Pot Bellied Stove / Water Cooler



  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Sunday was a full day. We went to Sunday School and church. We hurried home and had the food ready when the last family game. We ate, cleared the table and Ralph and took off. The recital was nice. The kids did ensembles this year so was a shorter recital. Brecken played in two groups and did an excellent job. We enjoyed refreshments and then went to Whitewater and I had my annual smore, visited, watched our 4-Hers do the Christmas story and then grandson Owen got to plug in the lights for the town’s lrge Christmas tree. He was quite excited to be the person to do it. From there we went on to our church. We were an hour early but could sit there as wel as at home. It was a good evening and we had a whole day of Christmas activites all pointing us to Jesus.
    Monday was all day at home and I got going on the 4-H program book, treasurer stuff for our Women’s group and other things I need to do at home. In the evening we went to the local school Christmas program. Again we went early for the parking. The girls I take home from Good News Club did not see me but were pleased I came. There were lots of kids singing but I had a hard time understanding the words but was still fun. The one riddle I cause was how much did Santa’s sleigh cost? Nothing, it was on the house. Gave me a chuckle.
    Tuesday morning I took my strawberries and went and helped Bible study friend get dessert mised and in bowls – Greek yougurt, cream and strawberries. Then Ralph and I went to the Fesper at church. It’s for those 70 and older. Nice decoration (we got to take a set home), good program, And a wonderful meal. It’s We had Good News Club in the afternoon and then went to watch my great-niece play basketball.
    Wednesday was our Bible study brunch. Everyone brings something. The one who hosts it loves to decorate so the table was set all pretty and there was so much food. I ate plenty so haven’t crept back up over the one number I’m trying to stay under now. The evening I was at church and we watched 4 kids. Thursday afternoon was Willing Workers. This month, everyone brings goodies so enjoyed lots of things. When I got home, Ralph was ready to head to town to get gas, eat at McDonalds (couldn’t say no to that) and then go to Madden’s program (which lasted 20 minutes but was very cute). Friday was our usual trip to town and then another Christmas program in the evening with two of the grands.
    Today I didn’t go anywhere but Alan’s kids were here to help put up the Christmas decorations. Just have to put the containers away now. It looks festive. (Owen saw a snake skin in the basement so guess they are still around but all I usually see are the skins. I try not to be too nervous when I’m down there.)
    Tomorrow starts a new week. It has plenty going on too so you’ll have to check in next week to hear about it. Ha.

    Isabelle, your meal sounds good. What a smart idea to scan the paper stuff. We both do different things and enjoy what we do.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Last Sunday was fun. The Sunday School class Ralph teaches once a month had a potluck after church. Lots of good food and visiting. And then the rest of the day was relaxing. Monday was 4-H. I got the program book finished up so our secretary ran off the copies for me and I handed them out in the evening. We didn’t have a large group and only one talk (which was good) but the gift exchange was fun. Tuesday morning friend and I started working on doing ballots for out annual meeting. Will continue on it next week. The afternoon was out Good New Club party. The kids enjoyed the activities, refreshments (Little Debbie Christmas Trees and capri sun) and their gifts (small flashlight and candy and bookmark). Hubby came in and rode with the three girls and I to their house and then we went on to town to get gas and eat and then to a band concert which was very good.
    Thursday I picked my sister up at 6 to take her in for her first cataract and we were back home by 9:30. Then Ralph and I had doctor appointments in the afternoon so we did them and a couple of errands and headed home. It was nice to have the evening at home. It started raining during the night and off and on most of Friday so a little messy but not too bad. Rain is good. We did our usual errands. I paid the taxes and things took longer so we ate at Burger King (have a gift card) before going home. In the evening we went to the visitation for a woman in our church. She had turned 103 in September. Her mind was good to the end. One daughter told me that three days before she died, she solved two of the puzzles on Wheel of Fortune before the contestants did and she liked doing that. This morning was the night the Youth Group went caroling for those 70 and over. They divide into three groups and then a set of sponsor goes with both. There were a total of 13 in our group. They sing about 3 songs but we have them come inside and visit a bit too. Tomorrow most everyone will be here – one is sick so he and mom will stay home and one has to go to work so won’t come. I figured out the seating with the Christmas taking one of the tables so it will work.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Good morning. Did my usual shopping this week except went a bit later in the day because the landscaper was coming and I wanted to be here to supervise. They are forcasting rain this week. We'll see how much we actually get.

