Chat room - what's on your mind?



  • chelseynikole9618
    chelseynikole9618 Posts: 37 Member
    Thanks @Maya440 :smile:
    I appreciate it! Honestly I’m on day 3 and finally caved and got some over the counter meds and it’s helping a lot. Along with coconut water and the miso soup I just made. I should be better soon.
  • Trillium54
    Trillium54 Posts: 65 Member
    @chelseynikole9618 : I hope you're feeling better!

    Thanks for all the info on the Nutritional Yeast. I went to the store and saw exactly one brand, lol. I live in the sticks. I didn't get it because it was flakes not the ground up kind and I was kind of confused--again. It probably doesn't make a difference I would think, tho. I might order some online.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,738 Member
    Trillium54 wrote: »
    @chelseynikole9618 : I hope you're feeling better!

    Thanks for all the info on the Nutritional Yeast. I went to the store and saw exactly one brand, lol. I live in the sticks. I didn't get it because it was flakes not the ground up kind and I was kind of confused--again. It probably doesn't make a difference I would think, tho. I might order some online.

    Flakes should be fine IMO. It kind of dissolves.

    Not sure if this applies to you in the sticks, but I've noticed that nutritional yeast will be stocked in different places in different stores, sometimes even multiple places in the same store (possibly with different brands in each place). I've seen it near spices/seasonings, in vegetarian/vegan foods sections in stores that have that as a section, and in various places in supplement stores or aisles (protein, vitamin, sports supplement sections, that I can recall). It can be in health food stores, grocery stores, drugstores.

    Online is reliable, though!
  • henridw2095
    henridw2095 Posts: 979 Member
    I also only use the flakes…they disappear or add nice texture if sprinkled on something cold.
  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,551 Member
    I prefer the flakes, but often will buy the smaller stuff if it's on sale.
  • Trillium54
    Trillium54 Posts: 65 Member
    edited April 7
    @AnnPT77 : Oof, did not think of a health food store! We have a couple here--I'll see if the yeast is available. And if it is, it has the B vits.

    All: From all your responses (thank-you! <3 ) I think I might try the flakes now, lol.
  • chelseynikole9618
    chelseynikole9618 Posts: 37 Member
    I too use the flakes! I didn’t realize there were other kinds lol. 😂
    I’m finally feeling better. It was a nasty sickness though. Ready to get back to some normal workouts tomorrow.
  • Maya440
    Maya440 Posts: 934 Member
    So good that you are feeling better.

    I have stopped counting calories recently (this weekend) and I am focusing on my nutrition plan, tracking on paper.
    I don’t want to gain weight. I will see how it goes.
    Have you guys made “pauses” in your tracking ?
  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,551 Member
    I haven't stopped tracking in the six plus years since I started.

    Sometimes I have to make estimates. I do wilderness travel, mostly by raft but also by canoe. We share meal prep. I used to go on a dive boat for five days in the summer, and food was provided. When I'm on a trip like that, I just make a guess. I have a couple "recipes" in my diary for "Rafter Rations" and "SCUBA Diver Rations" that are just a mix of fat, carb, and protein. I log that in lieu of actually trying to parse out meals for a week or a month. If I eat out, I try to guess what I eat since it's just ONE meal. Otherwise, anything I make myself gets logged more meticulously. I use a food scale for almost everything.

    My calorie expenditure goes up and down day to day, so I also log my activity. I actually let a tracking device do that.

    So I'll probably always track. I bet you if I stopped, I'd gain weight (fat). I'm not going to make that bet because I'd have to stop tracking, and the risk is too high.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,738 Member
    I still track most of the time (year 8 of maintenance). During loss and early months of maintenance, I tracked like it was religion. (I'm glad I did, because my personal logging data told me that MFP is waaaaay off in its calorie estimate for me. That's not common, but it can happen.) I tried a week or two without logging at one point, and it was kind of a train wreck. (I'm not saying it would be for anyone else. This is definitely n=1 territory.)

    I'm profoundly an undisciplined hedonist, want to eat every single delicious calorie I'm entitled to . . . but I want to keep at a healthy weight, because that greatly improves my quality of life vs. being obese. Counting helps me balance short term happiness with long term happiness.

    If I don't log, one of two things happens: Hedonist me eats too much, therefore cr*ps on future me (I did that for decades) . . . or anxiety about gain makes me eat less than I could, so I lose weight - that's not bad in itself, but it hacks off my inner hedonist (retrospective FOMO?).

    For me, logging balances those two tendencies very conveniently.

    These days, I do skip some days that would be wild estimates, or occasional days where I'm very busy or the like, but those aren't the usual thing. I know that the majority of my days will cause the majority of my outcome, so I log most days.

    I also like having the nutritional detail, so I can hit my goals there most of the time: 100g protein minimum, 50g fat minimum, 400g fruit/veggie minimum (ideally more like 800g), 25g fiber, hit the MFP-tracked micros on average over the week, balance MUFAs/PUFAs with sat fats, balance O-3 and O-6, get some food-sourced probiotics. Logging keeps my eyes on those prizes.

