Senior Golden Sneakers



  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member
    A quiet day but it’s dry and mild so after an early stroll on the moors I’ve been pottering in my greenhouse and outside. Sheila was supposed to walk with us but when I phoned to confirm the arrangements before I left home, she said she wouldn’t be going because she had disturbed sleep.
    Three Kohlrabi plants that Linda gave me have been planted in the raised bed and I’ve covered with a protective net frame because the leaves look tasty enough for pigeons! Tomato plants I repotted yesterday look much happier but I was cross to discover Mediterranean pepper seedlings I had removed from a shop bought pepper and popped in a pot a couple of weeks ago had been eaten by a predator! A few more should grow so long as I protect them so slug pellets have been scattered!
    I’ve mucked out the hen house, collected 6 fresh eggs and am now enjoying a cuppa!

    No news from Anne since sending her a long rambling email but she had told me she is feeling awful so I don’t want her to feel she has to respond right away.

    I will pop back later to see what everyone is up to.
    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Friday! :) Another beautiful day and I am grateful. I thought I had posted yesterday but I was in such a hurry maybe I forgot to press reply. I woke up late had to get to my meeting early and after the meeting I went straight to Rob's so he could leave to see Lisa get a teacher's award for outstanding performance as an early career educator. I took the two youngest ones to the park near their house and then they played out front of their house so were tired at bedtime.
    In the meantime the person who was giving me a ride to my cousin's son's memorial couldn't go so I texted my cousin's daughter and explained that I was not comfortable driving two hours in Friday traffic and right now I am having specks of flying floaters that are annoying when driving. She was more than understanding and I will send cards to both of the siblings and of course my cousin. I will also send a card to his wife and family with a check since they wee going to have a fund raiser but he died before that happened.

    Today is laundry day and cards to get ready to mail, some paper work for Al Anon and other computer
    work. Cheryl texted me to see if I wanted to have game night with Marisa and her friend so of course I said yes. We have pizza, snacks, drinks and games, always fun.

    When I went for the trial appointment the doctor said that my macular is not progressing and he doesn't know why but my eye sight was better. He had a small concern about my eye being a little inflamed so he put me on prednisone drops 4 times a day for two weeks and then I go back for a recheck.
    He said it might help with the floaters as well. I hope so because they are so annoying.

    Now that I have written a book, have a good day.
    One Day at a Time

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    edited May 17
    Hello. A warm and sunny day today. I did several loads of laundry and I am always happy to have clean towels! I am baking a few Japanese red sweet potatoes. I texted with the friend I visited yesterday. We had a nice visit and she said today she was happy to be able to show off their new camper with all of the extras her husband is installing. He does good work. I didn’t take a picture. Darn!

    Her cat seemed to like me more than I wanted to be liked! I am allergic to cat dander and came home with swollen and irritated eyes. Yep, still allergic to them.

    I did a couple of dance classes today. I think that’s it for today. I need a bit slower day.

    Sandy, wow, busy again. Enjoy game night. Is Charlie feeling better? Sorry your plans changed regarding attending the memorial but you are remembering everyone with cards and donating to the memorial. Sometimes rides don’t work out.

    Jackie, darn pests! Sorry you lost some of your smaller plants. A clean hen house and some fresh eggs. Good job!

    I am very sorry to hear that Anne is feeling quite poorly. I may still send a message, not to overwhelm her but to let her know I am thinking of her and hoping her health will improve. I feel like I am ignoring her.

    Well, tomorrow I may do some bathroom cleaning and perhaps some sorting out in the basement. I crushed boxes this afternoon as this will be recycle week as well as the usual trash.

    Be safe everyone.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    Me again! We are expecting temps in the high 80’s today. I have a huge craving for pea soup. Yep, the Instapot will help with that. I found a bag of Mirpoix in the freezer. Yippee! It’s gonna be delicious.

    Jackie, many people are evacuating the Canadian fires. I understand one area of concern is near Grande Prairie. Some of my ancestors moved into the Peace River area and this was their big town. My grandmother’s sister lived her life there and loved it. I digress. The fires are more of a headline now. Maybe more do in the Canadian news but I saw a story on BBC News today.

    One cardio class down, one later. I am very happy my air conditioner is working.

    Nothing else of note.

    Be safe everyone.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) Had a bad night again and slept in later than usual so I am already behind. Family zoom call, run to Best Buy to bring my batteries of all kind to be recycled, especially the big surge battery from my computer. I am sitting later for the kiddos in my house but I am sure they will want to go to Mc Donald's and other outside activities. I will have to go to church tomorrow before celebrating Mother's Day with Rob and family.