    We have been experimenting with different types of folding chairs in an effort to replace our old kitchen chairs. The first pair we got didn't work because Dan kept stubbing his toe on the rear legs. We gave those to a friend. We are waiting for 2 different types to be delivered in the next week or so. Hopefully one of them will be good. Stay tuned for further details. :)

    I decided that I'm going to make a "mexican lasagna" casserole for Christmas this year. It is basically unrolled beef enchilada casserole but it has beans and cheese in it too. Then I'm going to make my shrimp broccoli fettucini alfredo for New Years day.

    We are taking a short break from working on the house. We are going to start a puzzle for the week. That will be relaxing.

    Debora, you are even busier than usual which seems impossible! I don't know where you find the energy to do everything! The the Christmas activities sound lovely.

    In case I don't get back here before then, Have a wonderful blessed Christmas!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    I taught the lesson in our class last week. It was the angels going to the shepherds. This week the shepherds go see baby Jesus. They are short lessons but we do have two year olds. For church we hurried to a near by town and went to Alan’s church where their kids were in the Christmas program. Then in the evening our church had their program. Our kids did okay with Away In a Manger.
    Monday we went to town in the afternoon and I got most of what was left for Christmas shopping. Each person gets a little candy with their gift so had to get and picked up two gifts I had ordered and got a couple more things. We grabbed a bit at Burger King and then on to bigger town for the last music program. Tuesday morning was baking peppernuts. Got them all done. In the evening we went and watched a basketball game. Out team won so that was fun. Wednesday I worked on the house and opened packages as they arrived. Wednesday evening and Thursday I wrapped. Turned out I forgot two items so still had two to wrap on Friday.
    Friday morning we got an early Christmas gift. Jordan was officially adopted. Since school is our for Christmas break, there was a good group of us attending. They gave him the middle name of Christian. It was Ralph’s dad’s middle name and gave him the initials of JC which was what my dad was called. From there we went and did our regular shopping.
    Everyone came over around 6 for our Christmas. Until they got here, we did not know how foggy it was but everyone made it safely both ways. We had Pizza Hut pizza – 6 was barely enough and one person was not here. Then we all went downstairs. Ralph read the Christmas story and then the gift wrapping began. We do one gift at a time so all can watch so it take awhile. Everyone seemed to like what they got. Around 9 they headed home – not a long time here but the younger ones were getting tired.
    Today I had no where to go. I straightened up from last night and did food stuff getting ready for tomorrow. The regular crew will be here.

    Isabella, Are you needing the rain? Glad the landscaper came before it. We have gotten more rain and temps have been in the 50s – not typical winter weather but nicer to get around in. Hope it doesn’t take too many tries to find the right chair. Your Christmas and New Year meals sound good. A couple of women at church invited anyone who doesn’t have family to get together to get at church on Christmas Day. We are going there and I’ll help if they need some. All they asked us to bring was a salad. It’s a first time doing it so they’ll see how it goes.
    A break from the house will be good. Enjoy the puzzle. I thought about starting one but thought I should work on the house while things are slower. We’ll see how it goes. I’m going to be going thrugh paper stuff and it’s just not a fast process.
    It was sad to hear about Sheryl but I’m glad her sister let us know. I’m glad she didn’t suffer a long time and now is in a much better place. She was a special friend to this group.

    Time to head for bed and gear up for the new week.
    Merry Christmas to you and Dan.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Here we are with one more day left at 2023. Sunday was good. Kids were here – plenty to eat and plenty left for us. The left at 2 so enjoyed a quiet day. Christmas morning we went to our Christmas Day service and then stayed to eat dinner at church. Two women extended an invitation to anyone who wasn’t getting together with family that day to stay at eat – from church or the community. It’s an idea they talked about and finally decided to do it. There were about 40 who ate. Families from the church brought a salad but the two fixed all the rest of the meal. They also had games for us to play and some had prizes. We headed home about 2:30 and again had a quiet day. Tuesday and Wednesday I mostly had at home and plugged away. I’m going through all the paper stuff on the desk (before doing the boxes I loaded up before Christmas. Lots has gotten tossed and a bunch has gotten filed. Most everything before 2017 has been tossed. Tuesday evening was the big Claassen cousin gathering. Lots of visiting and good food. At the end of the evening we learned that one of the cousins had passed away (she fell about 3 weeks ago and had an infection and got sepis). She just turned 92 and was still driving.
    Thursday we had an appointment for the research study we are in and then went to some thrift stores and bookstores ending. We got the hot dog meal at Sam’s. We were going to stop by a friend’s house but the husband was not feeling good. We’re glad we didn’t even do a quick stop cause the next day he learned he had covid. Friday was our regular shopping. I again managed to lose my shopping list. Someone has suggested I take a picture in case that happens so might try that. I like my paper though. Friday evening we went to the visitation for the cousin that died Monday. Today was her memorial service and we stayed for the lunch. Then later in the afternoon we went to another cousin’s 98th party and tooks stuff to the church for the get-together on my side tomorrow. I enjoyed this slower week but will also enjoy things starting up again next week. Life is good.

