Runners that need some nutritional accountability



  • CMorning99
    CMorning99 Posts: 913 Member
    Good morning!

    @avidkeo That is a great quilt! I always thought it would be fun to know how to I just donate my 20 year old sewing machine that I have used twice LOL My Grandmother taught me how to use one, but I have long since forgotten.

    Another week! The weekend was pretty low key. DH was on a roll when I asked to reorganize the garage. I think he is secretly bored. We took a bunch of stuff up to the storage container and looked at the work the tree guy has done. He has made a lot of progress. He took out these huge acacia bushes and I didn't realize how much of PD's house they hid. It also tore up the bank quit a bit and it is all lose sand again, for once I am glad it is not going to rain. I really thought I had made a terrible mistake by taking them out, but I went to look at the piles and the "trunks" on these bushes were probably 14 inches across. So while I do need something there, the acacia were not the right plants...they get MASSIVE! I spent some time googling good privacy plants that are more manageable. I probably also need to get some sort of grass seed out there. DH wouldn't go anywhere near the bank, I don't think he trusts his temper.

    But while there we took a hard look at his oaks to see how much time we had till they started blocking our view. Oaks under good circumstances can grow quit quickly. I think we have a couple years. There is also "his" issue that he planted them on a 6 ft wide strip of land between us, so I can cut whatever comes over my fence so that will inhibit the size. But also looking at his trees, he is training them to have a tall single they grow up and then out. Natural oaks have 3-4 trunks. DH may have found a tid-bit ... Oaks don't like a lot of water, they tend to get a root fungus. I will soon have a well, and I need to plan on the bank...I can't control where the water runs muahahahah.

    I worked a bit on reselling and sales have picked up again, but not enough to make up for the 2 weeks of suck and a short month. I have been watching full time resellers on what they make, you don't get rich for sure. It seems I need to avg $10-12K gross a month in order to bring in $5-6K net a month pre-tax. Right now I am at about $4K a month gross...def need to grow more, but I also don't do this full time.

    We have an appt with the tax lady this week. She does it part time as a "side hustle". I am slightly worried but she has been doing it for years and 2 people recommended her. I can't find anything on her on the internet. How bad can it be right?!? LOL

    I have grand plan of running starting tomorrow...staring off with the Peloton 20 min walk/jog programs. it was chilly and windy today....this could be rough.

    Scale was up a bit today, I find when I don't drink enough water, my weight goes up.

    Have a great week!
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    @CMorning99 you are one busy person. Doing 4k a month sales sounds pretty good! Hope the accountant works out OK... I understand your worry though.

    I was on call last night. My scales have crept up since the lowest weight Saturday. It doesn't seem fair but I know I'll get a whoosh soon as long as I stick to it. Lately this is the point in the cycle I give up and have a binge. I'm not letting that happen this time. I'm determined to keep on track this time. I think I need more fibre. I've been upping my protein but haven't kept up fibre. And my body is telling me haha. He balance is hard to find!
  • noblsheep
    noblsheep Posts: 584 Member
    hi everyone. found my way back here after more eating and lying around than i would like to admit. spring is coming, allergies kept me awake until 3am last night, and allergies was what got me into running in the first place, so here i am.

    been reading through the posts and y'all are so inspiring.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,392 Member
    Welcome back @noblsheep!
    @CMorning99 - the one good thing if your tax lady screws up it is on her to fix it as well as any penalty you might get hit with. My dh does ours and could do the Trust taxes but our lawyer said it is better to have a CPA do them that way it is their responsibility.
    I know how to sew - learned also from my grandmother and I have my mom's old singer (top of the line at the time since she made most of our and her clothes) but I have never made a quilt. I am not sure I would have the patience for it.
    Interesting that you are getting chilly and windy and we are getting hot and windy - supposed to be near 90F here tomorrow then cool and rainy thru the end of the week. Not holding my breath on the rain but it will be great if we get some!

    @Avidkeo I finally had to turn on fiber as one of the nutrients to track in my food diary because I never seemed to have enough. It has helped but I still seem to focus more on carbs and protein...

    I went a head and called the ortho doc today. I was in tears just walking with Hobbes today because my arm was hurting so bad. Since I saw him in September for basically the same thing I didn't think I would need a referral but they want one just to be safe. So I have to see my PCP first. Seems like a waste of everyone's time but I will follow their rules. I can't get in to see the ortho until late in March anyways.
  • CMorning99
    CMorning99 Posts: 913 Member
    Good morning!

