Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,126 Member

    Happy Wednesday! 😀 I am home, exhausted and broke. It was fun though and we had a great time.

    Will be back in the morning.


    One Day at a Time

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,126 Member
    edited November 2021

    Happy Thursday! 😀 Not sure I like this new format, what do you think?

    We had a great time, great food, great drinks but not so good on the gambling. We are going to try a new place next year just to try and change our luck. We did get comped a great dinner for our friend's birthday and it was so delicious.

    I did not go to meeting today as it is raining and I am still tired. Trying to catch up on computer stuff and be ready for a wedding this weekend in Chicago so will be staying at a hotel. My niece will be my date although she is much younger than me so might be bored. 🤣

    I hope everyone is doing well and things are going smoothly. Have a great day.


    One Day at a Time

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member

    Hi, cold and windy here today but there’s a break from the rain. Tomorrow, back to wet and maybe an inch of snow. Eeeck! The tunneling and digging is underway on both sides of my lot today (I live on a corner). The noise drives me slightly mad. They are on lunch break right now.

    Today is laundry day for me. Ready to put some clean clothes away. I finished cutting out my snowmen a little while ago. Thankfully, something accomplished. I had thought about doing an errand or two before tomorrow’s crummy weather but there are so many trucks and pieces of equipment out there, one at the end of my driveway, and I don’t think I have enough space to back out safely. Oh well. Next week I guess.

    I got into a disagreement with a service provider. I wanted to non-renew at the end of the term. I am not sure if that was accomplished as I did not receive an e-mail or text acknowledgment. I got upset with them and I guess I can take no confrontations these days. I was awake for several hours in the middle of the night, just feeling horrible. Oh well, I will have to get over it.

    Sandy, I am sorry the trip wasn’t everything you’d hoped for. I would be unhappy if I lost much money! Rest up. Weddings can require a high energy level. And the week-end is coming up soon.

    I am not used to these changes yet but am ambling around a bit. Editing is different.

    Be safe everyone.



  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member

    Rainy here too. We are to have quite a storm this weekend. Flash flooding, high winds. Sounds miserable. As for the new format…it seems unnessarily complicated. It also looks like one could easily get lost on this new format. I would bet that things get tangled up very easily. Do you ever wonder why the internet wonks feel the need to change or rearrange things? Do they get bored? Is this job security by redoing and building in bugs? I have obviously flipped my wig! The rain and Katie’s demand for a towel off every 15 minutes is driving me crazy. It is a mild rain in temp. It is part of our Pineapple Express. Heavy mild temperatures rain. Perfect for Katie to run in and out of the house licking water off the deck chairs etc.

    Sandy: so happy you are home safe and sound. I do marvel at your joy for travel and social activities. I too enjoy that but at much longer intervals between. I know you are being safe, wearing masks, keeping social distance. It must be difficult at times. So know we are always concerned for you, yet love that you are out enjoying yourself

    to everyone else…I hope you didn’t get lost in the new format. Way down at the bottom in tiny very thin print is “my groups.” Easy to miss.

    glub, glub.



  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited November 2021

    I’ve seen a notice under Announcements apologising stating changes ran into problems they are trying to iron out so hopefully this format is temporary. I don’t like how it’s looking or behaving so hurry up MFP!

    I’ve been busy and dashing about then yesterday, after a fun zoom meeting with friends in London, Ontario was about to write a post when my neighbour came to my door wanting to chat and before I knew it I barely had time to cook an evening meal.

    This morning was dark and gloomy so George and Betty went back to bed after their early Dentusticks and that meant a late walk. As I drove into the usual car park it was 11 am and a 2 minute silence was announced on the radio for Armistice day so I sat quietly looking at the views before setting off in a cold wind.

    Before we went out I had ordered a new tv with WiFi and an Amazon stick since my old one has been with me for years so restricts what I can watch. I hate the thought of having Alexa in my home spying on every move or conversation so will ensure it’s switched off at the plug when not in use. I collected them by click and collect in town but nothing set up yet as I’m sure I’ll need plenty of quiet time to work out how to which is annoying because when I was younger I didn’t have to ponder or even read instructions so a definite case of aging brain!

    Welcome home Sandy, minus some funds but good fun had!

    Lin, I know that feeling of lying awake in the night thinking about confrontations and unable to switch off. I get so cross with myself as thoughts go round and round in my head so try to visualise falling snow or a burning candle. Lovely mint green teapot!

    Anne, what a time you, Mark and MJ are having uncovering more damp areas. Then there’s Jilly Bean staying in guard protecting you all from passing monsters! 😁 Thank goodness you are enjoying some dry, warm weather to see you through. My Canadian friends were describing their daily walks amongst colourful trees still holding on to their leaves.