    Hope all is going well for you Isabella. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Hi Debora, we had a nice quiet week. My Mexican casserole came out good. We will get 4 meals out of it. got all my grocery shopping done and bought all the items for the shrimp broccoli fettuccini alfredo. I bought the shrimp at Trader Joe's this time. Wild caught from Argentina. Hopefully it will be as good as it looks.

    We had a guest speaker at church today. I don't know if you've ever heard of Megan Fate Marshman? She is really gifted and the message was wonderful. You should look her up if you get a chance.

    We do need the rain. We haven't been getting as much as we usually do. Got some yesterday though not as much as usual.

    All your activities sound wonderful. Glad all went well. Sounds like everyone in your family is long lived. must be all that clean living! :)

    Yes, very sad about Sheryl but we have peace in the knowledge that we will see her again some day. She was so special. Very good of Norma to reach out to all of us.

    We liked one set of chairs OK and the 2nd set pretty well so we will keep them. Yay!

    Well God's blessings to you and yours for a healthy happy properous New Year in 2024.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member

    Hi. Made it through another week. Our McCullough Christmas was fun. We ate pizza and had lots of good snacks. Our food gift exchange was fun and six of us put together a 300 piece puzzle in a short amount of time. The group was ¾ my family and ¼ my sister’s but it’s fun to watch them together. Went home and managed to stay up till 11 and the new year came in just fine without me.
    Monday we were at home all day. I worked thought some more papers and just the normal stuff. Ralph had thrown up during the night so he took it easy and ate lightly. Tuesday morning when I got up I just felt tired. I cancelled on working with friend and took a nap. Woke up in the afternoon. And later took another nap. I wondered if I’d be able to sleep that night. Temp went to 99.4 and then started back down. I did sleep and Wednesday morning felt just fine. So I worked on things like getting the treasurer report ready for Willing Workers and stuff I had meant to do Tuesday.
    Thursday morning I had three of Alan’s kids here. They did their school work and then we watched a lego masters. Their parents were running late but got here just before I needed to leave for Willing Workers. They would have been fine with Ralph for a bit. We had a good women’s meeting – speaker was challenging. We had fresh apple cake for refreshments and a better turnout that we thought we would have. Friday we woke up to snow. Our local schools closed but Ralph thought we’d be ok to go to town. We went a half mile and and came back home. The snow was collecting on the windshield. This morning our oldest grandson talked about going to work that day. I’m thankful he made it safely. So I had the whole day to work on my list. I opened one of the boxes of paper I boxed up. Thankfully, one paper I was hoping to find was toward the top. I’m trashing quite a bit still. But it’s getting harder to decide where to put what I do keep. Will keep working.
    Saturday morning Ralph went to Bible study and then we went to town. My list wasn’t too long and we ate at McDonald’s. I know it’s not your style but we enjoy it and now they have a buy one get one for $1 on several sandwiches so we had Big Macs for fun. While Ralph was at Bible study, I straightened the house. I put the vacuum on the charger (it’s new and I forgot to do that). When we got home, I baked the dinner rolls, mixed up the meatloaf, cut up the pineapples and ran the vacuum. I wasn’t paying any attention as I went and overfilled the dirt cup and then couldn’t figure out how to take it off so I set it aside to ask Clark today (cause I thought he used the vacuum at their house).
    Today I taught our class – I reviewed all the Christmas story but the part for today was the wisemen giving Jesus their presents. I was in the nursery during church. We only had 4 kids so not too hard. Everyone seemed to enjoy dinner – down to the Oreo cookies. All were gone by 2:30 and I had a nap. We have a missionary speaking at church tonight and then we’ll be off to a new week.

