OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all. My cold is winning. I decided NOT to have an Elise day yesterday to avoid exposing her to my germs. Instead John and I worked on the land for the last two days. We are working on clearing the home site and widening the lane. We have taken probably 20 trailer loads of rotten logs, brush, tree trimmings and logs to the dump this week. Today I just about wore out - this cold is taking it out of me.

    Eating yesterday was horrible. Patti, it must have been the moon. Today I am way under on points - we skipped lunch and I ate when we got home around 4, don't figure I'll eat much else today except maybe some yogurt.

    Bert, running errands is NOT resting! Have a great time with the grandkids.

    Patti, seven weeks without missing a class is a huge win! I'm not doing any structured exercise at all, but I am getting more than my 10K steps every day, and I am lifting the weights of the logs, so I figure that is enough for now.

    Waving to everyone else.

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Diane, you are getting far more activity than I am with my two one hour classes a week. It all counts. Do give yourself credit. Edd brought home pizza last least it was thin crust, almost cracker thin. LOL
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. It's going to be hot one today. We will be having Jillian and Cole today. We will also start the process of closing the pool. This moring I have a virtual seminar for student teachers; I've never done this before, so it will be a new adventure for me.

    Eating yesterday was ok, not great, but ok. Today, if the weather permits, I'll grill BBQ chicken. I'll think about vegetables later on. I have hot dogs and mac and cheese for Cole. Jillian is going to a sleepover at one of her friends' house. Cole is supposed to spend the night, but I'm not sure he will stay without Jillian. I hope he does though.

    Diane: Wow, that is a lot of logs, brus, and tree trimmings to haul away. You must be exhausted!

    Patti: Hope you enjoyed the "cracker thin" pizza! LOL

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Good morning, had a great day yesterday, food not so much, lol. Spent some time in my craft room doing a bit of sewing and card making. Need to get some organizing done in there. I have way too many pieces of furniture that serve no real purpose. Need to get some shelving and get rid of some of them. Had fun at the Eagles celebrating my GFs birthday. She is a new found gem in my life and I truly enjoy her company. Today is a free day with nothing planned. Thinking I will gather the leftover material from the cabin curtains and try to piece them together into a shower curtain for the cabin. My gf found another cone shaped strainer for me. Now I will have two for over the table and one for over the kitchen sink. Next weekend we will go to the cabin and get it winterized, always a sad weekend, lol. Edd has a lot of projects planned for the cabin so he will be spending more time there this winter while I work.

    Waving hi to all, enjoy your day any way you can. Prayers for those struggling.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all. Yesterday I was feeling better, so got some yard work and errands done at home. Eating was pretty good, considering we were invited to a friend's house for dinner. I had some guac and chips before dinner, chicken breast and veggies including two small yukon potatoes for dinner, but she fixed some roasted parsnips with some sort of sauce, and I didn't know how to track it. My downfall was the wine! I tracked all as best I could, and am trying to do better today. I had a higher point lunch than usual (leftover pasta primavera, heavy on the veggies and light on the sauce, but still 8 PP per serving), so I'm trying to behave with snacks. Dinner will be a chicken stir fry - the only points are in the sauce, and the little bit of rice I have with it. I still have a few weeklies left, so hopefully I will be okay.

    Carrie and I are getting over our cold, but now John is coming down with it :(. Brad asked us to keep Elise on Wednesday, so we will just have to keep her away from John if he is still sick.

    A friend from church who has lost about 50 lb. on WW thanked me today for recommending Skinnytaste recipes to her. I love most of those recipes!

    Patti, it seems like summer is definitely still going here, so it just sounds strange to be thinking about winterizing already! But I heard Glacier NP had 5 FEET of snow today, so I guess it will get here eventually.

    Bert, did Cole end up sleeping over? I think it is nice for the gk to get one-on-one time every so often. My mom and dad did that with all the kids, and it was really special time for them.

    Waving to Janet, Paula, Cindy and Karla. I'm guessing life has them hopping.

  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Tomorrow is the day! Mike and I will be grandparents again! I can't wait to see pictures of the twins! We will be driving down on Sunday (per Lindsey's request) and will stay for a week. It's a very busy week here getting prepared for our trip as well as visiting students in Chicago. I leave on Wednesay and return home on Friday. I'm running errands today.

