Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    edited August 2023
    Happy Sunday!😀 Got up at 7 to get here by 8:30; it’s going to be a long day.

    Barbie, Bodhi is adorable, how will you let him go if he finds a forever home?

    I will be back tomorrow will be busy all day and I hate typing on my IPad, I am going to buy a laptop for when I am not home.

    Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    Barbie, what a cutie. Love those little white paws. I hope all goes well. 🤞🏻🤞🏻

    Hello Bodhi - you are a darling.


  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member
    Another showery, Autumnal day so my efforts to cut and dig out the Japonica bush close to the repointed wall were dampened! I will have to try again tomorrow. Only a short walk locally but I came home carrying a couple of unusual terracotta plant pots that someone had put out with a “Free” notice. A struggle to carry with both dogs on leads but I was determined because they are perfect for mint plants I bought at the plant show last week! I no longer have to help Sheila move furniture tomorrow so I can relax on our Bank holiday. No point making plans until I know if it’s going to rain yet again.

    Happy Sunday everyone, and Bodhi. 🐶
    Jackie 🥰
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    edited August 2023
    Hello to Bodhi!
    Not a lot of activity here this Sunday. It’s my youngests birthday. Mark is now 59. Michael came over for the morning which made Jilly one very happy dog. He didn’t stay for lunch but he did stay to keep Jilly Bean company whilst I had lunch.

    More is going on at the old homestead. The new couple in Harry’s house are dismantling the fish pool and I’m so glad they are with a baby due any day.
    Darren was very interested in my new Home and is coming to inspect it for his parents. However I don’t think they can reside here having early dementia. Darren is ripping out his old bathroom.
    Meanwhile work continues on my cottage ready for my grandson and Bev to move in. Derek will take some of my furniture, ie the table and chairs, my big comfy armchair and a double bed that has been barely slept in, brand new condition etc. Anything left over from the young peoples pick, Michael will check out for his place. My biggest bookcase and books I know he wants for instance. Not much going to waste I guess.

    I find it much easier to take Jilly for walks here and if I should fall down there’s lots of residents and staff to come to the rescue. We are slowly adapting. Five dogs live here now. We’ve met Molly and owner so far.

    It’s wash day tomorrow, a first for me. I have to put dirty laundry in a big bag with my apartment number printed on it, and I’ve promised Fatima the cleaner and laundry lady I’ll have the bed stripped ready for her. All go isn’t it!

    I’m expecting Mark and Mary Jo so all for now.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,165 Member
    edited August 2023
    :)Anne all seems to be going well. Glad there is a safe place to walk Jill

    :)Sandy we are fostering Bodhi in anticipation of adopting him. Fostering for two weeks gives us a chance to be sure it is a good fit. It we are all happy, we'll pay the fee and sign the adoption papers

    :) Bessie is getting more receptive. The only dog she has been interested in since she lived with us was Sasha who has been gone for over a year🐾😢

    I have a cute picture of Bessie and Bodhi together but I can't post it
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,165 Member
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Adorable Barbie!
    Happy Monday! :) Another beautiful day with the windows open. Long day yesterday but kids and dogs were good. Played outside for a while, then went to pool with Lisa's friend and her daughter who is great friends with my grandchildren. Bought some Mc Donald's and it was soon time for bed. The parents had a great time so a good day for all.
    Bryanna coming to color and cut my hair this afternoon and sitting for volleyball tonight, although it is later than usual.

    Everyone have a great day and be grateful for all we have.
    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member
    edited August 2023
    It is our August Bank holiday so I haven’t gone far, just a walk round the block with George and Betty. It has been a dry day so I got back to removing the last stump and root of the Japonica that was tied to the wall outside my shower room. It took over an hour but it’s up and gone so the last small section of repointing can be completed in that area. I have peeped behind the hanging hessian sheets where repointing is finished and am pleased with the results, especially because it has dried over the weekend. I have strimmed the footpath down the garden and after my afternoon cup of tea, will move chairs to make room for my new purchase that will be delivered tomorrow afternoon. I was planning to help Sheila today get her room ready for her knew sofa but her GP has been in touch, finally, to book a long phone consultation so I will pop in briefly tomorrow after walkies in case she needs assistance, although I’m sure the delivery men should help.

    I see all UK flights were cancelled earlier after a fault with air traffic control! Transatlantic flights fly over Cornwall and I now realise how quiet it has been even though they are pretty high by the time they reach me!

    Dear Bodhi looks very placid so I hope everything works out for him.

