Senior Golden Sneakers



  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Wow Lin, an amazing crop. I’ve never tried growing celery that way although I do have a celery container for a bunch to sit in water and stay fresh.

    The jigsaw picture is just how I’d love my space to look but even with some of those items and of course the cup of tea, it never quite looks that scrumptious. Another beautiful teapot too.

    A short walk this morning because neither pooch seemed that bothered. My neighbours and I then got ladders, saws, secateurs and loppers today attack overhanging trees on our shared track. It had taken 3 hours but we’re delighted with the results. Perhaps we should hire ourselves out to Patsy and John!
    I stripped my bed first thing and got everything washed and hanging out on the rotary line between showers and although we had a downpour while cutting branches the sun is now beaming down on it all waving in a breeze. Definitely one of Jean’s ‘oh well’ moments Bob!

    I’m resting my complaining hips while I sip coffee then I must move some furniture about so I can get a display cabinet out towards the door to be collected with a couple of other items by our council bulky items disposal department to take away. They have a warehouse of furniture to offer to families who might be struggling financially.

    Sandy, we posted the same time yesterday so I missed that lovely photo of you on the trampoline. How brave! I’d be wobbling all over the place I’m sure! 😁

    I’m sure we all know each other well enough not to be offended by political views and anyway, none of us is inclined to tell others what to think or do. You know what they say Patsy, you can’t change a habit of a lifetime! 😉

    I’d better get on with my next job because my neighbour will help me lift the unit along the footpath to our parking area and she is currently kindly picking up an Amazon purchase of a new printer from our farm shop that has a collection hub. The old printer just decided it didn’t want to work anymore soon after I fitted new ink cartridges which cost as much as the printer. Of course the new one uses a different type... typical.

    Happy Tuesday (is it Tuesday? 😜🤪)
    Stay safe
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,089 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) I am sitting most of the day today. I will be there by noon for Lisa to take the two boys for swim lessons (socially distancing) and Charlie will stay with me. Rob has management meetings all day so he couldn't help. I am sure Lisa will go to the store when they return and possibly a 3 mile walk. No sense in going back home to only come back for volleyball so I will just hang around. It is a beautiful day and not to hot.

    Jackie, thanks to Lin I did finally read your post from yesterday. Lots of heavy work, please be careful.

    I really don't have a lot of time so I will return tomorrow. Have a great day.

    One Day at a Time
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    I'm just sitting with a cup of coffee after 2 hours weeding and cutting back trees and bushes on Maria's side. What a job! I've still got to cut branches into manageable lengths. Exhausted right now but I'll get over it after my coffee. You can imagine it's a cooler day.
    I don't think anybody on our group takes offence at any political comments. Not so Janice who dropped by for a chat. I gather she is the opposite to me on the USA scene. I was awfully good and just listened. I'm like Jilly who hides behind me when strange dogs appear. I try hard to be neutral and it's not hard actually, me being a Libra sitting on the fence but quietly doing my own thing.
    MFP is playing up again.
    Anne. 😇🐶❤️
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,972 Member
    :) I delivered more zucchini to my neighbours yesterday. I wish I could share some with all of you. It is delicious and except for one large one that hid from me, they are all small and perfect for steaming.

    :) Jake got a battery operated trimmer so he could easily trim back the lavender and the daisies. Our yard is starting to look bare in many places. I am busy straining the compost to get out the shells and peels and other stuff that didn't compost completely. The compost will go to nourish the peonies and iris for next season.

    :) Right now Jake is making chicken mole in his Ninja Foodie. I'm home from my two hour walk and will shower and go out to work more on the compost. Fortunately, it is cooler today and there is rain promised for the next few days.

    <3 Barbie
  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Just wanted to add before I go outside again, super impressed with LINS harvest. Oh dear Lin, you will get the bug now and hardly wait all winter for spring!
  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    Different morning today...skipped early walk for reg cardiologist appt. to monitor my various heart disease issues, coronary/carotid stenosis, cardiomyopathy, perm afib etc – blah blah blah.

    Then I went to mall for walking before it opened. You might think the mall is just a boring walk, but it’s huge and includes much more than just stores and there is actually a path set out for mall-walkers. . Here’s a cell pic.


    Got home to discover Jean’s sunflower she planted from seed had bloomed. She was thrilled as you can see here.


    Rest of the day has been culling thru photos to edit from the senior photos taken last week.

    Anne – your words are always a please, as is the poetry.

    Jackie – your post led me to look forward and just watched

    Britain’s wartime sweetheart Dame Vera Lynn dies aged 103 - BBC News (Learned something I didn’t know)

    Lin – you probably announced this before – but how big is that tea pot collection… what a unique and wonderful interest. Love the broccoli sprouts and tomatoes! – amazing the amount of veggies I eat now compared to years ago and as a teen. Jean planted tomatoes for the first time in earnest this year and the 1 sunflower noted above. She is already planning next year.