    Diane: Yes he slept over. I agree with you. Sometimes one gk at a time is a special time for them and for the grandparents.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    just had to share the pic of my grandson and sweet Leo.
    I did get all my scraps sewn into the beginnings of a shower curtain. will need to get some measurements so I can put a border on and line the whole thing. my serger made fast work of it. not perfect but i love it.

    Bert, so exciting for you. you will be worn out before you get there, lol. please share pics if allowed.

    waving to all
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Patti, what a DARLING picture! Leo is so sweet, and I love how he is sleeping on top of your grandson. The shower curtain will be such a cozy addition.

    Bert, best wishes and prayers for Lindsey and the twins.

    I am sore, sore, sore. Our grass in both the front and backyards has been terribly strugging the last few years, and it all died this year. We were down to dirt. So we bit the bullet and had tree trimmers come and thin and trim, and take down two trees overhanging the house one day last week. Saturday and today we got leaf-pro (composted leaves, basically) and spread it on the whole thing. I spread most of it! 21 yards of stuff! Saturday we got 9 yards and I spread about half of it, then our friend who brought his tractor over to help John move logs spread the other half with the tractor. All today while John was going and getting trailerfuls of the stuff, I was spreading. I spread about 12 yards mostly by myself today alone! My back is killing me.

    Eating has been pretty good. I made two batches of cookies yesterday and only ate two cookies - one of each variety. The cookies are for Friday. Today I've only eaten about 7 points (lots of zero point foods today) so I have enough to have a bun with my pulled pork sandwich for dinner.

    Friday is the day we inter my mom's ashes at Arlington National cemetery. My sister from Wisconsin and her partner arrive Wednesday and stay until Sunday (staying a couple nights with us, a couple nights with my other sister on the other side of DC.) We are having a reception after the service at my other sister's house, and I said I would bring cookies and salads. So trying to figure out a good, lower point couple of salads to bring.

    I go for WI tomorrow. I'm really hoping for a positive. I've had 5 blue dot days this week, if I behave the rest of today.

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Oh, I meant to mention - double tracking on MFP and WW lasted about 2.5 days. Who am I kidding? Tracking on ONE app is hard enough for me to do. But when I was okay on points, I was within most of the nutritional guidelines on MFP.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Today is the day! We will be grandparents again! Lindsey is scheduled for her C-Section at noon. So anxious to see them!

    Diane: I'll be thinking of you on Friday. I still track on both WW and MFP as I like to see the the calories and points I'm eating. Some days are better than others at tracking. I agree with WW and MFP in similar guidelines; but, for me, I just need to see it I guess.

    Patti: What an adorable picture of Leo and your grandson!

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Bert, so excited for you and Mike. Those babies are going to be so loved. I wish I could get myself to track at all. I know I need to do it and yet I resist, lol.

    Diane, you amaze me with all your physical ability. I know this weekend will be an emotional one, so glad you and your sisters will be together.

    Got to see Leo and my grandson last night. They were here when I got home from the gym. Wish I had my camera out when I pulled in the drive. Daddy was working on his car and Leo was leaning back against Edd's car "supervising". So stinking cute and just as fleeting. I had to pick him up when daddy took a test drive up the street and he lost it. Crying and screaming for his daddy. He was extremely tired and had a cold so there was no calming him down until daddy returned.
    Today I will be defrosting Mom's little freezer while I visit with her. I am going to do a 30 minute workout when I get home. I tend to eat better when I work out on a regular basis, hate wasting my effort by eating poorly. That is my current plan.

    Paula, I hope you stop by soon and let us know you are ok. I think of you often and pray the steroid storm is now over for you and you are feeling better.

    Cindy, you are always in my thoughts and prayers. Wish I had more to offer,

    Karla, hope things are settling into a more manageable pattern at your place and that Kerry is doing better. Did his MRI show anything?

    Janet, I know you are hating the weather and I am with you on that. So ready for fall!

    Until later
  • Paulabobadilla
    Paulabobadilla Posts: 147 Member
    Hello all,

    The steroid hell is over then I went for my bi-annual infusion and guess what they give before the infusion....yup IV steroids lol. I'm finally getting back to me. I did manage to go down to blue house and work the other day. Will go back again on Friday when it's a high of 68 and I have no kids. Tomorrow is katis I'll infusion so I'll have the baby and Adi. Would go down when she gets home but it will be too hot for me. Thursday, I'm going to see Mom and to the grocery store and five below to pick up some Christmas gifts. Friday I'll finish sanding diningrooms re-mud where it's needed and start painting. I should be able to finish it Friday or early Saturday.

