

  • pacsnc6
    pacsnc6 Posts: 978 Member
    @sleepymom5 welcome to onderland! And all cute dogs.
    @cyndiesstuff great sticking to your plan for the party.
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    Thursday Check In

    Food - logged & on track
    Water - 1.5 l
    Exercise - None except running around for hockey stuff.

    I have a dryer vent issue and part of my basement wall is torn up right now. I am hoping to get the dryer fixed later this morning as I do so much laundry, particularly for the kids. I have to go clean up a bunch of debris downstairs right now, yuck!

    For the sleep challenge, I do not have a bedtime ritual. I am usually just really tired and go to sleep!

    @pacsnc6 - Nice maintain! How was your week?

    @sleepymom5 - You are in onederland!! Congratulations!! You are doing great replacing the old habits with new ones. Great plan for the bar and the weekend. And those dogs are so cute!

    @tryingagain5 - Great day yesterday and nice NSV! Congratulations on having a new great niece!!

    @cyndiesstuff - Congratulations on sticking to plan and throwing a successful party! I loved how you posted periodically, which was a great way of using this group as support and accountability. Way to go!!

    @Mrsbell8well - Thank you for sharing that recipe! It is the time of year to start making more soup!

    @ljdanny - Nice loss and congratulations on the new weight decade! You were 190 last week.

    @lennoncpa - Sorry it was a rough hunger day yesterday. It happens and that’s ok. How is it going today?

    @nstephenson01 - I love your determination! Yes, this is a lifestyle change and that is how we have to look at it. Your measurements are down, and that is an NSV to focus on! You are absolutely going to get there!

  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    As Pam notes above, it is time to start planning for the weekend!!

  • hope002
    hope002 Posts: 1,066 Member
    PW 204.1
    CW 204.4

    I did some weights exercises after a few weeks break on Wednesday and I am still a little sore. So I am not worried about the gain :)
  • ljdanny
    ljdanny Posts: 2,077 Member
    I got up early yesterday to get my workout in. Not today though, I was up way past my bedtime last night. My son and his gf were over to visit the baby. This weekend i am watching the baby for a little bit tomorrow. I plan on getting a little bit of meal prepping done. Also getting some exercise in, my son said they wouldn't leave the house tomorrow morning until I did my workout, lol.
    I found out through other people on Fitbit that peoy take your account and try to create new ones with your picture so they can friend request people and then try asking them for things. People suck I guess.
  • pacsnc6
    pacsnc6 Posts: 978 Member
    This week has been good. My sister and her husband arrived late Sunday and stayed for two nights. Nice visit on their way to Florida. Monday was my son's birthday so we met him for lunch and he told us more about his trip to Nepal last month. He trekked with a group to base camp of Anapurna (he loves to rock climb). So Tuesday and Wednesday back to normal. Yesterday after dinner I slipped on a slick spot in the kitchen and fell. My back hurt the rest of the evening so I considered skipping water aerobics this morning. Fortunately this morning I was feeling much better and went to exercise as next week they are closed on Monday for Veterans Day. I am still feeling good enough to rake the pine needles off the driveway.
    I have been eating close to goal all week and maintained my weight. Yay!!!
    Have a good weekend
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @sleepymom5 wowzer way to go girl!!! All those good days strung together are paying off. Pretty remarkable with travel in all.
    @Cafelelia Wow to you too Lisa! Great job. I am so happy for you. You must be so excited to be so close to the 140's. I am planning to skip dinner and praying I will get to color a star tomorrow to be on track for my T-day goal.
    @cyndiesstuff oh yeah!!! great job Cyndie staying on track.
    @lennoncpa do you drink tea? I will attach a pic of my fav teas. I love them. When I really need a boost I add a little honey and almond milk. I think you will like them too @sleepymom5

    TGIF!!!! 3 DAY weekend. almost done with work. counting down.

