Food inspiration, or what's for supper?



  • nicsflyingcircus
    nicsflyingcircus Posts: 2,513 Member
    Today's sad food:

    3 oz deli chicken meat with 10g full fat mayo and 5g dijon mustard and 1 oz reduced-fat cheese

    Clear whey protein drink (Raspberry lemonade)

    Two Good mixed berry yogurt

    Fairlife chocolate protein milk

    I was actually going to have eggs for "breakfast" but when I went to make them, we didn't have any. So deli meat and cheese it was.

  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,713 Member
    Is that it for the day Nic?
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,866 Member
    So far.... a bag of 340g California riced veg ~100Cal and a 297g bag (302g) of quinoa rice veggies blend ~235Cal nice mesh together happy munching on phone.... then phone disintegration added 98g candy covered chocolate eggs ~450 Then snack was 12.5g cashew ~75 and 42.5g dark chocolate fig truffles ~90. So sitting at about 1300 eaten if we include some early morning consumption of light hot chocolate and potato wedges

    Contemplating pre dinner snack or dinner 🤔 but heading out for a glimpse of daylight first
  • nicsflyingcircus
    nicsflyingcircus Posts: 2,513 Member
    Is that it for the day Nic?

    It is. It's 90g of protein and about 600 calories. Plus 64+ oz water. Not unusual with bariatric surgery.
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,713 Member
    Where is the 90g of protein!!!! I have to go check these things out :)
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,866 Member
    edited May 1

    Well it was actually two separate eating instances. The breakfast with coffee and the lunch with coke zero... but I combined the egg white entry weight so it is all one on my screen!

    But the macros are good... and while the price cost is NOT in the "poor" category given the $3.75+ tag (US$2.73, GBP2.18, EU2.55, AUD4.18) for the green giant baggy... the Calories are probably suitable for a RELATIVELY POOR BUDGET!!! :wink:

    Reminder that the white bread is not a preference... it is internal medicine vet doggy diet requirement and thus exists in the house crowding out my preferred rye bread :angry:


    So: Coffee with "egg white french toast".... sad instructions: mush bread to little bits with knife fork scissors or hands! add egg white beaten with less milk than I did and sweeten with one-two drops of sucralose--i.e. your "french not so toast toast comes pre-syrupped! ****Nuke till ready!

    Lunch: Nuke cauli in bag for 5minutes 30 seconds per instructions. Move to micro safe dish. Possibly break up a bit if into "presentation". Add egg whites from carton. Stir a bit to mix with buttery sauce and to start heat transfer from cauli. Nuke another 2.5ish minutes stirring half way through for your oh so fluffy and tasty cauliflower egg bake!!!!

    There you go!

    Final burp is optional (garlic in cauli and coke zero combo might encourage that!)

    I am sure more appropriate cooking of french toast would make it more suitable for say... Yooly!

    Total protein in the above is about 37g, Cal about 475 for both meals.
  • Yoolypr
    Yoolypr Posts: 2,949 Member
    Nope - I actually like your French toast method Mr. PAV. It’s a strata or a bread pudding. You can add fresh or frozen fruit instead of the sucralose?

    There are also savory versions using bread, milk, egg - and maybe adding a bit of cheese, ham, crumbled bacon or veggies. Good for using up leftovers . I do prefer the oven over nuking but whatever works.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,866 Member
    Are you saying Yoily that somebody has already invented the wheel?


  • Yoolypr
    Yoolypr Posts: 2,949 Member
    edited May 2
    PAV8888 wrote: »
    Are you saying Yoily that somebody has already invented the wheel?


    Have you considered making savory dish using a stuffing mix? Has to be made up the night before to let bread cubes soak up egg mix.

    Or toasting the white bread before breaking it up? Or using unsweetened corn flakes instead of bread? So many options!
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,866 Member
    Experimenting with BOILED mango custard powder, ratio of milk to almond milk and sucralose.
  • nicsflyingcircus
    nicsflyingcircus Posts: 2,513 Member
    Where is the 90g of protein!!!! I have to go check these things out :)

    20 from clear protein drink, 30 from chocolate milk, 12 from yogurt and 28 from chicken and cheese.
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,269 Member
    Chicken thighs are marinating in Olive Garden Italian dressing. I will likely make a salad to have with it along with some pasta roni or something. I am so stressed about work atm that I am keeping is simple. Not worrying about anything else like calories and macros. Too tired.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,866 Member
    edited May 2
    hmmm..... stress is not a portion control friend! :sweat_smile:

    Maybe when you've had a chance to catch up and feel a bit less tired you can think on good strategies or "go to's" for these times.

