TEAM: The Slimsons (April)



  • nbatch456
    nbatch456 Posts: 47 Member
    Daily Post: Wednesday, 4/3
    Track: Yes
    Calories: Over
    Exercise: TRX 45mins, Antigravity Yoga 35mins
    Goals/Day/Comments: Had pizza with prosciutto, will do better tomorrow....
  • vicky2767
    vicky2767 Posts: 2,472 Member
    Daily check in
    Tracked yes
    Calories over
    Exercise yes
  • batgirl140
    batgirl140 Posts: 433 Member
    Daily check in: April 3

    Track: Yes
    Calories: Under (over on sugar today, ugh)
    Exercise: Not really. Did some squats and a single 30 sec plank, those are a work in progress.

  • DeshotelK
    DeshotelK Posts: 183 Member
    Daily Post: Wednesday, 4/3
    Track: Yes
    Calories: Under
    Exercise: No.
    Goals/Comments: Daughter got called to play softball. Not enough girls. Volleyball hasn’t finished yet so I’m pretty much on the road every night with her sports. I’m not allowing anything during the summer. I need a break. I really need to figure out a way to find time to start working out again. I miss it so much. No time for myself right now though.
  • Gadgetgirl259
    Gadgetgirl259 Posts: 323 Member
    Daily Post: Wednesday
    Track: Yes
    Calories: Under
    Steps: 14,020
    Exercise: 4 mile hike, 4 mile ride on Streetstrider, still planking daily
  • thelandkraken
    thelandkraken Posts: 91 Member
    gjaholy33 wrote: »
    The enemy really tried to bring me down today so went to get a mani & pedi today and was humiliated in the salon they refuse to service me cause of my weight. This was disappointing but it was the way they handled that upset me the most. Instead of pulling me to aside, they were talking about me loudly in there language and had me sitting there for over an hour

    Holy cr@p this makes me SO MAD and breaks my heart!! I am so sorry you had to endure this kind of disrespect, especially in a moment of celebration.

    I too know this pain. At my highest weight I was invisible and treated poorly by strangers. I remember going into a clothing store, and the sales lady immediately ran over and said "There's nothing in here that will fit you. We don't carry your size". She seemed in a hurry to get me out of there and didn't even consider I could be looking for a gift? Or for accessories? Or for inspiration? Or for whatever flippin reason I want?? When I replied "oh that's okay, I'm just looking", she stepped in my way and blocked me from walking into the store. She said "I'm sorry but I can't let you try anything on. You'll stretch out the fabric."

    At that point I just walked out... and then cried in my car the whole way home. W.T.F!!

    People can be so amazing and beautiful and wonderful and generous and awesome. They can also be pretty darn awful sometimes, too.


    Urgh I’m so sorry for you both, things like that are awful and dehumanising. Neither of you should have had to go through that.

    It happened to me once too at a clothes shop where the sales assistant came over and asked me to leave because nothing was my size. I looked her dead in the eye and said “sorry I don’t think I can fit through the door again, I’m just too FAT but if you want to get your manager I’ll talk it out with them”. They let me browse after that.

    Daily check in - April 3rd
    Tracked - Yes
    Under calories - No. I’m so disappointed. My power went out due to emergency repairs for a few hours yesterday evening so I couldn’t use my cooker or microwave to reheat my frozen meal planned food. I don’t keep much else in to stop me from lazily eating a sandwich instead of what I’ve prepped so I had to go out and eat. And all I could afford nearby was McDonald’s so I went well over :( oh well back on the wagon today.
    Exercise - Yes. Managed to get my 10,000 steps (though my feet are killing me) and I played badminton
  • gjaholy33
    gjaholy33 Posts: 2,626 Member
    SLIMn2016 wrote: »
    gjaholy33 wrote: »
    So after my positive day of losing 58lbs since July. The enemy really tried to bring me down today so went to get a mani & pedi today and was humiliated in the salon they refuse to service me cause of my weight....

    That is outrageous.... they most definitely should have accommodated you for a manicure and pedicure... customer service is so horrible in those places though--- I have walked out of many salons for having ridiculous wait times, etc.

    You did the best thing for yourself today by not letting bad vibes from others effect your determination and progress👏👏😇---congrats on choosing the positive path ---AND 58 lbs lost🙌 is AAAAAWESOME!!!! Congrats Gloria!!

