Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    Hi, super tired. Hope to catch up tomorrow.

    Need to get some sleep.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    edited March 3
    Oh rats! I just lost my post. Nothing too exciting. Attended church online, did my Zoom exercise classes, also watched the University of Iowa women play what I guess is the last home game of the regular season—Seniors day. They won against the team that just clinched the league championship last week. Happy for them. Now we will see what happens to Caitlin Clark when she moves to the WNBA.

    Be safe everyone. I don’t see any posts for today.

    See you soon.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) Spent the day at the zoo and I am exhausted. Will be back tomorrow.
    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member
    Monday morning and it’s windy and pouring with rain! Barney was booked to tidy a couple of trees and did arrive at 9am but we both agreed it’s not tree climbing weather, plus he is still recovering from the virus he caught so instead I made coffee and we sat and chatted for an hour. He’s such a nice young man and easy to talk to, everything from politics to trees and nature, so hopes to be back when he gets a gap in his work schedule. I haven’t walked George and Betty yet but at some point we will have to get wet because this awful weather has settled in until this evening. Thankfully, I mucked out the hen house yesterday so they have dry and cosy shelter and I don’t have to slide through the mud to reach them until late afternoon when they are fed with corn. My search for car insurance continues so that’s my next job but first, another coffee!

    So sorry you lost your post Lin; I know how frustrating that is! You are finding some amazing floral teapots. Such clever designs. Is that basketball you mentioned watching? It’s not a sport I know a lot about. I did watch some indoor athletics yesterday but prefer to see them competing in outdoor stadiums.

    Sandy, I hope your trip to the zoo was fun even if exhausting. Lots of walking I imagine?

    Lighting the log burner seems a great idea because the air is damp in spite of heaters being on. I'm dripping and sneezing! 🤧

    Take care
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Monday! :) Teeth cleaning today and then I will get some ice cream for my friends and go visit them for a short time since they live near my dentist. It is supposed to be a beautiful day and then tomorrow rain and much cooler.
    We had a nice time at the zoo, lots of walking with 10,000 steps and my back hurt but it was worth it. The weather was warm but much too windy. The kids had a great time and it was nice spending fun time with them.
    Waiting to hear from eye doctor to know when I start this trial because I have some dates I can't do it and wonder if that will change anything. We go to the casino next week for three days and the end of March I am dog sitting while Rob and family goes to Tennessee. Also the family reunion in July.

    Jackie, what miserable weather you are having, I do hope it breaks soon and you can get some vitamin D
    from the sun.

    Lin, hope today is a better day and no more lost posts.

    Have a good day my friends.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    Hello friends. I went to the post office early this morning and got my special postage for several letters. I stood in line for a while as only one clerk was working. I got home and did some Zoom classes, talked to a friend on the phone and started addressing envelopes for the St. Patrick’s day cards. Worked on another birthday card and made a list of things that are coming up and the associated cards that will be needed.

    It was cold, windy and wet here today. Unusual for us of late but it made me think of you Jackie. The wind just goes right through my spring/fall jacket. Brrrrrr.

    Oh and yes Jackie, I was watching basketball on Sunday afternoon.

    Sandy, no, I never lived on that farm. I lived on various farms from the time I got married until my hubby and I ended up with an acreage. I moved to this metro when I got a corporate job and commuted on the weekends for years. Then there was a protracted period until we got divorced. Anyway I have basically lived alone for a long time. And also no, I don’t have any photo of my longer hair, it isn’t styled and I put it in a pony tail or wrap it up in my head and out a clip in it. I just like having longer hair and no bangs in my face.

    Diane, I still read but since going in head over heels with cards, I have not done any puzzles. I don’t have space to have one out. I do electronic puzzles each day along with a crossword puzzle and several other mind exercising games.

    Well, need to get some rest. I signed up for 6 Zoom classes tomorrow and there is the usual Tuesday evening YouTube Live presentation.

    Be safe everyone.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️


  • OhDD65
    OhDD65 Posts: 184 Member
    Do love the above tea pot also. Anything with birds on it I adore. Life wouldn't be the same without feeding the hummingbirds and numerous other birds. Their food is getting expense though.