    @shanaber It is warm today! I think we might get a bit of a tail end of the rain that is supposed to hit up there with a bit of a cold snap early next week.

    Do people who prep taxes require some sort of training? A license? I don't think she is a CPA...she does it as a "hobby". She has a real 9-5. Mom's old tax guy had alphabet soup after his name.

    I am tired again today. I suspect there is going to be a knock out dead tired fatigue episode this week. I am glad I am learning my body, but I wish I could figure out how to fix it. I think I had a minor anxiety attack last night when I went to bed, not sure, but if I had to imagine how one would feel, I suspect it would be similar.

    I told DH about how as soon as I lay down at night my mind goes straight to PD and all the "conversations" I would like to have with him. He thinks that it is because it is the one time when I am not focused on something. My busy-ness is self imposed and a solid avoidance technique, say it isn't so. My therapist said as much when I told her how much I watch YouTube. I was reading about how to fall asleep at night and someone recommended starting to write PD a letter, not to send him but to get the words out of my mind. I like that, I might try to start doing that. But last night while I was laying there my HR jumped to 77 bpm and felt so hard. I gotta do something.

    Nothing exciting last night. I think I need to find a new well installation company. The guys who dug my wells are the best in the area, but I guess they are just so busy. They haven't even come to get their test pump that has been sitting on the property since 8 Feb. What made me think of that was I paid the water bill. We also got the mock electric bill for base housing after a full month of charging the tesla. We only charge it 2-3 times a week and our bill went up about $90.

    We had a lazy evening. We watched a Ryan Reynolds movie...Free city I think, it was cute. I didn't work on any reselling. The monthly profits came out low. I put aside 10% for state tax and 24% for federal tax of my net seems like an awful lot though. All said in done, my numbers says I make .38 cents for every dollar earned after expenses and taxes. I don't think I have all the deductions for my business internet is not in there or claiming 300 sqft of the house rent.

    I had thought I was going to run this AM but when I was going to bed, I realized all my electronics were dead...I haven't charged or used anything since TDay. Figured might as well put it off another day since if it isn't on Garmin, it didn't happen :)

    I am trying to log into court today at work, hopefully it works. I don't have head phones though. I have training all afternoon so hopefully they call his case in the AM.

    Best to get to it.

  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,392 Member
    @CMorning99 - I have found giving myself a good hour off electronics, including tv, before bed and doing something else like taking a nice long bath or reading a (physical) book or magazine helps refocus my brain. For whatever reason I don't end up laying in bed worrying and rehashing everything and not sleeping.

    For me the worry is all the trust requirements. We are getting close - letters for disbursement go out probably today and as soon as everyone replies and agrees they can all actually be paid. I asked her gardener have his daughter call me. She speaks English and can explain it better to him than I can with my terrible Spanish. I was worried he would not return the form because it asks for a social security number. I have no idea if he has one, he has been our gardener for as long as we have had our house and dh's mom's house before that so at least 40 years. They don't use the number for anything other than on the final trust tax report.

    Tax accountants are supposed to have an accounting/business degree and state licensing (CPA). There may be other kinds of licensing for specialty areas. The one we are using for the trust specializes in trust taxes.

    I was so tired last night after agility class and I know I am not sleeping very well even though my sleep app says 'you slept 8+ hours you're doing great!' My HR that is normally in around 50 at rest (the lowest the PM will allow) has been in the high 70s and 80s overnight. I know it is because it hurts when I move and I don't think my brain is protecting my arm from movement when I sleep like I do when I am awake. Last night it was high until the last 3 hours when I really zonked out and I woke up feeling pretty good.

    @swenson19d, @rheddmobile and @RunsOnEspresso - you three have been awfully quiet. Everything going well for you? @rheddmobile - hope you aren't underwater!
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    @CMorning99 when I'm trying to sleep and my mind is running crazy I try imagining every muscle in my body slowly relaxing. Starting at my toes. I usually fall asleep by the time I get to my knees. It's a good distraction anyway.

    I love to sew, and cross stitch lol. I do it while I have TV (or YouTube these days) on in the background. It's my relaxation time. I wish I had the patience to be a gardener haha. But nope. Its my creative outlet.

    @shanaber sorry your arm is giving you grief. Hope you get an appointment soon.