    Isabella, glad the casserole turned out good. I love getting several meals. I think I have enough leftovers for most of the week. I’m sure your shrimp dish will be delicious. Glad you liked the second set of chairs and can quit shopping. Now on to your next project.
    I looked up Megan Marshman. She looks like she is full of life. I read part of her blog and it was good. She speaks nowhere close to here. Glad you got a chance to hear her.
    Enjoy your week.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member

    Hi, had an interesting week. Monday night was supposed to be 4-H so I got started on things to eat. Got a couple of emails asking if we going to have 4-H cause snow was coming. Shortly after lunch we postponed the meeting to the next Monday (15th). And it was raining and snowing when we would have met and been driving home. We got enough snow overnight to cancel most area schools on Tuesday. I did not work with friend – the weather would have stopped us but she also fell at the basketball game the night before so was at her son’s. We did see the road grader clearing the road in the afternoon so I did go walk Wednesday morning. The church parking was still a mess. I drove up close to the front of the church to see if there was less ice there and got stuck. It wasn’t the amount of snow – just could not get traction. Another woman was there walking also so she took my friend home and I stayed at the church and waited for friend’s son to come pull me out which wasn’t hard to do. Then I was back for Bible. We celebrated the December/January birthdays so some of us brought snacks. We hadn’t met for a month so had lots to catch up on too. Then Wednesday nights started back up so I was in the nursery. We just had two kids but the one was teething so had a hard evening. :)
    Thursday morning I took the farm books in, got a haircut and had lunch with a friend. I picked up Quarter Pounders at McDonalds and took them to her house. Then at 4 we went to the junior high basketball games. Sadly we had to leave for a memorial service before granddaughter got to play. The local public school was playing the local private school so I knew kids on both sides so that was fun.
    It got up close to 40 Thursday but temps have been cold since. We still went to town on Friday but you aren’t outside too much. And at home unloading, the house blocked the wind. Today we had a high of 7 and the cold temps are supposed to last 2 or 3 more days. Today I fixed taco meat and baked cookies. We’ll see if the cold keeps anyone away. Our church is still being held (quite a few churches have canceled). But the roads are fine – just very very cold. We went to church tonight to hear about a ministry in Alaska. The turnout was better than I thought it would be and it was interesting – they teach missionary aviation. Guess this is the end since you haven’t popped in yet. Hope all is going well.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Good morning! How time flies! I didn't realize it had been so long since I posted. Sorry about that! Having a good 2024 so far. Did my usual shopping Saturday plus went to Ralph's for a few extra things like hamburger buns because Dan only likes Ball Park brand buns. Didn't go as early as I usually do because we had the gardener here. He trimmed our rose bushes and our 2 magnolia trees. Did a good job.

    It has been colder than usual here very low 40's at night and mid 60's during the day. Not bad considering what most of the rest of the country - especially the midwest - is getting! Should be warming up a tad by the end of the week.

    Got some upsetting news right before Christmas. My friend Jami found out that she has a large brain Aneurysm. They said they need to operate ASAP. She had the surgery this morning to put in a coil and stent so the aneurysm won't burst. They were able to go in thru an artery in her arm instead of having to perform a craniotomy so God has been blessing this situation from the start. Her husband texted me about an hour ago to say that things went great and he was on his way to the ICU to see her. Praise you Heavenly Father!!!

    Our bible study is on hiatus but we had a couple of fun gatherings at the home of one of the ladies. On the 4th we had breakfast and watched an old movie, Sleepless in Seattle with Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks. We all enjoyed it. Then on the 11th we had breakfast and bunco. I don't know if you've ever played bunco. It is a fun dice game that is played with groups of 4 at each table. So much fun! We may start a regular monthly group if enough are interested. I will definitely join if they have it at a time Dan can deal with me being gone. I'm not participating in this week's activity since they are going to a winery in the late afternoon and it is outside. Brrrr!!

    On the 25th the neighborhood ladies lunch group starts up again. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone. The woman who is organizing this one chose BJ's restaurant for the luncheon. I don't know if you have those out your way. They serve basic American food sort of like Applebees, etc.

