Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,132 Member
    Sorry. Been very busy today. Will be back tomorrow.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,085 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) Walking Cheryl's dog before I go to my meeting. Nothing else exciting going on.
    Still trying to find my two packages but getting very frustrated with post office. Lady yesterday said she would call me back but never did. I hope I can file a claim somehow but there just doesn't seem to be enough help from the post office.

    Have a good day all I have an earlier start then normal so must hurry along.

    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,722 Member
    A busy day and dry! I shopped early at the supermarket while a load of laundry washed so I was able to hang it outside for a few hours. Before I walked George and Betty I phoned Sheila and the great news is she is out of pain. She is feeling tired so I didn’t visit but instead walked across the moors then came home to potter in my garden. So many jobs need doing I find myself going from one to the next then back again! The grass is almost dry so I managed to strim back the footpath so I can now see where I’m stepping and George was so impressed he lay on a stepping stone and sunbathed. Betty prefers the garden room. Plants in pots that survived Winter in the greenhouse have been tidied but I won’t put them outside for another week because it’s supposed to get cold after the weekend.
    Nothing other than the CT scan on my lungs tomorrow morning and I might meet up with Sheila on Saturday for a walk. If not, I will take a birthday card to her at home.

    How annoying Sandy that those 2 packages are still missing. Nowhere is efficient anymore!

    Love the teapot Lin. At first I thought it was a cabbage but realise it’s far too exotic!

    I’m now going to make chicken, potato and pesto bake for my evening meal. Easy preparation and won’t take long to cook.

    Take care.
    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,132 Member
    Good evening. Another day of stuff to tend to. I had an account that needed to be closed so I ended up on the phone listening to music for quite a while. Eventually I was told they would stop the automatic charges on my credit card BUT they didn’t send any type of confirmation of that fact. I spent a lot of time trying to figure out if I could stop the recurring charge myself on my credit card app but they will only accept the direction of the company making the charges. Now that is a bit distressing. I will be watching and if charges continue, I will try to dispute them.

    I got all of my Easter cards signed and sealed up. Ready to go to the post office.

    Late this afternoon, I received a bundle of papers in the mail from my tax attorney and I have been reviewing them and did have a question. I already received a response so I think I am ready to write all the necessary checks and get the papers signed.

    Rain and/or snow for the next few days. I wonder when it will warm up again.

    Jackie, what a productive day. I hope the CT scan doesn’t take long and that you are able to spend some working on whatever you wish to do.

    Sandy, I hope your packages have surfaced or that you at least have a lead on finding them. Holding your mail hasn’t worked out too well this time.

    Barbie wow, the changes to your wills is going smoothly. So nice Annie was invited in.

    Well, off to get some rest, I have had some kind of headache for a couple of days. Wish I could figure out what is causing it. My neck feels kind of out of place. Wonder what I did.

    Be safe everyone.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️


  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,722 Member
    Colder today but at least the sun is shining. We walked round the block dodging crazy car drivers, then I attended the mobile scanner. The whole thing took less than ten minutes so normally I would have popped to the shops but had left my purse at home so drove home, collected it, then drove back to the same car park because the ticket didn’t run out for another half an hour. I couldn’t find the makeup I usually buy so wonder if it’s no longer available, but did restock my dry eye drops. I will now change into gardening clothes.

    I trust everyone is well, ready to enjoy this Friday. Headache gone Lin? Packages found Sandy?
    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,132 Member
    edited March 22
    Nuts. Ready to post and it all disappeared!

    Jackie, I hope you can find your missing in action make-up. Sometimes someone has one to sell online.

    Need to move along. I don’t think I wrote anything all that interesting.

    Be well.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,085 Member
    Had my injection procedure this morning and it has been one of the worse I have done. My eye is bleeding, it is painful, tearing like crying all day and almost shut. The freezing injection and regular injection did not hurt just the after affects.Hopefully things will be better tomorrow with a good nights sleep.
    I hope it is worth it and not a placebo!
    Good night,
    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,722 Member
    Oh no Sandy, that sounds awful, I’m so sorry. I do hope you are feeling better today. ❤️
    It’s going to be a day of dodging the nasty showers for me and the pooches. Nothing new!
    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,132 Member
    Oh Sandy, what an experience. Feel better soon.



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,085 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) Feeling much better this morning, yesterday was really tough. If I have to go through this with the regular eye injection for my other eye, I doubt I will do it. I have a high pain tolerance but that pain really hurt. I am staying in today and doing nothing to rest my eye. Tomorrow I am dog sitting from Sunday to Wednesday so will be relaxing there as well. I go back on Monday for a check up to see what they have to say about all of this. I just think it would be an awful thing to put someone through if they just get the placebo.

    Have a good day and stay healthy.
    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,722 Member
    I did dodge the showers and managed to walk the dogs to the next village and back. Later I drove to see Sheila and wish her happy birthday with a card and a box of my hens’ eggs. The injection in her back worked really well so she is finally out of pain. She must keep a diary of how she is for a couple of months and if she remains pain free should be able to be injected every 3 months. Other than that, a quiet day but too many heavy showers to make it worth my while working outside. Perhaps tomorrow!
    Take care.
    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,085 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) Will be doing online Mass today as my eye is still weird looking. I will then be heading to my sons until Wednesday. I have a follow up appointment tomorrow but otherwise will just stay in and rest my eye. Expecting rain the next couple of days so I hope it is nice for Easter.