    Nothing ever is easy for me. Had to make a trip to my dr today; I am now on antibiotics, which must be finished by Friday. Sure hope they work with no side effects or I will have to cancel my procedure, which has taken me 3 months to get. One thing leads to another referral. Hoping my GI dr doesn't make life difficult for me. Just like our dog....healthy for years then the last few yrs before he passed we owned a share of the vet office for sure. As Sandy says one day at a time......

    Our mountains, an hour away, are having incredible amounts of snow falling this week. Just heard one of the resorts had already accumulated 202 inches of snow this year....and the snow/rain keeps on coming after a 2 day break. Our daughters father in law lives in Reno. He has suddenly had some major health issues (heart related), which add to his ongoing heath problems. Our sil finally was able to get over the hill. Lots of cars stuck on the pass because they had to close the roads for a couple of days. Suspect he will have to sell his place and move into our daughter and sils house. Our 20 yr old granddaughter just moved out....working and going to college in Reno. Sad to see her go, but she was ready. That opens up a room for "grandpa". We knew that would happen in just a matter of time. If it isn't one thing it is another.

    Hope you are all doing well. Yes Sandy losing weight is now definitely getting harder, but my wt issues has involved lots ! of plateaus. That is where I am again. Take care.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Tuesday!😁 Got up at 6 to take kids to school so Rob could take an early train. I forgot my laptop so will probably take a nap unless I decide to go back home for it. Damp day with drizzle on and off so a lazy day.

    Diane, sorry about your health issues and hope you don’t have to postpone procedure. Bad enough having one but delaying it only adds more anxiety. You daughter and SIL must be wonderful people to become caretakers for the father. God bless them.

    Not as easy posting from my phone so I will just wish you all a good day.

    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member
    Happy Tuesday. Finally, a sunny day so I walked the dogs early and headed for the high moors because in the end yesterday we didn’t go out at all. The torrential rain became a monsoon and everywhere was flooding. Most drained away overnight but the ground is still waterlogged. This afternoon I had a hair appointment, then stopped on the way home for a few groceries and used the serve yourself, scanning and packing. It actually worked without a hitch and sped up the process and I’m all for that! Stepping out of the store into warm sunshine (12C) felt wonderful so I’m hoping tomorrow will be the same because I have no appointments so might get some pruning in the garden done.
    Bedtime for me.
    Jackie 🥱😴
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    Hello, sorry, yesterday evaporated and I ended up exhausted. Even forgot to take my vitamins. I found them in their little daily container this morning. I moved from task to task yesterday and accomplished all on my daily schedule. Back at more tasks today.

    I do know I am not in the least prepared for Daylight Savings Time to descend on us Sunday morning. 👀

    Jackie, I am glad the self scanner checkout worked well for you. I still try to avoid them as veggies and fruits by the pound look quite complicated to navigate successfully. I hope you are having a good (and sunny) day.

    Sandy, busy days for you when you look after the kiddos and the doggies. A nap during the day sounds perfect.

    Diane, I hope all goes well my friend. Antibiotics can definitely be an issue. Have you taken this particular one before? Anyway 🤞🏻🤞🏻

    Anne, good day to you and Jilly. 😎

    Barbie, hello to you and Jake and the pups.

    Joy and Jeri. Hope you are doing well.



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) Trial people called early this morning to change my appointment to next Tuesday when I leave for Four Winds. I told them no, I will be out of town and also not available the 25-27 since I will be dog sitting unless they want to pick me up from my son's house. They called back and set it up for the original date of the 19th at noon and again on the 22nd at 8am which means I have to get up at 6am to be picked up by 7. Ugh! The 22nd is when I think I will get the injection so I hope I don't end up with a black eye or a bleeding eye since the also give a steroid injection around the eye. Hope I am doing the right thing but feel confident I am.
    Getting my nails done this afternoon for our trip and Friday my hair.

    Lin, please take a day or two for yourself to get some rest, you are really pushing yourself. I am sorry you were so exhausted you forgot your vitamins. Hope today is a better day.