    As a vegetarian, I know that good nutrition requires slightly more conscious thought than it would for even whole-foods-ish omnivores. Besides that, I'm a data geek in other ways. (That's my nature, but it was amplified by my profession.) The "measure what you want to manage" platitude works well.

    Others will differ, and that's as it should be. :)
  • SparkSpringtime69
    SparkSpringtime69 Posts: 841 Member
    I find that when I don't track I gain weight, so I try to track regularly. I also weigh/measure when I'm trying to lose weight, not so much when I'm not trying to lose.
  • Maya440
    Maya440 Posts: 934 Member
    I agree with you all, if I don’t track I will gain weight.

    I still track on paper and aim to eat what my nutritionist told me to.
    I must admit it is great not to focus on calories anymore.
    I will see in one month if it works out OK !!!
  • chelseynikole9618
    chelseynikole9618 Posts: 37 Member
    Today marks 50 days of tracking. being on this journey feels permanent, like this time I’ll do it forever. I’ve lost 9lbs and I’m truly optimistic about my future health. I’m back on a vegetarian diet but only occasionally eating dairy / eggs and doing it as clean as possible. It’s just less likely for me to binge if I don’t over restrict ingredients. Plus I am getting back yard chickens in the next year and I’m so excited. They will be so loved and cared for. We have our own yard for the first time ever and are finally in our forever home after apartment hopping for so long & the garden we have started makes me so excited for all the produce we will have! My 7 year old is thrilled too. Feeling grateful today!
  • henridw2095
    henridw2095 Posts: 979 Member
    edited April 17
    Great progress @chelseynikole9618 !

    Last week's colonoscopy was quite the ordeal, mainly because I had to stop eating many of my staples for a week (nuts and seeds) and reduce fiber as much as possible for 3 days. It also took a long time to feel normal after the anesthesia (I slept a lot this weekend). Today was the first day I am feeling like I'm getting back to normal food-wise (I don't do well with fasting and it took a bit to find my stride again). My workout today still sucked, but I went to the gym to keep the habit alive and kept it light.
  • chelseynikole9618
    chelseynikole9618 Posts: 37 Member
    @henridw2095 hope all is well test results wise!
    Good job on going to the gym even though you were still groggy.
  • henridw2095
    henridw2095 Posts: 979 Member
    The test results were fine :) - but I went straight into PMS mode and am only now starting to feel somewhat normal again. I decided to not step on the scale until the end of the month…I had a few days of excessive calories and will just regroup without beating myself up.
  • Maya440
    Maya440 Posts: 934 Member
    edited April 25
    Hello ladies,

    Thought I would give you some news.

    So I stopped counting calories now 2 weeks ago, deciding instead to focus on my nutrition plan and intermittent fasting. I still track on paper what I eat otherwise I now I will "take advantage".
    I am not sure if I will come back to counting calories. It is refreshing not to ! But tracking in a way or another will stay my minimum for sure.

    I had gained 600g in the first 2 weeks of April and I have stopped that trend which is great. I do want to go back in the middle of my weight maintenance range which means I have to refrain from using the "allowed exceptions" of my nutrition plan (2 desserts a week and daily chocolate). It is not easy to always remember my why. I have good days and bad days.

    Sport wise, I am still injured with a tendonitis from February that has come back. I am seeing a physiotherapist and try not to panic in regards to my triathlon objectives of the coming weeks. If I can't complete those triathlons, that's ok, I'll do my best.

    And on your side, what are your progress ?

    @henridw2095 You are learning maintenance. That's nice. Up and downs but you are dedicated, you will find your way :)
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,738 Member
    Hello, all!

    I've been AWOL myself for a bit, but have been reading here. Life got a bit complicated. I crashed my car. Low speed, no one hurt, and what I'd call moderate damage to the front quarter of my car, but it was 15 years old so the insurance company totaled it. I had a rental car (under my insurance policy) temporarily, but had to rush around and buy a new car. That is finally done. I'm driving it, and there are only a couple of small issues to address remaining.

    Spring is really rolling out here now, finally. I hope and expect to start on-water rowing soon. I've gotten in some bike rides on the local paved trails on nice days (15 miles/24 km or so each time), which was lovely. I've mixed in some stationary bike on bad-weather days, but have skipped more workout days than usual because of the car nonsense and some fatigue that's possibly related to a health issue that's still of mysterious cause. I've had many tests and scans, most things so far looking within the range of normal for a woman my age (68), so not sure what's going on.

    I'm way behind on garden work and other home chores, given the unexpected events. My weight seems to have been creeping down a bit now, after creeping up a bit over the Winter: Kind of normal maintenance for me. I think that's about all I've got for updates, but here is a close-up of the dogwood tree right outside my living room window, taken from the deck outside the living room. You can see a faint hint of the pink-flowering plum/cherry (Prunus sp.) tree behind it. There's also a lovely-scented Viburnum out of sight that wafts scent through my open living room window - such a treat after a stuffy indoor Winter.


