that is what the doctor's say is the best thing I can do "for" the aneurysm. Today I had my normal breakfast of an egg, one piece of toast, and a slice of cheddar cheese. Had a spoon of peanut butter for a snack. Dinner was baked chicken, baked cubed potatoes, and mixed steamed veggies all using Mrs. Dash instead of salt.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,407 Member
    Welcome @quilteryoyo! How will you handle the low salt when you are running, especially when the temps go up? I know I need more salt because otherwise I get muscle cramps. The nutritionist also got on me for trying to be too low salt. I also don't have a BP issue so I know it is a totally different situation.

    For once after a long run I was actually hungry today and downed 2 tangerines pretty much as soon as I got home. Made myself a huge smoothy after my shower with berries, kale, spinach, protein powder, PB and Greek yogurt. Then ate my leftover 1/2 biscuit from breakfast the other day... mmmm.... need to think about dinner in a little while but right now I am pleasantly full!
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,074 Member
    @shanaber I was actually thinking about that. I may need to up my sodium intake on hot run days. I don't think that would hurt anything. If I can lose a few more pounds, that will help with the issue. I may ask my doctor about this at my next appointment.