The New Water Cooler



  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,717 Member
    oh man cherry pie - sounds SO yummy

    the provitalize came earlier this week so I have started taking that - and the other thing I ordered (thought I ordered) came yesterday. I got a green powder and an immunity powder. I thought I had ordered the pineapple chia drink (supposed to be good for bloating). I must have clicked the wrong button. I did another order last night but tried the green powder. Bleh. Tasted like what I think grass would taste like. It seems full of good nutrients - five full servings of veg so I tried again today putting a little juice in it, went down a little easier. But I am still not losing weight even though I should be based on what I am tracking for calories. I am going to have to get more strict and cut back even more on the carbs probably. I may be ok on calls, but too csrb heavy with all the changes my body is going through. I have to keep trying. I think I can, I think I can.

    Grrrrrr! Construction.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,264 Member
    I am in the second bottle of Provitalize. It has significantly helped with bloating and my digestion is very regular. I need to drink more water and have less sugar intake. I'm thinking of buying the Previtalize too but not sure. I haven't experienced any weight loss but haven't been trying too hard with food. I eat way too many carbs and have enjoyed a glass of wine or two some evenings.

    I had my second vaccine today. I took three Tylenol when I got home to off set any symptoms that may occur. I'll take another two before bed just in case. It's been 5 hours since the shot and they say 12 hours is when side effects may kick in.

    It rained so I never trimmed. I hope to trim bushes tomorrow if it's nice and I feel good.

    My brother took too many of some of his drugs this week. I guess he was quite out of it. I don't think they should let him be in charge of his own meds. I think they are controlling them now. His memory is really poor so he probably forgot he took them and did it again. I don't think it would be on purpose. He has had two days of feeling poorly since then.

    My car is all fixed and up to date with the recall and maintenance.

    Good luck with the stuff you are taking. I'm thinking I should get back to logging my foods for awhile and decreasing the carb intake. I hope to get more bike riding in too.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,717 Member
    Just sent my 'baby' off to prom. YIkes! He looked amazing. HIs young lady was lovely and seems very nice. Super smart too. Gonna be a long night though. Pictures were about 6, then dinner, then dance 9 to midnight, then post prom until 3 am and then breakfast at somebody's house. Yawn.
    I'm glad you think the provitalize is helping with the bloating. I really need that. Hopefully once that tames down the better eating will help with loss, if I can stick with it. Come on M - stick with it!

    Hope you don't feel too many side effects. I am dreading shot two since I felt pretty yucky after number one.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,717 Member
    everybody home safe by a little after 5 am. YAWN. I dozed during the 'safe' time of being at post prom and then was watching his phone location until he put us out of our misery and came home after the 'after' breakfast. Slept for a few more hours, but didn't want to stay in bed too too long. Got his tux gathered up and returned and that's that. I hope he had a good time. I really don't know how serious he is with his young lady, but she seems very nice, kind, funny and real. She is a senior and will be going to Iowa State next year for Engineering.

    Back to the grind tomorrow. Meh.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,264 Member
    Shot 2 went ok. My arm is only tender to the touch at the needle site. They told me to push on the site and move my arm a lot so I did. I was a little fatigued Friday eve and last night but that is probably from being lazy. My sister and I rode 15 miles today and now I'm sore and tired. I want to work up to 50 miles per week minimum in the full swing of summer.

    C looked great and his girl is very pretty. Did he have a good time? Is he a senior next year? Are you going back to School of MInes?

    Sunny and blue skies but chilly in high 40's and low 50's today. I will visit my brother tomorrow morning.

    Have a good evening and don't think about work until tomorrow.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,717 Member
    I think he had a good time. But he is not very effusive. Getting info is a challenge. Caleb is a junior - so he still has one more year of high school. We do want to visit school of mines - but not sure when that will be.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,264 Member
    My boys don't tell me much and they don't like questions. Pretty sure I annoy them.

