WaistAways Team Chat - JANUARY 2023



  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,276 Member
    @eggfreak We did a raclette just before Christmas with our family. It was a lot of fun.. hope your company enjoys the experience

    1/8 exercise:
    8670 steps + 17 minutes Peloton

    Final call for any step challenge members that still need to post for their week 1 (Jan 1-7). Loving all the numbers so far!
  • zankash23
    zankash23 Posts: 123 Member
    Thank you @ashleycarole86
  • eggfreak
    eggfreak Posts: 681 Member
    @DD265 can't wait to make that soup - looks and sounds delicious, and filling. I rarely use lamb as it's pretty expensive here but I can manage 250 gr. of minced lamb, I'm sure of it.

    @jugar glad you have the run of the house again :)
  • MoonlitMuse
    MoonlitMuse Posts: 88 Member
    Okie dokie....so I'm trending in the wrong direction, but I'm honestly not too concerned. My lifts have gradually been getting heavier and I started a new lifting routine and let me tell you...incline & decline bench presses will have you feeling all sorts of things if you're used to doing regular flat ones. I'm glad I decreased my weight since I'm working smaller muscles that haven't really been touched before.

    I plan on getting on the fancy bia scale again soon, so hopefully even though my overall weight is going up, it's from muscle (fingers crossed). If not, I'm going to have to tweak my kcal goals.

    PW: 144.4
    CW: 146

    Also - I just bought ESHA for my job, which is the gold standard RDs use for diet analysis, so if anyone would like to compare their MFP logs to that, we can conduct an experiment :)
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,271 Member
    Ahhh - Barcelona to Madrid. A beautiful 125 hours for sure!

    I hope everyone is doing great. I'm just about to fall into bed, but first -- the Wednesday line-up!

    And still up for an update from @ells_bellz :heart:

  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    PW 153.4
    CW 153

    It was lower yesterday, but I was starving last night and ate a lot. 🤷‍♀️ And, I was still hungry when I layer in bed. After 10 minutes, I got up and made tea. Tomorrow, I am going to Denver. I will be staying at hotel for 3 nights. I hope I can find healthy choices. I have a lot to do to get ready still. Today, I am going to loft. I was considering toong just Barre and pilates this month, but I want to mix it up.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,271 Member
    @AshenMoon That is a fabulous pendant! I will definitely go check out your latest creations :smiley:

    Raucous cheering to all you wonderful losers! This week is SO green. We must be channeling @Meals12 Amelia's summer! I knew it would be great having another member from the Southern Hemisphere.

    I'm starting to feel like it is finally winter here - it is really cold this morning, and a good snow storm is on its way starting tomorrow. At last!
  • PlaneMonkey
    PlaneMonkey Posts: 568 Member
    @jugar I'm glad you're finally getting your snow! I'm not looking forward to the shovelling, but I will enjoy the calorie burn.
    I just hope hockey doesn't get cancelled like the last storm.

    My weight this morning was right at the upper limit of my maintenance range and I've noticed thoughts when plating my meals that involve 'I can eat this extra portion, I'll burn it off later' or 'I'll get back on track in February'... So that's the beginning of the slippery uphill climb for me. I've tried to start tracking again and haven't won that battle... I'm going to be conscious of my thoughts and up my water consumption.
    We fixed the ice maker! No more excuses.
    I've also noticed lower back pain from our new, softer bed. I guess my spinal injury wasn't as healed as I thought and I will have to commit to more planks or pilates to strengthen my core and fix this.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,271 Member
    We finally had our late gift exchange with our son tonight - including gifts from our daughter which had been waiting for several weeks! I was away over the holidays, then had covid - so this was the first time we could sit together and enjoy a meal and the gifts. We are all concerned about keeping each other warm! There were gorgeous woolly socks, warm mittens, even a pair of heated gloves - there will be no cold people in this family any time soon :smiley: As is his evil way, my son brought lots of fancy ice cream. Of course, I did not resist...

    SO! Energy is coming back, so I have to get moving more. I'm about to hop on the exercise bike to use up some of that ice cream. Tomorrow will hopefully bring enough snow to get out the snowshoes. Can't wait!

    Thursday line-up in the wings - ready to go, right?

    @PlaneMonkey I'll join you on those planks and core work - it helps everything.
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,276 Member
    So sorry to hear about your dad's diagnosis and the worry this puts on your family
    Thinking of you all right now as he waits on additional testing
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,276 Member
    1/9 exercise: 10809 steps + 10 mins strength
    1/10 exercise: 8095 steps + 26 minutes Peloton
  • DD265
    DD265 Posts: 651 Member
    I'm very sorry to hear of your father's diagnosis @conleywoods. I will keep my fingers crossed for you all.

    @AshenMoon that's lovely!

    I've had a busy week - too busy, I think, as I am exhausted this morning. Monday night was lady physio, Tuesday I had PT, smear, worked late, yesterday I started work at 7.30, and had the car in the garage (finally sorted), plus I did 30 mins walking on the treadmill listening to a podcast. The podcast was a Tim Ferris one, but with James Clear who wrote Atomic Habits - felt timely as he'd been discussed in here recently! I've had a decent weight loss too. I have to remind myself it's not the focus right now, but very pleased all the same. I only weigh once a week now (used to do daily) so I'm less aware of the fluctuations.

    My session with the dietician was interesting. I'm now tracking my food intake using the Practice Better app, which is her tool (or one of) as a professional. I am taking photos of my food - so obviously I have to do that before I eat it! - no need to weigh or record portion sizes then. We talked about protein sizes generally being a fist (carbs, fruit and veg), palm (protein) and index finger tip (fats and oils), so that's the basis I'm trying to work on for now.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,271 Member
    @conleywoods hang in there :heart: That sounds like one big rush of tough stuff. Come by when you can, but definitely keep the pressure off. Try to take care of yourself too, though. We're holding your hands - hope you can feel us there with you!
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