    Jackie, I do hope the sun is out today and you can get some garden work done. It is sunny here but still a little chilly.

    Hello to everyone else and if you can check in with us, we miss you.
    One Day at a Time

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member
    Up early this morning and I only eat a banana for my breakfast so we could get on to the moors before too many visitors arrived. It is still muddy in places and tractors taking feed up for the livestock have created deep furrows in places so I didn’t walk too fast. George behaved himself, unlike yesterday when he put on his stubborn face and ignored my calls and instructions! I think our lazy Monday because of the torrential rain, made him moody! I bumped into both Brian and David and we all agreed the sunshine lifted our spirits but unfortunately our usual mist had drifted in by mid afternoon so here I am looking at damp washing hanging on the airer in my dining room. I had hoped I wouldn’t need to buy another load of smokeless coal for the multi fuel stove but decided today I will just in case this month is as wet as February. I’ve also booked an appointment next week for my car’s annual road safety test. Electrician Josh messaged asking if he could move tomorrow’s appointment from 8.30 to 10am and that meant changing plans to meet Linda for coffee because I have an appointment with my vet later for Betty and Brady’s annual vaccinations. I had thought 3 appointments in one day was pushing my luck and I was right!

    Sandy, If it’s meant to be, I’m sure your appointments will sort themselves out although I understand the uncertainty is unsettling.

    A pretty teaset Lin. I love jade green!

    Brady is pacing from dining room to kitchen in an effort to tell me he needs FOOD! 😼
    I will feed him then sort out kibble for the pooches and cook a couple of local sausages for my tea.
    Barney just messaged he has rebooked our rained off tree trimming on the 25th so fingers crossed!
    Take care everyone.
    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    edited March 7
    Happy Thursday! :) It's going to be a busy day so I have to get moving. I was planning on going to my meeting early today as we are having a special meeting with a few people before our regular meeting. Cheryl just texted me she went to ER at 5am and is waiting for an MRI because they think it might be a bad disc in her neck spine. She asked if I could go let her dog out before my meeting even though I offered to go to the hospital to be with her, but she said there is nothing I can do. I am supposed to go to Rob's after my meeting to help him with kids and karate as Lisa is working until 8pm. Everything is kind of in the air as of now until I think this all through. Hopefully, Cheryl will be discharged and not need surgery otherwise it gets really complicated. One minute at a time for now.

    Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    edited March 7
    Hi everyone…..

    Oh Sandy, what changes a day can present to us. You are right, today, one minute at a time. Best wishes to you and to Cheryl. I hope she will not need surgery.

    I am working my way through today. A bit of bathroom cleaning this morning, a couple of Zoom classes. This afternoon a live YouTube, several Zoom classes, and back to putting sentiments in Easter cards. If I get to it, more bathroom chores await.

    Jackie, your schedule sounds a bit hectic! I hope everything works out. If I pace around, do you think my lunch will magically appear? 👀 Nope, I didn’t think so.

    I hope everyone is safe.

    Best wishes.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️

  • OhDD65
    OhDD65 Posts: 184 Member
    Thought I would drop in for a moment to catch up with you. It has been an interesting few days. I am attempting to get ready for the procedure that I am going thru tomorrow and Sat. The prep part of this whole thing isn't a favorite of mine. I am not a big drinker of lots of fluids and now tomorrow I am out of my comfort zone. And that is only part of it. Had my last meal of a small piece of chicken, peas and applesauce. Already I am missing my usual diet, but won't eat now until sometime later in the day on Sat. Still am waiting for my appt time on Sat.

    To complicate matters I ended up not feeling well Tuesday, so had to go to my dr. I was put on a Sulfa drug for 3 days (2 a day.) Finished that up yesterday without any reactions thank goodness. Feel so bad for Annes reaction that she is having to deal with. I prayed a lot hoping that my appt on Sat didn't have to get cancelled because it took me 3 months to get. Now I just hope my bp stabilizes again before this all starts. Two more days then hopefully my life will be my own for a while again.

    It sounds as if Anne and I are traveling down the same road, but thankfully I haven't had a virus. Still am waiting for my heart test results. Nothing real major I don't think at this point, but the family history isn't good at all. I do have a few concerns there.