    @Maya440, I hope the physiotherapy will resolve your tendinitis soon, and clear the way for triathlon progress.

    @henridw2095, glad to hear you made it through the colonoscopy (prep is so stressful!), got good results, and are starting to feel better again. The temporary blips in eating habits will end, I'm sure.

    @chelseynikole9618, congratulations on your progress: Keep up the good habits, it does pay off.

    Greetings and well-wishes to others I've not named!
  • Curvykinkycurls
    Curvykinkycurls Posts: 428 Member
    Hi all - just popped my head into the group to say hello. I'm conscious my tracking has stalled recently, life seems too busy to spend time entering what I'm eating but still will pop a diary entry in occasionally to ensure my macros and portion sizes are within limits. As I cook from scratch it can be time consuming (esp cooking 2 meals due to my family being meat eaters). Do you all log as you cook, directly onto the app, or do you write it down & log later? I know pre-logging is preferred by many, but I don't meal-prep and can't see this working for my lifestyle (unless I make & log big batches of soup, etc that last for days). The spur-of-the-moment kind of meals I make when I finish work are very much, let's see what's in the fridge and put something together! It's all fresh and mainly non-processed, so I am happy with the quality of foods I'm eating but often worry in case I'm not reaching protein goals, etc.

    Perimenopause hormones are definitely making it harder to see results, but I'm convinced if I hadn't turned plant based 18mth ago, I'd have put on 30lb by now! Oestrogen hormone levels are no joke.

    @AnnPT77 sorry to hear about your crash, but glad nothing too serious. It shakes you up nonetheless. Pretty viburnum, I'm also busy gardening now and (finally after months of heavy rain) have sown all my vegetable seeds for Spring. I'm focusing on more beans this year, seen as they're more expensive and less variety in the shops than the beds of potatoes I had last year. I can't wait to be picking fresh produce from my garden again for dinner. Do you have a flower garden or veg garden?

    @Maya440 sending you healing thoughts for your tendonitis. I hope training is going OK, not too triggering, but gently strengthening. It is so frustrating to have fitness goals hampered by an injury.

    @henridw2095 Well done for jumping back to the gym so soon. Hope you are feeling much more yourself again now.

    Sending best wishes to all!
  • mtaratoot
    mtaratoot Posts: 13,551 Member
    it can be time consuming (esp cooking 2 meals due to my family being meat eaters). Do you all log as you cook, directly onto the app, or do you write it down & log later?

    I leave some scrap paper (mostly used envelopes and the like) and a couple pens next to my scale. When I cook something, I weigh ingredients as I add them to the pan. I can just use an empty yogurt container, tare it once, add ingredients to it from the cutting board, and toss it on the scale before throwing it into the pan. I scribble it down.

    I do the same when making a salad. I don't weigh the greens; I estimate volume. That works fine. My salad starts with six cups of mixed greens. I then weigh the half serving of dressing and toss. I then weigh all the other veggies as they go in.

    For simple things like roasted root vegetables, I just weigh the vegetable before I cut it up. I weigh the oil by the negative method. I tare the bottle without a lid, pour out what I think is eleven grams, then confirm on the scale. Scribble that down.

    Later, when the food is cooking or in the oven, I use my phone to enter the ingredients. I usually don't have to search for ingredients in the database because I use a lot of the same ingredients over and over.

    I bought a couple cheap plastic bench scrapers (and a nice steel one) to move ingredients off the cutting board. Holds more than my knife. Easy-peasy.

    If there's an ingredient that isn't already a commonly used one, I circle it on my scratch paper and use the computer to find it in the database later. I have an easier time finding NEW ingredients on the computer and entering common ones from my phone.

    I usually still know how many calories are in my meal before it's finished cooking.

    Lately I make soups pretty often. This is where I take a short cut. I don't use recipes. The soups are never the same. But they are close enough. Yesterday I made beet and potato soup. I have a "recipe" I made a long time ago for borscht in my recipes. I just weigh how much I'm about to eat and log that. It's not exact, but it's close enough. Same with the butternut squash soup I made before or the split pea and barley soup before that. The first time I make the recipe, I weigh all the ingredients. When the soup is done, I weigh out the first bowl I eat while it's still hot and write that down. Before I put the rest in the fridge, I weigh out however much there is. I add the bowl I already ate. This gives me the total weight for the whole batch. When I enter the recipe in MFP, I set the number of servings to the number of grams I made of finished soup. It always asks, "Are you sure you man that there's 3257 servings in this recipe?" Yep. Then when I take some out of the fridge, I can just weigh it when I put it in the pot to reheat or into my bowl if I'm eating it cold like I sometimes do with the beet soup.