    I’ve phoned Chrissie to offer to help her walk Bella further afield tomorrow and try her on more recall. Hopefully it will be warmer!

    I’m not sure how this post is going to look but will post with fingers crossed.


  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member

    Well, I'm back to my usual problems with MFP and this new format doesn't help. My only news today is the electricity went off for a whole hour. I'd just cooked lunch which was fortunate, BUT when the electricity came back on it's somehow done a number on my phone. Calls are coming in but I can't answer them, nor can I call out. I hope Mike can fix yet another problem tomorrow because if he can't I won't be able to order groceries until I buy a new phone. I order on the laptop but the delivery man phones before dropping the groceries off. If no one answers then he assumes no one is in and takes them back to base and you get charged for being "out".

    I'm getting just a tiny bit fed up of all the problems this year, even my bank is changing its sign-in page. Sorry to grouse, but it seems just when things seem to be running smoothly some young thing thinks they can do better. Off to bed and I'm sure a good nights sleep will improve things. Annsie.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,991 Member


  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member

    This morning’s announcement at the top of the Community page…….

    Welcome to the new Community design. We know there are some big changes to get used to as well some challenges and bugs. Please check out our post about New Updates To The Community as well as Outstanding Bugs. We will continue to collect feedback and bug issues and will work to make improvements.

    Challenges? That’s an understatement and what the heck are “outstanding bugs”?

    Another bleak start to the day but I’ll wrap up and get a walk somewhere. Happy Friday. Jackie🥰

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,126 Member

    Happy Friday! 😁 Only one load of laundry this morning. It is chilly and possibly some snow showers. I have to get to the bank and get gas before leaving for the wedding tomorrow but maybe I will just do it tomorrow. Nothing else going on, still catching up on rest from our mini trip and planning future trips. Bryanna and I are going to Arizona the end of January to celebrate her getting her license. Her aunt invited us and is paying for Bryanna, I had refund money from trips cancelled because of the pandemic. It won't be hot at that time but still should feel wonderful during our winter.

    Hi Barbie, thanks for dropping in, hope all is well.

    Jackie, like the mailman you walk no matter what the weather. You are a brave lady.

    Anne, I am sure you unplugged your phone and plugged it back in didn't you? Is it a landline phone or is it off of your internet?

    Patsy, I am indeed very careful as are my friends. I even bought a sparkly mask to match my dress for the wedding tomorrow. I know there are breakthrough cases but at least I feel I won't die with 3 shots and no underlying conditions.

    Lin, did I miss why they are digging around your house?? And believe me I am unhappy about losing money but I only take what I can afford expecting to lose but hoping to win!

    Washer is done so have a good day and keep staying safe.


    One Day at a Time

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    Hello everyone. The class I signed up for a long time ago is finally coming up and I got a surprise email saying they are presenting the class twice and they are letting everyone watch both sessions if so desired. I am going for it. So I will be on Facebook Live this afternoon and tomorrow morning. Wahoo!

    Meanwhile, we have light snow and strong winds this morning. More of the same with heavier snow tomorrow, perhaps. ❄️❄️

    Sandy, enjoy the wedding. Glad to hear you do not have lots of laundry to do today. Our suburb is trying to have Internet service options and they are making a mess all over town. New (better and faster) cable being installed. I believed several providers are somehow involved. I don’t know how that will work. I had to give permission for one of the companies to install cable on my property but no obligation to subscribe. Currently all the cable is being installed in the public easements. I don’t know what is next. I will be very happy if all of my utilities including my current Internet service continue to work. There have been lots of severed lines during this process. So that’s why there is lots of digging. And more to come at some point. Maybe next year?

    Hi Barbie❤️

    Anne, how goes the battle of the house repairs and improvements? Regarding phone and laptop, you may need to reboot. Sometimes that is needed after a power outage. I am sure your sons can work out the problem.

    Jackie, I hope you are able to work through the installation of the new television and the Amazon Fire Stick. Take your time. Lots of things I purchase these days have little information on installation. Just when I could use more!

    Patsy. Good day to you, John and Katie. I have layered up my indoor clothing a bit more. The wind is howling through the house. More hot tea and I did get out one of my electric heaters. I heard electricity will be cheaper than natural gas options. 🤞🏻🤞🏻

    Must run along. Need to charge up my iPad in anticipation of this afternoon’s class.

    Be safe.


  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    We are having a scary amount of rain. We have already had a slide that closed a minor Highway but it is the main road to get to the interstate. Standing water everywhere, full and overflowing creeks and rivers. So we need to stay alert to flash floods.

