Downsizers - May 2021 Team Chat



  • iradi8
    iradi8 Posts: 573 Member
  • iradi8
    iradi8 Posts: 573 Member
    Thanks to all who commented about my mom. She will be in the hospital for a few days, I think. I'll be going there early in the morning and spending the day.

    Your gym is looking great! I love that elliptical. Very nice.

    I agree with your dietician. I don't think I could do this without my food diary. I need that information so that I can make good choices (most of the time, lol). I love the time that you spend with your grandkids.

    Same here. I have to write things down because there is way too much stuff in life to remember it all! Lists are my friend:) I love your motivational quotes:) The challenge sounds good. I'll check it out. Great going getting so many steps by moving so much throughout your day!

    I agree that it is harder when we're not at home. There are so many smells and sights and temptations.

    Great goals. Glad to hear that your fatigue is getting better. I hope that continues.

  • Bluetail6
    Bluetail6 Posts: 2,881 Member
    Hello Everyone!!

    Finally rested, after what was a long, excellent, but tiring week.

    Thank you @azkunk, @Beautyofdreams, @rwood566, @TheresaM787, and @lindamtuck2018 for the thoughtful birthday wishes last week.

    @rwood566... It isn't that I minded being asked my age at all. This person is a "cad" for many, many other reasons. Just to name a few... He's a lying, cheating, fool who... Well you get the picture. Anyway, he is just so underserving of my time, lol. However, he knows I know way too much... I'll just leave it there, lmao.

    Also, thank you @TheresaM787 and @rwood566 and for noticing my step count and loss last week.😁

    Thank you @lindamtuck2018. Your comment about my dedication to my journey is appreciated!! It was at an Anthony Robbins seminar that I heard, "Where your focus goes, your energy flows." I have always believed this to be true, but never put it so succinctly myself. As I have said may times, I don't depend on the fickleness of motivation. It is focus, dedication, discipline, etc. Also, looking great in smaller sizes doesn't hurt...😉😊

    @Megan_smartiepants1970. I'm glad you got the rest of your staples out!!
    Steps are as follows:
    5/14: 6,709
    5/15: 8,132
    5/16: Will post later tonight😊

  • Z10Rtza
    Z10Rtza Posts: 450 Member

    01/05/2021 10.853 steps
    02/05/2021 14.765 steps
    03/05/2021 12.513 steps
    04/05/2021 8.844 steps
    05/05/2021 14.205 steps
    06/05/2021 10.613 steps
    07/05/2021 5.903 steps
    08/05/2021 11.289 steps
    09/05/2021 11.506 steps
    10/05/2021 16.233 steps + 1 hour of zumba.
    11/05/2021 13 018 steps + 45 minutes of zumba
    12/05/2021 15.673 steps
    13/05/2021 6.790 steps
    14/05/2021 14.821 steps
    15/05/2021 8.488 steps
    16/05/2021 18.949 steps

    131.9 kg = 290,7 lbs
  • roz0810
    roz0810 Posts: 1,242 Member
    Happy new week to all! 😁 Hope you all have a great week
  • Bluetail6
    Bluetail6 Posts: 2,881 Member
    5/16: 16,873
  • TheresaM787
    TheresaM787 Posts: 751 Member
  • TheresaM787
    TheresaM787 Posts: 751 Member
    Congratulations on your weight loss 👏🏻👏🏻 It sounds like you had a wonderful weekend. That was a great idea going to Top Golf. Yes, my husband said the same thing about feeling a bit rusty when he got there. I'm sorry to hear about that unusual swelling, I'm glad you're getting it checked out- hopefully your doctor will have a cancellation to get you in there a bit earlier. 🤗

    Incredible step day!

    🙌🏻🙌🏻 way to go with a blink and a weight loss 😁 Great idea, buying and potting flowers, fruit and vegetable plants. Working with plants is supposed to be very restorative, I'm glad you are surrounding yourself with things that give you joy. Your pizza looks like it came from a restaurant! It looks so delicious. That ice cream looks super yummy also, great tip of choosing a smaller proportioned size, warming it a bit and topping it with a crumbled, birthday cake fiber one bar. We need an Aldi. It seems every other town has one, except all of the ones that neighbor me 😆

    Happy New Week to you!!
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,534 Member
    Great loss! Sorry that things are rough and I hope things are getting better.

    I never thought about that side of life returning to normal. It makes it easier to grab takeout when out running around. Great idea with the shakes.

    With the goals you have set the weight should disappear. I am glad the break worked for you. It must be great feeling more energized. When dealing with fatigue it is hard to focus on anything.

    Awesome check in. Congrats on your personal best with those steps! You have great strategies for increasing your steps. I have never drank seltzer but can you get different flavours and is it the same as sofa water?

  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,534 Member
    Sunday’s check in
    ✅Steps 6,863
    ✅Physio 2/2

    I was shocked at my steps yesterday. I didn’t walk so not sure where they came from. We did go to 2 different garden centres and had to make several trips to unload the car so I guess all those steps add up. I haven’t decided where today’s walk will take me but I am heading out soon. We are in for some hot humid weather starting tomorrow so I will need to adjust my walking time to early morning. I want to spend sometime setting up my balcony but I need to get my housework done first.
  • TheresaM787
    TheresaM787 Posts: 751 Member
    Yes, seltzer or soda water or water with gas or fizzy water. There are so many more flavor options of seltzer today than a few years back. I usually just drink plain seltzer, we have one of those soda stream gizmos. Sometimes, I'll grab a flavor one or muddle some mint leaves in a glass and then add seltzer. Well done Linda 👏🏻👏🏻 three ✅s. That was a lot of steps without a dedicated walk- impressive. You're doing so well with sleeping, what changed?

    That was an AWESOME tip! Adding a couple of shots of espresso to a Premier Protein Caramel Shake, to make a mock caramel macchiato. Love that! Thank you for sharing 🤗 I love learning new tips.
  • littleflutterby
    littleflutterby Posts: 432 Member

    That was an AWESOME tip! Adding a couple of shots of espresso to a Premier Protein Caramel Shake, to make a mock caramel macchiato. Love that! Thank you for sharing 🤗 I love learning new tips.

    You're welcome! I've worked at starbucks for over 6 years so more than happy to share tips or answer any questions!
  • rlaskey2
    rlaskey2 Posts: 461 Member
    Steps 4,932

    Steps were crappy since my Fitbit died. Weird weather day yesterday beautiful then pouring so ended up doing stuff around the house which allowed me the time for my boxing workout. Eating was not on point so back at it today.
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