    My husband is moving along in bathroom, once he's done in there we'll lay flooring, baseboards and molding around tops of ceilings, I'll then call for electric inspection to get electric turned on then I'll call water while we work on the the livingroom and downstairs bedroom. Coming along slowly but should be done soon. We need to get a furnace and get it installed with all new ductwork, ac will come next year, we'll use window units for now if need be. Need to price HVAC untils with installation then see where the money will come from as we've depleted the money we had for this remodel.

    Anyway, I'll catch up on reading posts tomorrow, going to bed cause I have to get Adi up and ready for school in the morning.

    Have a great night!
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. They're here! Alex and Maddux were born yesterday. Alex was 4 lb 2 oz and 17" long. Maddux was 3 lb 13 oz and 16" long. I can't wait to see them in person next Monday! The top picture is Maddux (Max) and the bottom picture is Alexander (Alex).

    I'm traveling today to visit students in northern IN and Chicago. Have a great day!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Bert, the boys are beautiful. I am sure Monday cannot come soon enough for you. Congrats and thank you for sharing your joy with us.

    Paula, you guys are sailing thru the redo. Have you checked into any assistance programs for the hvac system? My sister got hers replaced for a very reasonable rate. Hope you don't overdo in this heat. Praying for fall to arrive every day.

    Lunch with the girls, Costco and then work. Huge new sale starting tomorrow so it will be a busy night putting up the million signs. Sure wish we would get electronic signs like Kohls. Our flagship store in Columbus has them so hopefully they will trickle down to us little folks.

    Big hugs to everyone
  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Good morning, all.

    Bert, the little guys are adorable tiny humans. Can't wait to see you and Mike holding them. Glad you had a just-Cole night. I always treasured the rare times I had grandparents all to myself - thanks for triggering many happy memories.

    Patti, Leo is just the sweetest, and that pic in particular shows so much love. The shower curtain is going to be a beautiful, fresh addition to the cabin.

    Paula, glad you're getting clear of steroid hell - how are you feeling now? The new house is going to feel like home from the get-go because you and Luis have designed and done it your way.

    Diane, your stamina and versatility continue to astound me. Like Paula, you and John are building your dream. What a lovely thing to work together.

    Karla, hope Kerry is doing much better and that the new-to-him meds will do a better job maintaining his strength.

    Cindy, you are in my prayers every day.

    As Patti, Paula, and Bert have mentioned, our area of the country has been under siege by heat and drought. In Louisville, we just finished the hottest September ever, which was also the driest month ever recorded here. October has always been a month I love, but yesterday we hit an all-time high temp for October and we have two more days of oven to get through before finally getting a break on Friday. Ran a ton of errands yesterday and we re now stocked up on healthy foods - I'm trying but my will is often way too weak right now.

    Tonight is my first show of the Broadway tour season - "Dear Evan Hansen" won the Tony for best musical a few years back and I know I'm going to cry. Theater and concert season starting (with football already going, baseball playoffs, and basketball on the verge of starting) make me far happier in fall than in summer - the heat, humidity, and fewer cultural things to do make me extra cranky!

    Gotta get a few things done here - hugs to all.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    My grandson drew this design for his cousin, my granddaughter Alex. I painted it. it is similar to a tattoo on her arm, sans baby elephant. can't wait for her to see it
  • Paulabobadilla
    Paulabobadilla Posts: 147 Member
    Good afternoon,

    Went to see Mom today, she was really with it today. Spent a few hours with her ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–

    Bert, how adorable. Love is in the air

    Patti, my husband is really moving along with the house. I have not been down much because of this heat wave we've been having. Tomorrow after I take Adi to school I'm going down because it'll be cool enough. I actually found a furnace that's big enough for the house that we can afford. My husband will run the duct work and my nephew will install the furnace since he's HVAC certified. That picture is adorable!!

    Janet, sounds like you are going to be busy with all the sports and Broadway tour. Suppose to be a high of 68 here in Cincinnati tomorrow, finally getting some fall weather going on.

    Well I'm off here need to figure out dinner. Have a great night!


  • Paulabobadilla
    Paulabobadilla Posts: 147 Member

    Here's the pic of my mom, not sure why it didn't show in first post. ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’–