Downsizers - September 2020 Team Chat



  • draby2011
    draby2011 Posts: 178 Member
    Steps: 3,653.

    Ufff...It was the dreaded classroom day today and if not in the classroom, I was in the car *facepalm*. I got home and had to go help my boyfriend (yes, we got back together) find parts for his car.

    I did manage to start some crafts that I have for sale in my crafting page and stayed on track diet-wise (for the most part!) I am off tomorrow but have a lot of stuff to do, but will be trying to get my steps in every way I can! Hope ya'll have a good night and I will check ya'll in the morning! :)
  • leeniekat
    leeniekat Posts: 145 Member
    edited September 2020
    Congrats on the loss! You will hit that 25 pounds lost. I need to start paying attention to my macros also. I haven’t followed hockey for years since I lived in Edmonton. I was a big oilers fan back then. Of course, that was when Gretzky was playing for them back in the ’80s.
    Thank you, Linda! I'll get there. Hopefully next Wednesday, but no matter what I'm working toward it. I joined this group hoping that it would motivate me to just stop binging, and I can't believe that being here has motivated me to lose just under 25lbs over this summer. You guys are the best!

    My grandmother was born in Montreal (oui, Je suis Canadien! lol) and raised until about 15 in Slave Lake, Alberta, before my great-grandmother and she immigrated to New York, with her aunt and uncle. Unfortunately, my grandma died when I was only 8 so I never learned much about the area from her, but I'm in LOVE with Alberta! I've been to Calgary, Lake Louise, Banff... it is so stunningly gorgeous that I can't imagine that there are people that get to see that every day. I still want to get to Edmonton to go to an Oilers game (I've done Vancouver and Calgary). I started watching hockey when the Islanders were winning Stanley Cups in the early '80s so I'm still salty about the Oilers dynasty that came right after, but wow what a time it was, huh? My niece is going to college in Fredonia by Buffalo and I told her that I'd come visit, but only to take her up to the Hockey Hall of Fame in Toronto, haha!
  • Z10Rtza
    Z10Rtza Posts: 450 Member
    Day: September 9
    Steps 19.710 steps

    1) Eat 5 healthy meals.

    2) Eat 1600 calories (or try at least more than 1200)❌

    3) Do 8.000 steps.

    4) Do something creative, fun, for at least 30 minutes 5 days a week.

    5) Try to talk to myself as I would talk to someone else, with good words, positive and motivating myself.❌

    I finally started with my CPAP. Today I slept much better. I have hope for my body to restore a bit. They offered me also something really interesting but is in another city far away. And I don't know how I would manage to go almost every day. The idea is being with a group of dietist + kinesist + psychologist + cardiologist + social nurse
    I'm really tempted but i really don't know how i would manage to go from Kanne to Hasselt every day, without a car, without bus connections... If it will be close by I will go right away
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,580 Member
    azkunk wrote: »
    azkunk wrote: »
    Check-in for Tuesday, 9/8

    Steps: 7,435
    Calories: under
    Water: 92oz
    Closed Ring Streak: 2 days

    Great job meeting those goals! What do you have to do to close the rings on your Apple Watch?

    There are 3 rings ...
    Move ring: closes when you hit your targeted number of calories. Calories adjust based on your trend of calories burned.

    Exercise ring: closed when you hit 30 minutes of exercise. You need to be moving at least a brisk pace for a walk to count or hit you target heart rate for other types of exercise. So, even if you track a 49 minute walk, it may not give you 30 exercise minutes

    Stand ring: the easiest one to close (unless your watch dies😡). You need to stand and move for at least one minute per hour for 12 hours. This does not have to be consecutive hours. Just stand for one minute during 12 separate hours of the day.

    i think when this Fitbit dies I am switching to an Apple Watch. I should start trying to get my Fitbit dashboard all green everyday. That would be step goal, floor goal, calories and miles. I think I can change what is on there.

    I did 2 workouts again today ...but I wasn't able to give my aerobics 100% due to having hip dysplasia but I got it done.... I am really thinking about doing just 1 workout with a 15 minute tone up each day .... I love the energy I have but I do not want another injury... I am on a roll and I don't want it to stop but I also have finally learned to listen to my body ...we shall see what tomorrow brings :)

    Listen to your body. It would suck if you had to stop exercising again.

    Daily Checkin Sept 9, 2020

    Weigh in Day is Monday

    Treadmill 1 mile --- Yes
    Water (60 oz) -- 40 OZ -NOPE
    Workout 3x week -- Sept 8 x 1, Sept 9 x1
    2000 steps -- 3304 steps today
    Logged all food/drink -- yes

    Great job with your goals. Water is a tough one. I have a water bottle that holds 2.5 cups of water. I fill it up several times a day.

