WEIGHT NO MORE Team Chat - MAY 2020



  • lennoncpa
    lennoncpa Posts: 777 Member
    @xX_PhoenixRising_Xx thanks for sharing those photos with us! Such extremes!!

    I think eating disorders and issues are more common than we can even understand. I am also not sure about setting a goal weight for myself because according to "the charts" I would be considered obese and I know that I am not obese. Sure I could lose more weight, but I don't want to obsess over it. I just want to eat healthy and get rid of some of my bad habits. Its been a year and a half since I gave up sweets and I really wish that I could eat sweets in moderation, but I know that will never happen!! So that is how I deal with my eating disorder - I have to eliminate certain foods completely from my diet!!
  • nstephenson01
    nstephenson01 Posts: 854 Member
    Been spinning my wheels the past couple of days. Healthy eating has been a bit more inconsistent than I would like and exercise is hit or miss due to all the rain we've been getting. On a plus side water has been good and I've stuck to my variable IF schedule... three days of 14 hr fasts per week, two 16 hr fasts and 2 days of not fasting. I just finished reading "Sugar Brain Fix" by Mike Dow and he discusses the benefits of fasting workouts. Since I generally exercise in the morning most of my workouts are in my fasting window. Hoping that makes up for some of my poor/over eating.

    The house down the road from us was recently purchased by a couple that I used to work with back in California. How random is that?!?! I don't know them that well as I worked in HR and they worked outside the admin office (but I know their personnel files :wink: LOL) and we have some mutual friends. They're moving up a little at a time but are here this week and invited us over for dinner tonight. My husband and I haven't had dinner with another couple in what seems like ages LOL. I don't have any idea what we're having for dinner. If I make bad decisions, I don't have enough time to correct them before Thursday's weigh in. But I can control my portion size so I'm going to eat normally today so I don't go there overly hungry. I can't believe how much I'm over-thinking a simple dinner... jeesh.
  • nstephenson01
    nstephenson01 Posts: 854 Member
    @Freeglerock "Pause and breathe" is the right thing to do. Sending hugs your way. Ice cream never solves anything and will just be another thing that went wrong today. Stay strong... tomorrow is another day. Way to be accountable to you!! :)
  • GingerPwr
    GingerPwr Posts: 1,979 Member
    @nstephenson01 Beautiful plants! We just re-landscaped the front so we're going for a garden next spring. Can't wait!

    @Freeglerock How cool that you are reaching out to us instead of leaning on food! Way to go! You're right to just keep breathing through things. You've got this. Perhaps the trick is to redefine what comfort food really means to us. Instead of a big slice of warm garlic bread, I could opt for veggies and hummus - still get a rich taste but far healthier - or a cup of hot herbal tea instead of a sugar-loaded coffee.

    Today's Motivation:

    I saw a Tumblr post not long ago where a guy talked about how he was really inconsistent with brushing his teeth, even though he knew he needed to do it to be healthy. The thing was, he hated the taste of mint. He was telling his friend about it, to which the friend asked why he didn't just get a different flavor - like, buy the bubble gum flavor toothpaste - who cares if it's "for children"? Once he replaced his toothpaste, brushing his teeth became less about self discipline and more of an easy, pleasurable task. He wasn't inherently lazy or unhealthy - he just had to identify the obstacle and figure out a work around.

    Soooooo... bringing that back to health and weight loss, we can all identify something that's an obstacle for us and figure out work-arounds. Like buying pre-cut veggies to sautee to save time on prep work; getting frozen berries to put in a morning smoothie so you don't have to worry about them going bad; listening to a podcast to make a walk more enjoyable, etc.

    I'd love to know how you guys are working around your obstacles!!!
  • ljdanny
    ljdanny Posts: 2,068 Member
    @Cafelelia i keep watching for when we are opening the borders and hoping i will be able to travel for the end of july. i am not very hopeful.

