WaistAways - April 2021 Team Chat



  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,214 Member
    Hello Team!
    I hope your day is going or has gone well. As a team, I have to say we did not have the most brilliant March, but some of you had a great month indeed. I'd like to see our % of greens go a bit higher, but there are months like that. Dig deep in April and get those reds kicked to the curb, ok? Who needs 'em? Even if you only lose 0.1 lb it is green. And we all know how healthy our greens are :mrgreen:

    Beka will get all the results posted this evening, so we'll be able to congratulate the big losers :smiley:

    I'm going out in the rain for a walk. I blew it this morning when it was dry!

    Quick weigh-in reminder for today:

    and Monday:

    Tally ho!
  • conleywoods
    conleywoods Posts: 986 Member
    Hi! I'm Kristi from Washington state in the US. I'm 38, married and have 3 kids age 11, 9 and 6. I am just returning to weight loss after a 2 month reverse diet. My start weight was 255lbs and right now I'm at 227.0 My lowest was 214 but I couldn't maintain it and yo yo'd for several months. Hopefully my body will cooperate now. I'm getting back into the swing of things by exercising and logging!

    April Goals!

    Log and stay in my calories
    Keep working on macros
    Get back to my ballet workouts and reconnect with my why for working out (stress relief, feel strong and elegant and all the fun outfits 🤭)
  • conleywoods
    conleywoods Posts: 986 Member
    Today went well. Logged my food and stayed in calories. Did a 45 minute ballet workout. Not sure if anyone else is watching college basketball. I'm sure I burned some calories watching Gonzaga even though they did great. We had wind storms today and lost power. I hope it doesn't take days to get it back. I guess the baby chicks will be staying in the house tonight by the wood stove!
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,285 Member
    Hi everyone! I’m Michele from North Carolina. I’m 56 and I’ve been with Waistaways for 2 years. I’m the co-captain with @jugar. I maintain the step challenge which I’ll post more about shortly.

    I’m married 37+ years and have two grown children and an adorable almost 3 year old granddaughter that I talk about a lot.

    As I said, I’ve been with the group for over two years and have just been hanging out about the same place for the last year +. I’ve made a lot of changes, but the novel excitement of weight loss is gone for me. I’m sticking with it, but tired of being in the 190s for so long. Making myself check in daily helps, but I need a kick. I’m not always a bummer. But that’s where I am at this moment.
  • DD265
    DD265 Posts: 651 Member
    Hi all, I'm Katie from near Nottingham in the UK with my husband and our two cats. I've been with the group - and actively trying to lose weight - since January and both enjoying it and seeing success on the scale. Prior to that I was doing WW for over 5 years and got close to a healthy BMI once, but then regained all the weight and couldn't seem to shift it. I have a desk based job (currently from home full time) but I like to move... walking, running and resistance bands; weight lifting will hopefully re-enter my life soon.
  • DD265
    DD265 Posts: 651 Member
    CW: 84.0
    PW: 84.5

    Holy water retention batman! I was in the 83s Tuesday-Saturday and ruined it by eating in a way that I know encourages my body to retain water. I stayed within my calorie goal but we had takeaways on Sunday, Wednesday and last night due to lack of preparation.

    On the Sunday's, OH hadn't realised the marinade time involved in our new recipes. To combat that, I (and it'll fall to me :/) will add a calendar appointment earlier in the day to apply the marinade.

    The Wednesday was because OH has started running again, and I was working late, so tea wasn't put on and it took an hour to cook. I should note that the takeaway took 2.5 hours to arrive, coming at 9.45pm (won't be ordering from them again!), so we'd have been better sticking with the original plan. This week we've made an effort to plan the quick, or reheat-only, recipes for days when we both expect to be running. We also need to communicate better.

    I need to spend some time - probably Wednesday night - adjusting my plan for April and I think I'm going to drop my calorie goal again. I also need to do measurements and progress photos - if I'd stuck to the fortnight, it would've been yesterday, but I thought I'd do them on Wednesday morning with it being the end of the month.

    I'm going to be extra-good for the next two days to try and finish the month under 84kg :D
  • eggfreak
    eggfreak Posts: 681 Member
    Monday morning, @jugar, okay if I jump back in? No sitting on the sidelines this month. My dramatic yoyoing was making me not want to screw up the team stats BUT an energetic sunny Monday morning has me saying 'ENOUGH'.
    Please put me back in and I'm aiming for a great April.
  • YinxFed
    YinxFed Posts: 1,083 Member
    Greetings friends!