    Lin, it is hot here as well and I love it. I too, feel like I am neglecting Anne by not sending at least a short email to wish her well. Can't hurt can it?

    Have a good day everyone while I play catch up.
    One Day at a Time
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    edited May 19
    Happy Sunday! :) Loving our beautiful days. Kids had fun with Grandma but they sure wear me out. lol
    Will be going to Mass this morning and then to celebrate our postponed Mother's Day. Tomorrow lunch with my friends, hard to diet with all this eating but I am trying.

    Forgot to mention how cute Annie is. <3

    I hope everyone has a wonderful day.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    Good afternoon. I have been doing more sorting of supplies today. Some of my glitter pastes have dried out. They don’t keep forever after you have opened them even if you seal them tight. I have done some exercise. More later. But must keep moving, I plan to watch another high school graduation online this evening but it starts early so need to have my moving out of the way. I watched the other graduation last evening. It was a nice ceremony and only 86 graduates so it didn’t take forever for each to file past, shake hands and have a picture taken. The one tonight will go on forever! Huge class. Her brother graduated from that school last year and it seemed there would never be an end to filing in, much less receiving diplomas. 🙃

    Sandy, I can understand being worn out. Kids have lots of go power! Senior go-power is good but not the same. You have access to lots of delicious food when you go out to eat. It must be difficult to try to avoid yummy rich things.

    I should get going. I did send Anne an e-card and was surprised to get a response. She has a cardiologist’s appointment coming up and hopes to get back with us again but she has days where she feels quite bad but other days where things are better. Jilly is loving all the walks Michael gives her.

    Take care my friends.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️


  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member
    Not much happening except gardening and walking. It’s hot in the sunshine so I take breaks under my garden parasol but am enjoying being outside. The untidy bottom of my garden is finally being weeded but I’m also leaving wild flowers that seeded themselves because they are in full bloom at the moment and so pretty. Our doggy morning walks are early when there’s a gentle breeze but I don’t see many other walkers. I did bump into David this morning as we returned to the car park and it must be over a month since we chatted. He is finally going to a local hospital for x- rays on hip and back tomorrow as he is in a lot of pain but I think waiting lists are long for replacement joints. At least he will be in the system. No sign of Sheila so I assume she doesn’t feel like walking.

    I’m pleased you heard from Anne Lin. She is always stoic so I do worry when she admits some days are so bad but am sure us sending messages will cheer her along.

    Bedtime for me. I was awake at 5 this morning for some reason but hopefully will have a better night.

    Take care
    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Monday! :) I had a wonderful time celebrating Mother's Day with Rob and family. Beautiful day, great dinner and wonderful presents especially being with family. Besides socks and a candle they gave me this light that I absolutely love.

    Today I am going to lunch with my three friends and hope I beat the rain home or at least inside when it hits. I will also send an email to Anne just to say hello. Cheryl and I have booked a trip to go visit my daughter in Florida in September, so that should be a fun trip.

    Enjoy your day everyone.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    edited May 20
    Hi, made it through the long graduation ceremony last evening. Lots of whooping and yelling as students walked across the stage.

    It is sunny and very hot today after a night of storms. Tomorrow will be another stormy day. I hope the storms aren’t bad.

    I have been loading up the trash bin and the recycling bin today. I am just about ready to push them to the curb. They are heavy!

    Sandy, another fun day for you. And wahoo, another trip to visit your daughter. Is this the first time Cheryl has traveled with you to Florida?

    I did talk to a friend for quite a while this morning. She called me and we might have talked even longer but she hadn’t made her coffee. 🤭

    I have completed 2 dance classes and might try one more after the news this evening.

    Be safe my friends.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️

  • OhDD65
    OhDD65 Posts: 184 Member
    Well it sounds like spring has sprung with most of you though the occasional rain is still welcomed by some of us. It looks like most of us are busy working in the garden trying to get things planted. That is me also. We have a wonderful new nursery close to home.....too close LOL. I have made 3 trips there so far bringing home 2 hanging plants along with 3 others plants. Now we play the watering game trying to just keep them alive. What is too much and what is not enough. Also got 2 new macrame for 2 more hanging pots, but I am seeing if I can keep the ones alive that I have first. All of this in preparation for being able to deal with our hot temps not too far away. My bush roses are doing very well, but they require a lot of maintenance. Not so easy to do anymore for my back. Who ever planted this original yard must of liked yard work. I even have a gardener, but he spends 45 min 2x a month. Not enough time. My body is rebelling. LOL

    I had a wonderful Mothers Day. My daughter took me on a Master Gardeners Tour of 7 houses, which was put on by the same nursery by us. That was a nice surprise. Amazing yards these houses had. Plus she brought me flowers and took me out to lunch. The most time we have spent together in some time just the two of us. She is a very busy person with her family as well as caring for their 6 acres of land, caring for 6 goats and 3 dogs and doing interior remodeling herself of their home. Thrilled to see she seems to be loving gardening also. At least we have something in common. Also heard from my son in Tennessee, so that was really nice also.

