Food inspiration, or what's for supper?



  • Bella_Figura
    Bella_Figura Posts: 4,065 Member
    edited September 2021
    @PAV8888 We're ALL still in the game! Doesn't matter how long you've been hitched, everyone (men and women) love to be wooed!

    Unike @conniewilkins56 - who by her own admission is high maintenance - I'm a low maintenance gal, so here are my suggestions.

    I'm romantic but practical. So in addition to the wide smile (which will be hidden behind your mask) you need to lead with a huge, prolonged hug. Hug like you really mean it - no holding back!

    And that would be it for me at the airport. In these days of covid, a long haul flight may well have left her tense, anxious, frazzled, tired and cranky from having to wear a mask for god knows how many hours on the plane. Add happy-excited-nervous to that maelstrom, and that's drama enough for her to handle! Don't add any more drama at the airport by showering her with gifts. She's likely to be toting a lot of stuff already - she won't want the faff of juggling bottles of bubbly or bunches of flowers. Just grab her hand and whisk her out of the airport ASAP.

    When she's safely in the car/hotel room/restaurant, you can present a gift. Personally I think jewellery is really personal, so I always open jewellery boxes with trepidation in case I don't like the gift and am then forced to wear it. If you do give jewellery, I'd suggest NOT giving earrings in a ring-shaped box. The eyes don't lie, and presenting a ring-shaped box to some who's already tired and emotional may result in a flash of unwarranted elation which might mortify her, or a flash of unwarranted panic which might mortify you. So avoid ring-shaped boxes of all kinds!

    Personally (as a low maintenance but romantic woman) I'd like something more...personal. A gift that would touch my heart would be something like a beautiful slim (i.e. not heavy for lugging back to Greece) hardback coffee-table type book of the region you'll be exploring together, with stunning pictures. On the flyleaf you could write something like 'These are my favourite places, and I can't wait to explore them together and see them through your eyes.'

    We all recognise that desire to share our favourite places with our favourite people, so she'll join the dots and feel really special....

    Most of all...enjoy the anticipation and the reality of the reunion! Don't ruin it for yourself by over-thinking it or getting anxious....
  • Bella_Figura
    Bella_Figura Posts: 4,065 Member
    PS: I'm sure the no-frills hotel will be absolutely fine. Or at least, it would be for me... @conniewilkins56 may disagree! :D:D:D
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,777 Member
    edited September 2021
    OK: You're all saying the PAV's in TROUBLE aren't you!
    I KNOW you are!
    Bella has some good ideas.... now if only I were so organized!
    It's definitely a no-go on the jewelry department to be clear :smile:
    But the rest of it, let's talk! :smiley:
  • Bella_Figura
    Bella_Figura Posts: 4,065 Member
    edited September 2021
    Nope, I'd be chuffed to bits if someone sent me coffee shipped via Fex-Ex. But then I am the woman who was thrilled when my then BF (now husband) bought me a rucksack for the first birthday we spent together.

    If you don't have time to hunt down a lovely photo coffee table book of your part of Canada, you could get her a lovely hardback pocket notebook and a nice pen so she can record her memories of her trip (I always have a trip journal for every trip I go on.)

    Or buy her something that is made locally, so it carries memories of her visit.

    There are so many ideas that are thoughtful but not overly intimate if you're testing the waters....

    Ooooooh, how exciting! I love romance, even if it's vicarious!
  • Bella_Figura
    Bella_Figura Posts: 4,065 Member
    edited September 2021
    Yes, that sounds like the perfect plan! It will rekindle all type of (I'm sure) treasured memories, and show her that you clearly remember your first meeting and off-plan adventure. You've got this nailed!

    PS She's gorgeous and she's looking at you adoringly!
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,681 Member
    The game sounds so exciting and not terrifying when someone else is playing.

    I think "all of the above +," PAV.

    Food to soothe the weary traveller, a steak sandwich or whatever you think she will enjoy since she is the guest, but maybe not too much because it is always good to still want more? and you want to be hungry for the special lunch the next day :)

    Wine to have with the food + bubbly for later :)

    Chocolate for a bit of decadence afterward :)

    Flowers to make the basic hotel seem special :)

    Here are the +

    Bubbly for a bath (I would appreciate that) :) and some of that other bubbly would go well then too :)

    Music & a candle
    to make your inhouse dinner romantic :)

    Gold earrings would be brilliant if she likes gold? earrings? But they should be special or not at all? What do you think, Connie? Maybe something that you cannot pull off in a rush? But maybe something you can get together?

    Hope you have an amazing time.

    I would be knocked off my feet if I arrived to anything remotely like this! Plus you ... swoon .... :) ... she is a lucky lady!
  • Bella_Figura
    Bella_Figura Posts: 4,065 Member
    I've decided I'm far too low maintenance. I need to start having a few higher expectations! :D
  • conniewilkins56
    conniewilkins56 Posts: 3,391 Member
    PAV8888 wrote: »
    gold earrings??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Wow! I admit to not having gone to the jewelry stage! Jars of coffee shipped Fed-Ex... POSSIBLY. Jewelry? Not as much... have I failed... again?