    Sandy – You are obviously a huge help with the kids. Not sure what our schedule will be this year with so many school issues up in the air. You’ll no doubt be tired by tonight.

    Barbie -- “I wish I could share some with all of you.” From your lips to… LOL… Love zucchini.

    Dang… the day has flown by… Bye for now. Bob

  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    BOB. Love the way the sunflower is looking down on Jean. Almost as if it's saying Mama, lol. Actually it's rather like the Bean stalk in "Jack and the Beanstalk". And will it continue growing upward? Tell Jean to watch out for descending ogres just in case. Although I believe she's okay because it's

    Fee fi fo fum
    I smell the blood of an Englishman,
    Be he alive, or be he dead,
    I'll grind his bones to make my bread.
    Whoops there I go again! But didn't we learn awful nursery rhymes as children!

    BARBIE, I'll order zucchini this week and pretend it's yours, but it won't taste as good I bet.
    Love your celery pot JACKIE.
    And LIN, I will not chuck out the core bottom of my next bunch of celery!
    Where's our PATSY today? And we know SANDY will be leaping up and down on the trampoline.
    Not so, me and BUZZ methinks. However I have discovered the secret to weight loss. Just have a large back molar out. I do believe I've got ribs!

    Feel quite smug. Finished up with two big bags of garden waste, loads still to do though.
    Peaceful afternoon, the Bean slept through it after a morning of barking at dogs and passing Janice's.

    News time, let's see what my neighbours to the south have been up to! Getting interesting in the land of Uncle Sam.

    Night night,
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    LIN, I'm drooling!
    PATSY, thank you for your explanations, and they make a lot of sense to me! I heard Michelle Obama's speech for the Democratic Convention, and she was superb! Too bad we didn't get warned 4 years ago! Hopefully, we will regain common sense and understanding this November and help pull our beloved country back on the right path!
    <3<3<3 Buzz
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,136 Member
    Hi Buzz!❤️🙋🏼‍♀️

    A tea set with no information.


  • Gawanne35
    Gawanne35 Posts: 2,670 Member
    Morning all, just when my gum has the odd twinge and I'm on the mend, I went into the garden yesterday and spent roughly four hours cutting things back to some semblance of order and guess what! Harry's insect population rallied to the cry of "its Christmas dinner next door lads" and descended on me in my garden and today I'm itching all over the damn place. At least I'm not focussing on the gum anymore!
    That looks like a Japanese teaset to me LIN. Not that I'm an authority on teasets.
    I'm hoping Mark will cut the grass today, it looks awfully untidy. It will all depend if he gets his kidney stone results. So far, alls quiet in that region and I'm hoping he's passed it, but I guess he would know if he had!
    Well, I will scratch off and make a cup of coffee before deciding if I dare go out and tackle more undergrowth. Somehow I think it will be frost time before my garden looks nice again.
    Annie 😳🐝
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Lost a long post, I know not why, just whooshed into a corner of the screen never to be found again. Big sigh and back later!
  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    Hello sneakers! Not sure what the day will actually look like. Overcast at the moment. Yesterday was hot. John did the marketing and I cleaned out the refrigerator. I need to attack the freezer today.

    I can listen to the speeches from the convention and still attend to my various chores. I love all of passion and patriotism I am hearing. It is satisfying to hear others say on a huge nationwide soapbox the same things we all are thinking.

    Back to my chores, our refrigerator has very deep shelves. Often things get shoved to the back and slowly turn toxic. My job was to remove everything and wipe off the shelves and bottles etc before John returned with more stuff to shove to the back of the refrigerator. Is there a pattern here?

    I need to find a way to do more outdoor cleanup. I think I should hire Jackie and Anne. What do you ladies charge to clear out acres of blackberries, weeds and encroaching ivy? As for all of the mosquitos, Anne, you can order that “Skin so soft” bath oil from Avon online. Avon is worldwide. We used it to ward off the clouds of mosquitos when we lived in Alaska. You just squirt some on and head outside. The little bloodsucking demons buzz around but rarely bite.

    Back to work.............

  • NikonPal
    NikonPal Posts: 1,346 Member
    A chilly morning at 56 degrees…wore a light jacket for my walk. Then got cleaned up and did some bank errands etc. Observing others it appears to be a mix of some coming out of their shell, others with no patience and one person driving with mask and gloves by themselves.

    Back home and then it was out to Target for supplies the grocery store didn’t have. Then a brief visit to Kohls for a small item Jean needed. I spotted a matching pair of Christmas PJ’s I thought might bring a laugh to the grandkids if we wore… Orig $52.00 then minus $41.00 for clearlance, then $2.41 Kohls cash – Final Price $5.91 Ho Ho Ho


    Just grilled our lunch. Mine was: Buffalo patty burger & grilled veggies. Been eating a lot of Jeans tomatoes.