    Have a great weekend everyone!
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    Love all these teas. Celestial also makes a yummy maple ginger tea.
    And I love their sleepy time vanilla
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    Friday 11/8 check in
    Food: logged but over
    Water: 56 oz
    Exercise: rest day

    I went out for breakfast with a friend this morning, which was planned. I did plan on going over today because of breakfast. However, I ended up getting my normal treat meal tonight also, which was not planned for today and I wasn't overly hungry so I'm not sure why I went out to get it. Now I need to work harder to not do that. If I didn't have that meal I would have been on track and even under my normal calorie goal. I did enjoy every bite of both meals.
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    Wow, there are a lot of posts! It took me over an hour but I went through all of them.
    I like fruits and veggies so I'm not sure why it's so hard for me to get them in.
    Yes, I stand all night at work. I'm in a factory that makes car mirrors. I only see the circuit boards and not the end product.
    I hope to catch up on sleep tonight and tomorrow.
    Thanks for all the encouragement!
    Thanks, me too. Back is getting there. Some days are better than others. Pretty sure the new mattress is helping too.
    Back doing better most of the time. Love your visual on how much things weigh. Since I've lost 40 pounds, I've lost a border collie! Still have 40 to 60 pounds to lose so eventually I'll lose another border collie.
    Try your best not to do the all or nothing. It backfires every time. We all need to be flexible in what we're doing since this is going to be a lifestyle change and not a diet, which people go on and then off and usually gain the weight back and then some. And, yes, I am speaking from experience. Diets don't work, lifestyle changes do. I know it's hard. You can do it! We all can do it!
    I know it's hard but don't give up! Keep going! You are close to your goal. I know you put a date on when you want to be there but that doesn't always work. I had a trainer in the past that told me I would lose "X" amount of a weight in a period of time and when it didn't happen I was really disappointed. The trainer I have now is more realistic and doesn't tell his clients that. He'll say you didn't put the weight on overnight, it's not going to go away overnight either.

    Great pictures of everyone's transformation/progress. I will try to post some later. I don't work tonight so I'm going to go to bed and hopefully sleep well.
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,447 Member
    edited November 2019
    I had another good day! I have been feeling hungry all day but had an apple as a snack and some peppermint tea tonight. I am not doing so well on cleaning. I thought I would have the kitchen done yesterday and I am only 3/4 of the way through. It is pushing off my whole schedule. I think it is the hardest room. The second hardest is the family room because there are a lot of windows. I am trying not to be stressed. I will get it done.

    Tomorrow I may take a rest day. I am not sure. I have been getting in my exercise for over a week. It may be good for me.

    I lost all my response again tonight! My fault though, I did something stupid. I don't think I write them as well the second time.

    @Cafelelia Awesome loss!! I can not imagine doing 16 hours or 24 hour fasts! On the other hand, I never though I could do 14 hours so you never know. You should be proud! Even with the stress you made your health a priority. That stinks about the dryer vent. I hope it is all sorted out. Love the healthy weekend post. I like #1 the best!
    @pacsnc6 Nice job maintaining! Especially with all the family visiting. You have had a lot going on lately. I hope you are ok after that fall. I was wondering if the water aerobics made it feel any better.
    @timibotkin Try not to let the scale derail you. That gain could be do to a number of things. You have been through so much. You could be retaining fluid among other things. Just stay on track and the scale will eventually catch up. The sweet potato recipe you posted looks amazing!
    @hope002 Great attitude, that slight gain is nothing to worry about. I am sure you are right and it relates to starting back to weight training. Hope everything else is good.
    @ljdanny It is hard to get up as early as you do to exercise. Sometimes you have to make sure you are getting enough hours. I like that your son is going to exercise tomorrow before he leaves. Is he the son with the baby? I am sure he already knows how lucky he is to have you! How weird with your fitbit. These hackers must be pretty smart, I don't understand why they wouldn't just get a job. Some people do suck!
    @lennoncpa Nice job maintaining even with your hungry week. I hope the sparkling water with the flavoring helps.
    @Mrsbell8well I don't know if you remember but you turned me onto tea! Peppermint is my favorite but I really like them all. Now I have new ones to try. I never saw chocolate before.
    @tryingagain5 You are really doing great with your fruit, veggies and water. You have inspired a few of us to join you with increasing our fruits and veggies. Sounds like you had a nice day. I know dinner wasn't what you had planned tonight. You said you weren't sure why you even got it because you weren't even hungry. Every time we go off plan, it gives us an opportunity to learn from the situation. Ask yourself why you still got it and what can you do next time to avoid doing it. You also said you enjoyed every bite. Sometimes you can make a conscious decision to go off plan. Don't eat and beat yourself up. Enjoy your meal and don't beat yourself up. Just get right back on track after.
    @Julie8468 Nice loss there my friend!! I am glad that you are planning to plan Lol! Seriously, it has made such a difference to my life. Let's have a great weekend. :smile:
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