    Question of the day

    A lot of the team seem to be having trouble with snacking whether it be daytime or nighttime. Do you have any helpful hints to overcome unplanned snacking?

    I don't know about others, but I have found, if I eat bread during the day, my night time snacking is awful. I need to stay away from carbs for the day and that seems to curve my cravings... but dang it bread taste soo good. :D

    Bread is killing me at night. Funny thing is I never used to eat bread but now I crave it.

    AmyG1982 wrote: »
    Daily Post Wednesday
    Track: Yes
    Calories: Just over but didn’t log my exercise
    Exercise: couple of walks
    Day: had a bad day at work And was tired and cranky but didn’t binge!
    Water: 7/10 🙄
    Steps: 12,315

    well done on not bingeing!
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,580 Member
    draby2011 wrote: »
    Steps: 3,653.

    Ufff...It was the dreaded classroom day today and if not in the classroom, I was in the car *facepalm*. I got home and had to go help my boyfriend (yes, we got back together) find parts for his car.

    I did manage to start some crafts that I have for sale in my crafting page and stayed on track diet-wise (for the most part!) I am off tomorrow but have a lot of stuff to do, but will be trying to get my steps in every way I can! Hope ya'll have a good night and I will check ya'll in the morning! :)

    That’s what I need to do, some crafts. It would be a distraction from snacking.

    missGYST wrote: »
    Congrats on the loss! You will hit that 25 pounds lost. I need to start paying attention to my macros also. I haven’t followed hockey for years since I lived in Edmonton. I was a big oilers fan back then. Of course, that was when Gretzky was playing for them back in the ’80s.
    Thank you, Linda! I'll get there. Hopefully next Wednesday, but no matter what I'm working toward it. I joined this group hoping that it would motivate me to just stop binging, and I can't believe that being here has motivated me to lose just under 25lbs over this summer. You guys are the best!

    My grandmother was born in Montreal (oui, Je suis Canadien! lol) and raised until about 15 in Slave Lake, Alberta, before my great-grandmother and she immigrated to New York, with her aunt and uncle. Unfortunately, my grandma died when I was only 8 so I never learned much about the area from her, but I'm in LOVE with Alberta! I've been to Calgary, Lake Louise, Banff... it is so stunningly gorgeous that I can't imagine that there are people that get to see that every day. I still want to get to Edmonton to go to an Oilers game (I've done Vancouver and Calgary). I started watching hockey when the Islanders were winning Stanley Cups in the early '80s so I'm still salty about the Oilers dynasty that came right after, but wow what a time it was, huh? My niece is going to college in Fredonia by Buffalo and I told her that I'd come visit, but only to take her up to the Hockey Hall of Fame in Toronto, haha!

    I really want to see the mountains again. To go back to the 80’s would be so cool as I had so much fun.

    Day: September 9
    Steps 19.710 steps

    1) Eat 5 healthy meals.

    2) Eat 1600 calories (or try at least more than 1200)❌

    3) Do 8.000 steps.

    4) Do something creative, fun, for at least 30 minutes 5 days a week.

    5) Try to talk to myself as I would talk to someone else, with good words, positive and motivating myself.❌

    I finally started with my CPAP. Today I slept much better. I have hope for my body to restore a bit. They offered me also something really interesting but is in another city far away. And I don't know how I would manage to go almost every day. The idea is being with a group of dietist + kinesist + psychologist + cardiologist + social nurse
    I'm really tempted but i really don't know how i would manage to go from Kanne to Hasselt every day, without a car, without bus connections... If it will be close by I will go right away

    Too bad you can’t take advantage of the doctor service. My doctors office has something like this and I love it. One stop shopping.
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,580 Member
    Overdue weigh ins

    Due today

    Tomorrow’s weigh ins
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,580 Member
    Wednesday’s check in
    Calories: under
    Exercise: 24 minute walk
    Water: ✅
    Steps: 8,513
    DBF: 2

    I am excited but nervous today. I am finally seeing the specialist about my leg. I am nervous as I am afraid he can’t do anything. This appointment was cancelled back in May due to the pandemic so I am glad I got in fairly fast once things started opening up.

    I should have a good weigh in tomorrow. I just have to make sure the binge monster doesn’t attack.

    Have a great day!

    Today’s goals
    1. No binge eating
    2. Minimum 20 minute walk
    3. Bed by 10:30 pm
  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member

    FAT 2 FIT

    This is a reminder that Fat2Fit has a recipe share page. Hop on over and take a look.

