OMG ~ Discussions Starting 1-11-16 and Beyond



  • Paulabobadilla
    Paulabobadilla Posts: 147 Member
    Good morning all!

    Bert, sorry for the loss. Hope they find beds that work. The first few months are always the hardest especially with twins.

    Karla, saw that Kerry is home, so happy to hear this. How did the first night home go?

    It's quiet around here. Hope everyone is doing well.

    I'm at Dr appt this morning then headed home to finish laundry. Nothing huge to report from me just same stuff as usual.

    Have a fabulous day
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morming, Ladies. I have multiple visits today. I’m currently in between two. Then this afternoon I meet with the Trustees Chair to inspect the parsonage. Glad that is the last time as I’m officially off the committee at the end of the year.

    Lindsey and Justin are doing as well as can be expected. I think the boys are mixing up their days and nights. They’re only two weeks old, so it’s and adjusting time for all.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    If you haven't checked Facebook today, you might want to send Karla a note. I just saw that Kerry passed away this morning.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Thanks for the heads up Diane, I know she must be devastated.

    Guess my post from yesterday got lost in cyber space.
    It is a pretty busy week. I am helping my GF with her husbands Celebration of LIfe on Saturday. Cooking and helping set up and serve. There are lots of helping hands so it should go fairly quickly. I also am cooking a rib dinner for the Eagle Rider's Saturday charity dinner. Tomorrow and Friday are going to be busy. Mom has an eye appointment tomorrow morning, then I have to cook the ribs and will be going to the gym at 5pm. All the food has to be done before the Eagles close tomorrow nite so we can deliver it. The baked beans and mashed potatos (store bought from restaurant supply store) just have to be doctored and then heated. To top the weekend off we are setting up and attending my granddaughter's gender reveal party on Sunday.

    thinking of you all, as I always do.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Spending the night at the ER with Rossanne and Elise. I kept her Wednesday because she was vomiting at daycare on Tuesday. She seemed fine until after her nap when I just thought she woke up too early. But when she got home she vomited again several times, twice with lots of blood in it. Vomited 6-7 more times here. They have done blood work, X-ray and ultrasound and waiting for the results. Brad is in California for work.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Diane, hope Elise is better and they found the culprit of her vomiting. Sending prayers
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Today, I need to clean up my "office" area as that is where the attic entrance is (in the closet). The HVAC technician came and fixed (hopefully) the drainage issue. This summer, the AC was not draining in the gutter as it should. I attributed it to our old guttering being pulled away from the roof; however, after the new roof and gutters were installed, it did the same thing. He said that the drain pipe was too short, so he installed a new one. Since it's too chilly to run the AC, we shall see later. He ran it a little though just to make sure.

    I also need to get the music ready for tomorrow's funeral for my BFF's mother-in-law. I want to make sure I can play everything!

    Diane: I certainly hope you get good results for Elise.

    Patti: You have a full week. I'm sure your GF is thankful to have your help. Our funeral dinner committee is providing a meal for my BFF's family tomorrow.

    Waving hi to all.....have a great day, everyone!

  • Paulabobadilla
    Paulabobadilla Posts: 147 Member
    Good afternoon,

    Diane, I hope Elise is feeling better. Did they figure out what was causing her vomiting. Vomiting blood, how scary! Prayers for a speedy recovery!

    Patti, you are busy busy busy!

    Bert, I'm sure you'll play everything exceptional.

    I think I've finally caught the ick that has been making rounds in the house. Yesterday I had horrible indigestion that turned into a very upset stomach. Woke up this morning with a sore throat and extremely stuffy head. I've been sleeping the day away. My body is achy right now. I'm going to sleep as much as possible as we have our yearly Halloween party Saturday but if I feel this bad my husband can go without me or not go.

    Well I'm off here to sleep some more. Have great day!