    I took a scenic drive today to see different Lake Michigan beaches and sand dunes in the area. Cold but nice day.
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,717 Member
    we had a bit of snow - so crazy. Have a great day!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,264 Member
    I didn't even go outside today. Cold and cloudy...
    I can't believe the verdict is in and guilty on all 3 charges. That was a quick trial and deliberation. I'm glad he was found guilty but it will be interesting going forward with other cases. There will be more...
    Have a nice Wednesday.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,264 Member
    A winery a charity group that feeds the homeless paired up and for $30, we got a bottle of wine and a pasta dinner. We went to the winery early afternoon and picked it up. While we were there I did a wine tasting and Russ had a pint of cider. Beautiful view of the lake while we sipped.

    I've been working on details for the AK trip. We still need to book hotel in mpls night before our flight and reserve a spot in car park at airport. Expensive trip!

    Cold week here but sun was shining today.

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,717 Member
    that sounds really cool - getting an awesome dinner and beverage and helping out a cool cause. Woot!

    Almost through the week. Hanging on!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,717 Member
    T.G.I.F!!!!! And Zach came home for a quick visit. He only has two weeks left, but needed a break from his roommates.

    So nice to see him!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,264 Member
    What is Z planning for his living situation next Fall? Hard to believe his freshman year is almost done. College goes faster than high school. What schools does C want to visit? Do you think he will go to Wayne?

    My sister, her friend Janet and I rode our bikes 18 miles today. I came home, ate lunch and took a long nap. Getting old isn't for sissys. Amazing how we could go and go as kids and now our bodies get tired.

    Russ is almost done with the basement ceiling. I will paint the sheetrock on Monday or Tuesday. He just needs to get bed frames put together and I will figure out what mattresses to buy. Luckily we don't need box springs too.

    Is work still crazy? Is Z working there again this summer?

  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,717 Member
    Zach is almost done with his sophomore year! I know - it's going so fast. He and three other friends registered for four-person room in Pile (an upperclassmen dorm) that will have more room and nicer appointments. I really encouraged him to stay on campus since I am paying his room and board he doesn't have to do the "it's cheaper off campus" and I am just not sure he is ready to be fully responsible for bills and food and being on his own. His room was pretty decent this year, but since he missed getting registered on time he ended up with two roommates in his non-preferred dorm. Pile will be super close to his main buildings for classes (the Center for Applied Technology aka the CAT and Gardner) and steps from the student center too. The only downside so far for next year is his closest buddy Derek is transferring to UNL. Sniff. I'm bummed for Zach. Derek is the one who grabbed on to Zach last year at orientation and pulled him into his circle and really just helped Zach blossom. I will always be grateful for how he helped Zach find his people and place. Got him to join the ACM club and now he's Treasurer. Zach is hoping to work in the IT department again this summer. He told HR that and I have said the same thing to the IT people I speak with, but we probably won't know for sure until he's home and can get in and get the word officially. I told him he does not have to do production again. If they can't put him in IT, he can take a summer class or two instead.

    I would like Caleb to give Wayne a fair shake, but he is pretty set against it since brother is there. Even though Zach will done soon, (two-ish years) but even if I get him to visit I doubt he will really consider. Still want to try to get to South Dakota, of course UNL and UNO too (Omaha) I presume. Other than that he really hasn't said.

    I really agree about how surprised I am by basically how my body is just suddenly falling apart. Blows my mind. Some of my supplements must be helping a little as I am noticing that my joints are not feeling quite as painful. So I am pleased. Will keep choking them down maybe it will keep getting better. I am getting a little less bloated too. I REALLY hope that continues to get better as well.

    Work is freaking stupid nuts. STUPID! Our backlog just in our business unit went over 57 million this week. Company wide it's over 100 million. A comfortable backlog would be 15 to 18 million. NUTS. Next steps will have to be allocating orders to the prime customers (i.e. TSC). Logically I get it, but hate it. It's so not fair to the small places. Their orders will be much older and get skipped for newer orders from the 'big guys'. Hate.

    Ah Saturday. I heart you.