    Loving the April Showers challenge this month - even though it's not April yet, here's my reckoning for today:

    1. Take a breathing break [I do this every morning when I get up - I swing my feet out of bed, make contact with the carpet, and as I raise my head, I take my first gorgeous inhalation of breath... and exhale. Then I relax my shoulders by turning my palms upwards and I take my second inhalation. Then I gently rotate my head a few times before raising my hands to the sky and taking a few more deep breaths. On the next exhale, I bring my hands down in prayer to heart pose and enjoy the stillness. I normally finish off by raising my arms midway at my sides and then doing a couple of side twists] It's just the best way to wake up! Then I go and brush my teeth!
    4. Plan your meals and pre-log the whole day.
    5. Post on your team thread.
    7. Make your bed. [I feel like this is cheating as I do this every day anyway.]
  • Steph1498
    Steph1498 Posts: 307 Member
    Hello everyone! My name is Stephanie, I currently live in Luxembourg but am from Oklahoma. I'm married with two teenage kids and also have a son in the US. I'm working on a Masters Degree and taking French lessons. I love to run, hike, bike and travel. I hate that COVID has restricted movement and there doesn't seem to be a vaccine in sight for me in Europe...

    As for health and fitness. I've always been very active and eaten what I liked. After my third child and taking on additional career roles my weight topped at about 182 pounds. I was stressed and miserable and too tired to focus on my nutrition or fitness, I hate those pictures. In 2019, we moved to Luxembourg in support of my husband's career and I left my mine. I traded my stress at work for living in a foreign country and integrating my family here. Honestly, it has improved all our lives in so many ways. Since then I have worked to improve my fitness, nutrition and mindset. I'm a lot more fun to be around these days. I currently weigh 156.5 and am working to get to 145.

    I have found that being mindful of carbs helps me to manage my overall food intake, I like to eat less than 100 carbs per day. I also have eliminated snacking late at night by "intermittent fasting" - which for me means finishing any eating by 8pm and having just coffee for breakfast. I did "Dry January" and realized that a cold fizzy drink does me just as good without the negative effects of alcohol on my metabolism. I am working on getting more sleep currently I get about 6 hours and my body needs more.

    In March, I waivered in recording all my foods and exercising routinely. In April, I plan to just get back to my basics. I will read the group chat every day and work to post more routinely.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,214 Member
    Happy Monday!
    I always love reading the introductions every month. The moments of re-commitment and feeling of where each person is right now are always both interesting and inspiring. Thanks!

    You are now officially back in the regular team. Yo-yo with consequences!

    I love your morning routine. Sounds perfect :heart:

    I have to go to pick up my new glasses today in the middle of a rather wild wind and snow storm. Spring - The Prequel is over and we are now in The Winter Strikes Back. I'm sure we'll be yo-yoing for another couple of weeks. It will be good to have updated glasses. I have some rather challenging visual issues and even though replacing all 3 of my necessary glasses costs a small fortune, I could not put it off any longer. I look forward to a less wonky world!

    Keep well! Plan and stick to plan!
  • Kali225
    Kali225 Posts: 620 Member
    Hi Waistaways - can't believe it's already April.

    I'm Kay, 26, living in Boston. Been on the team since August and really loved the support system and motivation here!

    That said - I actually decided that I am going to back away from calorie counting. This Wednesday will mark 500 days straight of logging and reaching my fitbit step goal and that's a LOT. I was just thinking that actually, since meeting my step goal meant 1-2 hours of walking at a minimum every day, I have basically not given my body a true rest day in a year and half. !!! MFP has definitely helped me lose weight, especially in the last 3 years (hovering around 45-50 lbs lost), but recently has not been working as well. I've been stuck in a restrict-binge cycle for maybe 6 weeks and I think I need to reassess my relationship with food. I have been too focused on numbers - scale, calories, steps, streaks, yada yada yada. I am actually going to take my fitbit off for a while too!

    I won't be weighing myself for at least a good month I hope, and then more like every 2-3 weeks after, so I won't be fitting the bill for the F2F system, but hoping @jugar can put me on support team and I can still check in and read about all your journeys? (While embarking on my own!) I feel like I know someone of you by now and there is such progress being made here! <3
  • Kali225
    Kali225 Posts: 620 Member
    my steps for last week (I will not be joining for the competition in April*!)


  • Pearl4686
    Pearl4686 Posts: 918 Member
    @micki48 I am going to have to take a break from the step team again, sorry. I've been battling stomach issues (I won't bore you with the details) + I have the kids off school and with my studies I am struggling to get steps in.
  • gak71
    gak71 Posts: 192 Member
    Pearl4686 wrote: »
    @micki48 I am going to have to take a break from the step team again, sorry. I've been battling stomach issues (I won't bore you with the details) + I have the kids off school and with my studies I am struggling to get steps in.

    I’m new here, what is the step team? Thanks!
  • PlaneMonkey
    PlaneMonkey Posts: 568 Member
    Hi WaistAways, I'm Courtney and I'm 40 years old and live in the National Capital Region of Canada with my husband and two cats (both of whom are also overweight according to the vet). I have just closed down my toolbox and traded up for a desk job working from home until the pandemic is behind us. I like the idea of working from home based on the cost of commuting, but I know there will definitely be struggles for weight loss since I'll be moving less and will have easier access to snacks! I had a high-stress desk job 5 years ago and ballooned to my highest weight ever. This new position is more relaxed but boredom can be an enemy to willpower just like stress can.