    Cauliflower pizza night. John’s favorite. I will be dealing with slow drains and wet dog all day. But we are fine and life continues on full of little challenges. Trying my coffee again this morning. Easy does it. Half skim milk and half coffee. Then I am hitting the old dungeon and a half hour of exercises. HI Ho!
    Later with any important news….
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    edited November 2021
    Well we certainly did enjoy a cold walk but didn't go too far then once home, I called Chrissie and agreed I would visit at 1230 to walk Bella. Before I went I took my new tv out of its box and spent an age connecting its feet that are black, requiring black screws to be attached through a cavity into black tv frame. That needed a torch to see what went where and that then meant running out of hands!
    We were lucky walking because it remained dry and Bella seemed quite relaxed as we walked along the streets that took us to an open but muddy field. Chrissie did well wheeling her walker and with a helping hand was able to join us while I walked Bella round the perimeter on an extended lead. After more recall practicing we walked back to Chrissie’s home and before I left, she got into her car while I took Bella to the passenger door and she jumped right in and sat on the seat while the engine was started. Very quiet being electric and no panic from Bella so more advancements!
    Back home I tuned the tv, connected the Firestick then tried to work out which remote does what. So many channels I wouldn’t ever have the time or inclination to work my way through them all but did set up Amazon prime to try a month free trial and think I’ve registered for Netflix… time will tell!

    More wild weather Patsy. What a worry and I see north California is still struggling with huge fires. Meanwhile Cop26 discussions falter as the same old empty promises get banded about! Please do keep us updated so we know you and John are safe.

    Sandy, you are just like my friend Pat, lots of plans to travel and visit like a Duracell bunny, always on the go. My walking is necessary for George and Betty but I doubt I would go trekking across cold, wet and windy moors if I didn’t have to even though I know it’s good for my all round health.

    Lin, do enjoy your classes and let us know what you learn. With your sort of weather right now you will be in the best place. With gas shortages in Europe and here in the UK, electric heating is becoming the cheaper option for sure. It’s what I have in each room to keep a steady 19c but wouldn’t be without the stoves for the extra cosy feel.

    Anne, hopefully you are able to receive your grocery order and the phone is back on. As you say, always something being tinkered with when I would shout If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!!

    Hello Barbie! ❤️

    Time for bed as it’s gone midnight.
    Stay safe
    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,126 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) Hmm, they seemed to have gone back to the old leave a comment box. It is a cold day but the sun is shining and for that I am grateful as my niece and I are going to a wedding. She will drive here and then we will drive together downtown to the church and after to check in to the hotel. There will be a shuttle from the hotel to the reception which I think I mentioned will be at the Planetarium. I am not sure who is driving but I think it will be me since she has to drive 45 minutes to get to my house. I hate driving downtown but shouldn't be bad on a Saturday.

    Jackie, I am glad Bella is making improvements as well as Chrissie. I understand about the dog walking, if I had one here I would have to walk him or her three or more times a day. It would be great to do that in nice weather but not so much in rain or snow.

    I don't have a lot of time as I have to pack an overnight bag so enjoy your day.

    One Day at a Time
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,991 Member
  • Annsie35
    Annsie35 Posts: 919 Member
    I had my usual curfuckle to get in but here I am and its so nice to see Barbie again just above me. Nice to see you ALL because I was beginning to give up hope.

    Yes the penny dropped and I unplugged the phone, plugged all the wires back in and lo and behold I have a phone again.

    Michael showed up yesterday and it was a nice day, but today is somewhat chilly and I guess winter has arrived. So, rather pleased we got all the outside digging done and after loads of overnight rain no sign of an indoor leak anywhere. The leaves are on the turn and I have a back yard full of leaves but I'm too chicken to go out in the cold to rake them, need to climate adjust after our Indian summer!

    Life is good but as you can read extremely un newsworthy for which I for one am grateful.
    Made a hearty stew with dumplings for dinner [lunch] and it was delicious and now all full I think I will spend the afternoon reading unless the Ms show up of course.

    PATSY, please stay safe as you and John enjoy your pizza. That goes for every one of you of course, Jackie on moors and walking around fields, Sandy off to her wedding and Lin enjoying her two sessions.

  • jwubben6600
    jwubben6600 Posts: 1,677 Member
    We have sun! Yea! Katie has been in and out and now requiring a couple of ball games outside and even maybe inside. The door is wide open even though it is a bit chilly. Fresh air and sunshine really makes a difference in ones mood.

    Tomorrow is John’s birthday. I have a salmon dinner planned and since he is adverse to sugar if any kind, we will have his beloved sugar-free chocolate cookies and his cherry ice cream. I know Damon will call and I hope our daughter remembers. I will text her to remind her. No sense in risking making John feel sad, gifts are totally unnecessary but a connection and acknowledgment are hugely important.