    Funny story - we haven't been watching football since they "went woke" but thought we'd check to see if there were any interesting playoff games yesterday. They were showing a game between Kansas City and Cincinatti. Great game! At the end we realized it was last year's game and they were showing it because the Bills game was postponed until today due to the weather! Oh well, it was still a great game!! :)

    Debora, sounds like the rest of your holidays went well. Glad you and Ralph are feeling better. Hope it has warmed up some out your way. Stay warm and have a blessed week!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member

    Hi, Sunday a week ago was very cold. We still had church and Lori’s came over to eat since they had already driven out to church. Alan’s elected to stay home so just had 7 here but they all enjoyed the taco meal. We did have enough leftovers for the week which I enjoyed. Monday morning I took my sister in for her cataract check. It’s been way over a month and she still doesn’t see well out of it so not scheduling the other one yet. Doctor said hers was the worst cataract he has done so there is still a lot of swelling so she goes back in 8 weeks. From what she told the doctor, he’s hopeful it will get better. We did some shopping she wanted to do in town. It started snowing so we hurried and got home shortly after 12 and Ralph and I just had a late lunch. Then I finished getting ready for 4-h while listening to the weather reports which did not sound nice for the evening. One person talked about icy corners and there was some snow. So around 4 we decided we would do a zoom meeting. Took time to make sure everyone knew the new plan but we had a good turnout via zoom and good talks. Hearing was hard at times but t least we were able to do it. We also ended up with Akan’s kids at our house so they watched a DVD in the basement while I had 4-H.
    Tuesday was very cold so I was glad to stay home. Friend couldn’t work as she went in to get the staples out of the back of her head. I enjoyed having the whole day at home and plugged along on things. Wednesday morning was Bible study and then my walking friend and I went to have lunch with another friend for her birthday. We picked up food at the cafe and took to her house as it was warmer and walking friend made a cake. Got Ralph set up for his class in the evening and then I headed off for 4-H council. Where we met was not the warmest so I kept my coat on but it was a good meeting.
    Thursday morning I babysat for the Ladies’ Bible study – we had 5 kids and it went well. I had an appointment in the afternoon so we went to town for it and some errands and then on to another town to watch some junior high basketball. The A and B girls games were quite exciting and we won. The C team did their best but no win. Granddaughter played most of the time.
    Friday was the usual trip to town, lunch, a little work and off to one more evening of basketball. C team is done for the year so now we move on to bowling and biddy ball for some other grandkids. Saturday was getting stuff ready for Sunday. We finally got the Christmas stuff packed up and I carried it all downstairs. I browned the sausage, cut up oranges and kiwi, mixed up egg casseroles and premeasured the pancake mix along with straightening the house. In the afternoon we had a nice break with a wedding. It was very nice and God honoring and the reception was fun. We had a taco flavored dip with chips, fruit kabobs and then had cinnamon rolls. When we got home, I finished up what still needed to be done.
    Sunday started our Bible Conference so have a guest speaker for 4 days (will speak 8 times). Then all but one (at college) were here for dinner. We did the two January birthdays. They both like pancakes so we do a pancake meal with sausage, egg casserole, fruit plate and donuts for dessert. Then at 5 we were invited to a home that was having the speaker over and enjoyed lasagna, crockpot corn, rolls, salad and a cinnamon roll. In the course of conversation the speaker and our hostess found out they were second cousins once removed. Very interesting. Then it was church and home.
    Won’t get a lot done at home this week with church morning and evening but that’s how this week goes unless we get the freezing rain that’s being talked about and we don’t go out as much. This morning was a bit slick but we got safely back and forth.

    Isabella, glad you like the work your gardener does. Keeps the yard looking nice. Do you use the hamburger buns for hamburgers or sandwiches? Your colder would be quite warm for us. We did get up to 32 today but with wind that’s not real warm. Yes, it has been cold here in the midwest.
    So thankful to hear how God has guided the doctors with Jami’s surgery. Prayers that recovery is going smoothly.
    What fun gatherings you’ve had. Time together is special. I have not played bunco but have heard is fun. They do it at one of the local libraries at times but I’ve enough going on, I don’t go.
    Good morning! How time flies! I didn't realize it had been so long since I posted. Sorry about that! Having a good 2024 so far. Did my usual shopping Saturday plus went to Ralph's for a few extra things like hamburger buns because Dan only likes Ball Park brand buns. Didn't go as early as I usually do because we had the gardener here. He trimmed our rose bushes and our 2 magnolia trees. Did a good job.
    I have heard of BJ’s but we don't have it around here. Have a great time.