    Glad to hear your various home projects are finally getting fixed. It sure takes patience these days. We seem to be waiting and waiting for the fence builder to come repair our storm damaged sections of fence. Just when we think it is done we find another problem.

    I too am thinking of Anne and am quite concerned about her. Keep looking for that picture you have all seen, but I don't get it. She is such a delightful lady. Glad that she is now living with her son so that he can keep a closer eye on her. I am hoping she is in good hands with a doctor that is good and she likes. I think of her daily.

    Such is my busy life for most of us. All of you take care and I am thinking of all of you. Lin I really need to get your Zumba Gold energy. We have a class here, but I am not so sure I can keep up. A lady mentioned I should try Yoga by Teresa. She was really talking it up. I know I need to do something.....LOL Sandy we went to our local casino last week. Not a good night for either of us. I need your luck. Jackie.....I was feeling every muscle ache for you when you moved all of that wood. Our motto here is stop when you must. Even my husbands doctor said you did what ? A day at a time as Sandy says.....

    Until next time, Diane

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member
    Good morning and happy Tuesday. Our good weather continues and I soldier on tidying my garden. I took George and Betty for an early stroll on the moors and once we were in an area where no sheep with their lambs were grazing, I removed their leads. That way I can stand and watch as they sniff about and investigate ancient tumbling walls. It was extremely quiet and I only saw one other dog walker in the distance which surprised me because a gentle breeze meant it wasn’t too hot for the pooches. Before returning home I drove into town to buy George’s raw, refrigerated food and also new factor 50 sun protection for my arms. Sitting outside sipping coffee and listening to a variety of birds singing but also a chainsaw brrr’ing loudly in the distance!

    Yesterday evening I spoke to my friend Linda on the phone about a local Parish meeting taking place tomorrow and decided it would be a good idea to attend, just to find out if plans are afoot for more houses to be built. Far too many already! Last week, after an impolite and dismissive email from the parish council chairman, I made an official complaint to the authority that oversees them. I’m not hopeful they will reprimand him but feel better for doing it!

    Roses don’t like my garden Diane, mostly because the air is generally too damp so they develop black spot on the leaves. I did recently plant a wild rose cutting that I took from hedgerows last year that will hopefully find its way along the trellis I had installed to block the view of a neighbour’s beer garden, the sort you find in British pubs! I’m hoping being wild will mean it’s used to the Cornish climate!
    I am planning to take up chair yoga in the Autumn, so more stretching than exercise, because I am becoming aware how quickly my muscle strength disappears if I’m not on the go all the time and that means I’m more likely to hurt myself! There are a few for Seniors on YouTube that look gentle!

    Lin, you are finding a lovely collection of floral pattern teapots but the rabbits are adorable and remind me of the hilarious Simon’s cat videos on YouTube!

    That’s a lovely lamp Sandy, and its sentiment very fitting. They appreciate all you do to help them, that’s for sure! Anne will love to hear from you too.

    A huge cloud rolled up and without the warmth of the sun I had to put a fleece jacket on but now my coffee is finished I will get working.

    Stay safe.
    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    A quick note, we have a day of extreme weather…..we have been warned of just about everything….huge, hail, straight line winds, tornados and flooding from very heavy rain. I have no idea what the day will bring or if we will have Internet service.

    Wishing everyone a happy day.

    Diane, glad to see you and wonderful that your daughter gave you the greatest gift for Mother’s Day——her time and presence.

    Jackie, I love Simon’s cat and now I need to try to find some YouTube videos to watch. I like the shorter ones.


    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member
    I’m joining Lin with the storms! Linda’s son works for the local weather centre and warned her last night they anticipated major disruption this afternoon and goodness, didn’t it rain! Luckily I looked out of my kitchen door at the rear of the property in time to see the water level about a quarter inch below the bottom of the door so wellies on and I placed a couple of heavy bags of compost across it to stop it pouring in. I scooped a lot of water away with a bucket and could hear the drain running more into the soak away so now wait to see if the storm returns because I can hear thunder rumbling on the moors behind me! As I scooped the water away I was already making plans in my head to send rain water away next time before it gets so deep. Never a dull moment but I hope you are ok Lin because I know your weather is generally even more extreme.