    I have decided to join the 20th century a bit late (20 years) and get an iPod. I love music as I do almost anything. Exercise is boring! Boring but tolerable with great music. So now I have to learn how to record my music on that little doodad and what kind of ear phones to get and I am in business!
    I love technology and oddly I am hopelessly ignorant about it.

    Life is never dull around here. There is always a disaster brewing somewhere around us. We seemed to have escaped any major flooding and no drain back up. I didn’t wash clothes or use the dishwasher to give our ancient septic system as chance to deal with any high water table issues. My next strange repair is the bottom drawer of my oven. It has rust in the bottom. I am cleaning that and repainting, before adding a drawer liner. Sounds simple and easy but it is a giant mess.

    I loved reading that now there is technology to recycle and start cleaning up the enormous Pacific plastic ocean island. It has been growing at an alarming rate. Damon has seen it on a sailing junket. He said he saw several boats stuck in there. He wondered how the crew of those boats escaped. Helicopter is best guess. Science still solves a lot of problems but also causes some problems.

    Anne: yea! You are back with us! We missed you dear friend. There are some vacancies that cannot be filled! Sneakers are in that category.

    Jackie: you are like the Dog Whisperer. You can understand and communicate with animals. I think it is an innate skill that some people possess. I have great empathy for all animals but I can’t always connect and communicate. Chrissie is lucky to have you help her. It could be that Bella saved her as well as the other way around.

    Lin: learning new tricks and ways of using materials is exciting, fun and also frustrating at times. I think the interesting conversations and exchanges are worth the time and effort. Hope your classes and workshops are worthwhile for you.

    Sandy: wow! You are an intrepid adventurous lady. The wedding sounds complicated and expensive. But delightfully romantic. Big weddings are a thing in our family from the past. Honestly they lasted a couple of days with the wedding itself, dances, dinner, breakfast for wedding party, lunch or picnic or BBQ after, before everyone heads back home. Exhausted, with a bit of a hangover and the inevitable fuss with some family member! Typically Irish Catholic wedding. Oh yeah!

    Barbie: hello! What’s going on with you, Jake and the pups?

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,185 Member
    Good evening. It is still quite cold here. On the plus side, no one was out there digging and making a lot of noise today. And although it is cold, we did not receive any more snow. I watched the class again today. Interesting and I may have picked up several more little tips. I did some stamping and embossing today and now know the secret on aligning the layered stencils produced by this company. Aha! I also watched the first program on Facebook Live, now in memory of, the very funny speaker who passed away suddenly a few months ago. Very mixed reaction from the people who were watching. Many were happy to see folks we hadn’t seen for a while. Others were very unhappy and thought the whole thing was disrespectful. One person just continually hit the angry face button over and over as fast as possible. Well, not going to make everyone happy but I will say it is just not as fun or entertaining without her.

    The rest of the afternoon, I was sorting through materials looking for a package of sticky paper I know I purchased a while ago. No luck! It is a very small package and is apparently hiding well.

    Patsy, I am glad that you are okay. I worried about flooding and the water table in your area. A friend in Portland said they had received a lot of rain and are now dealing with mud. Good idea to keep the pressure off of your septic system. Moving on, sending happy birthdays wishes along to John.


    Jackie, you are providing a lot of help to dear Bella as she settles in her new environment. You are a kind soul. Wow, you got things hooked up pretty quickly. Enjoy the programming you find!

    Sandy, hoping you enjoy the wedding and the reception. It does sound like a swanky event!

    Anne, so glad your phone is working again. And doubly happy that there was no sign of water in your house. Wahoo! Did you get your grocery order on time?

    Barbie, thanks for popping in. 🥰

    Well, I am going to read for a while. Be safe everyone.



  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member

    Like it or not you are a valued Sneaker, even if you remain in the shadows! We all love you because you take such good care of Patsy. Personally I feel I’ve got to know you just as well as I know your wonderful wife so am sending hugs across land and sea along with my very best wishes that you have a fabulous day….. Enjoy!

    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,126 Member
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,126 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) I am home safe, sound and tired. My niece is napping before she drives home, perhaps a little too much wine for her. :p We had a wonderful time although we couldn't find the garage for my discounted price so we ended up paying for the hotel garage. Luckily Spothero is refunding to my credit card. The wedding was indeed elegant and didn't get over until 1am. It was wonderful seeing my cousin and other family members I haven't seen in a long time. My niece and I did a lot of dancing along with other friends so no wonder we are tired today.

    Will be back in the morning before taking Joe for lunch. Have a good day and evening.

    One Day at a Time