    About time to pull out the leftover pancakes and get supper on before we head for church. Have a great week.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    The week sped by. We didn’t go to every session of the Bible conference. Ralph thought it was too foggy Monday evening. We did both of Tuesday’s. Wednesday Ralph heard the speaker and I worked (played) in the nursery and we stayed home Wednesday evening and Ralph did his class. They are online if would go and listen but we are not good at doing that.
    I did what I could at home in the afternoons but I usually managed to fit a nap in too.
    Thursday morning we had doctor appointments. Mine was simple and just talk about blood pressure. He thinks mine is too low but will let the heart doctor deal with it. Ralph finally got his shoulder checked out. He has lost a lot of range of motion but still has the strength. They did an xray which shows a lot of arthritis. He is starting PT on Monday and we’ll see how it goes. I imagine he should have pushed to use it when it started hurting. Hopefully, this will go ok with his fibromylgia. I’ll go along for the first one so I can set up the appointments when the car will be free for him but I won’t go all the time.
    In the afternoon we went and watched Lucy bowl. She’s not great but has fun. Her dad says she’s doing everything right but has no consistency. The place was not very warm and Ralph had a hard time with that. Afterwards we ate at Sam’s. We wanted the hotdogs but would have had to wait so we did the pizza meal. It was good.
    Friday we went to town. Then I went ahead and got the house straightened up for Sunday. So today I had a little food stuff to do and then I worked on short jobs which hopefully don’t have to be repeated soon. The brownies was an out of date mix but smelled okay. I want to get things more used up and then do better at staying current.
    It stayed above freezing most of the time this week so there was melting but the ground was still frozen so the country roads were messy so we always had to drive slow. Finally, yesterday afternoon, the ground thawed enough that the roads are a bit better. Our car is coated with several layers of yuck. :)
    Take care.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Did the usual shopping this weekend. Had the gardener here too. Still to wet for him to weed the slope so I had him fertilize the roses, azaleas and gardenias and do some light trimming. If it is still to wet next time he comes I'm just going to cancel. Not much for him to do for the other shrubs. Temps warmed up a bit this week to high 70's but we are supposed to get heavy rain again this thursday. Hopefully there won't be any more flooding.

    Last Monday we had heavy rain and some areas in south east San Diego that are near bodies of water had severe flooding. I never thought we'd see that in San Diego. Our crappy Mayor claimed that they were maintaining everything and nothing could have prevented the flooding but we know the drains were not properly maintained and he is lying. In the next breath he said that he is going to ask for federal funding to help with the "deferred maintenance". That in itself tells you the drains have not been maintained.

    Had a nice time at BJ's. Fellowship was good and the food was pretty good too. Prices weren't too bad either. It was nice to see everyone again. My bible study starts up again this Thursday. Really looking forward to it.

    My friend Jami is recovering well from the brain surgery but they were not able to get to one of the anuerysms. They are hoping it will shrink now that the stints are in place. If not, they will go in and try to resolve it. She goes back in 6 weeks.

    Debora, glad things are well on your end. The visiting speakers sound good. I didn't know Ralph also has fibromyalgia. That can be difficult. Hope his PT goes well. Also hope things warm up and melt in your area.

    Take care and have a blessed week!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Hi, another week has gone by. Things both warmed up and dried up. Today started out at 52. Roads aren’t muddy but need to be graded now. We did get a little bit of rain last night but so far not what they predicted. So I got the trash out so that job is done.
    Ralph started on PT for his shoulder this week. I went along the first time so I could make sure appointments worked out with our other activities. There are three physical therapists and he’s had them all. They are working on getting his range of motion back. He only has three exercises to do at home and two he does better than the third. :)
    Tuesday morning I worked with friend and in the evening we went to watch great niece play basketball. The girls won. Sadly, the varsity boys lost but the other team was really good. Wednesday was Bible study and then I was in the nursery in the evening. We had three girls. Thursday was Willing Workers. Our project committee met beforehand to plan our projects so we ate together. Then after the meeting I was able to get our project (food stuff for a local food panty) taken in while they were open. It was a good day but I was glad to be home for the evening.
    Friday morning we went to town a bit later to make things work with his PT. I wanted to get something easy for dinner and found some turkey tortilla rollups that were marked down. We’ll be working on them. We can’t eat as many at one time as I thought we could. :) In the evening I made our regular sandwiches to take to the Berean basketball games. It was homecoming night and a lot of alumni come. Games were good. JV and Varsity boys both went into overtime. Only game we lost was Varsity boys in the second overtime.
    Today I am at home. Ralph went to his Bible study and he took doughnuts. I was glad there were some left so I could have one when he came home. I’m working on straightening the house and doing food for tomorrow. I still need to bake the rolls and make the ecclair cake for dessert.

