WaistAways - April 2021 Team Chat



  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,194 Member
    edited March 2021
    lorib642 wrote: »
    Sunday, we celebrated Passover. I decided to not follow keto that night and was planning on having a (one) sweet. I did good with dinner but went whole hog on desserts, which I was not planning, but everything looked and tasted sooo good. Today I was out of ketosis and my blood sugar was okay, but much higher than it had been reading.

    Today is a new day and I am back on track

    One day of sweets won't do much harm - as long as you get back on track right away which you did! I hope you enjoyed it even so.

    Monday weigh-ins still due ---


    We have a day off for weigh-ins tomorrow, so come up with a question or a topic you'd like to toss around. Tuesdays are good for that :smiley:
  • smaidiigaa
    smaidiigaa Posts: 6 Member
    Monday weigh in


    Have forgotten exact PW last week, sorry to say. More than this week by a good bit anyway...
    CW 66.00
  • DD265
    DD265 Posts: 651 Member
    Morning all. Down to 83.6 this morning - looking good for an 83.X start to April!

    Last night I was able to run with two friends - first time this year we've been allowed - so really enjoyed it. About an hour before we were to meet I did some mobility work, including quad and hip flexor stretches, which helped. I was still achy, but did warm up. My body is funny though; we did a bit of trail for the first time (I used to do quite a lot and hated road running to start with) and my body immediately went "WTF?! We run on the roads now woman, what are you doing?" :D I need to incorporate some sprints and trail into my week for better conditioning. Not sure if this will be as part of the group runs or separate sessions. I am running 5km on the regular now which is great progress.

    Carpet fitting in the spare room today, which puts us one step closer to getting the gym back at the garage. The village gym is opening back up soon, and we're going to try to sign up there as well because it's not expensive. You get a key so you can go any time (I'd make sure I wasn't alone) and it's a 5 minute walk from the house so there's not many excuses not to go. I'm just hoping they have a decent selection of free weights, as I'm not a fan of machines.
  • eggfreak
    eggfreak Posts: 681 Member
    hi, a quick intro, I'm Sylvia,52, in Massachusetts. I've been with F2F for just over a year and it was the accountability I needed. Did well and then plateaued since August and just recently creeping up again as I've really lost my focus & drive. Getting back onboard as I want to fight my way down about 12 pounds....and then...KEEP them off and feel really great this summer. In and out (due to covid) to a local office job (the alternate weeks when I'm home-my eating is not so good) and live in caregiver to elderly parents. Gardening gigs on the side. My own garden crying for attention. Whoever on F2F who recommended dill pickles as a snack - thank you! I cut them up into little 'nickels' and makes for a great nibble.
  • Gidgitgoescrazy
    Gidgitgoescrazy Posts: 636 Member
    Good morning all, this morning was a good one, did 20 min of aerobics and 7 min of hiit, and packed some shoes to take a walk at lunch. Haven't had a chance to walk around this new office so today is an adventure.
    Have a great day!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,194 Member
    Isn't it a great feeling when you stay true to your commitments in spite of unexpected things happening? That's also a good thing to remember when things are boring or we feel in need of a "reward". WTG!!

    I'm so jealous! A new couch is in my future this summer as well, but choosing one is my nightmare. I'd much rather get something (gently) used, but my husband has such terrible asthma that we cannot take a chance on any allergens travelling in. Post some photos of yours so I can get some ideas, ok? And you are amazing getting your workout done with work, kids, carpet buying, and meal prep. What a star! :star:

    Your visit home sounds lovely. I hope your mom is OK - I am 100% certain that having you home made her feel less anxious and very, very happy. Any ice cream consumed did not count, I'm sure!

    YES! That was a great week - congrats! Down 2.7 pounds :smiley: You'll be on the leaderboard this week, I'll bet.

    I love your self talk! Run on trails and tell that road-running woman to broaden her horizons!

    12 pounds, eh? Give it 6 months - it gets real slow as you get close to goal, and sticking to .5 lb per week helps prevent discouragement and burnout. That's just an average - some weeks more, some nothing at all - and this summer you WILL be feeling amazing! Break out those short shorts for gardening :wink:

    There's the Vikki we know and love :heart: - aerobics, HIIT, and an adventure walk. Yes!