    As for my weight loss story, I was very athletic in my youth but once I hit university and sports weren't an everyday thing, I failed to lower my calorie consumption to match. I've been gaining and losing the same 40lbs for almost 20 years, so this time, with all of the motivation around me like I've found in this group, I will finally stick to it, and learn to be satisfied with the calorie limit I should actually be consuming instead of my goldfish tendencies to eat until I want to explode. I had great habits and motivation when I first joined MFP back in August but have gotten comfortable in the size I've reached so I've relaxed my discipline with my calorie goal to the point that I overdo it on the weekends and then spend Monday and Tuesday trying to turn the bus around for my Wednesday weigh-in. Like others, I'm going to have to find a bit of a better relationship with food to have this last for the long term. I'm 9 lbs from my first major goal. I have added an exercise routine I don't hate and The Habit Tracker I started using in February really kept me on track! I've picked out the reward I want once I've earned it. I'm giving myself $5 a week for each week I complete my three goals so another couple of weeks and I should have accumulated enough to get it!

    My goals for March are:
    1. Log honestly every day, even if when I hit "Complete my Diary" I don't get the caption "Was under her calorie goal" at the end.
    2. No drinking wine 5 days per week
    3. Remember to drink water (at least 40oz)!
    4. Do free weight exercise at least 3 times per week

    With this new job I have regained an hour and a half of my day that I would have normally lost to driving back and forth to work. Home reno projects take a bit of that time because there's always SOMETHING on the to-do list, but that's an hour and a half DAILY that's now MINE where I should be able to dedicate a good portion of that to wellness, either in exercise or meal planning/prep.

    I do want to commit to posting more often as I'm one of the guilty ones that tends to post mostly on weigh in day and I really appreciate all the sharing of stories and advice from members of this group so I need to step up and contribute!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,214 Member
    edited March 2021
    Kali225 wrote: »
    Hi Waistaways - can't believe it's already April.

    I'm Kay, 26, living in Boston. Been on the team since August and really loved the support system and motivation here!

    That said - I actually decided that I am going to back away from calorie counting. This Wednesday will mark 500 days straight of logging and reaching my fitbit step goal and that's a LOT. I was just thinking that actually, since meeting my step goal meant 1-2 hours of walking at a minimum every day, I have basically not given my body a true rest day in a year and half. !!! MFP has definitely helped me lose weight, especially in the last 3 years (hovering around 45-50 lbs lost), but recently has not been working as well. I've been stuck in a restrict-binge cycle for maybe 6 weeks and I think I need to reassess my relationship with food. I have been too focused on numbers - scale, calories, steps, streaks, yada yada yada. I am actually going to take my fitbit off for a while too!

    I won't be weighing myself for at least a good month I hope, and then more like every 2-3 weeks after, so I won't be fitting the bill for the F2F system, but hoping @jugar can put me on support team and I can still check in and read about all your journeys? (While embarking on my own!) I feel like I know someone of you by now and there is such progress being made here! <3

    This makes a lot of sense. The numbers can be too much sometimes, and there is NO problem to stay on the support team for as long as you want to. You can read and post as much as you want - I am sure others will want to hear about how things go when the numbers, restrictions, and sometimes resulting binges get handled in a new way. Please keep us posted!! :heart:

    Any time you decide you want to weigh in, even while staying on support, just go ahead and post it. It can still be valuable to see how you're doing on the scale from time to time.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,214 Member
    All right! Monday is coming to a close here, and the snow has stopped. Tomorrow should be lovely!

    The step/exercise team include anyone who would like to track daily steps and/or intentional exercise. It is a good way to commit to a step goal or to hit a certain number of minutes of exercise per day, and to see how you stack up against the others on the team if you're the competitive type! We have a chart to convert exercise minutes to an equivalent number of steps, so if you're not bit on step counting, you can still take part. I'm sure @micki48 will be posting more details, but go ahead and post your step count and exercise minutes if you're in! Exercise should include some info about intensity level if it is appropriate - for example, aerobics low impact, moderate, or intense. Bicycling average speed and how many minutes, etc. Some things are fairly consistent like Pilates or Yoga, so you don't need to give any more details than just the minutes. Once you start, if there are any clarifications needed we'll ask! Dive on in.

    @Gidgitgoescrazy and @PlaneMonkey
    You've got this! Now that new work patterns are settling in, it looks like you have the good plans to make it work. It isn't going to be like the last time @PlaneMonkey !!
  • lorib642
    lorib642 Posts: 1,942 Member
    Sunday, we celebrated Passover. I decided to not follow keto that night and was planning on having a (one) sweet. I did good with dinner but went whole hog on desserts, which I was not planning, but everything looked and tasted sooo good. Today I was out of ketosis and my blood sugar was okay, but much higher than it had been reading.

    Today is a new day and I am back on track
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