Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    Yes Jeri, I am exhausted with this itinerary!! Hope you have fun (and then some rest)!

  • OhDD65
    OhDD65 Posts: 184 Member
    Oh my goodness all of this running a round for doctors appointments that keep you in the waiting room for hours at a time. It is no different here. They keep on bringing in more new people into the system, but don't seem to be able to take care of everyone in a timely manner. Sounds familiar no matter where you go. Jackie you are definitely a jewel that is hard to find when a friend has a problem with her health. Bless you !!

    I have been trying to increase my walking to about 40 minutes a day, but it is getting harder to do. My stamina is up, yea, but finding the perfect time of the day is getting harder. We had our first 100 degree temps today. I thought I can do this....go for my walk as the sun has almost set. However it was in the 90s at 7 pm and quite muggy outside, so thought better of it. I was on a roll....3 days in a row.

    My sister will be coming up here a week Wed and leaving the following Saturday. She lives just outside of Santa Barbara. We have been here 10 yrs and she is finally making it up here. She is hitching a ride with her friend that is headed to Reno for a few days, so she asked to ride a long. Both of my brothers coming from different directions met at our place to spend the afternoon with us leaving later that evening about three weeks ago. Do they know something we don't know ? One came last yr and my other brother made it here for the first time as well. Yes I am the eldest and my husband is 3 yrs older. Definitely getting much harder for us to drive to where everyone lives especially with all of the crazy traffic these days. Looking for to my visit with my sister.

    I take Jerry into get a spot of basal cell carcinoma removed tomorrow. Hoping it all goes very smoothly. My endo appt isn't until the beginning of August. Again what seems like a long wait, but I am thankful I am not in pain, but very curious as to what my future may look like. My sister already has a taste of what maybe my future. Lupus definitely has its issues. One day at a time as Sandy says.

    Nice to hear from Jeri, Barbie, Sandy, Jackie and Lin. Hoping all is well with Anne. May your summer days be delightful without too many storms and fun activities planned for the great days you have ahead.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) I don't have much time as I have a clinic trial appointment and being picked up at 11:00. So nice to hear from Jeri and Diane. I will try to get back here later.
    Have a good day,
    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member
    Oops! Tired after spending the day cutting grass I promptly fell asleep as soon as I sat down this evening. Lovely to see ‘old’ faces dropping in! Now past midnight and must get to bed so will save a proper post for tomorrow.

    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    edited June 5
    Hi, another busy day including several exercise classes, a brain health Zoom presentation and a live meeting in tax changes for 2025. Not that they know what legislation might actually be enacted but they know the last tax package is expiring. Taxes will go up again if nothing is done. We don’t see much legislation pass. I sorted through my finances to try to see if there would be any income that I could take in 2024 rather than 2025. The only potential is converting a pre-tax IRA to a Roth. It is apparently a better year to pay tax on the conversion. Not sure what I will do.

    Jackie, sleep well. Glad you got your grass mowed.

    Diane, wow, it is difficult to figure out when to walk when you’re in a heat dome. I have a friend who walks with a few friends almost every day. I am not sure where she lives now. Still in California but they built a new house. Anyway, they try to make strategic decisions on when to get together based on weather forecasts. I hope Jerry’s appointment went well.

    Jeri, did you go for treatments for the joint issues?

    Sandy, how did your appointment go?

    Barbie, I missed your post on the previous page. Annie is quite a pup. How much longer before she does not grab slippers or socks or other things? I hope the visit will be amenable. 🤞🏻🤞🏻

    Well, nothing really new here either, I finished cutting panels and stamped the white panels for the inside of the cards. I need to look over my calendar scouting for June birthdays and get started on assembling 4th of July cards.

    Wishing everyone happiness.

    By the way, if you used to post on your MFP newsfeed, what day did yours disappear? I wrote a few messages to some friends this week and one is particularly unhappy about MFP dropping that feature. She is a Paid member and ran challenge groups from the newsfeed. She has really provided a lot of support for people over the years. She is very sad.

    I spoke with a friend who recently returned from an Alaskan cruise. She had many stories to tell of her husband’s sudden poor health including a mild case of food poisoning and her inability to walk the long distances needed. It sounded as if the trip was a complete disaster if you throw in the family problems. They were traveling with two sons and their partners. I was sorry to hear they were so unhappy. No more big trips for them. They spent a lot of money and she said they will be more careful in the future.

