

  • lennoncpa
    lennoncpa Posts: 777 Member
    @sleepymom5 I am definitely not making good choices with this non stop hunger. I’ve been avoiding nuts because you may remember that I have a problem with moderation. Well yesterday I talked myself into a can of nuts and what do you think I did? Well of course I ate them all!! That was in addition to my normal meals so I think it’s like an extra 1000 calories or something insane like that!! I didn’t even post it on MFP. It’s almost like it’s not real if I don’t post it!!!
  • nstephenson01
    nstephenson01 Posts: 854 Member
    Week 4
    PW: 166.2
    CW: 168.4
  • nstephenson01
    nstephenson01 Posts: 854 Member
    Daily Check In: Wednesday
    Food: Pre-logged, ate as planned
    Water: Good but could be better
    Exercise & Steps: 6 mile hike; 23,102 steps

    I think/hope I’m retaining water due to TOM. Plus I’m sore from shoveling gravel yesterday but still pretty disappointed with today’s weight. I did have a couple of overeats while my dad was visiting and with hubby just getting back home again. But I choose to not beat myself up too much since hubby hasn’t been home for 6 months. I noticed that in August and September I fluctuated up over 170 and I haven't done that this month at least so there's that I guess. Feeling like my eating is back on track the past couple days. In the book A Plant Based Life the author writes about increasing consumption of healthy foods and crowding out unhealthy stuff which is what I’m working on doing. So I have 8 pounds to lose between now and Thanksgiving @mrsbell8well.

    Already done with my workout on the Bowflex and about to take the dogs for a walk before my chiropractor appt. Food for the day is planned and pre-logged.

    @tryingagain5 I used to be skeptic of chiropractors until a couple of years ago when I was unable to get any relief from some back pain. Like anything else you have to find one that helps you. My chiropractor wears Wranglers and cowboy boots LOL

    @sleepymom5 I know you can get back on track like you have in the past. Hugs friend. Enjoy having William home momma!

  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    Wednesday check in

    Food - Logged & under
    Exercise - stationary bike
    Water - 2l

    Super busy day so I will have to check in later with everyone. Physio went well yesterday and I have about 4 to 6 weeks to go. Fingers crossed!
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member

    Glad the chiro has helped you as well as the other things you've been doing. I'm hoping it will help me. I've had many people tell me it's helped them. I"ll find out in the morning.

    Years ago I woke up and could barely move my back hurt so bad. My doctor at the time did xrays but they didn't find anything wrong. He thought maybe I did something in my sleep. Was sent to physical therapy then, which did help. Ever since then I have issues now and then.
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    Thursday 10/24: check in
    Food: logged and under
    Exercise: 30 minutes on the recumbent bike. The trainer recommended I do that over anything else today. Less stress on my back and it felt kind of good, almost like it was stretching my back.
    Water: 56 oz

    Volunteered tonight(my usual volunteer night). Probably shouldn't have been carrying little kids tonight but it was necessary. Lots of kids tonight and it seemed like not enough volunteers or staff tonight. My back bothered me a little while there and a little more now that everyone went home. I do have to work tonight so we'll see how that goes. I stand all night.

    My cold is a little better now, think I'm coughing a little less than a few days ago. Hopefully I'm on the mend.
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member

    I did meet the chiropractor yesterday when I was there making the appointment. He didn't strike me as a doc. Just seemed like an average guy, wearing jeans and a plaid shirt. He seemed pretty knowledgeable when I asked questions.

    He's helped my dad. Hoping he can help me too. I'll find out tomorrow morning.
  • Julie8468
    Julie8468 Posts: 151 Member
    PW: 142.4?
    CW: 142.4

    I was tracking for a loss this week, but ate everything in sight last night. Looking back I know why, even having nightmares last night! I ate to fill an emotional need, obviously didn’t work. Then last night dreamed about all the crap I ate, and woke up so often during the night thinking “what? No...” and feeling worse because it was all true. :s Should have just went to bed at the same time as the kids.
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    @Julie8468 - Your PW was 143.4, so you are down 1 lb :) As for last night, it happens sometimes so don’t get too upset with yourself.
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    Week 4
    PW - 154.3
    CW - 153.0

    I hope to have gotten through the plateau I have been experiencing. This time, I tried not to panic or get too frustrated. I also decided not to give up either, no matter how long it took.
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    Check in for Thursday

    Food - logged and on track
    Exercise - 1 hour with trainer
    Water - 2 l

    Yesterday was a really off day, where I had planned everything that I had to do, and then all kinds of things came up that I was not expecting. Just one of those weird days, but I got through everything and did not stress eat either. My day ended by taking my younger son to hockey practice. After all of the running around all day, the pizza counter looked tempting, but I did not go there and got a coffee with some cream in it, which kept me warm and made me forget about pizza. I spend a lot of time in hockey arenas and they are the absolute worst for food. It is all fast food counters and vending machines, which makes me think about the kids and what we are teaching them collectively. Unless there is a team event, I bring healthy snacks for my kids rather than have them eat at the arenas. Fortunately, we have been doing this for so long, the boys don’t mind most days.