    Scale finally moved down today after creeping up over the last few days. My motor there has been trust the process! Been frustrating see it go up despite keeping on track, and a few weeks ago that would have had me fall off the wagon. But I kept thinking trust the process. 9 days in a row now. Yay.

    On evening shift tonight, should be good. Then day off tomorrow. I'm taking a rest day today. Calf feels fine but I've run 3 days in a row ans I don't want to risk it too soon.

    Also keeping @swenson19 @runs_on_espresso and @rheddmobile in my thoughts

    And welcome back @noblsheep I'm always coming and going atm.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 5,981 Member
    @Avidkeo I've never tried paper piecing. I'll have to look into that if I ever quilt again. I hope that whoosh happens for you soon. You have a great attitude and I totally understand the urge to purge when what you are doing doesn't seem to be working at the moment. But, like you said, it is. It is just waiting to give you a very pleasant surprise one day soon. Update: Glad your weight was down a little today. You are doing great.

    Sounds like things are moving along @CMorning99 . I hope PD keeps to himself. I hope you can figure out a way to get some sleep and get PD off your mind. I think writing about it is a great idea.

    Welcome back @noblsheep ! Hope you can get out and get some running in soon.

    @shanaber I'm so sorry you are in so much pain. Also sorry that you have to jump through hoops in order to see the ortho. Were you able to go ahead and set up the appointment before getting the referal? I'm glad you were able to get 3 hours of good sleep last night.

    I am trying hard to do better with food this week. I took a salad to work for lunch yesterday. I had intended to make one for today too, but since I wasn't feeling the best last night and not sure I would be able to go into work, I didn't. I felt okay this morning, so I took a Super Hero Muffin and a yogurt today. Turned out to be enough - after eating a little of the daycare food. Not as much as I usually would, so I call that a win.

    I think my Garmin is going crazy, or my HR is one. Upon reviewing it after work, I had over an hour where it was in the 30's. I figured I would have felt weird, but it happened to be the hour I was on break and trying to take a nap in the car. So, I guess I wouldn't notice if it really was that low. I'll keep a check on it. Glad I'm seeing the cardiologist Thursday.
  • CMorning99
    CMorning99 Posts: 913 Member
    Good morning!

    Another day! It just sunk in it is March.

    @shanaber I hope you can wrap up the estate stuff soon, I understand the stress of it.

    Yesterday was a busy AM. The commander keeps testing my processes to see if he can break them...seriously dude. In the end they don't and I have to correct them on how things work. While it is annoying as all heck, it is a nice validation since crisis management is a strong area for me. I had training most of the afternoon on 2 other programs and went home after that (a bit early).

    I was so sleepy in the afternoon. My stomach hurt too. I made myself do a few things things and wasn't even interested in dinner. DH and I organized our tax paperwork, lots of forms of earned money, not a single deduction...ouch. I took a 20mg melatonin and was in bed by 8pm. I had so many weird dreams and I kept trying to wake up but I think the melatonin kept me from waking up fully. I woke up feeling fuzzy headed but not tired.

    I never did charge my electronics so no run this AM, I know, lame excuse but that is my story.

    Nothing too exciting today. Lots of admin stuff. We got some deployment taskings and I am slightly concerned that my May trip may be in jeopardy.

  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 5,981 Member
    @CMorning99 There's a stomach bug going around here again. I hope that isn't what you have and hope you are feeling better today. Fingers crossed that you will get to go on your May trip. Now, go plug in your electronics. LOL
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 788 Member
    just a drive by post
    Aww. thanks for the shout out. Im good. tired mostly. be back after fartty puppy nap. (sandy is a stinky tooter no matter what I fee her)
  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 788 Member
    Kevin is barking in his sleep.
    haha. He woke himself up and is like "WAHT. WHAT. WAHT" He's so stupid. Sandy is sleeping too and toots when she stretches. I was on a Zoom class and thankfully the audio was muted. Gurl. They are still wore out from the park today. It doesn't take much. I found a doggie day care so they also went for a canine cough vaccination, which I imagine might make them a bit tired. @shanaber the doggie day care also works with them, so hopefully it'll help. I can send one and work with the other at least. Sandy is still a tad timid, but did good today. She is in LOVE with Eric at the moment. She barks at him to go to bed with her, barks when she wants him up (pets), barks if he moved to the futon for space, cuz they are both in my bed. I've been letting them fall asleep in the living room and sneaking off with out them. Kevin will move from the bed to the floor because he doesn't like to be messed with wen hes tired. Sandy moves about. Sandy's bark is this whinny groaning that she is unhappy with the situation. It's cute. Dh hates it and won't dote on her when she does it. I reminded him it could be hormonal and she needs him.