    Jackie 🐳🐬🐟🐋
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) We are part of that weather watch as well. Warnings of high winds, flooding and tornados. Scary stuff. I am going for a much needed haircut later this morning so hopefully the weather co-operates. Had fun with my friends for lunch and of course a little gambling and lost about $30. We didn't stay long as Skippy had to get back to her husband because her daughter was "sitting" for him.
    I stopped in to see him when I brought Skippy home and he looks frail to me. He will be 92 tomorrow.

    Jackie, your weather sounds horrible again and Lin be careful.

    Diane. good to hear from you and glad things are going well.

    Not a lot of time as I have to eat and get ready. Try and have a nice day.

    One Day at a Time
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) Hope all are well and have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    edited May 22
    Hi! Made it through Tuesday and still have a house. That is more than many people are able to say today.

    I did some laundry this morning and participated in 2 Zoom classes. Both were dance classes. Maybe one more later today.

    I thought of going to the grocery store today but decided to wait until tomorrow. The weather is sunny and cool today. I like this. Working on paperwork this afternoon.

    Sandy, I assume all is well in your area today my friend.

    Jackie, I love all the water related emojis. I hope you are not still fighting off water!

    Be safe everyone.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Safe and sound here with more storms coming Friday although I hope not since I have plans.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) Meeting today, a couple of errands and grocery delivery later.

    Have a good day,
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    edited May 23
    Hello. This Thursday feels like Friday. Another nice day. I did go to the grocery store today and lots of limbs still need to be cleaned up, and trees need broken parts removed but the roads are clear and the power was on everywhere I went. Well, more storms on the way. They may hit this area as early as 3am. They aren’t sure. It may be 5 to 6am. I would prefer that it would just pass by us altogether.

    I have started to pull out my supplies for Independence Day cards. Have some ideas and will start making some messes. 😄😂😄

    Sandy, I hope your area doesn’t have any severe weather tomorrow. 🤞🏻

    Jackie, are you having a streak of better weather? I noticed today my sump pump has finally stopped the incessant running.

    Wishing everyone well.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️


  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member
    Lin, that cat teapot is hilarious and rather appropriate for yesterday! No rain today but suddenly chilly which is a shock to the system! How worrying it must be with those storm threats and I will be thinking of you when I wake in the morning.

    Last night’s public meeting was interesting and Linda and I both came away feeling good after hearing several local business leaders voicing dissatisfaction with the way the council is run. I’m not sure anything will change but we have been told the incident that took place in January when a friend was attacked by Mr Nasty will be discussed next month. He was at the meeting and sat opposite us but kept his head down!

    Today I walked locally with the dogs because I had plans to clean the drain gullies at the rear of my property that had filled with earth, old leaves and silt that came off the property next door during the torrential rain. The metal grids came up easily, thank goodness, then it was a case of scooping out the muck into a bucket and that took 4 loads to clear before washing it down with a hose. I was careful how I bent to reach down but twice hit my head on my mailbox as I stood up! I didn’t do much else after I finished but rested my back. That was my day and tomorrow I hope to get more of the never ending gardening done before rain that’s forecast in the afternoon.

    Take care and Lin, stay safe. Bedtime for me.
    Jackie 🥱😴
  • OhDD65
    OhDD65 Posts: 184 Member
    A day in the middle 80s for us with finally little wind. We have been having some strong ones this past week. Tackled the dead roses off of my bush roses trimming up as I went. They didn't get this done last fall due to an early rainy season, so they were quite large and very pretty the last few weeks. Now I have hope by fall they will be down in size again.

    The fencing company finally came to repair 3 sections of fence and 2 posts, which took quite a bit of time. Hopefully all is well with the fences again. Two years in a row with strong winds creating havoc with 26 yr old fences. Now to research out a good place to buy some much needed mulch for the back yard, get the windows cleaned and some power washing done. Once the carpet gets cleaned this years projects will finally be done. We will be glad when it is all finally done.

    It appears everyone is safe from the horrible storms in the mid west and England. Glad no one had anymore major damage other than the typical tree limbs and twigs to clean up.

    Stay safe, Diane
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,165 Member
    :):) I learned a long time ago to not compare my insides with someone else's outsides. While I was a rumbling bucket of anxiety in the dentist's waiting room yesterday, everyone else looked serene. The new young dentist was very thorough and kind as was his assistant but the exam and x-rays showed what I feared-- two small cavities that will be filled next month and a cavity in a cracked wisdom tooth that can't be filled and will have to be extracted. I have all my teeth and have worked hard to keep them but I guess I'll have to put on my big girl pants and do what I don't want to do.