    Anne, that’s good news the furniture you left behind will be put to good use. It is difficult to find good quality modern furniture and certainly in England, Retro is all the rage at the moment. It is a big adjustment for you but I know your stoic British strength will soon settle you. I remember once reading that stoics are Buddhists with attitude; now there’s a persona I would love to develop! ❤️

    Time to move furniture and whiz round with my Shark.
    Jackie 🥰
  • OhDD65
    OhDD65 Posts: 184 Member
    Oops...... Lost that one. Shall get back later.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    edited August 2023
    Hello, good afternoon. Laundry is finished for today. Yippee! Now to gather things I want to put out in the trash. It gets dark much earlier and the trash is picked up quite early in the morning so I best get going.

    Barbie, did you get sleeping arrangements settled last night for your new darling? I hope he slept and didn’t whine all night. Everyone needs an adjustment period though.

    Jackie, good job today and so happy to hear all is going well with the repointing. What excitement, a new chair arriving tomorrow.

    Anne, how lovely that things you are unable to bring along will be used (for the most part) by your family members. Did you have a phone installed so Darren could call to talk to you? I hope the laundry and cleaning all go well.

    Sandy, yesterday sounds like a good day. Glad that Bryanna is coming to do your hair. ❤️❤️ enjoy your time with the kiddos!

    Joy, Diane, Jeri and other Sneakers—wishing you well.


    A cute Garfield teapot
  • virruth
    virruth Posts: 169 Member
    Lin. We are always forgetting about the trash. But we must be on the end of the route, as they come in the afternoon. So we have plenty of time to get to the kerb!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,165 Member
    edited August 2023
    :) I am so glad you are pet lovers and won't mind my prattling on about Bodhi and Bessie. They are sort of playing together and Bessie has shared the big dog bed with him during the day. He sleeps in a kennel and night and will continue to do so until he is older and completely potty trained. He seems to have spent much of his young life as a stray and needs to learn a lot about the difference between the house and the yard, This morning Jake was able to walk both dogs out into the big field for about 10 minutes. Then later my walking friend and I walked both dogs outside the fence for awhile. This has been fun and an opportunity for spiritual growth. I have had to make drastic changes in my daily habits so we are all learning something new.

    <3 Barbie


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    edited August 2023
    Happy Tuesday! :) The days are all starting to blur, everyday there is something new added to my calendar. Today I am taking my car to the dealer as my son found a nail in my front tire. I pray it can be fixed and not a new tire. Later I am letting Cheryl's dog out since she is downtown for her job all day and into the evening. Tomorrow I do not have to sit so meeting friends for lunch. Thursday is Babe's birthday so will be going to cemetery after my meeting. There is a mass for him at two churches, one on Friday and one at my church on Saturday. Rob needs me to sit while he goes to dentist on Friday because the kids are off from school. I am looking forward to pool time over the weekend and just relaxing.

    Barbie, it looks like they will be big buddies with some time. You and Jake are so great for giving Bodhi a new home and having patience to get him adjusted.

    I have had so many phone calls and texts I am running out of time. Have a great day.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    edited August 2023
    Hello, trash bins were emptied very early and I have returned them to the garage. I made a trip to drop off some items at Goodwill and then did some shopping at Whole Foods and did an Amazon return as well. The store has no bagged apples, none of my plain vegan yogurt, very few packages of frozen vegetables…..lots of empty shelves. I placed an order for pickup tomorrow at Walmart and hope to stop by Trader Joe’s on my way home. Since it is a holiday weekend, I want to get this out of the way. I also need to pick up books at the library and would like to fill my car with gas without driving far out of my way. Seems my errands avoid gas stations!

    Sandy, super busy days. Are you dizzy? I would be…..! Stay safe and I hope your tire is okay. I have had nails in tires and all have been fixable but I guess it depends on the location of the nail. 🤞🏻🤞🏻

    Barbie, oh please do flood us with pet stories and photos. Love them! What a darling photo. They look at ease and quite comfortable. That’s a good start!

    Time for lunch.

    Wishing everyone happy days.