    Rave to Chewy
    I ordered dog food, we can't get here; purina sensitive stomach for large breed pups. It was delayed 4 days and we were out of dog food. I messaged Chewy asking about it and they just refunded it, said if it shows up to just keep it on them. So shout out to Chewy.

    Good to see you @noblsheep ! My fat pants are not as loose as I want them to be. you have plenty of company.

    @shanaber That is rough that you have to have a referral. Is it mandated by your healthcare coverage or the Ortho? I haven't found that I need referrals of much, other than imaging studies, MRI's.

    @quilteryoyo I love Garmin. Mine would give me wacky numbers. I even went to a cardiologist who let me use the treadmill for 800 bucks just to prove that it was wrong. Might just take your pulse now and then to see if it is normal-ish and steady. I dont recommend having a cardiologist check the Garmin ☺️😁.

    Ive been kinda in reset mode
    With the ASD diagnosis, I have a connection to a few mysterious dots in life. Im trying to unravel "me" without the masking, and identify triggers, symptoms or evidence or the things I do. I really thought it was just a tad, but no... Im high-functioning but really odd. I realised this week that the up and down I get with radio music is related. It wears me out after a bit. I always enjoy it but sink after. I think it is burnout. Which also explains dd behaviour. She would just shut down, 2 years old or 13-16, even now. I tried to get her to go see someone, but she won't... yet.
    OMG the foundation guy that I tried to set her up with sent her a FB FR *insert dorky excitement. Nothing has come of it... but I guess it could be wishful thinking... but it's like a Phil Collins song, "I can feel it in the air tonight" Mama instinct.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Passing through, glad to hear from you @swenson19 hope something comes of the FR!

    Been a rough couple of days. Played squash yesterday, pulled calf again. So took today off. Hopefully will run tomorrow.

    DD7 came home from school and complained about being cold. Given its still summer, I checked her temperature - 39.0C (102f). Sigh. Covid is in her school now, so time to test. Fortunately I have some rapid swabs at home because I'm a critical worker. Used on on her. Swabbing a 7yr old is not fun! Test was negative but I'm not confident on my method. Never swabbed anyone before lol. So will see how it goes. Its only 6pm and she's already in bed.

    Foods been good. No exercise today but stuck to plan.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,392 Member
    @swenson19d - I think the pups bond to different people at different times. For a while Hobbes just loved my dh. Wanted to be with him all the time, play with him, get pets, sleep as close to hime as possible. Of course at the time dh wasn't really interested or wanting to participate. It has gone in cycles now for a while. Sometimes he is on me all the time, others on dh.
    I hope you can get things figured out. We are all so complicated and so many things affect us in different ways. Some are simple to identify and others not so much. Good luck with it!
    So funny about your dd - hope the FR and your Mama Instinct work out!

    I have medicare of course and an HMO advantage plan. Because it is HMO I guess, I have to have a referral to see a specialist. Since I had seen the same ortho in late September for the torn bicep tendon I figured since this was likely more of the same I wouldn't need it. I also figured my PCP wouldn't require a visit to give me the referral but the scheduler was insistent. He also never passed on my request for the MA to call me and my PCP sent the referral before we even got on the call. She was happy to talk to me but also said there was no need for the visit and I probably didn't need another referral. So now I am clear for the ortho appointment that is scheduled on the 22nd.

    Aww @Avidkeo - I really hope your little one just has a cold and not covid! Has NZ vaccinated kids? I can't even imagine trying to swab an adult, let alone a kid!
    Take care of that calf! Hopefully it was just complaining and needs a little more rest.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 5,981 Member
    @swenson19d Glad to hear from you. Love that Kevin woke himself up barking. Tippy will have dreams where she half barks and her little paws are moving like she's running. It is really cute. Glad you have some insights into you.

    @Avidkeo I don't totally trust those rapid tests either. I was told if you use them, are having symptoms, and test positive you know that you have it. If you test negative, you really don't know for sure. There are apparently a lot of false negatives. I think that is one reason that it spreads so fast. People test negative and continue on, but actually have it. Anyway, I hope the test was correct and she is truly negative and feels better soon! I hope your calf is quick to heal.

