WaistAways Team Chat - JANUARY 2023



  • zankash23
    zankash23 Posts: 107 Member
    @lauren_989 Great Workout. It is brutal, you feel the burn for a while
  • YinxFed
    YinxFed Posts: 1,089 Member
    Happy Sunday, Friends!

    I hope everyone is well today and that anyone suffering from colds or overcoming Covid gets to the other side smoothly.

    @conleywoods I'm interested in how you did a 30min Peleton ride on your stationery exercise bike as I have an exercise bike too (not a Peleton)? Is there an app?

    Back soon with today's weigh-in.

  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,196 Member
    Thanks for all the prompt step numbers team. I will get to recording them a bit later.

    Dinner theatre was fun. This particular one is not a buffet- it's a plated dinner, so that helps a bit. There is one that's a buffet and it's quite extravagant.. but I didn't have to contend with that last night. It was however a starter soup and salad, breadsticks, a main, and dessert. I ate fairly light up to that and did a hike and a long Peloton session, but I still went over maintenance calories. That will happen sometimes. The only thing is - I'm on weight loss mode again, so it just means the deficit the other days has to be greater or I shoukd expect a marginal result (if at all). We shall see.

    Yeah, exercise just felt good yesterday. We did our hike - it was a shorter and easier one because we needed to get out and back in time for our show, and that we did. But it was just so nice being in the mountains. When we got home both Brad and I rode the Peloton too. I had the energy and it was feeling good so I went for it. Definitely my most active day in a while.

    @adrimango Congrats on your personal best. Those days feel so good!!!

    Enjoy your Sunday all. It's football Sunday here and I know Brad is doing lots of yummy cooking. I want to walk the dog and ride the bike too so exercise will also be a priority again.
  • DianaGetsFit512
    DianaGetsFit512 Posts: 141 Member
    Sun: 7738 and 30 min peloton
    Mon: 11118 and 30 min peloton
    Tues: 9524
    Wed: 7420
    Thurs: 7550 and 30 min peloton
    Fri: 8107 and 30 min strength workout
    Sat: 6530 and 20 min peloton and 10 min strength
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,228 Member
    Steps&exercise for this past week:

    Sunday - 8612 + 15 Pilates + 45 bike
    Monday - 5897 + 15 Pilates
    Tuesday - 10,057 + 25 Pilates + 45 bike
    Wednesday -6313 + 15 Pilates + 45 bike
    Thursday - 7154 + 30 bike (slower than usual...)
    Friday - 9357 + 30 Pilates + 45 bike
    Saturday - 16,456

    I have not yet gotten back onto my strength workouts this week - the covid tiredness is my excuse! Not really sure it is real - maybe it's just from sitting around too much :grimace:
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