    Thanks for your encouraging words this was a very grimy situation but just glad that my confidence was not shaken by other people like it was before or this would've really set me back as it was right in between what use to be my favorite fast food restaurants chine and e and Kennedy frued chicken.
    o0kody0o wrote: »
    gjaholy33 wrote: »
    Daily Post

    Track yes
    Calories yes under
    Exercise yes 45-65 minutes of walking on and off
    Water 120oz
    So after my positive day of losing 58lbs since July. The enemy really tried to bring me down today so went to get a mani & pedi today and was humiliated in the salon they

    Hi Gloria

    First of all, I think it’s amazing that you’ve lost 58lbs so far, that’s definitely something to be proud of. I’m sorry to hear that you were treated in such a disrespectful way today, there is NO place for that kind of behaviour. I know that those kind of hurtful comments can sometimes discourage people but I hope you continue to stay positive because you are doing amazing! Tomorrow is a new day. I hope you get to treat yourself to something nice tomorrow. Stay strong 🌟 🤗

    Thanks for the encouragement. Oh yes I will continue to be strong and focus on my progress. Today will be a better day. What sucks is this was my first outing for the year. Unfortunately today is my rest day and don't know if I'll be getting my nails done anytime soon I'll just wait till I hit that 75lbs mark
    gjaholy33 wrote: »
    The enemy really tried to bring me down today so went to get a mani & pedi today

    Holy cr@p this makes me SO MAD and breaks my heart!! I am so sorry you had to endure this kind of disrespect, especially in a moment of celebration.

    I too know this pain. At my highest weight I was invisible and treated poorly by strangers. I remember going into a clothing store, and the sales lady immediately ran over and said "There's nothing in here that will fit you. We don't carry your size". She seemed in a hurry to get me out of there and didn't even consider I could be looking for a gift? Or for accessories? Or for inspiration? Or for whatever flippin reason I want?? When I replied "oh that's okay, I'm just looking", she stepped in my way and blocked me from walking into the store. She said "I'm sorry but I can't let you try anything on. You'll stretch out the fabric."

    At that point I just walked out... and then cried in my car the whole way home. W.T.F!!

    People can be so amazing and beautiful and wonderful and generous and awesome. They can also be pretty darn awful sometimes, too.


    That happen before too. I remember way back when I first lost weight I revisited the store again and said "REMEMBER ME you kick me out for being to big, well look at me now but you lost this business bye" I remembered the look on her face but it felt so good. I might just do that to them as well maybe. . .? Anyway thanks for your encouraging words and I'll try to keep my focus on the positive people.
    gjaholy33 wrote: »
    The enemy really tried to bring me down today so went to get a mani

    I too know this pain. At my highest weight I was invisible and treated poorly by strangers. I remember going into a clothing store, and the sales lady immediately ran over and said "There's nothing in here that will fit you. We don't carry your size". She seemed in a hurry to get me out of there and didn't even consider I could be looking for a gift? Or for accessories? Or for inspiration? Or for whatever flippin reason I want?? When I replied "oh that's okay, I'm just looking", she stepped in my way and blocked me from walking into the store. She said "I'm sorry but I can't let you try anything on.

    Urgh I’m so sorry for you both, things like that are awful and dehumanising. Neither of you should have had to go through that.

    It happened to me once too at a clothes shop where the sales assistant came over and asked me to leave because nothing was my size. I looked her dead in the eye and said “sorry I don’t think I can fit through the door again, I’m just too FAT but if you want to get your manager I’ll talk it out with them”. They let me browse after that.

    Daily check in - April 3rd
    Tracked - Yes
    Under calories - No. I’m so disappointed. My power went out due to emergency repairs for a few hours yesterday evening so I couldn’t use my cooker or microwave to reheat my frozen meal planned food. I don’t keep much else in to stop me from lazily eating a sandwich instead of what I’ve prepped so I had to go out and eat. And all I could afford nearby was McDonald’s so I went well over :( oh well back on the wagon today.
    Exercise - Yes. Managed to get my 10,000 steps (though my feet are killing me) and I played badminton

    Wow don't you hate when you plan & prep and the power goes out do there goes your day. That happened to me in Denver Co I was there for a week at the resort for my Master's degree graduation and my sister just left as she only stayed 3 days but had prep 5 days worth a food and the power went out that day. I wound up ordering in. So yes these things happen but just get back on the wagon.