    @nstephenson01 - Hope that things go well with the chiropractor and let us know how you are doing.

    @tryingagain5 - Great day yesterday! Hope that your back is ok today after all of that activity. It is hard to resist picking up a little one, and your volunteer work must be so gratifying!

    @Mrsbell8well - Hope that you had a good time out last night and stayed on track too! It is interesting that you mention feeling good at 145 and lower. I think we do all have an optimal range where we feel good. It is wonderful that you are so in tune with that. The new clothes must be so much fun!

    @sleepymom5 - Love those mindful eating practices that you posted! Hope that you had a great time with your son!

  • KatAdele
    KatAdele Posts: 290 Member
    CW 156.2

    Definitely going the wrong direction lol. I know I’ve been overeating so at least it’s not a surprise. I’m going to sit down and do some strategizing today and make some plans to get back with this. I almost didn’t post today but I need the accountability.
  • ljdanny
    ljdanny Posts: 2,080 Member
    Week 4
    Pw 189.2
    Cw 190
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,455 Member
    Week 4
    Pw 200.2
    Cw 200.2
  • lennoncpa
    lennoncpa Posts: 777 Member
    Username: lennoncpa
    Weigh in Week: week 4
    Weigh in day: Friday
    Previous weight: 137.6
    Today's weight: 140.0
    Weekly Steps: 58,563
  • lennoncpa
    lennoncpa Posts: 777 Member
    Well I am just totally off and can’t seem to get back on track. This morning I did go do a zumba class followed by a circuit training class at LA Fitness. Sort of a punishment!?!?!?
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,455 Member
    edited October 2019
    A quick check in because I am on here late and now I need to start getting ready to go to a wake in North Jersey(over 2 hours) for my cousin. Very sad and unexpected for me. I didn't know that his cancer returned. He was only in his early 60s. I am just dreading the traffic to get up there by 7pm but my cousin is worth the drive and aggravation. I just wish I planned better and went up for the afternoon one. I didn't want to give up my William time ;)
    Check in, still not doing that good. I am shocked I haven't gained. I just need to sit down and focus. I have a long car ride ahead so I am going to get my thoughts in order and start making a plan. I will also start listening to my podcasts which I haven't been since before Denver. I have actually NO PLANS this weekend. I already have my food here so I am actually going to prelog my entire weekend. It will be the same thing and boring but I like everything and it hopefully get me into a routine. I also want to set myself up for a successful week. I will use this weekend to concentrate on me and getting back on track.
    I won't be checking in tonight but will be able to take time in the morning tomorrow to check in. Hope everyone has an awesome day!

    @lennoncpa I am the same way with the logging when I am not doing well. That is why it is so important to log the good and the bad. It is really just like data for ourselves to learn from. Idk why sometimes I am so resistant to it. You and I didn't have the best week. Let's both use the weekend to spring us back into action for the week. We can do this!! Nice job working out too!
    @nstephenson01 I agree, don't beat yourself up. It sounds like you are on a good path now and getting things back on track. Keep it going! You do so much physical work besides working out too. You could be gaining some muscle too. I really like the idea of crowding out the unhealthy food with healthy food. I don't know why but stating it that way puts it in another perspective...
    @Cafelelia I am glad your physio went well and the end is in sight! Nice job breaking that plateu. They happen and it is better to do what you did, just keep doing what you were doing! Awesome job! My son's did roller hockey when they were younger. We didn't travel but I remember those snack stands Lol! I stopped bringing money because all they wanted to do was get snacks(all my kids because the girls went to watch) I am glad that you already have a plan for all of that. I am sure it does get very tempting at times.
    @Mrsbell8well Enjoy your weekend! Sounds like a lot of fun and you have a great plan to stay on track. Weird about the lemonade. A lot of brands are just sugar and flavoring. I would think fresh lemon in your drink would be better.
    @tryingagain5 That is crazy how that back pain just started so randomly and they can't find anything. I am glad physical therapy helps at least. Hope you made it through your night shift without pain. That is tough to begin with let alone standing for such long hours.
    @Julie8468 Nice loss! Our brain can really get in our way. Don't let one night of overeating derail you. Ignore those dreams and just get right back on track.
    @KatAdele I am so glad you did post! I feel the same way when I gain or when I didn't have a good day. I think those are the times when we should. As you said, we need to take accountability for what we did. We also need to stay focused, make a plan and not give up. I know you mentioned you had some overeating this week but you really didn't have a big gain. Just make a plan for the coming week and get back on track. You know what to do!
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,455 Member
    An oldie but goodie! I know you have seen this before but I really think it is good reminder that we can just do simple things to keep our weekend on tracki344x3tr8xn6.jpeg
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