    Isabella, heavy rains are not good where there is already lots of water. Hope the mayor can get things in shape now. Glad Bjs was good. What will you be studying at Bible study?
    Glad Jami is recovering well. They should keep good watch. The clot in my niece’s heart has not gone away. She gets it checked every week. They are trying not to do surgery.

    Now that Sheryl is gone, our group is smaller. Sometimes I think we just do an email. But here your news sits and waits for me and doesn’t disappear if I don’t answer right away. :)
    Time to get our plates ready. Have a great week.
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Hi, We’ve had warmer days and today is cooling down. Sunday morning was communion so we start later. Then the kids were here. Jim always needs to leave at 2 so then the other family leaves shortly after cause the cousins are gone. :) The rest of the day was relaxing and gearing up for the week. Monday was at home until 4-H Council. We met two of the grands (who also go to the meeting) at McDonalds and had some time with them. Tuesday I worked with friend at church and we started Good News Club again. We had 14 and some were new ones. As I’m looking at the sign up sheets today, I realized one boy came a couple of years ago and one of the moms I babysat when she was much younger. So I’ll try and talk to her next week. In the evening we went to the basketball game between the local
    Wednesday was Bible study. I worked at home in the afternoon and was in the nursery in the evening. We had 4 kids who played so well. No crying at all. Thursday morning I found out I was supposed to be in the nursery for Bible study so got there 20 minutes later but the other person was doing okay. We had 6 kids and they played well. In the afternoon we went and watched Lucy bowl one more time and then went to the Soil Conservation Annual Meeting. It was a delicious meal and the meeting was not overly long.
    Friday we did our errands. There was no PT for Ralph as the PT people decided he should see the orthopedic doctor first (next Wednesday) so see if he can get a shot or needs surgery. He did say he did have a bit more movement though.
    I thought I was going to be gone this morning and evening so got some family size Voila meals to fix – on sale so about the same cost as lasagna and I know they enjoy them. I ended up being home this morning cause Maggie had a fever so no basketball so got the jello and deviled eggs done then (made deviled eggs as grandson wants some for his superbowl party so decided we should have some too. Now I’m almost done baking the breadsticks, will do dishes and then be ready to go to a pancake and sausage feed at a area church. Always fun to see who is there and our youngest daughter and husband are going at the same time so we’ll see them.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Good morning! It's been cooler here but not too bad. Mid 60's with a chill breeze. Went to the farmer's market Saturday before my usual shopping and got a couple gifts for my friend in FL for her birthday which is 2 weeks after mine. It was a beautiful day!

    I usually cook for Valentine's Day since my birthday is so close but I didn't feel like it this year so I suggested we get pizza and Dan really liked the idea. We ordered a medium which was perfect. Enough left over for lunch the next day. We ordered from the pizza place that bought out our favorite place and found out that they are also selling the place. It will become a "Giant NY Pizza" which is a chain. Not too thrilled with that but we will probably at least give them a try. Hard to find good pizza in our immediate area these days and it seems silly to travel for pizza.

    Went to lunch at the senior center for Valentine's Day also. I picked up a friend who is no longer driving. It was really good to see her. The meal was excellent and they had a member of the 5th Dimension, Floyd Anderson, come in and sing some oldies for a half hour. It was very enjoyable.

    We plan to go to the Hamburger Factory for my birthday on Saturday. It is under new ownership so we'll see how they are. Hopefully still as good as the former owner.

    Debora, Glad to hear that Ralph's PT is getting some results. How did the appt with the Ortho doctor go?

    We are doing a book study on Luke by Lisa Harper. The Study is called Luke - Gut Level Compassion. So far so good. Our group got so large - 50 ladies! - that our leader had to close the group signup. I'm sure some gals will drop out but it is a great group as always. What are you studying in your bible study group?

    I wouldn't mind going to just emails instead of here, so if you ever decide to go that route just let me know. Either way is good by me. :) If you don't mind I'd love to have the recipe for our ecclair cake. It sounds delicious! You could email it to me.