    I love how you turned the tables on them. I was too emotional and didn't want them to know they upset me to the point of tears so I just kindly text my cousin and when she finally got there she let them have it of course they try to cover it up and say we weren't rude but she wasn't having it. Mind you that was her nail salon that I travelled all the way from the Bronx to Brooklyn for but we still had a good time afterwards.
  • grizziegriz
    grizziegriz Posts: 281 Member
    Daily Post: Wednesday, April 3rd
    Track: Yes
    Calories: Over
    Exercise: 25 min walk at the park.
    Goals/Day/Comments: since i started walking, I have been hungry more and have been eating over my calories. Need to balance this out.
  • tinak33
    tinak33 Posts: 9,883 Member

    Username: tinak33
    April Week 1
    Previous Weight: 155.3
    Current Weight: 155.5

    I knew TOM would screw me up.... I was really hoping for a loss. Even a tiny one. But I guess a tiny gain will mean a big loss next week. Hopefully. I still want to get to the 140s by the end of April.... even if it's 149.99999... hahaha
  • ashanna2019
    ashanna2019 Posts: 15 Member
    Username: ameirose
    Week: April Week 1
    PW: 246
    CW: 241

    this week went pretty good. i didnt get much meal prepping done but when i did eat out i looked at the menu first to keep my calories low. I also ate before going to an event that i knew would not have the best choice.

    Goal for next week: meal prep and not eat out for lunch
  • CourtneyLomonaco
    CourtneyLomonaco Posts: 562 Member
    Daily Post (Wednesday)
    Track: yes
    Calories: under
    Exercise: 25 minutes elliptical and 1 hour superfit class
  • gjaholy33
    gjaholy33 Posts: 2,626 Member
    tinak33 wrote: »

    Username: tinak33
    April Week 1
    Previous Weight: 155.3
    Current Weight: 155.5

    I knew TOM would screw me up.... I was really hoping for a loss. Even a tiny one. But I guess a tiny gain will mean a big loss next week. Hopefully. I still want to get to the 140s by the end of April.... even if it's 149.99999... hahaha

    You'll get there. Have faith in your diligence
  • jmitts2
    jmitts2 Posts: 29 Member
    • Daily Post: Wednesday, April 3rd
    • Track: Yes
    • Calories: Way Under
    • Exercise: 30 mins elliptical
    • Goals
    • Comments: Did not have time for lunch because of work. I did not want to binge to make up for it so I left the day with 1200 calories remaining. (2200 calories short of maintaining weight). I will need to find some healthy snacks to keep at work for when I do not have time for lunch. The short term weight loss is nice but it will hinder my future results.
  • batgirl140
    batgirl140 Posts: 433 Member
    Ok so I must confess I tried to sabotage myself last night.

    After I completed my diary I ate a bunch of jelly beans and some chips. Don’t think I went much over calories since I had plenty left but I was way over on sugar and carbs. Sigh. My TOM is approaching but that’s not an excuse cause I just have to work harder to control myself! I’m not one for throwing stuff away or restricting what’s in the house, I rely on my willpower to keep me in check BUT those jelly beans are now in the trash!!
    We are the master of our own will! Let’s stay powerful!!
  • nbatch456
    nbatch456 Posts: 47 Member
    gjaholy33 wrote: »
    SLIMn2016 wrote: »
    gjaholy33 wrote: »
    So after my positive day of losing 58lbs since July. The enemy really tried to bring me down today so went to get a mani & pedi today and was humiliated in the salon they refuse to service me cause of my weight....

    That is outrageous.... they most definitely should have accommodated you for a manicure and pedicure... customer service is so horrible in those places though--- I have walked out of many salons for having ridiculous wait times, etc.

    You did the best thing for yourself today by not letting bad vibes from others effect your determination and progress👏👏😇---congrats on choosing the positive path ---AND 58 lbs lost🙌 is AAAAAWESOME!!!! Congrats Gloria!!

    Thanks for your encouraging words this was a very grimy situation but just glad that my confidence was not shaken by other people like it was before or this would've really set me back as it was right in between what use to be my favorite fast food restaurants chine and e and Kennedy frued chicken.
    o0kody0o wrote: »
    gjaholy33 wrote: »
    Daily Post

    Track yes
    Calories yes under
    Exercise yes 45-65 minutes of walking on and off
    Water 120oz
    So after my positive day of losing 58lbs since July. The enemy really tried to bring me down today so went to get a mani & pedi today and was humiliated in the salon they

    Hi Gloria

    First of all, I think it’s amazing that you’ve lost 58lbs so far, that’s definitely something to be proud of. I’m sorry to hear that you were treated in such a disrespectful way today, there is NO place for that kind of behaviour. I know that those kind of hurtful comments can sometimes discourage people but I hope you continue to stay positive because you are doing amazing! Tomorrow is a new day. I hope you get to treat yourself to something nice tomorrow. Stay strong 🌟 🤗

    Thanks for the encouragement. Oh yes I will continue to be strong and focus on my progress. Today will be a better day. What sucks is this was my first outing for the year. Unfortunately today is my rest day and don't know if I'll be getting my nails done anytime soon I'll just wait till I hit that 75lbs mark
    gjaholy33 wrote: »
    The enemy really tried to bring me down today so went to get a mani & pedi today

    Holy cr@p this makes me SO MAD and breaks my heart!! I am so sorry you had to endure this kind of disrespect, especially in a moment of celebration.