    @shanaber I think with those referrals, there is usually a time limit. If it has expired, then you need another. Anyway, I'm glad you are cleared to see them and hope your arm doesn't hurt too bad before then. What did they tell you to do the last time?

    I have my cardiology appointment at 11. I'm anxious to see what he says. I've noticed a couple of interesting things on my kardiaMobile EKG's, but they probably aren't significant. The main one is that if I feel like I am having palpitations, my R wave is not at big as it is when I'm feeling normal. May not mean anything. I can't really find what that means when I research it online. We shall see. I'll try to report back tonight.

  • swenson19d
    swenson19d Posts: 788 Member
    edited March 2022
    @quilteryoyo Kevin usually has a quiet bark in his sleep. Last night was full awake-like barking. Sandy is bad with the whimpers and paws fluttering, now and then she kicks like a horse and it mostly seems to be in my sore leg. When we got home from the park yesterday and she relaxed, so happy to be home, she lays in the grass with this sliding motion and rolls around. I just die laughing. She looks like a yard horse.
    I've put the nursing brain on hold, but from what I remember, the QRS complex is the electrical signal that spreads from the atrial node down to the ventricles, causing ventricular contraction. I wouldn't google it, just leave it for the doc. You might mention it and all though. Most of the time docs are happy to explain stuff and love it when their patients want to understand. Sometime it seems like it should be something and its not. I had an "enlarged ventricle" or something and thought it was scary, doc shrugged it off. Said it was because I was an "athlete".

    @Avidkeo I swabbed on person for the flu and it is hard to do when they pull back, then you need to do it again and they are like no way. You gotta be quick. My aim isnt that great, first time jitters and the instructor was watching me "really get in there" haha!

    I have violin today
    I think we are working on a beetles piece for Alex's birthday. Least thats what I asked about. My niece is learning it on the guitar and we planned a birthday duet.
    The other violin tutor asked me to play in her spring recital. Uhhh.... no? She has a few other adult students and would like us to perform as well... uh... well, only if they do it. So I gotta get practicing.

    I have a little more respect for the psychology field.
    The program isnt hard. I mean, I gotta put effort in my work and figure out how to learn this topic. But really like the abnormal psych class. The prof is really knowledgeable. Her post doc work is in ASD, so I just kinda hide from her. There are 8 of us in class... so its not very effective. Last night she said she could practically walk in to a room and smell Autism.. 😳 I showered. 🤔 So im nervous it'll effect my grade, but shouldn't. She understands there are those without intellectual deficits and are just quirky. (the topic last night was ASD)

    I gotta get more caffeine if Im going to get anything done today.
  • CMorning99
    CMorning99 Posts: 913 Member
    Good morning.

    Love all the puppy cat slept today LOL. Both are doing well. I realized the inhalers from New Zealand don't have a counter on do you know when they are out? I will have to do math and write on it I guess when I started it.

    Yesterday I felt like I was in a fuzzy fog all day. Not really sleep but out of it. I really really tried to be productive at work, but I am not sure how successful I was. My stomach also hurt for the day as well, DH thinks it is stress, maybe the start of an ulcer..pshh. Seems my mind can't comprehend stress, but my body is a wuss.

    We had our taskings come out for our next round of deployments, it was up from last quarter. My counterpart in the office is on the list. Leadership asked me if I could run the shop alone, my stomach sank. I told them that if that is what needs to happen, I will do the best I can. I laid out the challenges and risks. One of them being me going on vacay for 2 weeks in May and no one being here. Technically they can cancel my vacation which would suck, it would be the end of my Mule Days trips probably. There are people who are coming up to see me. I also told them they will need to send some programs to other people. I also told them I am out of the office for appts frequently. Now we wait. Retirement in 547 days. I never thought I could ever get this salty. But I guess when you don't promote someone for 10 years and expect more and get that way. Doesn't help I don't like what I am doing.

    Today I need to work on some programs, inspections coming up. And now I need to firehose learn even more before my TSgt possibly leaves in 3 weeks. Also have an appt with the tax lady this afternoon.

  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Thanks guys. DD crashed and slept almost 14 hrs! Has just woken up so will see how she is doing. Yeah kids can get vaccinated, first doses were 24th January (NZ is late to the party) . She's had her first shot and isn't due for her second till the 24th March.