    I got this photo from Facebook but I actually have that same teapot (but no cup and saucer)
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    I had a lovely surprise late afternoon yesterday, Mark and Mary Jo turned up bearing the gift of oranges and blueberries. The one thing my new quarters lack is fruit and veggies. I have just eaten a lovely big juicy orange. Veggies don’t seem to be big on Canadians grocery lists I’m finding. My small family virtually exist on very little meat but oodles of veggies. So if anything that’s the one thing me (and the body) are lacking. The funny thing was, for dinner last night we had ham, mashed potatoes and lovely green beans. I ate every last bean on my plate but everyone else at my table left theirs untouched. Oh well, different strokes for different folks. Anyway, before the Ms left at my dinner time we three took the Bean for a walk and just round the corner of this building we discovered a park with playing fields, tennis courts and fields of grass for a small dog to run in. What a surprise! This morning I took Jilly Bean for another walk in this human and doggie pardise. We had it to ourselves.

    So all good here apart from a lack of broccoli and sprouts! Yesterday was washday and my bedding and clothes left in a huge string bag in the capable hands of Fatima. I was warned I wouldn’t get them back before today and sure enough up rolled Fatima with everything washed and folded around lunchtime. I think I’m only missing a pair of socks. It’s certainly a learning experience living here.

    I made the aquaintance of a delightful elderly gentlemen today. He said he had worked in a wood workshop all his life until the Corvid struck when he was 91 and he had to finally retire. Said he hadn’t been the same since health wise and I think that’s the experience of a lot of folk.

    I hope you get to keep Bodhi BARBIE. He will certainly have fallen on his feet if it all works out. I’m sure he will appreciate his good fortune and he does look a very nice dog as does your very pretty Bessie.

    Loved reading about your latest cottage improvement JACKIE. You will be as snug as a bug when the north wind howls this winter. It will be interesting to see how this place is in the coming months. At the moment I have air conditioning.

    Loved reading LIN and everyone else’s posts.

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member
    Almost bedtime and I’ve just finished enjoying a hot shower because I will need to be up and out early in the morning. Peter and Richard arrived this morning just as mist and mizzle drifted in off the Atlantic. They asked for hot drinks while they checked under the hanging sheets of hessian to ensure last weeks pointing had dried, which it has, but then decided it would be unsafe to work on wet scaffolding. They left and I walked George and Betty locally then drove to Sheila to help her move a few pieces of furniture into her front garden, ready for collection by the local council. She had received a phone call from a GP at her surgery who told her they have no record of her past appointments and MRI scans! She will hopefully collect a prescription for painkillers tomorrow and something to help her sleep. It has been cold as well as wet so I enjoyed scrambled eggs on a toasted bagel for lunch then my new chair was delivered. They struggled to carry it through the doorways because my walls are all about 18” thick which didn’t allow much wiggle room so I suggested they lift it over the cement mixer blocking the side pathway and come in from the garden. That worked and I’m sitting on it as I type!

    Anne, isn’t it interesting how different our English meals differ so much from Canadian. I would soon be bunged up without my recommended five a day fruit and veg. I can see your family will have to arrange regular food parcels containing those extras be delivered if they can’t visit for any reason! Clever you, discovering the park to walk Jilly so while the weather is fine you can get out and about. It’s always important to have your own peaceful place to commune with nature. ❤️ Interesting residents to chat to as well, plus no more worrying about snow and ice this coming winter. I think our winter has arrived already from how cold it was today and it’s still August!

    That’s a lovely photo Barbie and good news that they are getting on so well. I know from my experiences with Betty when first adopted, housetraining is hard work.

    That’s a pretty teapot Lin.

    Still busy Sandy!

    Off to bed.
    Jackie 🥱😴
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) A beautiful sleeping night with window open. Meeting my friends for lunch at noon after one gets through with doctor appointment. Good news, the nail was gone when the dealer checked my tire. They said it must have fallen out when driving so even after doing a multi point inspection there was no charge. I am very happy. Usually a dealer finds things to fix but not in this case so they are on my good list.

    Jackie, love the new chair, have many good hours of just sitting and enjoying the comfort before the critters take it over. lol

    Anne, I am a little envious of your place, it sounds perfect. Can residents have cars and come and go as they please? Your kids will make sure you have what you need and you can continue with your fruits and veggies. I am so glad there is a place for you and Jilly to walk.

    Lin, Trader Joe's has been in our news with some recalls so be careful. It sounds like you are clearing a lot of things from your house, this is a good thing right?

    I guess I should eat a yogurt since I am eating lunch so early. Have a good day and stay healthy.

    One Day at a Time
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Yes you can have a car SANDY because it’s independent living. I rent my apartment but it has the added perks, meals, laundry, nurse etc to make life easier as you age.

    It’s downright cold here, so much so I’ve added a sweater for supper tonight in a decidedly chilly dining room at lunch. And yet the temp. soars to 30C by the weekend. A very odd summer this one. Must look south tonight to see the blue moon.