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all. Thanks for your prayers and concerns. Elise was admitted last night, and discharged about 3:00 this afternoon. They did not come up with a conclusive diagnosis, but think it was tearing in her esophagus from the vomiting on Tuesday, blood pooling in her stomach during the day on Wednesday and a return of the nausea that started her vomiting again. The good news is Rossanne says she seems much happier and more active today.

    Poor baby had to get two different IVs inserted. They put the first one in, then five minutes later took us for Xrays and ultrasound. She HATED the xray and a tech and I had to forcefully hold her down on the table I think that's when the first IV got displaced, so they had to do another one. She didn't like the ultrasound much either, but for that at least got to lay between mommy's legs on her lap.

    I left the hospital about 2:30 am after she was settled into a room (with a crib.) Rossanne said she did not get much sleep because the IV pump kept alarming. But they got her rehydrated - they ran out of pants overnight because she kept leaking through them! At 2 am they let her have some popsicles when she said she was "hungy." This morning I went in about 9 before my dentist appointment to take Rossanne breakfast and coffee, and they had just let her have the BRAT diet solid foods. Luckily I had also brought a banana. I think they kept her on BRAT for the day until discharged but I'm not sure - Rossanne's dad went there today to be with her. Brad got home this afternoon.

    All for now. Way too tired for personals even after a nap this afternoon.

    Karla, if you are reading I am keeping you and your family in my prayers.

  • JP_in_KY
    JP_in_KY Posts: 1,247 Member
    Hello, all. I've read everything and will do personals soon.

    My heart goes out to Karla and her family - can't imagine how awful this is for them all.

    I've been busy with all manner of things here and just haven't spent much time at the computer, which is not a bad thing, and I'm trying to keep my phone down most of the time.

    My eating is erratic but I am grabbing a few good days in the mix and working on eating more slowly, taking smaller bites, trying to stick to Patti's "don't put food in your mouth when you have food in your mouth" mantra.

    Theo's biopsy showed he has osteosarcoma, and the prognosis isn't good. He also developed a heart murmur that wasn't there a few weeks ago. He's getting prednisone and lots of love, but given his age (16 2/3) and condition, he's not a candidate for surgery and chemo. So making his good time last as long as possible is my goal.

    More when able. Big hugs to all.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. I'm heading out of town today to watch Jilian play soccer. Then Mike and I are eating out the friends tonight. The neighbors are having a firepit tonight, but I don't know if we will make it. It just depends on what time we get back.

    The funeral and funeral dinner was nice. My BFF paid me to play at the funeral, so I told her thanks, but I'm going to donate the money to our church in her mother-in-law's name. The funeral dinner committee was wonderful. Everyone works so well with each other. It's mostly the ladies' circle that I belong too, but they're my church family. I'm so glad to have them as friends.

    Janet: I'm so sorry to hear about Theo.

    Diane: I certainly hope that Elise is getting better by now. How scary for the family.

    Paula: Hope you and your family are getting better.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Hello everyone, we certainly seem to have our share of sad news and heartache right now. I have you all in my thoughts and prayers as I go through my days. Today is the Celebration and it is going to be so very hard on my gf. She has been working like a mad person to get ready and it is taking it's toll. There is no stopping her, as I have tried. It is so good to see her family step up and pitch in, not his side though. I could ring the necks of his two sons. They haven't spoken to her since he passed away a month ago but are making it known what items of their dad's they want out of the house, like the stuff doesn't belong to her! Of course, she has no intentions of letting them in to take whatever they please, she is just so hurt that after 32 years they are treating her like an outsider. At least his daughter and her daughter are beyond loving and kind. They flew in from Tampa yesterday and their first stop was at her house. They also bought lunch for all of us working on the food before going to see their other relatives in town. I am going to relax until time to go to the church at 1pm. We have to get all the food heated and ready to serve by 5pm. The service is at 3. Luckily there are lots of helping hands today.

    Diane, I am praying Elise is greatly improved. The blood thing is always cause for alarm. Poor little thing.