    OK, talk to you soon. Have a blessed week!
  • arobed53
    arobed53 Posts: 2,004 Member
    Pancakes and sausage last week were good and I had a yummy piece of chocolate smore style pie. Sunday meal went well. Finished the last of the leftovers tonight for supper. No one stayed too long cause they all had superbowl parties to go to. We just watched it here at home. It was a good game with the outcome I liked. I wasn’t real impressed with the ads. And I did other stuff during halftime.
    Monday was 4-H so I got ready for it. Had a good group and a lot of good talks. Tuesday morning Ralph had a checkup with the cardiologist. They agreed he was retaining some fluid so put him back on a pill they took him off 3 weeks ago. They are trying to get his BP to be more around 120 instead of lot lower but now it’s running more around 140 so trying things. Tuesday afternoon was Good News Club and we had 18 kids this week with 4 gone. Biggest group we’ve had for awhile.
    Wednesday morning we did refreshments at Bible study since it was Valentine’s Day. We had a lot of good stuff. Then we went to Ralph appointment with the orthopedic doctor and he got a shot in the shoulder and in his right knee since it’s hurting again. The doctor said he could probably do range of motion on his own so we’ll see how that goes. I’m trying not to nag him on it. We enjoyed lunch at McDonalds. Worked at home in the afternoon and we had 4 kids in the nursery in the evening.
    Thursday was in to the the PA to discuss the BP and we go back in six weeks. In the meantime, he keeps watch on it here. We then went to a thrift store, a bookstore and ate at Chick-Fil-A for our half anniversary. Thursday evening was Molly’s music concert – they are always good. We were able to sit on the front row so no heads in our way.
    Friday was the usual errands. In the evening Maggie had a program. It was the 2nd and 3rd graders and they did Giddy Up Get Along Gideon. Very cute and a good message. This morning I went to watch Mattie play basketball at the Y. She is right handed but always dribbled with the Y. Their team lost but she had fun. Ralph, Alan and his boys went to a farm toy tractor show so were gone all day. I’ve been working on stuff for Sunday. Chuck roast were on sale (still very high) but splurged and have it with potatoes and carrots so I peeled and cut up 7 pounds of carrots. I’ll do the potatoes in the morning. The applesauce jello is made and the birthday cake. After we eat I’ll get the birthday tablecloths on and then I have valentine napkins so the table will have an interesting look. I think 21 will be able to be here.

    Isabella, I always enjoy pizza. Sorry a chain is coming in. That’s what we mostly have around here – we usually do Pizza Hut just cause of the deals. How fun to eat at the senior center and bringing a friend. Cool on the music.
    How was the Hamburger Factory? I’ve not heard of Lisa Harper (there are so many Bible studies out there). 50 is a large group. We don’t like to have over 10. Right now we usually have 8 of us there and one coming in via a phone call on speaker as she is supposed to be careful with her health. We are studying Mary and are mostly in Luke but the first two chapters. Elizabeth George is the author. We’ve done almost all of her books. They are ones that you can do them ahead or as we discuss which is how I often do them.
    Well, we can try the emails out and change back to here if we want. I’ll consider it started when I send you the ecclair cake recipe.
    Off to do dishes and get the birthday tablecloths on.
  • isyvanek
    isyvanek Posts: 1,039 Member
    Hi. Temps are still in the mid 60's which is fine with me. We finally got some sunshine the last couple days. I know - we are SO spoiled here in San Diego. It is supposed to start raining again on Monday but shouldn't be too bad.

    Went to lunch at the senior center today. They served sausage stuffed zucchini. It was very good. The company was very enjoyable as well.

    My birthday was very nice. The Hamburger Factory was very good. They changed a few things but the quality is as good or better and all the previous wait staff are still working there so we were quite pleased. Prices went up $1 or $2 but it was still very reasonable. Our bill before tip was $35.

    On Wednesday my friend Mona took me to lunch for my birthday. We went to a place called The Stand. I've eaten there before and liked it. I decided to try something new since I wasn't paying for it and got a southwest chicken wrap. It was a tad dry but good. I'll probably get one of the other things I like better next time. I also got a strawberry shake. I haven't had a shake in at least 20yrs so it was a nice treat and very delicious.

    Debora, Your bible study sounds very good. I really like Elizabeth George. You cant go wrong with any of her studies. She always goes in depth.

    How did your chuck roast come out? I'm sure it was delicious! Did you put it in the crock pot or in the oven?

    Giving emails a try sounds good. As you said, we can always come back here if they don't seem to be working out. I'll look for your ecclair cake recipe. :)

    Have a blessed week!