    JACKIE is adding cosy chairs for the winter whilst I’m downsizing everything. All my evening clobber from the past went with one of the cleaning ladies yesterday. Still in very good condition, particularly a long, green plaid woollen evening skirt I once adored, but when am I going to an evening function these days? lol.

    So, rather a quiet day for us residents. Some lady is singing in the community room but I’ve given that a miss. A lot of hammering, sawing, screeching going on earlier as the renovations continue, but I think the end is in sight.


  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member
    It’s been a busy day starting with a long doggy walk on the moors, then into town for George’s annual booster and health check, back home to make tea for the builders and on to another town for my hair appointment. On the way home I stopped at a supermarket for a few groceries and am still shocked at some price increases. Peter and Richard have finished repointing the upper level so no more hanging hessian sheets and although they won’t work here tomorrow due to another storm, they will hopefully finish on Friday.
    George has been barking at my new chair as if it’s a stranger in the home, which makes me laugh but Brady loves it!
    I will miss viewing the big blue moon tonight because the rain clouds have arrived already. I hope you get to see it Anne. You’ve joined my noisy building work scenario, or perhaps I’ve joined yours!

    A large plastic carrier that held new pillows bought a few weeks ago, is gradually filling with unwanted clothes that I will donate to our Salvation Army charity along with shoes that were only worn a couple of times but I found too uncomfortable. Once the outside work is completed I will load my car with items for the tip because our Autumnal weather has me feeling we won’t have many warm days left.

    Time for George and Betty to pop into the garden then we must get to bed.
    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    edited August 2023
    Hello! I got my groceries from Walmart this morning but did not get to Trader Joe’s as it was early and it wasn’t open.

    I spent the remainder of the day doing some stamping for cards and it went slow as the images were basically solid color and the stamps kept coming up quite short of that so I had to repeat stamping 5 or 6 times and then fill in the remaining white areas with a q-tip swiped across the ink pad. I started to cut out the images but got sidetracked. Spent the rest of the day talking on the phone with several different friends who like to chat as much (or more) than I do. 😁

    Jackie, I love that chair! What a beauty. I cannot believe George didn’t take to it right away. I would definitely love to have a sit down there. You are quite conscientious in purging things. Good for you.

    Sandy, busy lady once again. My house is packed to the hilt with things. I am not making much of a dent in all of this. It is hard to really organize as I have no pantry in my kitchen and no linen closet upstairs. There is no storage for towels or extra bedding anywhere in this house. I have things in some totes in the basement. Not a bit handy.

    Anne, still divesting yourself of possessions. I didn’t think there was anything remaining to sort through. I talked to a friend yesterday. She is helping her niece clean out her mother’s house. The niece thought it would be a big job but oh my, she was surprised that everything is stuffed full everywhere in the house. A big job!

    Well, off I go to sett checking for the moon.

    Be safe.


    I hadn’t thought of Holly Hobby in quite a while.


  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member
    Oh my Lin, a blast from the past! In a small treasure box I’ve kept a Holly Hobby card my partner back in the 70’s gave me. Reminds me of happy, loving times. 😊

    When I let George and Betty out for a last pee before bed, the garden was lit up by the Blue moon shining through a gap in the clouds as if to say here I am, just for you! 🌝
    A cold, wet and miserable day as we say goodbye, and good riddance, to August so I’m wearing 3 layers with a small M&S vest, sweatshirt and fleece jacket and think lighting the wood burner this afternoon could be a good plan! The pooches have gone back to bed while I’ve eaten breakfast so we won’t go out until lunchtime when it should ease off for a couple of hours. I’ll keep moving and busy until then.

    I do miss my airing cupboard that I gave up for an upstairs loo. Towels are now on a shelf in the broom cupboard and bedding takes up precious space in bedroom chest of drawers. That leaves no room for clothes that don’t get worn these days so out they go!

    We are now to be offered another Covid vaccination because apparently a new variant has arrived. I’ll have to think about that. Yesterday the vet administering George’s booster mentioned the kennel cough drops that get squirted up the nose and when I explained he won’t ever be going in kennels, she told me there’s a lot of the virus out and about. George isn’t the most sociable pooch with other dogs and my research suggested it doesn’t stop dogs catching it so we will both take our chances. Betty too!