    All women like jewelry….you don’t have to buy a ring lol…she is traveling across the world to see you…she must like you!
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,681 Member
    I've decided I'm far too low maintenance. I need to start having a few higher expectations! :D

    Exactly what I was thinking, Bella. I know you were joking - but I think maybe it is a real problem too.

    Being low maintenance can work to your detriment. Like when you price things. If you price an item high - whoever buys it thinks it is worth the high price and they will treasure it and take care of it. If the price is low, it becomes disposable, no matter good it is. :'(
  • conniewilkins56
    conniewilkins56 Posts: 3,391 Member
    Laurie and Bella have great ideas….I was trying to think of something you hadn’t thought of!…I would give her the gift at the hotel not the airport…I think flowers at the airport would be nice….I love the picture….you will both have a great time!…once my husband gave me a beautiful diamond anniversary ring that he had put in the refrigerator to surprise me when I was preparing dinner!…that is a fun memory….his idea of romance lol…but other times he has sent flowers for no reason or surprised me with pieces of jewelry….it’s the thought that counts!…she will love whatever you decide to do!….
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,681 Member
    For brunch/lunch - scrambled eggs (2 eggs plus 66g of liquid egg whites) on a bed of kale with brussel sprouts/turnip/carrots on the side and baked sweet potato wedges. Maybe some feta on top of the eggs? depending on how the calories for the day balance out (going to do that now :) )

    For dinner = Dante's Greek green bean and olive oil stew woohoo!!! a little veggie sausage or two (or three - depending on available, cauliflower rice and some grape tomatoes from the garden.

    This evening - 0% greek yogurt/berries/banana/walnuts.

    Can't wait to start eating!
  • eliezalot
    eliezalot Posts: 620 Member
    I've decided I'm far too low maintenance. I need to start having a few higher expectations! :D

    You and me both! I tend to be less interested in the typical romantic gestures, but love low-key and very personal ones. I will be exactly 0% helpful here, as my ideal would be someone picking me up with my favorite take-out in hand, settling me in the hotel with a movie, and then giving me a loooong back/foot rub lolol. I'm a simple girl :lol:
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,681 Member
    eliezalot wrote: »
    I've decided I'm far too low maintenance. I need to start having a few higher expectations! :D
    ... and then giving me a loooong back/foot rub lolol.

    Oooo....I like that idea!

    I'm going to find myself a long distance love just so I can visit them and (hopefully) enjoy it all!!!!!!!
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,681 Member
    PAV8888 wrote: »
    ...I took her on an unauthorized side trip to Lake Louise on our way to the icefields ...

    This post and photo didn't show up on my thread til now! What a gorgeous picture - and woman - and you look so very happy. Oh, my heart is just singing after seeing this photo. <3:)

  • Bella_Figura
    Bella_Figura Posts: 4,065 Member
    Time to put aside romance and talk about food!

    Today I consumed:
    Breakfast: 100g mixed berries, 75g Fage 5%, 15g almond and raisin granola
    Lunch: More of my very green Cavololeekie soup with a thin crust of granary bread, and another cube of Boursin stirred in for creaminess
    Post-workout: A Vegan Wondershake (25g banana flavoured vegan protein powder, 200mls coconut milk, 150mls water)
    Dinner: Steak and ale pie, peas, carrots, green beans.

    Yes, I know a steak and ale pie makes a strange bed fellow for a vegan protein shake, but I'm taking baby steps to vegetarianism...and that involves eating things I find in the freezer, which I won't then replace...
  • AlexandraFindsHerself1971
    Well, I've got tendonitis in my left wrist, so we're going through the "Can I still cook the planned meal with one hand? " thing. I can do quesadillas, so we had them for lunch, and I'm pretty sure I'm good to make the pork chops for dinner.

    However, even if I can mix bread dough, my son is going to have to knead and shape it after it finishes rising. Fortunately, he's good with that.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,777 Member
    I like the boursin idea. I wonder what else would work as a boursin alternative...

    The funniest part about the picture is that it is literally less than 24 hours after first meeting as adults and less than 2 hours after setting out for a tour to the ice fields... not on a date! A few years later I clued in 🤷🏻‍♂️ that it was probably a date! 😹😹😹

    Laurie your plan with the green bean stew is making me jelly... but so would a steak and ale pie!

    Hmm. I've got pre logged left overs... but dad is angling for a pub visit, and I don't think it's the burgers 🥺🙀👎🤷🏻‍♂️
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,777 Member
    edited September 2021
    Gluten free pana cotta is calorie free too, right? (It seems that this Bakery has adopted gluten free for everything)


    I hope it bites them in the *kitten* but it probably won't because at the end of season: vaccine passport mandate started today in British Columbia and for indoor seating you're supposed to show proof. The bakery closed their indoor seating in response because quote unquote they don't have enough staff to check tecords
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,681 Member
    Pana cotta is making me jelly!

    I so love the steak and ale pie alongside the vegan wondershake! :) I might try that melting a cheese into the soup thing next soup sunday....we are due for "green" soup soon .... not sure if number two son who loves green soup will go for that - but we can melt our cheese chunks into our individual bowls can't we?

    Hope your wrist lets you keep up the amazing job you do with meals/meal planning, Alexandra! (with the help of your son :) )

    Look at all these great kids - your son helping you, Connie's grandson helping her. Makes me so happy to think of it!