TEAM: Gutbusters (January)



  • looneycatblue
    looneycatblue Posts: 1,470 Member

    Week 2 January
    PW: 267
    CW: 258

    Did kEto all week, think I dropped a lot of water weight too. ??

    WOW, great loss! Is this your first time doing keto?
  • looneycatblue
    looneycatblue Posts: 1,470 Member
    January Week 1
    PW: 244.8
    CW: 240.6

    2020 Transformation on its way 🤗
    good morning Gutbusters. 🥳

    PARTY TIME! Great week for you!
  • looneycatblue
    looneycatblue Posts: 1,470 Member
    January Week 1
    PW: 223.5
    CW: 223.7

    Up this week. Should have been worse. I went off the rails on Thursday and Friday, eating as if there would be no tomorrow. Instead of getting rid of all the fun-size M&Ms I decided to eat them all. Thursday night I had a second serving of soup at our small group AND had dessert. Then, grocery shopping I fell for the buy 2 get 1 free Cadbury eggs at the counter. Ugh!! Old habits rearing their ugly heads. Over a year into this journey and I thought I had control of some of these. Not! I'm reflecting on why this happened this week and trying to figure out how I can turn to other things instead of food in the future.

    I took a peak at your journal for the past few days and good for you, still logging everything! My guess is that your body is going through a sugar detox, and the cravings are going to be strong for a few days, but it will get better. Also, looks like with all of the calories you are burning with exercise, you also needed those calories!
    .2 is nothing, you are doing great, just keep at it this week and the scale will follow !
    I also blew it last night, ate about 700 unhealthy calories in about 1 hour, after bowling last night, just before bed. I also questioned myself why did I do that to myself??? Moving forward, today is a new start. 😊
  • BonnieHosk85
    BonnieHosk85 Posts: 2,552 Member
    Thanks, @looneycatblue! :heart:

    @Kiadams317750, incredible loss!! Congrats!! :star::star:

  • matthewsfive
    matthewsfive Posts: 836 Member
    PW 182.4
    CW 179.4
  • BonnieHosk85
    BonnieHosk85 Posts: 2,552 Member
    @Matthewsfive, woo hoo!! Congrats on that hard work right there, gal!! :star:

    Guys, we're killing it with 41.4 pounds lost so far this week. Way to go!! :blush:
  • allietuge
    allietuge Posts: 343 Member
    January Week 1
    PW: 166.3
    CW: 165.2
  • inshapeCK
    inshapeCK Posts: 3,945 Member
    edited January 2020
    January Week 1
    PW: 223.5
    CW: 223.7

    Up this week. Should have been worse. I went off the rails on Thursday and Friday, eating as if there would be no tomorrow. Instead of getting rid of all the fun-size M&Ms I decided to eat them all. Thursday night I had a second serving of soup at our small group AND had dessert. Then, grocery shopping I fell for the buy 2 get 1 free Cadbury eggs at the counter. Ugh!! Old habits rearing their ugly heads. Over a year into this journey and I thought I had control of some of these. Not! I'm reflecting on why this happened this week and trying to figure out how I can turn to other things instead of food in the future.


    I got a kick out of reading that the way you got rid of all the M & Ms was by eating them! :D
    I have done that before too! :s
    On Thursday I was at the dollar store picking up some required items and was dying for a chocolate covered marshmallow bunny (can't believe they have Easter treats out all ready, right beside the Valentine's Day treats!) and like you I also got the Cadbury creme eggs that were near the cash! At least they are way smaller than they used to be but the biggest problem was I bought one for myself and 1 for my husband but I ate them both before he got home! :# Good thing I never told him I had bought him one as I would've been giving him an empty egg container by the time he got home, lol! I ate the chocolate marshmallow bunny at the same time too! I was okay with allowing myself 1 treat and I did enjoy all 3 but that was not a healthy choice especially when I need to be lessening my sugar intake. This week my goal was to not bring junkfood into the house which I accomplished until Thursday!
  • corriepelc
    corriepelc Posts: 2,088 Member
    Good morning, everyone! Sadly I'm starting this challenge in the wrong direction. Meh.

    January Week #1
    PW: 171.6
    CW: 174.4

    Here's to a better week!
  • matthewsfive
    matthewsfive Posts: 836 Member
    @Matthewsfive, woo hoo!! Congrats on that hard work right there, gal!! :star:

    Guys, we're killing it with 41.4 pounds lost so far this week. Way to go!! :blush:

    Thanks Bonnie, I tried really hard this week.
  • zengen09
    zengen09 Posts: 34 Member

    Same! It's all good though, we've got this! It's nice to see the losses and stay motivated. Here's to a better week next week for us both! :)
  • metubal
    metubal Posts: 290 Member
    January 10