    @Mrsbell8well we had a clawfoot tub growing up, i loved it. my parents had to get rid of it when my dad got older because he couldn't climb in and out of it any more. i would love to have one now but my husband not so much.

    yes i had a lovely time sitting outside to eat, i would go every day this week but that is just crazy to do. i am sure there are people who might be doing that though. today is really nice out just a little windy, going to be 80 this weekend, if only my pool was ready to go. since the lockdown started i stopped putting money in an envelope every time i worked out because i just didn't feel right asking the cashiers for cash back, i actually didn't know if most places were doing that, but today i decided to start doing this again. i am starting from scratch. i really have to start drinking more water also, i can feel it in my calves. i ordered compression socks, my feet are killing me, i hope this helps if not off to the doctor i will have to try to go. my doctor for my neck called and my appointment for this week is being turned into a telephone call. i am guessing they are still not letting people in. i bought the ingredients to make protein balls. so i am getting back in the game slowly but surely.
  • GingerPwr
    GingerPwr Posts: 1,979 Member
    @Freeglerock I love that you spent time with your kidlet and got a good workout in! What a great way to love and take care of yourself! Way to take your bad experiences and turn your day around!
  • brown6267
    brown6267 Posts: 476 Member
    05/19 steps 9329
  • Cafelelia
    Cafelelia Posts: 1,298 Member
    edited May 2020
    Tuesday check in
    Food - on plan
    Water - 2l
    Exercise - rest day
    Yesterday was probably one of our worse days in quarantine. Our province announced that schools will be closed to the end of the school year and summer overnight camps are cancelled. Those camps are usually the highlight of the summer for my boys. While our province has flattened our cases, they do not want to take risks with our kids over the next few months. Particularly because we are in such a large city, I understand the rationale and agree with it. But the news set off my kids terribly and it was impossible to get any virtual schooling done. My younger boy is usually quite calm and he was angry the entire day. I tried talking things through with them, letting them vent and gently reminding them of the many good things and blessings that we still have, especially our health. But in the end, they had to feel and express their anger and disappointment, and I understand that. When we listed it all out, it is a lot of change and loss for them. Missing friends, socializing, going out to restaurants, no church, not seeing our extended family, missing favorite teachers, no hockey or soccer, no family trips, no class trips and now no camp, and no gr. 8 graduation for my older son. The boys also reminded me that they just lost their grandfather in December, and the virus is causing this constant fear for them about losing their remaining grandparents. Talking about all of this was good for them ultimately, but it was an exhausting day for us all. With respect to my own challenges, I did run to the pantry a few times during the most stressful moments, but I backed away quickly and did not snack.

    I have really loved the discussions on here about goal weights, eating disorders and what is a “normal” weight, all started by that great post @xX_PhoenixRising_Xx. For me, while this is a weight loss challenge, the real goal is about focusing health and well being. There is no use getting to a really low goal weight, if I am doing it in an unhealthy way that hijacks my mental health and my life overall. Participating here really encourages me to stay focused on living healthy, no matter what is going on in my life. Also, I am not sure that I could have maintained my sanity through a year long injury without this group. Anyway, thank you everyone for posting so honestly about your day to day lives, challenges and victories!

    @freeglerock - Fantastic loss and congratulations!! I so empathize with you about the day that you had, and I am so glad that you were able to end the day with a wonderful book (about Poo!) with your son. So glad that you could post here for support. I also really identify with your partner bringing home all of those temptations. My husband is a skinny guy, and snacks nightly on whatever he feels like including ice cream, chocolate, cheese etc. We have been together 20 years, and while he is supportive of me, he is not going to change is dietary habits. I have trained myself to ignore his snacking, but like so many other things, this quarantine has made it a whole lot more challenging.

    @ljdanny - I am glad that you are getting back in the game, and slow is actually a good way to go. I really hope that your appointment for your neck goes well, even if it is virtual. I agree that it is unlikely that our Canada/US border will open any time soon. There are a few provinces and districts that are reporting no new cases or 0 virus. But they are being very cautious. The main issue is Montreal, which has become our epicentre. It is not like New York, but they have the most active numbers in the country. Many provinces have actually closed their borders to non-residents Canadians. It is stirring up a lot of animosity within the country and even talk of constitutional challenges.