    Paula, hope you get a mild case of the crud and it doesn't knock you down for too long.

    Janet, you know my heart aches for you and Theo.

    Bert, you certainly have the most caring church family, but with you in the mix I can't imagine it being any other way.

    Cindy, praying for you as always and hope you find to time to stop in and say hi.

    Karla, I can only imagine your sorrow and my heart goes out to you.

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Good Sunday to all. A rainy, dreary day it is here, but we desperately need the rain so I won't complain. It also gives me a needed day of rest!

    Patti summed it up - a world of heartache amongst us all here.

    Janet, so sorry to hear about Theo. So soon after losing Bella too! Our fur babies occupy a special place in our hearts. Here's hoping for at least a few more weeks or months of purring on your lap.

    Patti, I hope the celebration was all your friend hoped it would be. I know from experience, it helps the mourning get through those first days and week. I'm sure now she will be at a total loss for a while, trying to figure out what to do as a solo.

    Paula, how is the crud? I got sick about three weeks ago, and it passed in 4-5 days but I STILL have sinus gunk every morning. Can't believe it, but I must have developed a seasonally allergy after more than forty years in Maryland.

    Bert, I'm sure your friend appreciated your musical talent at the funeral. Your church family sounds like wonderful people.

    Cindy, hang in there! I saw on FB you are really working the writer circuit.

    Karla, prayers go out to you. How is your dad handling Kerry's death? It must be extra hard on him, since Kerry has always lived with him.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    And now for an update from here. Elise is still sick, still throwing up a couple of times in the late afternoon. They have her on a strict bland diet - poor baby! She has always been a very good eater, loves her fruits and veggies and I don't think she is allowed much of that at all. Rossanne's dad is going to keep her tomorrow and I will have her on Tuesday. She is on some liquid Pepcid to coat her tummy.

    We spent the last two days cutting down pine trees to make into lumber to build a drying shed for the good wood we want to make into lumber. We have some oak from a 150 year old tree we had to have taken down here at the house, and some cherry from a friend, and some ash from my sister, all furniture grade. John bought a saw mill, and is going to learn on the pine. The shed will have open sides but a roof for drying the sawn lumber. Here is the stack of pine logs to make the shed out of. It's hard to tell from the picture, but those logs are 6-10 feet long, and 112-20 inches in diameter! That was three big trees.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    And finally, something weight and fitness related. I went to WW to weigh in yesterday, and had a nice loss. It had been ten days, so I was hoping for a good report.

    And the topic of the week was all about variety, and trying new things. The challenge was NOT (as it usually is) to try something new, but rather to try to incorporate both a fruit and a vegetable in all three meals. The WW corporate idea was to do that for a whole week, but this leader said to try for at least one day, all three meals that day. Apparenlty research continues to show that we do not incorporate enough fruits and vegetables into our daily diet every single day.

    As I thought about it, I realized that I rarely have BOTH in a single meal. I almost always have fruit with breakfast, will have one or the other with lunch but not often both (EITHER a salad, or a pice of fruit along with a sandwich, but not both,) and usually have vegetables but not fruit for dinner. So I'm trying today.

    For breakfast, I added sautéed peppers and onion to my cheese omelette, AND had some pineapple. For lunch I had leftover Brunswick stew, which has corn, onions, okra and tomatoes in it. I added a banana. Now to figure out dinner - I am making enchiladas from Skinnytaste. I have some grapes, so maybe I will have them for dessert or for an appetizer while I am cooking dinner.

    So, a weekly challenge for all of you: Try to have ONE DAY this week where you do the same - both a veggie and a fruit with all your meals.
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    IT'S A GIRL!!!!!!!!!!
    So excited and happy for my granddaughter. My son is over the moon. It was a lovely reveal party with just a small complement of family and close friends. I admit I was jumping for joy.