    Calf feels good today. I think it's the sudden changes in direction and over extending you do in squash that caused the niggles this time. I'm going to try a run today and see how it goes. Pain free this morning.

    Scales have stagnated again. I got to 71.2 on Saturday, crept up again to 71.8 over the next few days then dropped suddenly to 71.2 2 days ago. And is 71.3 this morning. I'm just repeating "trust the process" to myself. My trend is going down so trying to concentrate on that instead... Such a mind screw guh.

    Working this weekend. Evening shift. Un.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,392 Member
    edited March 2022
    @swenson19d - Hobbes does that in the grass too! Especially if it is sunny and warm and he likes the dry grass for some reason. I always figured he was using the grass to scratch his back/sides but he is always so exuberant when he does it. Maybe it just feels good?
    I also suspect there are lots of very intelligent quirky people who have undiagnosed ASD, especially many of those I hung out with in school and worked with professionally. We (including my husband) self described 'nerds'. These are intelligent, somewhat shy, anti-social or lacking in social skills, people that some might call eccentric. I don't think you should hide from the professor even if she does realize you have ASD unless you are worried she will make you a subject of analysis or something.

    @CMorning99 - Hang in there! I hear you on taking more and more work (or having it dumped on you) and getting no recognition. I hope they don't take away your vacation. Was your being deployed a possibility? Would you want to be?

    @quilteryoyo - I don't understand all those things about the heart measurements either. I tried looking at all the things my PM measures (the manufacturer has all the information online) and even with my math and biology background I couldn't figure most of them out. The PM tech has spent quite a bit of time explaining them to me though when I have asked. Hope all goes well with the doctor visit and you get your questions answered!

    I didn't take any Tylenol yesterday and managed most of the day just fine. Decided not to take any before bed either. This proved to be a VERY bad decision and I woke up in agony in the middle of the night. I had to get up for a while and took some then before I could sleep again.
    When I saw the ortho before he really didn't have anything for me 'to do' to help it heal. basically - no lifting anything even slightly heavy and continuing to move my arm as much as possible without pain to increase the range of motion. Essentially if it hurts don't do it. Once it is healed then I can do PT or just start back on strength and weight training, very slowly. Have to get to that point first though without re-injuring it!

  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 5,981 Member
    edited March 2022
    @swenson19d I'm so glad that Kevin and Sandy are giving you so much joy. You should go for the violin recital, if any of the other adults do too. I think it's good to show the world that it's never too late to learn something new. Glad you are liking psychology and laughed that you took a shower so the professor couldn't smell your autism. LOL

    @CMorning99 If you are having stress related health issues, I certainly can see why. I don't know how you hold it all together. I hope you get to keep your vacation. Maybe they will get someone else to help you? That's probably laughable, huh?

    @Avidkeo I'm glad your calf is doing okay. I always try to tell myself that at least a stagnant scale isn't going up. And, I also remind myself that plateaus happen and when you step over the edge you get the whoosh. You can do this. I hope DD is better today.

    @shanaber Sounds like you should take a Tylenol before bed for a while. I hope rest is all it needs and it feels better faster than last time.

    Cardiologist: When I was telling him about my feelings of palpitations and having a fast heat rate for no reason, he actually said that I should think about getting a KardiaMobile device. I told him I had one and he said I should use it. I told him I just got it so haven't had any real episodes since I got it. I was glad he thought it was a good idea. He said that they use it a lot now in patients that have infrequent episodes. I asked about the lower R wave and he basically dismissed it and said, "That's not really what the KardiaMobile is for." He doesn't like that my diastolic BP is above 80 a lot, and even 105 one day this week....even after increasing my HBP medication dosage a couple of weeks ago. So, the last resort is to put me on a diuretic. I pee enough as it is, so really don't look forward to taking it. He said it was necessary because the diastolic being up means that my body is retaining water and keeping all the I've know this for a long time since I can gain 3 pounds from eating a salty meal. So, we'll see what happens. I am going to get an extended wear Holter Monitor next Thursday - to wear for two weeks to see if it catches anything. I'm still going to try to capture something on my mobile device.

    I did ask him about CoVID being part of the issue and he said it is possible, but there is no real data to back it up. He did say that they are seeing a lot of people who have had CoVID and are now having heart related issues. He thinks it is because the virus messes with the vasovagal response. Who knows? Someone needs to write a paper. LOL