    :) Our weather has been mild and a bit rainy. Our yard is simple to care for so I know I'll get everything done eventually.

    <3 Barbie
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Friday! :) I don't have a lot of time as I am going to see Robby get an award from his school at noon. Storms are coming so I hope I don't get caught in them. Tonight going to see our friend the performer with Cheryl and Kathy.

    Barbie, I also fear the dentist and have to have nitros and novacaine when my teeth are being worked on.
    Because I had a problem with my gums I now go to the dentist every 3 months for a cleaning.

    Have a good day everyone and stay safe.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    Hello. Survived the super early morning storms. No storms expected tonight or early tomorrow morning. I think I will sleep in a bit and then have a nice long shower.

    Diane, glad the fence is fixed! You did have to wait a long time. 👏🏻👏🏻 Best wishes on completing your list of home chores.

    Barbie, pretty much all types of medical or dental appointments give me high blood pressure. But actually dental fillings are low on my panic list. I had a tooth pulled and was quite scared but the tooth extracted easily. Thankfully. Best wishes.

    Sandy, enjoy the night out! Glad you don’t have to do the driving.

    Jackie, I get a daily email with stories in the news in England. It seems they are writing almost every day about the contaminated blood scandal and once again the horrible Post Office story.

    I guess people in charge cannot be trusted when money and power are at stake. So sad.

    Well, need to run along. Be safe everyone.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) Waiting for the weather to warm up enough to go to pool for the first time this year.
    It's only 65F so a little chilly for me. Hoping it gets into the 70's, preferably 75. The kiddos will be coming later this afternoon to spend the night so I hope I get some sleep. lol

    More storms are coming tomorrow and Memorial Day will be chilly. Bad start for pool opening.

    Have a good day and hope the sun is shining for you.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    Hi, we have a lovely day today followed by storms around midnight. The forecast I received this morning has possibilities of heavy rain, hail, strong winds, and maybe a tornado or two.

    It was nice to sleep without sirens or other warnings. I did sleep later and had that warm shower. 👍🏻👍🏻

    Sandy, have fun with the kids. And don’t get worn out.

    Hi Barbie, Diane, Jackie and Anne.

    Back to punching out little stars. Still don’t have a design, just fiddling around.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) Spent the day at the pool and now waiting for grandkids to arrive to spend the night.
    I hope you had a nice day like I did.

    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member
    Oh goodness, another lost post I was sure I sent yesterday! Nothing exciting missed, just the usual walking, gardening and cooler weather. I collected six eggs from the hen house today so they must be enjoying more settled weather.

    Lin, I struggle to watch our news these days because there seems to be one scandal after another. Sadly, our corporate bodies appear morally corrupt and our government’s talk of compensation for victims is just that, talk and no action. The contaminated blood story is appalling when it turns out people within our NHS and therefore supposed to be looking after our health, covered up what was happening, knowing thousands were dying. That really was a case of ‘there, but for the grace of God’ when it came down to requiring a blood transfusion. I expect you will also be reading about our upcoming election when I don’t think many will vote as we lump all parties together as ineffective and lacking a moral compass.

    I’m due a dental check up and must make an appointment. I chipped enamel off a filled back tooth a couple of weeks ago so know I will require work.

    Must get to bed.
    Jackie 🥰
  • OhDD65
    OhDD65 Posts: 184 Member
    Today we hung our 4 new plants in macrame to hang from our patio cover. Hoping we can keep them alive by not over or under watering them as our heat increases shortly. It is always a challenge for me. Also potted the 6 pink vinca plants as well as repotted 2 other plants. Gardening now done except for the photinia bushes to get pruned by our gardener. Prefer that to get done before we get all of the mulch put down in back. Short outside window before the heat hits us hard.

    Barbie thinking of you at your dental appt. I had what you are having done last year. I now dread going to the dentist this year after last years multiple appts. Pray my next appt in 3 months proves to be nothing other than a tooth cleaning.

    I am going to an orthopedic surgeon on Tuesday regarding a thumb nail problem. It all started 7 yrs ago when I closed my thumb in the car door. Suspecting my nail will have to get removed, but I believe this appt is only a consultation. My nail keeps getting wider and wider pushing onto some tissue. I took a nail file to it the other day to alleviate the pain that I started having. Thyroid issues again to be dealt with in August, which is the soonest I could get in. Hopefully this endo will not just sluff it off. 40 yrs of dealing with it has put me at the point where some autoimmune problems could be in my future. My sister has lupus and it is a possibility per the antibody test that was done. My family genetics are not good sad to say.

    Wishing better days ahead for everyone.