    Sandy if you go thru with the trial please let us know how it goes. At we age we never know what will happen to our eyes. That is my next appointment.

    Hello to Lin and Jackie as well as all of the other sneakers.

    Night.....Thinking of you all. Diane
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Friday! :) Friday so you know what that means, laundry, I am a creature of habit!! Also have a hair appointment at 11 but nothing after that, at least so far.

    Diane, your procedure sounds like a lot of prepping, like for a colonoscopy and upper GI. Whatever is it, good luck and good health. I am doing the trial and pray I don't get the placebo, it starts on March 19 and I think the injections will be March 22. I will keep you informed.

    Lin, Cheryl ended up with a pinched nerve and they gave her steroids and a follow-up with a neurosurgeon. She is feeling fine today, they of course gave her something for the pain in the ER.

    Jackie, very busy once again. I can just see George ignoring you and wanting to have fun. Dogs make me laugh with their silly antics.

    I do hope our dear Anne is ok, I will shoot her another email to see if she responds.

    Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    > On 8 Mar 2024, at 10:35, Sandy Durante <> wrote:
    > Hi Anne,
    > Just checking in for all of us to see how you are doing. Are you in the middle of moving? How is your health? Please shoot me an email so I can let the other know how you are.
    > Missing you,
    > Sandy, Jackie, Lin and the rest of the sneakers.

    Hi Sandy, I’m okay, actually I intended writing on the Sneakers this morning, but fell asleep instead after breakfast and the new pill. Still a bit groggy, and it’s almost lunch! Reading Diane’s piece, we do seem to be travelling down the same road don’t we.
    I’ll be back,

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) Where is everyone? Rain is finally over and the sun is shining. Went and got a trim haircut yesterday so I am set for my birthday. Tonight dinner with Cheryl and Marisa followed by a drink with Marisa's godfather at another place. Tomorrow I will be going to Rob's for pizza and cake to celebrate with the kiddos and parents. I did invite Cheryl and Marisa but they haven't confirmed.
    First a zoom call with family and then later Church. Late dinner as we want to see some of the entertainment where we are meeting Sergio. Clocks get moved ahead tonight so will be losing an hour.

    I hope all are well and will be checking in today, seems so strange our group is getting so small.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    edited March 9
    Hi Sandy, I got worn out and apparently did not hit the post button before my eyes closed. Man, I need more stamina. And I am taking my vitamins which doesn’t seem to help a bit. I am sure I couldn’t keep up with you. 👀 And just in case I don’t get moving with the Daylight Savings Time,

    Happy happy birthday to you!!! 🥳


    Anne, I hope you can give us an update one of these days. Lots of appointments and tests still on the horizon?

    Diane, it is Saturday afternoon here. Thinking of you, hoping your test(s) are complete and all is well. How long will you have to wait for test results? A friend recently had some tests, and received no results so she started calling various providers involved in her care and testing. Each thought one of the others had contacted her. What confusion.

    Jackie, has the weather straightened out? Have you had trees/bushes trimmed? Coal delivered? It is cold here and my furnace is chugging along. I am glad it is working.

    Barbie, how is the weather in your area? Still picking up groceries on Sundays?

    Hello to everyone. Hope you are well.



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Thank you Lin!!
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member
    Hello everyone. I’m not sure why there is a gap in my postings and can’t go back over everything so will Just tell you it is still cold with one of those horrible winds that cut to the bone. It means when I am home I’m not inclined to be outside much.

    On Thursday Josh got caught up in traffic on his way to his first appointment that should have been mine so got to me later but luckily Linda and I had agreed to move our coffee morning to Friday. He has looked at the heater that wasn’t working, managed to switch it on but then after he left and I walked with the dogs, I came home to find it had switched itself off again. So much for modern German technology! He will source a new heater and recommends a brand he has at home. Later I took Betty and Brady for their annual check up and boosters and a close look at Betty’s teeth showed they are not in good shape. When I adopted her she’d already had 9 extractions due to her living conditions and constant pregnancies and it seems she needs to have more removed and the few left cleaned. The cost is extortionate but I tried not to look too shocked! Like everything else since the lockdowns, vet bills have shot up but I can’t let her suffer so will have to book an appointment for her.

