Downsizers - September 2020 Team Chat



  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,530 Member
    Tuesday’s check in
    Calories: under
    Exercise: 30 minute walk
    Water: ✅
    Steps: 8,075
    DBF: 1

    Yesterday was a better day for meeting my goals. I did get to bed at 10:40 but I am going to call that a win. I haven’t walked yet but I am going to walk to Tim Hortons and get myself a tea. So I get my walk and a treat. No donuts though!

    Happy hump day!

    Today’s goals
    1. No binge eating
    2. Minimum 20 minute walk
    3. Bed by 10:30 pm
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,530 Member
    Question of the day

    A lot of the team seem to be having trouble with snacking whether it be daytime or nighttime. Do you have any helpful hints to overcome unplanned snacking?
  • azkunk
    azkunk Posts: 956 Member
    Check-in for Tuesday, 9/8

    Steps: 7,435
    Calories: under
    Water: 92oz
    Closed Ring Streak: 2 days
  • leeniekat
    leeniekat Posts: 145 Member
    Good Wednesday morning, everyone! Well, barely still morning for me still anyway... :) This week, things have been getting better as far as time management goes. I still haven't been perfect at logging my food, but I'm better than I was at the end of August. These days I'm striving for improvement, not perfection.

    Username: missgyst
    Weigh-in day: Wednesday
    Previous weight: 207.6
    Current weight: 207
    Loss to date: 24.8

    I'm so mad at myself... I weighed myself on Sunday I think and I was at 206.6 aka I had finally lost 25 pounds! Back up today by four ounces and I know exactly what I did. CICO is pretty much all I've been doing for weight loss, but more than ever I'm seeing that macros count! Long story short, I replaced food with beer during the NHL Eastern Conference Final. If you watch hockey, I'm an Islanders fan so you can imagine why I chose to drown my sorrows... ugh. Oh well, I'll be back next week to celebrate losing 25+ pounds, right?!
  • Tazaria87
    Tazaria87 Posts: 604 Member
    Daily Post Sept 8
    Tracked Yes
    Under Calorie Yes
    Exercise Yes
    Steps 10113
    Water 128oz
    Weights 3X/week 0/3- Plan to do one today after taking my son to school.

    Decluttering- I got so much done! My husband had plans in the evening until pretty late so I had time to myself after the kids were in bed. I finished organizing the stuff from the memory chest and put it all (plus all the other stuff) back in it. I took the bedside table out of our closet, still need to clean it and take it downstairs. Put all the pictures we have, which is a lot, and put them all in one box to be organized later. That will be a huge project. Folded and hung up laundry. There is still more to do but we can at least walk into our closet now!
    It rained all day so I ended up using the treadmill for 30 minutes to get some steps in. I also walked in place while watching my husband play a game again as he had yesterday off work too. I even did some of the steps I learned from the walking video haha.
  • azkunk
    azkunk Posts: 956 Member
    Question of the day

    A lot of the team seem to be having trouble with snacking whether it be daytime or nighttime. Do you have any helpful hints to overcome unplanned snacking?

    I find that when I am on track with water, I am less hungry so I don’t over do it. I plan snacks into my day and I try to get portion controlled packages. During the day, I will have fruit and cheese or a protein shake. I tend to like a sweet treat in the evening and my go to’s are Chobani flips, frozen Greek yogurt bars. If the package isn’t portioned, I weigh out a portion. If I am really hungry a whole bag of pop secret popcorn is only 130 calories but I am sensitive to salt so I try to avoid doing that too often.
  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,296 Member
    Question of the day

    A lot of the team seem to be having trouble with snacking whether it be daytime or nighttime. Do you have any helpful hints to overcome unplanned snacking?

    I tend to snack on things that are low in calories like cucumbers, celery etc.. I also drink a lot of water with a squirt of lemon/lime juice and also a slice of lemon or lime ... have a mint and or brush your teeth because food does not taste good after :)
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,530 Member
    Question of the day

    A lot of the team seem to be having trouble with snacking whether it be daytime or nighttime. Do you have any helpful hints to overcome unplanned snacking?

    As you know the nighttime snacking/binges is tough for me. One thing that helps me is to get to bed at a decent hour. By not staying up late I avoid that urge to eat.
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,530 Member
    azkunk wrote: »
    Check-in for Tuesday, 9/8

    Steps: 7,435
    Calories: under
    Water: 92oz
    Closed Ring Streak: 2 days

    Great job meeting those goals! What do you have to do to close the rings on your Apple Watch?

    missGYST wrote: »
    Good Wednesday morning, everyone! Well, barely still morning for me still anyway... :) This week, things have been getting better as far as time management goes. I still haven't been perfect at logging my food, but I'm better than I was at the end of August. These days I'm striving for improvement, not perfection.

    Username: missgyst
    Weigh-in day: Wednesday
    Previous weight: 207.6
    Current weight: 207
    Loss to date: 24.8

    I'm so mad at myself... I weighed myself on Sunday I think and I was at 206.6 aka I had finally lost 25 pounds! Back up today by four ounces and I know exactly what I did. CICO is pretty much all I've been doing for weight loss, but more than ever I'm seeing that macros count! Long story short, I replaced food with beer during the NHL Eastern Conference Final. If you watch hockey, I'm an Islanders fan so you can imagine why I chose to drown my sorrows... ugh. Oh well, I'll be back next week to celebrate losing 25+ pounds, right?!

    Congrats on the loss! You will hit that 25 pounds lost. I need to start paying attention to my macros also. I haven’t followed hockey for years since I lived in Edmonton. I was a big oilers fan back then. Of course, that was when Gretzky was playing for them back in the 80’s.