    I need an adventure walk today too. It is temporary summer after yesterday's crazy snowstorm, and then tomorrow is wild thunderstorms then more snow. Gotta love the weird spring we get here... Enjoy your beautiful day!
  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member
    BETTER LATE THAN NEVER..... Right?!?!



    1st @imgwendolyn2015 3.63 %
    2nd @Beautyofdreams 2.64
    3rd @bearchested 2.29 %

    1st @imgwendolyn2015 9.0 Lbs
    2nd @davidji82 5.6 Lbs
    3rd @bearchested 4.6 Lbs



  • Beka3695
    Beka3695 Posts: 4,126 Member



    1st @dignow96 5.73%
    2nd @rachelrjh 5.52%
    3rd @eahrenee 5.46 %

    1st @dignow96 16.8 Lbs
    2nd @bmotisko 14.8 Lbs
    3rd @lelbarou 13.2 Lbs



  • gak71
    gak71 Posts: 192 Member
    edited March 2021
    How many steps will 50 minutes of reformer Pilates count as for the step/exercise team?
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,194 Member
    gak71 wrote: »
    How many steps will 50 minutes of reformer Pilates count as for the step/exercise team?

    Pilates in general counts for 100 steps per minute, so that would be 5,000. The chart I use is here:
    but I do make some adjustments - I find than many of the counts are for very high intensity, so I tend to go a bit conservative on some of the higher numbers.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,194 Member
    OK! I get to have a good nag-fest tonight. Some weigh-ins are overdue, and more are coming up tomorrow! Don't make me come after you, now!


    Due Wednesday:
    Just post your current weight here - the good, the bad, the fab, the sad - whatever it is we can learn from it and go on better than before! If you don't remember last week's, that's ok. As long as this week's is there, all is well.

  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,166 Member
    Hi team! Things are back to "normal" here for the most part, although my usual walking buddy (my husband) is recovering from surgery, so it's just me and my dog for my walks.
    I am doing really well with my hydration goal, which isn't a strength of mine. I'm one of these people who "doesn't like water"... I do enjoy the feeling of being hydrated though (minus all the peeing!)
    I am thinking ahead to the upcoming long weekend and hoping to plan another long distance walk for myself. I do find the extra calories earned very motivating!
  • PlaneMonkey
    PlaneMonkey Posts: 568 Member
    It was Taco Tuesday here too! This week was fish tacos. So good!! So tough to stick to the amount I'm allowed within my calorie goal but I did it!
    One thing I've come to find during the pandemic is that any of our local fast food places don't stock side salads or anything that isn't salty or fried anymore since they claim they couldn't guarantee supply when businesses kept shutting down. It's become a big problem for us on any day we venture into town to run errands after work and get stuck away from home past meal time. I find there's no healthy options for me out of the house. I either cave in and blow through my calorie goal with a burger or else I insist I eat once I'm home but he's welcome to pick up anything he wants.... and hubby pouts cause if I'm not willing to eat takeout then he won't eat takeout so he just sits there, hangry. And pouty. Who knew that a McDonald's side salad could be a marriage saver? Canada has limited fast food compared to the US to begin with and our corner of Quebec is even a barren desert compared to Ottawa just across the river. Who knew a Wendy's Taco salad could be such a hot commodity!?!? Does anyone have a go-to for when you find yourself out of the house and you hadn't prepped or planned for it?
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,277 Member
    Hi everyone. Loved reading all the posts. Busy week here. Family getting vaccinated. Son moving. We’re traveling to see him after Dr visit on Thursday.


    So, step team. Last month we had a lot of blanks. I guess some folks who said yes to the team, ended up changing their mind because life happens. That is ok. It happens. But if you join and later decide it’s not right for you this month, please let me know so I don’t look for steps.

    Now that that is out of the way, we have a team step challenge. If you are interested in joining, let me know. All you need to do when you let me know is tell me what your daily step goal is and post your daily steps. You may post daily or all at once on Sunday. Our week runs Sunday to Saturday. We are now in Week 1.

    When I have seen and recorded your steps, I will mark your post “insightful”. At the end of the week, I will post weekly results with total team steps, top steppers, and those steppers meeting their daily goal 4 or more days. Also when you post steps, please don’t bury the steps in a longer post. (It can be hard to find. )

This discussion has been closed.