    Lin – Taking a hint from Anne all I can say is: Arigatōgozaimashita for sharing. LOL

    Anne – Just reading about 4 hours in the garden has me tired…glad the gums are better but sorry about the insect attack. Perhaps you should get the PJ’s I mentioned above for "its Christmas dinner next door lads"

    Off for now. Bob – Enjoy the day
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,089 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) I am recovered from my marathon sitting day. Those kids have so much energy and grandma does not. Even the dog zooms around at 100 miles an hour which if he ran over a kid I would hate to see the damage. Today I have to bring my car to Ford for a recall on door latches. Ford said it would only take about 15 minutes to check them but I guarantee they will come back to me and tell me I need other work for a hefty sum. I do have a dent in my right left fender from when I hit the gas pump pole but I do not want to make an insurance claim so until I can afford to have it fixed it will stay. I ordered groceries from Walmart but they didn't have a good time for today so I will pick them up tomorrow after my meeting. Making chicken wings on the grill for dinner, my favorite.

    Jackie, sorry about your post, I hate that. Hope all is well and the remodel is going well.

    Anne, oh no, I am so sorry about the mosquito attack. When we have movie night we have to spray ourselves to avoid the nasty things. Doesn't always work. I did jump in the trampoline but not for long, it is exhausting.

    Buzz, so happy you are joining us so often, a sign of recovery.

    Bob, wow 103, pretty amazing. Great pictures of jean and her sunflower. Your mall reminds me of Woodfield mall which is near me, it is also huge.

    Barbie, my friend sent me a link yesterday to see if I was interested in a Ninja since it was reduced from $269.99 to $159.99. I really don't know much about it, but I might do some research.

    Lin, I hope your weather is as beautiful as ours is today. I have the windows open and if feels wonderful.

    Ok, I better get ready to bring my car in or I will be bringing it in my robe. lol

    Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    A pork chop with home grown potato and onion roasting in the oven and I'm fed up with struggling with bits of board that cling to my walls whatever I try so will try again to post. I'm now on my old desktop which although a bit clunky, doesn't tend to whiz my posts away into the ether. Of course I have to remind myself I'm just a bit older than when I first moved here and managed all sorts of DIY tasks as well as hold down a full time job plus I could get in a handyman to finish off for me then I can concentrate on clearing the furniture before Mr Asbestos man does his thing next Tuesday.

    An Atlantic storm arrived in the early hours and woke me with its screaming wind and by 6.30am I was too curious about the sound of running water not to get up. Horizontal rain and nasty gales with more to come tonight so here perhaps comes Autumn. Funnily enough yesterday evening was beautiful with clear skies so I sat outside watching the Swallows teach their young how to dip and swoop over the trees and thought they must be getting themselves prepared for their long return flight to Africa.... they knew what was coming!

    Apart from a doggy walk to the Quoit I've done nothing too energetic, in fact spent a couple of hours in front of the tv watching what I generally refer to as daytime rubbish!! That's what sent me into the old dining room to pull board off the walls and expose some rather dodgy looking wiring.

    Thanks Bob for posting the BBC news video about Vera Lynn's recent death. My radio is on far more than the tv so although I knew she had passed away and did make a point of watching an item about her funeral when a couple of Spitfires flew overhead, I hadn't seen a full report. My father fought in the Far East and was a part of the army units in what was referred to as the forgotten war so it was lovely to see the men enjoying her company.
    That's a wonderful sunflower smiling down on Jean and I'm thinking if she moved to its other side that gaze would follow her!
    The Christmas outfits made me laugh... what a bargain AGAIN!

    Sandy, do you know a different garage where you can double check anything the Ford dealers tell you? Our dealerships don't have a great reputation but we can ask our recovery company to check so long as we are a member. At least with my leak a couple of weeks ago, the lady I spoke to was right, because now the weather has cooled and A/C is no longer required the garage floor is dry again.

    Anne, the Avon spray is really cheap here, in fact my neighbour buys 6 at a time and although I would never have believed if would work, I've not been bitten by the pesky midges or even horse flies except once when I once forgot to spray myself. Four hours gardening is amazing and I'm sure Jilly would have loved to be outside checking on everyone that passed by. Do you have many apples this year to be scrumped?

    Patsy, my only charge for working in your garden would be a few bowls of those blackberries and the occasional break to play with Katie! Would she play with me though, that's the thing?

    An interesting tea set Lin. Finger bowls rather than tea cups. :o

    Hello Buzz, are you still in the hospice area? I can imagine your political scene has you counting the days. Our Boris seems to have done what we call a bunk again after an exams results debacle that has left many students high and dry without university places. This bloomin' virus has a lot to answer for!