    I too know this pain. At my highest weight I was invisible and treated poorly by strangers. I remember going into a clothing store, and the sales lady immediately ran over and said "There's nothing in here that will fit you. We don't carry your size". She seemed in a hurry to get me out of there and didn't even consider I could be looking for a gift? Or for accessories? Or for inspiration? Or for whatever flippin reason I want?? When I replied "oh that's okay, I'm just looking", she stepped in my way and blocked me from walking into the store. She said "I'm sorry but I can't let you try anything on. You'll stretch out the fabric."

    At that point I just walked out... and then cried in my car the whole way home. W.T.F!!

    People can be so amazing and beautiful and wonderful and generous and awesome. They can also be pretty darn awful sometimes, too.


    That happen before too. I remember way back when I first lost weight I revisited the store again and said "REMEMBER ME you kick me out for being to big, well look at me now but you lost this business bye" I remembered the look on her face but it felt so good. I might just do that to them as well maybe. . .? Anyway thanks for your encouraging words and I'll try to keep my focus on the positive people.
    gjaholy33 wrote: »
    The enemy really tried to bring me down today so went to get a mani

    I too know this pain. At my highest weight I was invisible and treated poorly by strangers. I remember going into a clothing store, and the sales lady immediately ran over and said "There's nothing in here that will fit you. We don't carry your size". She seemed in a hurry to get me out of there and didn't even consider I could be looking for a gift? Or for accessories? Or for inspiration? Or for whatever flippin reason I want?? When I replied "oh that's okay, I'm just looking", she stepped in my way and blocked me from walking into the store. She said "I'm sorry but I can't let you try anything on.

    Urgh I’m so sorry for you both, things like that are awful and dehumanising. Neither of you should have had to go through that.

    It happened to me once too at a clothes shop where the sales assistant came over and asked me to leave because nothing was my size. I looked her dead in the eye and said “sorry I don’t think I can fit through the door again, I’m just too FAT but if you want to get your manager I’ll talk it out with them”. They let me browse after that.

    Daily check in - April 3rd
    Tracked - Yes
    Under calories - No. I’m so disappointed. My power went out due to emergency repairs for a few hours yesterday evening so I couldn’t use my cooker or microwave to reheat my frozen meal planned food. I don’t keep much else in to stop me from lazily eating a sandwich instead of what I’ve prepped so I had to go out and eat. And all I could afford nearby was McDonald’s so I went well over :( oh well back on the wagon today.
    Exercise - Yes. Managed to get my 10,000 steps (though my feet are killing me) and I played badminton

    Wow don't you hate when you plan & prep and the power goes out do there goes your day. That happened to me in Denver Co I was there for a week at the resort for my Master's degree graduation and my sister just left as she only stayed 3 days but had prep 5 days worth a food and the power went out that day. I wound up ordering in. So yes these things happen but just get back on the wagon.

    I love how you turned the tables on them. I was too emotional and didn't want them to know they upset me to the point of tears so I just kindly text my cousin and when she finally got there she let them have it of course they try to cover it up and say we weren't rude but she wasn't having it. Mind you that was her nail salon that I travelled all the way from the Bronx to Brooklyn for but we still had a good time afterwards.
    Gloria, don’t let those F-ers get you down. Stay Strong! 😊
  • SallyLuvsFitness
    SallyLuvsFitness Posts: 13,724 Member
    4.3 Wed Daily Check in
    Track: Yes✔️
    Calories: Yes ✔️
    Exercise: Five mile hike
    Comments: Back is still tweaked, miss doing Barre. 🏋️‍♀️🦵🏃‍♀️🤗❤️
  • Safari_Gal
    Safari_Gal Posts: 888 Member
    Hi Slimsons!

    Hope you are having an excellent day!

    Working a lot here but in the fitness groove. Hope I can keep it up! Started resistance and weight training today at my gym. It’s out of my comfort zone - since I’m such a soulcycle gal - but trying to whittle down the leftover fluff here! No pain no gain right?

    Daily check in : 4.4
    Tracked - yes
    Calories - under
    Exercise- 45 min lower body Blast - focused on bum and outer thighs. 20 minute insane Abs - ouch.

    Goal - keep hydrating tonight - make my 96oz goal, get projects finished and good sleep for a long day tomorrow and then repeat!

  • tdrjustus3
    tdrjustus3 Posts: 542 Member
    Week Day: Monday
    Week 1
    PW: 282.2
    CW: 280.4
This discussion has been closed.