    @GingerPwr - Thanks for that post on obstacles! For me, I took up more snacking when I was sick in April. Rather than just eliminate it, I substituted healthier snacks that I enjoy (eg. A banana, greek yogurt or my healthy baking) or a cup of tea. So I am now down to one healthy snack or a cup of tea in the afternoon, and it has become a time that I enjoy instead of something that I feel guilty about that is not good for me either.

    @nstephenson01 - Thanks for mention the book by Mike Dow, I am going to look it up! You are doing great with your fasting! What a coincidence that propel you know in California are your new neighbours! I hear you about overthinking one meal. But it is hard when you are doing the cooking and don’t even know what will be served, unlike a restaurant. Totally the right thing to do thinking about portion control instead. Love your plants and greenhouse!

    @Mrsbell8well - I am sorry about that gain. With a holiday road trip, it can happen. I honestly believe that those last few pounds and maintaining can be one of the biggest challenges in this journey. I have lost a few times, but I am looking for a sustained way to do it this time. I asked @jugar and she posted on this thread about her weight loss journey, her years in maintenance and what it has taken to stay there. The moderators are now developing more of a framework for the team members who get to maintenance, to help them stay there. Stay tuned for more in the coming weeks and we can fine tune it as we go.

    @lennoncpa - I know that you are petite, but it is impossible to believe that you would be considered “obese” in the low 130’s, especially seeing your photos and considering how active you are. I am glad that you are not obsessing over it, and focusing on eating healthy is totally the right thing to do.

    @sleepymom5 - Great day! Hope that the shopping went well!

    @podperson1 - Nice loss! Hope that the online delivery went well! Thanks to my injury last year, I am a huge convert to online grocery shopping!

  • podperson1
    podperson1 Posts: 207 Member
    Hi all,

    @xX_PhoenixRising_Xx - I really dislike the BMI scale, according to it I am obese and would need to about 7-8st to be 'healthy'. I haven't been that weight since school and don't think I would healthy at all. I'm currently aiming for 10st for my initial goal and then will reassess how I feel/look. I do totally understand how things like that lead to EDs, I know I have had stages where I have been very close and got seriously obsessed with my weight/the scales/every tiny crumb I was eating etc. Thank you for sharing x

    @Mrsbell8well - glad you enjoyed your vacation, it's been so stressful for us all lately and I wouldn't worry about a couple of pounds when you'll be back on track in no time

    @Freeglerock - well done for resisting the junk food, and obviously paid off as what a great weight loss :) I may need to take a leaf from your book and start implementing new habits each week

    @Cafelelia - sorry you had a stressful day. I do really feel for all the kids who are having to miss out on so much at the moment, I think it's really great that you let them talk it all out. Sometimes I see people who seem to have the 'be grateful you're at least healthy' approach to their kids and while, yes it's true, it's a bit dismissive of things that they are having to deal with.

    I'm waiting in for my online delivery, fingers crossed it shows up this time! Have been trying to be a lot stricter this week - no 'little treats' or 'just the one cheat meal' and so far the scales are going ok. Whether I can keep it up for the full week is another matter lol. I also know it's not something that's sustainable for me long term. I need my little treats and to occasionally be able to eat something I want even if it is unhealthy. I'm just wanting a bit of a boost this week as the weight has been going slow lately.
    I'm aware that one of the issues I have is that I'm very much a 'want it now' person which has led me down the crash diet and yo-yo weight loss road for soooo many years. It's a complete change of mindset to make long term changes and stick with the slow and steady process. I understand rationally that it's a good thing but sometimes the irrational side is strong and I just want to lose a stone in a month or something :D
  • tryingagain5
    tryingagain5 Posts: 1,037 Member
    No, I'm not near where the dams have broken. Not sure how far away that is from me but I really feel for those in that area.
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