    I saw a post from a floral place in Columbus I like showing some agate bookends. I am thinking about checking them out for my mom. Or Zach, or me. They looked really cool.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,264 Member
    Sophomore? Wow! I can't count and time is zipping by.
    It's too bad Z's friend is leaving. At least he has met others and found his niche. C will figure it out too.

    Lazy day for me. Finished a jigsaw puzzle, took a nap and read my book.

    Provitalize has greatly reduced my bloatedness. I take 2 in the morning and 1 at night for sleep. I read that some of the herbal supplements in it help increase melatonin and sleep. I stopped taking Tylenol pm because the provitalize works. I read on their website that 1 before bed is fine. It helps reduce night time leg a he's and nerve pain too.

    Your work sounds crazy.

    Happy weekend!
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,717 Member
    Well my Z kid is already back at school. He left at 9 because he had treasurer stuff to do. Two big weeks and then home again! Crush it kid.

    I had pizza yesterday and of course showed a jump on the scale this morning. Meh. Trying to focus on being better today so it goes away right away.

    Caleb's girlfriend (wow, that is weird to say) came over last night. She really impresses me with her ambition. She is pushing Caleb to really go after the AP classes next year. I'm impressed, but a bit concerned because she won't be here to continue to push him to keep his level of motivation up and I'm worried about Senior Slide and all those hard classes. We'll see.

    Supposed to be close to 90 degrees tomorrow. Bleh.
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,264 Member
    90? Wow, it is in the 40's here. I have a blanket around my shoulders and wearing a fleece pull over. There was snow on the deck this morning. I hope the cherry crop does not get ruined with the frosts and overnight freezes. Tomorrow is a high of 45. Two weeks and we leave for Georgia. It will be 80's plus down there.

    I get to see Halen tonight on Portal. It is always fun to see how she has grown and changed. I made a meatloaf earlier and put in the fridge. I will bake it at 5pm. Russ is making mashed potatoes and bourbon carrots to go with it. A good comfort and cold weather meal. I adapted my usual recipe and used herb stove topped stuffing instead of oats as the binder. I've read about using it but never tried it so I'll let you know if we like it. I'm also making it on a cookie sheet instead of a loaf pan. I shaped it and supposedly there is less grease when it is cooked this way.

    Your kids are really growing up! I'm glad you like C's girlfriend. She will be a freshman in college? Where is she going in the Fall? It will be nice for you to have Z home for summer.

    Enjoy your Sunday eve,
  • mizpaden74
    mizpaden74 Posts: 3,717 Member
    last I heard Zoi is planning to go to Iowa State.

    so great you get to see your g-babies on Portal. And SOON in person. Oh the cuddles coming!!!
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,264 Member
    We woke up to snow falling and now it is pouring rain and ice pellets. Freezing out today. I visited my brother this morning for an hour then came home and made home made soft pretzels. I forgot to stop at the store for pillsbury biscuit dough so I looked a recipe up on Pinterest and made home made biscuits for dinner to go with our ham and bean soup. It was a carb and comfort food day.

    We portaled with Miles and his parents this afternoon. He is starting to put on baby fat. His face is changing. We will see him a week from next Saturday! He is a snuggler so I can't wait to hold him.

    Hopefully warm enough for a bike ride tomorrow. Suppose to get in the 60's. I'll believe it when it happens.

  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,264 Member
    We did not ride bikes today. Not very warm and also rainy. I went to visit my brother and take him some of my home made pretzels with cherry mustard to dip them in.

    I painted the primer on the sheet rock today and will put on a coat of paint tomorrow. I'm hoping only one coat of paint is needed. Fingers crossed.

    I get my first pedicure in 1-1/2 years on Thursday. I can't wait! I will wear sandals in Georgia! I need to get out my capris and short sleeve shirts to pack. This weekend I will focus on what to take.

    I talked with my cousin in Indianapolis today. We did a Duo video call. He is older than me but is the one relative from my Mom's side of the family that tries to keep in touch regularly. He has called several times but I haven't been available to answer. This time I was painting so called him back when I was done.

    Almost 4pm and finally relaxing today...