    Have a good day and stay safe.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,132 Member
    Waiting for Palm Sunday service to start.

    Wet day

    I awoke to a dead furnace. What a morning! 👀

    Back later.

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,722 Member
    We enjoyed a breezy, cold walk across the moors and since I’ve been home I’ve carried out several chores in my garden. George and Betty are loving having the door open so they can go outside without asking. I think they will both sleep well tonight and hopefully me too. My two Hibiscus shrubs in pots that I feared had died over Winter are showing tiny buds so that’s promising and I’m also repotting geraniums that will sit outside on the deck and next week will check what seeds I have in my treasure trove to get started.

    Time for a cup of tea and decide whether I need to light a fire. Torrential rain forecast for tomorrow, so what else is new, especially when Barney is booked to take out tree tops. It will be the third time of trying, having been rained off twice!
    Happy Sunday and take care.
    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,132 Member
    Back again. The rain is very light now and the temperature is just over 40 degrees. Tomorrow, the high temperature may be as high as 60 degrees F. In any event, we haven’t received any snow and it doesn’t appear we will have any. Yippee! March may not go out as a Lion. 😊 not much time left in the month.

    I did have a service tech come out to check my furnace. He was able to get it running again. Same thing as last October apparently. Nothing that they can fix, it’s more like resetting/rebooting a computer. He thinks the main control electronic panel is failing. I see a major expenditure in my future.

    Jackie, glad you got out for a walk today, especially since your weather forecast sounds really wet! Wonderful that your hibiscus shrubs seem to be alive. Yes! Rest well. And happy to hear Sheila is seeing good results from the injections in her back. Hope she stays on that path.

    Sandy, hope your eye gets back to normal and happy dog sitting this week. Best wishes on your follow-up appointment. I admire your high pain tolerance and wish I had one of those.

    Hello Barbie, Diane, Jeri, Joy, and dear Anne—we do miss you.

    Take care everyone.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,085 Member
    By the way Jackie, I was getting back injections every three months as well but my next one is in six months. Progress.
  • OhDD65
    OhDD65 Posts: 181 Member
    My the time flies since I was on here last. So many things have been going on with everyone.

    Lin....I just read that your furnace has gone out. Also saw in tonights news the stormy weather you are having back there. Hope you are able to get the problem resolved quickly. Dress warmly too. I suspect it will be a few difficult days for you to get this all resolved.

    Sandy....Getting that injection in your eye scares the dickens out of me. So sorry it turned out to be a very painful shot. I don't I think I would go for a second shot particularly if it might be a placebo. Get some rest so that your eye can heal
    quickly. My opthalmalogist appt was a good one. My eye pressures were even better than my last ones. Thats what I need
    to hear when I go for this appt.

    Jackie.....More rain again I see, but glad you were able to get some clean up done. The chickens must be very happy with you right now. Doubt the tree trimmer was able to reach the top branches with a lot of wind. Hopefully the weather settles down a bit so he can complete this job. I need to go get some new geraniums because the ones I have in two pots are probably 15 yrs old. Not looking that great anymore. Thinking of picking up two hanging pots of something also. Two days of clear weather and four of rain. The nursery says it is overstocked with plants right now.

    As for my colonoscopy procedure they came at me in two directions. Thankfully I was sedated. They got 2 specimens, but both turned out not to be cancerous. I was glad to hear that. It was worth every bit of getting this done. I hadn't been feeling up to par for several years. Finally was able to get the GI referral that I needed. Also more recently had a stress test done letting me know how that is going. Heart problems in the family and I had some questions. Have an appt with my internal med dr in a couple of weeks to get a run down on all of my results. An optometry appt in 3 wks then I think I am finally done with all of my appts. Glad to have this all behind me.

    I haven't seen Anne on here for a while. I sure am hoping that she is starting to feel a lot better. I am concerned about her.

    Hello to Jeri, Barbie and Joy. Hope you are doing well.

    Thinking of everyone, Diane
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,132 Member
    Dropping by just to say happy birthday Barbie🎶🎶


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,085 Member
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,085 Member
    Happy Monday! :) Uber picked me up at ten, took an hour to get there, appointment was for 10 minutes, Uber took another hour to bring me back to my sons. Just checked pressure and took some pictures. I go back on April 3. Now it is just relaxing and enjoying the pups until Wednesday.

    Barbie, happy birthday, hope you have a wonderful day.

    Diane, since this is a trial I will only get one shot in my right eye. The shots I need in my other eye should be fine since it is less dosage and shouldn't cause any issues like this eye. I did find out that I will know at the end of the trial if I had had the placebo or not so here's hoping I am getting the meds. I do feel like I am on the right course because of the prednisone and how it makes me hungry but we will see.
    I am glad your procedures were good news and highly recommend colonoscopies. I get one every five years since my mom died from colon cancer. It is the easiest cancer to cure if caught early. I agree when all the doctor's appointments are done for the year life is much easier. I still have several to go this year but at least they are spaced out.

    Lin, I am glad you got your furnace fixed and the snow never showed. I was pleasantly surprised by out warmer weather today although raining on and off. I am sure my eye will be fine but hope it is in time for Easter Mass.

    Jackie, more rain, just what you need.

    Have a good day everyone,
    One Day at a Time