    Happy Thursday everyone. Stay safe.
    Jackie 🥰
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,165 Member
    :) It is crazy town here with all energy devoted to dog civilizing. It is two steps forward, one step back. There are moments of joy and delight and moments of extreme frustration. We are creating new routines with Jake taking the lead in the early morning dog walk and all four of us spending time in the back yard several times a day. It has been an opportunity for spiritual growth for all four of us.

    <3 Barbie
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Reading about everyone’s lack of space as in cupboards is interesting. I had loads of cupboards for clothes in the house and an airing cupboard as well there. Living in a small apartment is a real eye opener. Fatima, the cleaning lady looked in on my one small crammed cupboard and exclaimed “too many clothes”, well yes - and half I don’t wear, those being from my secretary days. So I’ve asked Mary Jo to bring me big black garbage bags and I will be ruthless and donate to the diabetes collection bin. It’s odd, I was always grubbing away in the garden or baking etc in the cottage, but here I’m keeping as clean as the proverbial new pin and certainly don’t need half of what I’ve accumulated in the past.

    Another interesting thing is other people’s habits. The jams and marmalades, the butter etc come in small packages with lids to be peeled off. One very nice lady has the peculiar habit of collecting everyone’s discarded packages, banana skins, my hard boiled egg shell etc. These are carefully placed in her used porridge bowl and when that’s brim full, she proceeds to fill my empty porridge bowl as well! I think the idea is to save the serving ladies some time. No big deal, different strokes for different folks. I think she’s got used to me bashing my boiled egg with my spoon and then peeling the bits of shell off the top before consuming. At first I was told to cut the top off with my knife, something I never quite mastered. No doubt she’s at this moment on her iPad telling her daughter about the peculiar English woman who bashes the top of her egg, lol.

    Well the suns come out on a still chilly day so I think I will don a jacket and take the Bean for a trot in the park whilst Fatima comes in to change the towels.

    Enjoy your day sneakers. I continue to live and learn.

    Anne 🩷
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) Today is Babe's birthday and I did not sleep well last night. I didn't fall asleep until after 2am thinking about different things. I am going to my meeting, then to cemetery to bring flowers.
    When I get home my landlord is coming to sign a new two year lease with no raise. I will probably go to bed early tonight if I to go to the 8am mass for Babe tomorrow, still to be decided; I much prefer my own church.

    Anne, maybe the lady is OCD like me and likes things neat and tidy. lol Or maybe she was a server and it is just habit with her. It does sound like you are enjoying your new place, when is the trial period up? Have you made a decsision?

    Barbie, always great to have a spiritual growth and patience. Give it time, it will all work out.

    Jackie, I went out and took a few pictures of the moon but my camera didn't capture it very good. It was beautiful though and worth going outside to view. I will be getting the new covid shot with my flu shot in either September or October, I prefer not to take the chance. I am also going to get the shingles shot now that Medicare pays for it and check on the pneumonia shot as I had one over ten years ago. At my age I feel I need all the help available. lol

    Lin, you have me thinking about all the totes in my garage and the things inside that I don't use anymore. It would probably be a good idea for me to go through them and get rid of most of it.
    I just need to find the time to do that.

    Hello to everyone else and have a wonderful day.
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member
    edited August 2023
    Finally the sun showed itself long enough to walk round the block after which I pottered while George and Betty got under my feet! According to the vet, George has been losing weight over the last couple of years. It may well be because I’ve introduced healthy natural treats rather than cheaper, who knows what they’re made of types from China. I told the vet i prefer a slim George to overweight but have agreed to check in regularly to weigh him. Sometimes I forget he is now 11 years old and the thought of losing him terrifies me!

    Oh Anne, your stories do make me laugh. I thought you were going to tell us the lady collecting banana skins etc. owned a wormery! Where did she keep it, I wondered!! PLEASE ANNE, maintain that free, independent spirit I love about you. ❤️

    Sandy, I agree we must all do what we feel most comfortable with when it comes to vaccinations. I might be proven wrong thinking that my immune system will protect me enough so I don’t die should I catch something nasty but I’m philosophical either way.

    I’ve a bag of freshly picked tomatoes to give David if I see him walking but he doesn’t answer his phone so he might miss out in the morning! I’ve now picked the last of the French beans to blanche and freeze and cleared the ground so that now just leaves the greenhouse produce.