    Calories: way under, didnt feel like eating
    Tracked: yes:)
    Net carbs:32
    Weight: 181, weird ups and downs
    Exercise: mall walking 20 min at 3.5 m/hr rate. It snowed about 6in/15cm yesterday so outdoor walking will be a challenge. I'll probably snowshoe in my backyard from now on.
    Water: 4cups:(
    Snacking: nope;)
    Sleep: 6hrs 50mins:)
    Bedtime: midnight
  • BonnieHosk85
    BonnieHosk85 Posts: 2,552 Member
    @metubal, bedtime was earlier. That's good! :smile:

    @corriepelc, me too. Here's to next week!! :smile:

    Good thing I never told him I had bought him one as I would've been giving him an empty egg container by the time he got home, lol!
    @inshapeCK, what was going on with us on Thursday???? LOL!! And your secret is safe with me! :wink:

    @allietuge, great loss! Congrats! :star:


    Did I exercise for at least 20 minutes? 20 minutes on the recumbent bike, 6.09 miles
    Did I stay within my calorie budget for the day? Yes
    Did I keep track of everything I ate and drank? Yes
  • SillyCat1975
    SillyCat1975 Posts: 328 Member
    I need some motivation. It's been storming here and the gym closed at 9. Why would a gym close at 9? They have three clubs, you would think one of them would stay open until midnight. It's stopped raining and it's crazy but it's 69 degrees outside, I should go out there and walk before another storm starts but I just can't seem to make myself go out there. It's so dark. If I'm not careful I will end up walking around my living room for 20 mins nonstop just so I can get my exercise in. Tomorrow is weigh in day. I should literally get up and quit watching football.
  • SillyCat1975
    SillyCat1975 Posts: 328 Member
    Jan 11........
    Exercise at least 20 mins? You betcha! 😁 I made myself do it but I walked 4 miles! I really really didn’t want to! 🙄 But so glad I did!
    Logged? Yes
    Tracked? Yes

    I knew tomorrow was weigh in day and I also knew that I needed to get up and do something, no matter what it was. I went outside and went around the neighborhood. Luckily the rain ☔️ had broken for a short amount of time. The one thing I’ve learned though is I need some new shoes!
  • craigo3154
    craigo3154 Posts: 2,572 Member
    January 12
    Exercised?: Yes (6 km walk in 47 mins)
    Calories?: Yes
    Tracked?: Yes

    Drove 90 minutes to have lunch with my wife's mother, then 90 minutes back again. Was nice to be with family. Lunch was at a Japanese restaurant, very nice food, but restrained from overeating.

    Fortunately, less disruptive day with our daughter today, but I can feel areas where I am still struggling.

    The eighth mini-challenge is: Spend 1 minute focused on the topic of "over-generalisation"

    This is similar to the mindful breathing exercise. Sit and calm your mind and focus on a single topic. Only for a minute.

    The topic of "all or nothing thinking" comes from "Feeling Good" by David D Burns and is part of cognitive based therapy.

    "Over-generalisation" is a common thinking error when we look at a single bad event as repeating endlessly. Like if you mess up and eat ice cream when you told yourself you wouldn't you conclude I have no self control, I have never had any self control, I will never learn, I will always pig out.

    The truth is that, any event has multiple causes (some obvious and some hidden) and any changes in the causes will change the event.

    History will not repeat endlessly if you change the causes.

    There will be a number of these 1 minute mindful reflection topics throughout this month.
  • BonnieHosk85
    BonnieHosk85 Posts: 2,552 Member
    Good morning! Welcome to January's Week 2. I'm committing to myself to make this a better week than last week. Will you join me? Today we’re looking for weigh-ins from:


    Please post using this template:
    January Week 2

  • metubal
    metubal Posts: 290 Member
    January 11

    Calories: almost 300 over my 1 200 goal:( Still within budget, if I include extra calories coming from my fitbit -but I dont-.
    Tracked: yes:
    Net carbs:58!! And only 5g of fiber!
    I didnt feel like spending time in the kitchen yesterday so I did not eat my usual healthy stuff. Also I ate some tortilla chips, a big no for me!
    Weight: 180.8:)
    Exercise: nothing. Still snowing,
    I use that as an excuse really.
    Water: 5cups. Getting better.
    Snacking: after midnight:(
    Sleep: 7hrs 30mins:)
    Bedtime: 2am. I'll take it.

    Soooo.. Obviously Saturdays are my bad days. I'll have to work on this. My husband and I stay up late watching TV, and then comes snacking:(
  • coccolino30
    coccolino30 Posts: 44 Member
    Sorry haven't posted my weight :( it's been up and down su much, how is that possible?! Last Monday 86.1 kg by Thursday 85.5 and today 86.5 ???? First day starting couch 25k after 2 years, hope my body will work with me and I will get back running. I find it so hard not to eat after dinner, I reach for the treats around 9 pm and can't break this pattern :((

  • BonnieHosk85
    BonnieHosk85 Posts: 2,552 Member
    edited January 2020
    @coccolino30, sorry it's been a struggle. Maybe you can try reaching for healthy snacks at night, like carrot sticks, celery, etc. This journey is sometimes more mental than physical. You can do this!! Great going with the C25K!! :heart:

    @SillyCat1975, wonderful loss!! Congrats! :star:

    @33sandy1223, ONEDERLAND!!! :star:
  • craigo3154
    craigo3154 Posts: 2,572 Member
    Sorry haven't posted my weight :( it's been up and down su much, how is that possible?! Last Monday 86.1 kg by Thursday 85.5 and today 86.5 ???? First day starting couch 25k after 2 years, hope my body will work with me and I will get back running. I find it so hard not to eat after dinner, I reach for the treats around 9 pm and can't break this pattern :((

    @coccolino30. Small steps. Little wins.