    Yesterday, after walking locally with George and Betty I picked Linda up in my car because hers was in the garage after driving into a large pot hole, and we drove to a farm barn converted into a coffee shop and enjoyed one of our catch ups. On the way home I dropped her off at the garage to collect her car that had needed a realignment of the wheels then spent my afternoon enjoying housework!

    This morning I managed to time our walk round the village between rain showers before lighting fires and watching 2 exciting rugby games. England played Ireland, who are world champions, and scored in the last few seconds to win the match so I was very happy!

    That pewter teapot is amazing Lin!

    Diane, I’ve thought of you today and do hope it hasn’t been to stressful.

    A busy weekend for you Sandy! 🥳

    I think I’ve caught up and have read your posts so will now get myself to bed.
    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) Had a wonderful time last night with Cheryl and Marisa celebrating my birthday. Today I am going to Rob and Lisa's to celebrate with them and the kiddos. Life is good, I am grateful.

    Have a wonderful day,
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    Enjoy today Sandy!!

    Iowa Hawkeye Women - Big 10 Champs!!
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member

    Enjoy your day with your family
    Jackie 🤩🥳
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Thank you Jackie!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    edited March 11
    Hello Sneakers.

    Yesterday I was able to get to this page to post a short note but then could not get back. Gateway time out…..the unending spinning wheel and my favorite, the totally blank page. 👀

    It is a sunny day with an estimated high temperature expected in the low 70’s F. Insane weather. This is usually a cold and wet time of year and we have often had snow on Easter. A friend said she saw bedding plants available for sale at a local nursery yesterday. Wow!

    I messed about with a new stencil set yesterday afternoon but no success, darn it. I did finish every little chore on my St. Patrick’s Day cards, wrote the notes inside each card, put them in the addressed envelopes, affixed return address labels, postage and a seal on the back of each envelope. I used some seals with springy looking flowers. Now to start writing notes in the Easter cards although I may make a couple more before I put the supplies away.

    No Oscar ceremonies for me last night, I couldn’t get any reception on the ABC over the air station. I will look around to see if I can find some photos or videos of what the stars were wearing. That is always a bit interesting.

    Lots of chores and Zoom classes today. I have completed one class so far and drove down to the post office to mail my cards.

    Sandy, some lovely birthday celebrations I am sure. More to come?

    Jackie, any break to the good in your weather? Poor Betty. I really feel for her and the needed dental work. I hope you have a good week and that if you do laundry, the weather will be decent for drying it outdoors.

    Diane, how are you feeling? Been thinking of you.

    Anne, I hope you feel up to writing to us soon.

    Barbie, are you having an early spring?

    Well, must run along….another class coming up soon.



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Monday! :) Our weather is warming up and the sun is shining. Had a wonderful time with Rob and family for my birthday. Pizza, movie, cake and present, life is good. The celebration continues tomorrow as we will be leaving for the casino in the morning until Thursday. My cleaning lady is back from Poland and will clean my house while I am gone. I am grateful for all the good in my life.
    Doing a last load of laundry and will pack sometime today to be ready to leave by 9am. I will try and check in and wish you all a wonderful week.

    One Day at a Time
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,165 Member
    :) Life here is full of adventures but they are the same from day to day. We take the dogs out for a potty break in the middle of the night, then have a snack (half a beggin' strip for each dog, a piece of apple for me, and a piece of cheese for Jake). We get up early and I take the dogs out for a longer potty walk while Jake fixes their breakfast. They eat happily. I eat my usual Isagenix chocolate shake breakfast and Jake has one of his favorite breakfasts. I read stuff on the computer while I eat, then take the dogs out again usually for 10-20 minutes before taking them in for a treat and going out by myself for a longer walk. I go to a meeting on zoom weekdays where it doesn't matter if I'm still wearing my dog walking clothes, then I shower, empty the dishwasher and make lunch. We watch fun stuff on TV (Van der Valk, MI5, Death in Paradise) with a break for a nap for Jake and the dogs then a few chores, more TV, supper, and a walk for me with my friend that the dogs love (it's a short walk with the dogs and long walk for us).