    Time for a cup of tea and put my feet up. George had something in his fluffy tail that caused knots almost impossible to remove but I persevered to cut it out which hasn’t left much tail so he’s sulking upstairs on the spare bed! Betty the Velcro dog is, as ever, sticking to my leg!
    Jackie 🥰

  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    edited August 2023
    I have a confession to make. I am not the sweet old lady you MIGHT think me! Everyone here makes a fuss of my friendly little dog, everyone except one old bat who lives in the apartment opposite me.
    We have renovations going on and unfortunately the week we moved in the carpet in the long corridor was ripped up and replaced. Lots of noise and Jilly being new and somewhat confused did a bit of barking. I hasten to add she is now adapting extremely well and putting a sock in it.

    Well, I was ambling back from lunch when this old bat flew out of her place and proceeded to yell at me in an extremely nasty way. I was told the dog was a nuisance, she needed to go to dog training school and she needed a muzzle.
    Well you all know how much I love the little Bean and that’s when my alter ego showed its face. I told the old bat I thought SHE needed the muzzle. I don’t think they make tiny muzzles anyway, a rubber band would be more appropriate.

    Since then, I gather she is a noted complainer.

    All is well now, Jilly no longer barking (although my kids tell me you could barely hear her when they knocked on the door during this period.). Me and the old bat are ignoring each other and I’m avoiding her like she has the bubonic plague.

    Confession over and I am back to being a dear sweet sensitive soul. SANDY you brought this confession on mentioning Mass, lol.

    Anne and not the saintly one!

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Love it Anne, don't let anyone talk about our Jilly or we will come there and tell her a thing or two!!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    edited September 2023
    Good evening. My day evaporated. I worked on balancing my checking account and figuring out how much to transfer to that account for all of those checks I am mailing in the morning. 👀

    I did a little bit of sorting out again today. The time eater was what had been a lovely zipped up binder that held a number of my embossing folders. Over the past few years the folders become stuck to the plastic holders so I had to find a way to get them out. I ended up with two hands full of irritation while working with the plastics. The holder has been thrown out along with a number of the folders. I took down my old music stand and removed the batteries from the portable lights I used with my keyboard when I was in the church band.

    I have an acquaintance who is doing a decluttering program. It’s a 30 day exercise. Day 1, toss one thing, day 2, toss 2 things, etc. until day thirty when you are to throw 30 things away as a finale. The approach seems a bit rigid to me. Work if you are inspired, work until you are not. She started upside down with 30 items the first day as she cleaned out her old makeup, emery boards etc. Those add up quickly. Anyway, she already missed several days and is feeling guilty. Not something a person needs right?

    Sandy, I hope you get some rest this evening. Those nights of thinking about things that cannot be settled are terrible.

    Anne, we cannot get along with everyone even if we are sweet. And it is funny, I was starting to think the lady was composting and raising worms as well. Just very tidy.

    Jackie, gosh, I didn’t know George was losing weight. I hope he is not extremely thin. That makes me worry about illness. Dear boy must thrive!

    Barbie, I hope slow progress is made with assimilating a new dog into the family. Best wishes.

    Be safe everyone. Hi Joy, Diane, Jeri, Patsy and any other Sneakers who stop by.



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Friday! :) I made up for lost sleep and got 9 hours of sleep. Doing laundry and landlord coming this afternoon to sign two year lease. Meeting friends from out of town at the American Legion where I played bingo for many years tonight. Looking forward to 3 days at the pool before the season ends.

    Lin, you have me motivated but I don't seem to have enough time in a day to start decluttering. Might be a good fall project. Sorry about your folders but it doesn't sound like you had a choice.

    Have a great day everyone and keep smiling, it drives people crazy.
    One Day at a Time
  • Loveburg87
    Loveburg87 Posts: 452 Member
    Well I’m smiling and I couldn’t be happier. My grandson Derek proposed to lovely Bev under my old apple tree in the garden of the house he was born in. I’m so pleased for them. I love Derek to pieces and he couldn’t have chosen a nicer or lovelier girl.

    I couldn’t believe lunch, it was a wonderful mixed salad with chicken strips. That’s the first salad I’ve enjoyed here but you might guess everyone at my table didn’t eat theirs. I made a point of telling the cook it was wonderful and how much I love veggies. We started off with a veggie soup and finished off with ice cream. The server plonked a bowl of chocolate ice-cream in front of me and just as I was about to dig in, whipped it away to replace with plain gluten free. “You don’t want tummy ache, now do you” she yelled. I’m beginning to think I’m 8 years old again.

    I’ve got the handyman coming in soon to set the controls on my mini fridge. I’d rather he did it with not being familiar with it. Then on Sunday I might go to the mall to pick up a microwave oven which means I should be able to bake a potato or cook some broccoli if I feel deprived.