    Time to steam some veggies.
    Happy Wednesday everyone.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,136 Member
    edited August 2020
    Good afternoon. I finally got some cards mailed after watering my plants and grabbing more tomatoes. I attended a Zoom meeting on tillage methods and cover crops. Then a long (and long awaited) call with Social Security. I always get so nervous with these things. Especially when they read that statement about penalties for misrepresentations etc. Argh. Then talked to a friend for an hour or so. Lots to discuss.

    And for me, not totally unexpected news, the person who has been directing and conducting all the great adult classes and activities at my library sent a text that no activities would resume through the end of the year BUT ALSO she is retiring effective January 1st. At this point, no one to take over all the creative things she took care of so doubly upset. And the fact I will not see her or any of my creative buddies. We had such a good time together.

    Slap in the face. I hate reality.

    I am attending nightly meetings on a crop scouting tour. It is an annual event but this is the first time it is online and free to attend. Tonight and tomorrow night will cover sections of Iowa. I am very interested in their assessment after boots in the field today.

    Jackie, a friend of mine said, well what’s next. And she answered her own question, an early frost and a very long winter. Oh my, I hope that is not the next thing on the calendar (of Misfortunes AKA 2020). And now you are talking about your storm and perhaps Autumn. Oh my!

    Sandy, I hope all worked out with the door handles. I don’t like going to the dealership either, they always want to do more expensive work once they get their hands on the car. You have one bunch of energetic kids (plus 1 dog) to look after. I hope as they get older they do not become even more wild. At some point, a person cannot keep up!

    Bob, I love the pj’s. And again what a deal. Wow!! Lovely lunch once again as well. I too loved the sunflower photo. Tell Jean I like her sunny friend. And you are welcome for the teapot post. I wonder if those are cups with covers. Their cups do not have handles. Anyway, I have no idea but I am in a couple of groups on Facebook for teapot collectors as well as a British history page so I share photos from the many posts I see. Apparently there is no end to the appetites of teapot collectors. Or should I say a thirst for teapots?

    Patsy, cleaning the refrigerator is a big job. Thankfully it isn’t needed often. I have not be listening to any of the convention as it conflicts with the farm updates as there are no replays of those. I get lots of snippets on the news programs and web sites.

    Anne, you are a busy lady. And apparently quite strong and energetic! Sorry for the itching. I detest mosquito bites!

    Barbie, I would love to be on your zucchini route. ❤️❤️ I love them!! Jake is making good use of that Ninja Foodie.

    Buzz, did I miss you today? ❤️❤️

    If anybody cares, I take the base of the celery, stick tooth picks on four sides of the base and suspend it just in a container of water. I keep the container er full and mist it every day. After it has lots of roots, I transfer it to soil. I guess many people never do that, they stick with the water.

    Well, best move along. Evening meal, dishes, cleaning up, oh and must get the mail and then hours of listening and watching and really want to pay attention!

    All best wishes.


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Hi JACKIE, and everyone. Yes, I am still in hospice, but not sure for how long.My latest lab test may decide! I'm fine while sitting, but my breathing becomes puffy when standing or walking. I should ask a doctor if the medications might be affecting me.
    Our TV is consumed with the coming election, and has many interviews with people agreeing with Trump's shortcomings and incompetence, but will nevertheless vote for him simply because he's running again!!! It's only 6:24 PM, and I can't keep my eyes open. Is my lethargy physical or psychological?
    Have a healthy evening and I'll try to check in tomorrow.
    <3 Buzz
    While I'm into neither tea nor tea sets, I do think today's is rather attractive. I like to hold cups without handles, and covered cups make so much sense.
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Lin, I looked on google to find out more about today’s tea service and found this gentle video. Now that’s a pace of life we should all follow!

    Anne was right... No cup handles required!
    Jackie 🙋🏼‍♀️
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,136 Member
    Interesting video Jackie. ❤️

    Teapot once again

    Royal Worcester c 1890


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Wild weather with damaging gusts of wind so that even washing that was out to dry has been brought in before it takes off. I went early to the supermarket then took the pooches round the block choosing a route that didn’t involve walking under bowing and bending trees! It’s not at all cold, just got a knock you down wind! 😧

    Anne, do you remember that little ditty Whether the weather be fine or whether the weather be not..... goes on to something like we’ll weather the weather whatever the weather..... that’s me today! 🤪

    I’ve made a large pot of courgette (Zucchini) and sweet potato curry, some of which I’ll freeze and since it’s already 2pm will now get back to collecting “bits” to be put out of the way for now. I’m hoping to be mercenary before putting everything back because there’s definitely too much!

    A nice Willow Pattern teapot Lin but who’s the fella in a kilt? 😆