    I hit on an interesting concept on the "main boards" when someone mentioned something I though was weird but I can see how it can work out to keep "approximate" track.

    They said (as a younger male) that their "go to" portion of cooked, fully sauced using not thick and not cream based sauce, pasta and toppings was one lb. I can see how that can establish "rules" where the approximate calories for a meal are known within a 100 or 2.

    At my own front I think I may need to engage in another navel gazing episode because this is weird and I thought I had gotten around the phone thing by pacing but I've "rediscovered" that I am back to form pacing and eating and talking--all at the same time!

    Stressful but busy actually dealing with the stressful situation I do not actually want to eat -- mind you I more than compensate after the fact. But not at that time. But stressed and TALKING about it or thinking about it... I catch myself eating and talking FKS! (for **KITTENS** sake!)

    And you would think that just out of "manners" one would not do that. Yet, I catch myself doing this again and again and again.

    The only win here is that I used to think that on top of all the grazing I would still DESERVE (this was literally part of the though process) to have a "nutritious lunch or dinner" because "healthy food is important". At least logging takes care of killing that--because I still weight and log while talking and pacing!!! OK errors do happen but I do capture most of it. Habits, even manufactured ones, help!

    New discovery from the closet of doom!

    Expired September 2021: "National" mango pudding powder! Probably from the "ethnic" section at Walmart. Experimenting with the balance of milk/almond milk and with sucralose only, or will I break down and add some sugar? Today even with cocoa powder on top! Considering throwing in a (greek) peach cup. The dole boxes have country of origin stamped on a little label on the side of the carton. I buy the greek peaches when costco has them but not the chinese ones! The mixed fruit ones tend to be thailand or equador or china.

    Of course good greeks are not having puddings but they are having their easter lent at this time. Sunday is Greek Easter this year so I am eagerly anticipating pictures from @Dante_80 who is probably in Euboea (Evia) by now! ...

    That's it! Off to the races I go!😘
  • Yoolypr
    Yoolypr Posts: 2,949 Member
    PAV - are you using hands free phone? Maybe if you had to actually HOLD a phone it might cut down on mindless eating? Yeah it’s very inconvenient but at least one hand would be unavailable for snacking.
  • nicsflyingcircus
    nicsflyingcircus Posts: 2,513 Member
    Dinner tonight: pan fried ham steak and boxed scalloped potatoes. I am making them with fairlife milk and added 35g of unflavored protein to the liquid, we will see how it turns out.
  • nicsflyingcircus
    nicsflyingcircus Posts: 2,513 Member
    Absolutely 100% a bad idea. The protein powder, though well mixed in, appears to have curdled and rendered the sauce clumpy and gritty. So gross.

    So ham it is for dinner, lol
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,269 Member
    Stress is very bad for portion control and for making the right choices. Though dinner ended up not being too bad. I baked the boneless/skinless chicken thighs, measured a portion of the pasta, and then had canned green beans a friend had canned last year. So not HORRIBLE. Actually quite happy with myself.

    I knew it was going to be a hectic week because I was out Friday, Monday, and Tuesday. What I did NOT expect was to basically have my workload doubled while I was gone. We have a coworker who is leaving next week so her projects had to be reassigned. I got 7 of them... and 3 proposals. Plus my original projects/proposals. So yea. Things went from "it will be busy" to "do I have time to pee" very quickly.
  • Yoolypr
    Yoolypr Posts: 2,949 Member
    How many projects did exiting coworker have! 7 assigned to you seems kind of excessive Athijade. 😤.
  • Creamtea42
    Creamtea42 Posts: 265 Member
    Last nightwas chilli prawns with courgetti, tonightI’m not sure what! Nowt taken out of freezer 🙄
  • nicsflyingcircus
    nicsflyingcircus Posts: 2,513 Member
    Today's food:

    Lemonade protein drink

    1 egg, ham steak

    Top Sirloin steak and mushrooms

    And I'll have to add some other protein source