    Yesterday was the Celebration. Such a beautiful tribute to a man who touched so many in his 83 years. So many told their "Al" stories and you could feel the love in the room. It has been nearly 4 weeks since he passed away and I think that has taken a toll on my friend. She waited so that all the family could be here but she said it was very stressful waiting this long to say her final goodbyes. I did all the food set up and serving, the family did most of the clean up. We stopped by the Eagles afterwards to see how rib dinner went that I prepared. I got so many compliments, made it worth the extra work that I really didn't have time for this week. Nice to be appreciated. I cheated on the mashed potatoes, just bought the precooked kind from Gordons Food Service (restaurant supply store) and added cream cheese, butter and some seasoning.
    I was up early and helped set up for the gender reveal party. We rode the bike there and took a nice 2 hour ride through the country afterwards. It was a packed weekend but so filled with love, joy, sorrow and friendship. My cup runneth over!

    Next week is going to be more of the same I think. We have dinner plans with friends tomorrow after I get out of the gym. Tuesday I am taking my daughter to dinner and to see Maleficent for her birthday. Wed is breakfast with the girls and work. I think Thursday we are getting together for the day to make cards. Then I work Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Love my life

    Diane, praying for Elise, poor baby. Wow on the whole wood thing. He certainly is a talented guy. Congrats on good scale news and thanks for sharing the weekly thoughts. I am great with veggies but not so much with fruit. I cannot conceive of eating fruit three times in one day. If I take just one bite would that count or can I eat tomatoes with every meal to qualify?

    Big hugs to all of you.
  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Patti tomatoes are a fruit!
  • luzingg
    luzingg Posts: 1,678 Member
    Yes!!!! this is doable.
  • bertevans
    bertevans Posts: 1,277 Member
    Good Morning, Ladies. Eating was not good yesterday. Today is a new day, and I'm bound and determined to do well today.

    Diane: I like the challenge. I'm definitely doing it! I want to see results so badly. I need to get back to the gym as well. I don't have anything planned for tomorrow, so I'm going! So sorry to hear about Elise. I hope she's on the mend soonn.

    Patti: My stepfather was like that after my mom died. He said that we treated him awful at a family dinner which I don't ever recall, so he didn't want a relationship anymore. He gave things of my mom's to a lady across the street and didn't tell any of us. They had a collection of Svarwski (sp?) crystal. I tried to maintain a relationship with him out of respect for my mom. I remember when he died and we were down for his funeral, his nephew and niece finally let me into the house. They gave me a few things that were mom's and I got some closure at least. When I tried to find Lindsey that day (she came for the funeral) she had gone across the street to get a few of the pieces and was successful thanks to the lady's daughters. In the end, as I reflect, it really didn't matter because I'm the one with all of the memories and stories. Things don't matter.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • EniadS
    EniadS Posts: 670 Member
    Hello all. Yesterday was such a rainy day I moved very little all day. We have been so active that I think we both needed a day like that. I did get several of my paperwork and computer chores done, so that is a positive. But by dinnertime I didn't feel like cooking and we went out to a local Mexican place. I ordered my usual, and couldn't finish it! That is a first. So I must be doing something right. But I did NOT complete the fruits/vegetables challenge yesterday since I had no fruit with dinner. (At least I didn't have a strawberry daiquiri!) I will try again tomorrow. Scale hop was up this morning, and I know it was from that dinner.

    Today I met a friend for lunch. I made an okay (not great) choice - portobello sandwich WITH CHEESE and a side salad, but I have no idea how to track it so just won't today. I also went to the gym for water aerobics.

    Patti, it's so sad that your friend's husbands sons are being like that. Just not what she needs right now. Good thing the daughter is not the same!

    Bert, you are right, things don't really matter, But sometimes those things bring back the memories, and that is what matters.

    Need to get busy on some church work. I'm not going to WI at WW during the week this week - too close to my Saturday WI and not after eating out two days in a row! Will spend that hour at the gym instead.

    Tomorrow is a grandma/Elise day. It's also supposed to rain.