    :) We have been doing some clutter clearing a bit at a time. Lots of older stuff that we don't need to save. Jake is in charge of the shredder and plugs away at it a bit every day.

    :) I knit blankets for Project Linus while riding my exercise bike and watching TV.

    :) It's on "fake spring" here now. A bit of warmer weather followed by days of rain or frost. We'd love to get to work in the yard but will wait until at least April to start.

    :) We still go to QFC between 8 and 8:30 on Sunday mornings to pick up our groceries. If QFC doesn't have it, we look on Amazon or find a substitute or do without. It has been a great system and we are happy with it.

    :) Health-wise we continue as we have been with no big complaints. Life is good.

    <3 Barbie
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,165 Member
    :) Life here is full of adventures but they are the same from day to day. We take the dogs out for a potty break in the middle of the night, then have a snack (half a beggin' strip for each dog, a piece of apple for me, and a piece of cheese for Jake). We get up early and I take the dogs out for a longer potty walk while Jake fixes their breakfast. They eat happily. I eat my usual Isagenix chocolate shake breakfast and Jake has one of his favorite breakfasts. I read stuff on the computer while I eat, then take the dogs out again usually for 10-20 minutes before taking them in for a treat and going out by myself for a longer walk. I go to a meeting on zoom weekdays where it doesn't matter if I'm still wearing my dog walking clothes, then I shower, empty the dishwasher and make lunch. We watch fun stuff on TV (Van der Valk, MI5, Death in Paradise) with a break for a nap for Jake and the dogs then a few chores, more TV, supper, and a walk for me with my friend that the dogs love (it's a short walk with the dogs and long walk for us).

    :) We have been doing some clutter clearing a bit at a time. Lots of older stuff that we don't need to save. Jake is in charge of the shredder and plugs away at it a bit every day.

    :) I knit blankets for Project Linus while riding my exercise bike and watching TV.

    :) It's on "fake spring" here now. A bit of warmer weather followed by days of rain or frost. We'd love to get to work in the yard but will wait until at least April to start.

    :) We still go to QFC between 8 and 8:30 on Sunday mornings to pick up our groceries. If QFC doesn't have it, we look on Amazon or find a substitute or do without. It has been a great system and we are happy with it.

    :) Health-wise we continue as we have been with no big complaints. Life is good.

    <3 Barbie
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,165 Member
    :) Life here is full of adventures but they are the same from day to day. We take the dogs out for a potty break in the middle of the night, then have a snack (half a beggin' strip for each dog, a piece of apple for me, and a piece of cheese for Jake). We get up early and I take the dogs out for a longer potty walk while Jake fixes their breakfast. They eat happily. I eat my usual Isagenix chocolate shake breakfast and Jake has one of his favorite breakfasts. I read stuff on the computer while I eat, then take the dogs out again usually for 10-20 minutes before taking them in for a treat and going out by myself for a longer walk. I go to a meeting on zoom weekdays where it doesn't matter if I'm still wearing my dog walking clothes, then I shower, empty the dishwasher and make lunch. We watch fun stuff on TV (Van der Valk, MI5, Death in Paradise) with a break for a nap for Jake and the dogs then a few chores, more TV, supper, and a walk for me with my friend that the dogs love (it's a short walk with the dogs and long walk for us).

    :) We have been doing some clutter clearing a bit at a time. Lots of older stuff that we don't need to save. Jake is in charge of the shredder and plugs away at it a bit every day.

    :) I knit blankets for Project Linus while riding my exercise bike and watching TV.

    :) It's on "fake spring" here now. A bit of warmer weather followed by days of rain or frost. We'd love to get to work in the yard but will wait until at least April to start.

    :) We still go to QFC between 8 and 8:30 on Sunday mornings to pick up our groceries. If QFC doesn't have it, we look on Amazon or find a substitute or do without. It has been a great system and we are happy with it.

    :) Health-wise we continue as we have been with no big complaints. Life is good.

    <3 Barbie