    Tazaria87 wrote: »
    Daily Post Sept 8
    Tracked Yes
    Under Calorie Yes
    Exercise Yes
    Steps 10113
    Water 128oz
    Weights 3X/week 0/3- Plan to do one today after taking my son to school.

    Decluttering- I got so much done! My husband had plans in the evening until pretty late so I had time to myself after the kids were in bed. I finished organizing the stuff from the memory chest and put it all (plus all the other stuff) back in it. I took the bedside table out of our closet, still need to clean it and take it downstairs. Put all the pictures we have, which is a lot, and put them all in one box to be organized later. That will be a huge project. Folded and hung up laundry. There is still more to do but we can at least walk into our closet now!
    It rained all day so I ended up using the treadmill for 30 minutes to get some steps in. I also walked in place while watching my husband play a game again as he had yesterday off work too. I even did some of the steps I learned from the walking video haha.

    Awesome steps! I have a big trunk that is filled with pictures. I keep saying I am going to organize it. Someday!
  • melichalupa
    melichalupa Posts: 297 Member
  • Z10Rtza
    Z10Rtza Posts: 450 Member
    Question of the day

    A lot of the team seem to be having trouble with snacking whether it be daytime or nighttime. Do you have any helpful hints to overcome unplanned snacking?

    Uff depends on how badly you want your snacking and if you wanna snack something or an specific thing. I mean, if I feel like eating something sweet, I can mix ingredients that are healthy and make it work. If what I'm craving for a snack is a Phish food Ben & Jerry's, there is nothing I can do to remove that crave. I can avoid eating it but that would be placing it for later
  • 888Angie888
    888Angie888 Posts: 884 Member
    Steps 9/8: 10,146
  • azkunk
    azkunk Posts: 956 Member
    azkunk wrote: »
    Check-in for Tuesday, 9/8

    Steps: 7,435
    Calories: under
    Water: 92oz
    Closed Ring Streak: 2 days

    Great job meeting those goals! What do you have to do to close the rings on your Apple Watch?

    There are 3 rings ...
    Move ring: closes when you hit your targeted number of calories. Calories adjust based on your trend of calories burned.

    Exercise ring: closed when you hit 30 minutes of exercise. You need to be moving at least a brisk pace for a walk to count or hit you target heart rate for other types of exercise. So, even if you track a 49 minute walk, it may not give you 30 exercise minutes

    Stand ring: the easiest one to close (unless your watch dies😡). You need to stand and move for at least one minute per hour for 12 hours. This does not have to be consecutive hours. Just stand for one minute during 12 separate hours of the day.

  • Megan_smartiepants1970
    Megan_smartiepants1970 Posts: 40,296 Member
    I did 2 workouts again today ...but I wasn't able to give my aerobics 100% due to having hip dysplasia but I got it done.... I am really thinking about doing just 1 workout with a 15 minute tone up each day .... I love the energy I have but I do not want another injury... I am on a roll and I don't want it to stop but I also have finally learned to listen to my body ...we shall see what tomorrow brings :)
  • ScorpioGirl70
    ScorpioGirl70 Posts: 196 Member
    Daily Checkin Sept 9, 2020

    Weigh in Day is Monday

    Treadmill 1 mile --- Yes
    Water (60 oz) -- 40 OZ -NOPE
    Workout 3x week -- Sept 8 x 1, Sept 9 x1
    2000 steps -- 3304 steps today
    Logged all food/drink -- yes
  • ScorpioGirl70
    ScorpioGirl70 Posts: 196 Member
    Question of the day

    A lot of the team seem to be having trouble with snacking whether it be daytime or nighttime. Do you have any helpful hints to overcome unplanned snacking?

    I don't know about others, but I have found, if I eat bread during the day, my night time snacking is awful. I need to stay away from carbs for the day and that seems to curve my cravings... but dang it bread taste soo good. :D
  • ScorpioGirl70
    ScorpioGirl70 Posts: 196 Member
    azkunk wrote: »
    @ScorpioGirl70 - I never smoked so I don’t know what it’s like to quit. I know it can’t be easy. Good for you for your commitment to improve your health and well-being by quitting, getting fit, and losing weight. Mis-steps will happen, you are doing great!

    Thank you, it has been an ongoing job for the last couple years, but I will get there one day.
  • AmyG1982
    AmyG1982 Posts: 1,040 Member
    Daily Post Wednesday
    Track: Yes
    Calories: Just over but didn’t log my exercise
    Exercise: couple of walks
    Day: had a bad day at work And was tired and cranky but didn’t binge!
    Water: 7/10 🙄
    Steps: 12,315
  • draby2011
    draby2011 Posts: 178 Member
    Question of the day

    A lot of the team seem to be having trouble with snacking whether it be daytime or nighttime. Do you have any helpful hints to overcome unplanned snacking?

    So at the hospital, the management is ALWAYS bringing in food...donuts, cakes, pizzas...everything. Well, I decided to bring my own snacks, and just whenever they are chowing down on their junk, I eat my nuts, cheese, fruit, veggies, or what have you. They kinda tease me because I bring a lot of stuff with me, but I like variety so I bring snack bags of multiple things every day. I don't necessarily have to eat all of it, but at least if I am eating with everyone I am not feeling left out and it is easier to resist. At home I really don't snack too often, it usually just in the presence of everyone else. Also, at the hospital I can justify snacking more because I don't really get to sit down and have a meal and I am constantly moving so I have to eat when I can.
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