    #1. IGNORE DAILY WEIGHT. This is probably the hardest. You need a 7 day average to make any sense as to what is truly going on. Daily weight can fluctuate by up to 2 kg A DAY. MOST of this is water. Higher soduim (salt) diet, cooler temperatures, less sleep you TEND to retain water. Lower soduim, warmer temperatures, more sleep you TEND to expel more water (through breathing and skin evaporation as well as the obvious).

    #2. Forget yesterday. Do not try compensate for yesterday. Assuming 6km is you average day. 3km yesterday and 9km today does not equal 6km yesterday and 6km today. You do just as well doing 3km yesterday and 6km today.

    #3. If feeling like a treat after dinner, try this little trick. 1) Have a glass of water, 2) set a timer for 10 mins on your phone 3) If the timer goes off after 10 mins and you still feel like a treat, have one (but not while watching TV, or surfing the net/social media on computer/tablet). If you have a treat, after the water, you know that a) you need it, b) you earned it, c) it's not just dehydration/thirst in disguise.

    Do not try to change too much at once. Do one small step at a time and credit yourself for each small step you make. Reward ALWAYS works much better than punishment.
  • BonnieHosk85
    BonnieHosk85 Posts: 2,552 Member
    Did I exercise for at least 20 minutes? A 29-minute walk with Ollie, 1.11 miles
    Did I stay within my calorie budget for the day? Yes
    Did I keep track of everything I ate and drank? Yes

  • BonnieHosk85
    BonnieHosk85 Posts: 2,552 Member
    CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR WEEK 5 WINNER kyoung1908. - 4.43%


    January Week 1 is now in the books!

    January is a month where motivation is high with the New Year and it definitely shows this week! We are down 214.9 lbs across all teams which is AMAZING!! So many individuals dropping 2% or more this week, which is super! Awesome job everyone!! Let's take that momentum into Week 2!!

    Below are the full results for Week 1.

    The Biggest Loser Is...
    1st - kyoung1908. - 4.43%
    2nd - caloricus. - 4.32%
    3rd - AB0215. - 4.23%

    The TEAM Biggest Loser...
    1st - The Slimsons. - 1.01%
    2nd - The Big Butt Theory. - 0.95%
    3rd - Run Track Minds. - 0.80%

    Top 3 Individual % by Team:

    The Big Butt Theory
    1st - Tracie_Lord. - 3.87%
    2nd - sarahannsuarez. - 2.68%
    3rd - Serenerose. - 2.36%

    The Slimsons
    1st - caloricus. - 4.32%
    2nd - AB0215. - 4.23%
    3rd - galeroke. - 3.28%

    Gutbusters :heart:
    1st - @Kiadams317750. - 4.09% :star:
    2nd - @Kaj848. - 1.82% :star:
    3rd - @FatimaStartsAllOver. - 1.72% :star:

    Run Track Minds
    1st - kyoung1908. - 4.43%
    2nd - Charmed627. - 3.44%
    3rd - rdstutts. - 2.31%

    1st - Victorious55. - 2.68%
    2nd - eminater. - 2.65%
    3rd - Lorianncorrea. - 1.68%

    Individual Top 3 Pounds Lost
    1st - @Kiadams317750. - 11.0 lbs. :star:
    2nd - kyoung1908. - 10.4 lbs.
    3rd - Charmed627. - 9.0 lbs.

    Overall Pounds Lost by Team
    The Big Butt Theory - 53.8 lbs.
    The Slimsons - 70.3 lbs.
    Gutbusters - 36.7 lbs. :heart:
    Run Track Minds - 42.7 lbs.
    Flab-U-Less - 11.5 lbs.

    Overall Total Lost: 214.9 lbs
  • FatimaStartsAllOver
    FatimaStartsAllOver Posts: 301 Member
    awesome. yay. go Gutbusters
  • BonnieHosk85
    BonnieHosk85 Posts: 2,552 Member
    @matthewsfive, so proud of all you have accomplished!! I get a kick out of my trips to Florida when I see the Wawa's. Funniest name ever!! :smiley:
  • 66Pinkie
    66Pinkie Posts: 10 Member
    January Week 2
    PW: 145.5
    CW: 145.7
This discussion has been closed.