    Please share your favorite recipe for others to love, too.
  • Tazaria87
    Tazaria87 Posts: 604 Member
    Daily Post Sept 9
    Tracked Yes
    Under Calorie Yes
    Exercise Yes
    Steps 8890
    Water 128oz
    Weights 3X/week 1/3
    Decluttering- Not much but I did clean the bed side table that needs to be moved.

    Got some weights done while my son was at school. Did chest and abs. Also did a 43 minute walk on the treadmill in the evening to get some steps in. Fell short on steps a little bit.
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member

    :star:The Idea Lounge :star: is a place where we can come together to share our creative ideas and give our suggestions on how to make Fat2Fit the best challenge group on My Fitness Pal! B)

    Challenges - Why challenges? There is nothing better to help keep the energy and commitment high, and the discouragement and staleness low. They are optional but really helpful. Tell us which ones you like, or what new ideas you'd like to see.

    Suggestions - This is wide open! What would make F2F better? What bugs you? What works really well? Take some time to look around on other teams than your own, and if you see something you'd like your team to try, suggest it! Or if you think of ways we can improve communication, reward the right kind of progress, or make the community more welcoming and effective. Spill!

    Click the link to share your ideas! The Idea Lounge
  • azkunk
    azkunk Posts: 956 Member
    @lindamtuck2018 - good luck at you appointment today. I love my Apple Watch. My favorite thing is that it’s cellular, so I don’t have to drag my phone along when I exercise outdoors. It does all of the GPS tracking, plus make and receives calls without needing to be tethered.

    @missGYST - 25lbs is so close, that’s so exciting. This is my first month in this challenge and I really feel that it’s making a difference for me with accountability. I can’t wait to post that I hit the 25lb mark.
  • azkunk
    azkunk Posts: 956 Member
    Check-in for Wednesday, 9/9

    Steps: 9.394
    Calories: under
    Water: 94 oz
    Closed Ring Streak: 3 days

    I’ve been hitting my goals all week and should post about a pound loss tomorrow. I’d prefer 1.5 but a loss is a loss. Let’s see what the scale brings tomorrow. I feel like I’m in the groove right now so if it’s a pound a week, I am ok with that. I feel balance with my diet and exercise and I don’t feel cheated or overwhelmed.
  • ScorpioGirl70
    ScorpioGirl70 Posts: 196 Member
    Daily Checkin Sept 10, 2020

    Weigh in Day is Monday

    Treadmill 1 mile --- Yes
    Water (60 oz) -- 48 OZ -NOPE
    Workout 3x week -- Sept 8 x 1, Sept 9 x1, Sept 10 x1 - week completed
    2000 steps -- 2658 steps today
    Logged all food/drink -- yes
  • draby2011
    draby2011 Posts: 178 Member
    Steps: 4,102

    Today was another day where I spent the majority of the day in the car. My eldest daughter has had a flare of her JRA for the last 4 days and rheumatology couldn't get her in so we went to her PCP and was there for a couple of hours. They really weren't sure what to do so they're putting a call in to get her to the specialist ASAP.

    I did manage to get my hourly steps in for 8 of the 10 goal hours so at least there is that. I stayed on track diet wise and even found these super yummy apple caramel crunch mixed nuts! (ok,...I probably went a little overboard on those) But other than that I had an air fried chicken breast with some light spinach alfredo. It was delicious and also very convenient.

    Tomorrow I weigh in with my primary care doctor. I am anxious to see how she feels. I did have that bit of time after my middle little's birthday where I fell off and ate like complete crap for a while and I also was not taking the phentermine or my white kidney bean extract as I should have. I am still down so hopefully, she will be okay with that. I also have a training session tomorrow with my personal trainer so here is to getting my life back on track! :)
  • AmyG1982
    AmyG1982 Posts: 1,040 Member
    Daily Post Thursday
    Track: Yes
    Calories: Under
    Exercise: walking
    Day: very sedentary day (busy with work), even walked in place for like 20 min to get my steps up and still way too short lol
    Water: 8/10
    Steps: 7,698
  • AmyG1982
    AmyG1982 Posts: 1,040 Member
    Friday week 2
    PW 222.6
    CW 222.0
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,580 Member
    Tazaria87 wrote: »
    Daily Post Sept 9
    Tracked Yes
    Under Calorie Yes
    Exercise Yes
    Steps 8890
    Water 128oz
    Weights 3X/week 1/3
    Decluttering- Not much but I did clean the bed side table that needs to be moved.

    Got some weights done while my son was at school. Did chest and abs. Also did a 43 minute walk on the treadmill in the evening to get some steps in. Fell short on steps a little bit.

    Great job on your day!

    azkunk wrote: »
    Check-in for Wednesday, 9/9

    Steps: 9.394
    Calories: under
    Water: 94 oz
    Closed Ring Streak: 3 days

    I’ve been hitting my goals all week and should post about a pound loss tomorrow. I’d prefer 1.5 but a loss is a loss. Let’s see what the scale brings tomorrow. I feel like I’m in the groove right now so if it’s a pound a week, I am ok with that. I feel balance with my diet and exercise and I don’t feel cheated or overwhelmed.

    Remember a 1 pound loss a week is 52 pounds a year. I would be happy with .5 a week for 26 pounds a year.

    Daily Checkin Sept 10, 2020

    Weigh in Day is Monday

    Treadmill 1 mile --- Yes
    Water (60 oz) -- 48 OZ -NOPE
    Workout 3x week -- Sept 8 x 1, Sept 9 x1, Sept 10 x1 - week completed
    2000 steps -- 2658 steps today
    Logged all food/drink -- yes

    Great job on getting those workouts done this week!

    draby2011 wrote: »
    Steps: 4,102

    Today was another day where I spent the majority of the day in the car. My eldest daughter has had a flare of her JRA for the last 4 days and rheumatology couldn't get her in so we went to her PCP and was there for a couple of hours. They really weren't sure what to do so they're putting a call in to get her to the specialist ASAP.

    I did manage to get my hourly steps in for 8 of the 10 goal hours so at least there is that. I stayed on track diet wise and even found these super yummy apple caramel crunch mixed nuts! (ok,...I probably went a little overboard on those) But other than that I had an air fried chicken breast with some light spinach alfredo. It was delicious and also very convenient.

    Tomorrow I weigh in with my primary care doctor. I am anxious to see how she feels. I did have that bit of time after my middle little's birthday where I fell off and ate like complete crap for a while and I also was not taking the phentermine or my white kidney bean extract as I should have. I am still down so hopefully, she will be okay with that. I also have a training session tomorrow with my personal trainer so here is to getting my life back on track! :)

    I hope your daughter gets into the rheumatologist soon. I hope your appointment goes well tomorrow. It is great that you are getting everything back on track!

    AmyG1982 wrote: »
    Daily Post Thursday
    Track: Yes
    Calories: Under
    Exercise: walking
    Day: very sedentary day (busy with work), even walked in place for like 20 min to get my steps up and still way too short lol
    Water: 8/10
    Steps: 7,698
    AmyG1982 wrote: »
    Friday week 2
    PW 222.6
    CW 222.0

    Overall you did well with you goals. Well done! Congrats on your loss!
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,580 Member
    check in
    Calories: under
    Exercise: none
    Water: ✅
    DBF: 3

    PW 204.6
    CW 200.6
    LTD 62.2

    I am glad I lost some of the weight I gained last week. Hopefully, I can stay on a binge free streak and get the rest of it off next week.

    My doctors appointment didn’t go the way I wanted it. It is not a problem with my veins. I have to start over again with my family doctor. My leg has pain that gets worse as the day goes on and I get numbness in my foot. My leg swells up pretty bad too. Once early afternoon hits it is very painful to walk so if I don’t get my walking done early it is not going to get done at all. The specialist said it is possible that it is related to my rheumatoid arthritis and/or my neuropathy. I am calling both my family doctor and rheumatologist today to start the next steps. I am bummed out but I am not going to eat my emotions away.

    My granddaughters have been her since last night. They are staying again tonight. We are going to walk in a bit and then play games for the afternoon.

    Happy FriYAY!

    Today’s goals
    1. No binge eating
    2. Minimum 20 minute walk
    3. Bed by 10:30 pm
  • Tazaria87
    Tazaria87 Posts: 604 Member
    Daily Post Sept 10
    Tracked Yes
    Under Calorie Yes
    Exercise No
    Steps 3389
    Water 128oz
    Weights 3X/week 1/3
    Decluttering Took all the bins/boxes out of our closet that need to go downstairs. One of the boxes was kitchen stuff from my grandma so I washed it all and found places for them to go.

    I took a rest day from exercise. I haven't had a rest day in a couple of weeks and just felt like one was needed. Did a little work on the closet, did all the dishes and cleaned up the kitchen. I wasn't completely sedentary or anything, just no formal exercise.
This discussion has been closed.