    Good night.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    edited June 6
    Happy Thursday! :) I had quite an ordeal at the trial clinic. Besides taking blood and saliva from my mouth and eyes the doctor also took a sample of fluid from my eye with a syringe. Because it was numbed with numbing drops I didn't feel it until after he was all done. My eye was so painful all of last night but it is better today although not perfect, I will still go to my meeting. The good news is I don't go back until September so happy to have the break.

    Lin, where was the news feed? The only pages I ever go to iare the home page, exercise and food page and of course here. I occasionally update my profile page.

    Diane, I can see why you don't post everyday with a schedule like that. I hope you enjoy your time with your sister and hope all goes well with Jerry. I admire anyone who can walk for so long, I prefer my recumbent bike as it doesn't hurt my bike as much as walking. Thanks for catching up with us.

    Jeri, those grandchildren do keep us busy don't they? I do enjoy being with them but they can be tiring.
    I am having my three young ones either Saturday or Sunday for a sleepover. They leave for Florida with their mom for a month on Tuesday. I am really going to miss them as I do Bryanna who moved to California with her boyfriend.

    Barbie, always good to hear from you. Enjoy Jake's daughter and tell Annie to be a good girl so she gets no more time outs. lol

    Have a good day and enjoy life, it's much too short.

    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member
    What is it they say? Making hay while the sun shines! I slept like a log and only woke up at 6am because Brady jumped on my bed to push his wet nose against my cheek. 😸 I shopped for groceries before walking and because dark clouds looked threatening, we only did a shorter route round the block. Since then I’ve found a lot of small jobs in the garden and watched a section of the D Day memorial in England but will catch up with speeches on the beaches of France later. It is the last time participants will attend due to their age so the brave survivors were treated to a wonderful welcome.
    The sun did show itself but there is a chilly breeze so I’m indoors to finish my cup of tea!
    I spoke to Sheila yesterday evening but apparently doctors still can’t confirm what has caused the pain and swelling but will slowly decrease the amount of prescribed steroids in the hope it doesn’t get worse again. Her next appointment is at the end of next week so as I’ve nothing specific going on then, I will drive her there.

    Sandy, if you can copy and paste our posts for Anne, I’m sure she would love to read about what everyone is up to. I was holding my breath as I read about your trial examination, it sounded awful! On our way back from the eye infirmary appointment, Sheila asked me to describe having cataracts removed and since I found it a short, pain free experience I was able to make light of it but also told her the before and after difference is unbelievable!

    Diane, once our temperatures get above 20C I walk very early to avoid the heat; more for the dogs than me! I enjoyed reading about you and your siblings occasionally meeting up. I only now have my brother who lives in Spain and don’t think he is physically able to travel far. I have 3 nieces but sadly, when his marriage ended and they were small, he lost touch so I’ve never got to know them as adults. The son of my brother who died last October is very much like his dad…. not particularly interested in family except for his mother who lives in France! I might get to see him for a whole day in August.

    Gosh Lin, that’s a lot going on in your life and head! That’s sad your friends’ cruise didn’t go well. Depending on the size of the ship, it might have been difficult to avoid each other although my one cruise, which was to Norway, was on a very small ship but my friend Jill and I would often lose sight of each other for hours! Did I ever post a link to the YouTube video I made? Can’t remember!

    I must close up the greenhouse and see the hens are settled. I mucked them out earlier so they should be cosy!

    Enjoy the rest of Thursday.
    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    edited June 6
    Hi, I did a bit of grocery shopping this morning, put them away when I got home and then tried to call a friend I’ve not heard from for a long time. Her son answered the phone and said he was busy on a call and would I call back In 10 or 15 minutes. Actually he called me back. My friend is currently residing in an Assisted Living facility but her son says she is getting much better and may return home. She is not certain she wants to stay there permanently. He’s all for her coming home. She has been there a month but I would imagine at some point, they will have to sell her home to pay the outrageous monthly fees. Turns out her cat bit and scratched her. She thought she had treated it and all was well but not so. Her arm started swelling and since she has lymphedema it really needed to be treated. They took her to a doctor and he gave her a prescription to clear up the infection and swelling. But it did not work so she ended up in the hospital for a couple of weeks. They cultured it and found something that worked. You never know what is going on when you haven’t heard from someone.

    Jackie, Glad you got a nice rest after all of your yard work. You have such productive days. I watched some of the ceremonies this morning. It makes tears roll. What stories they told.

    Sandy, the newsfeed was an accumulation of posts your friends made about a variety of topics. You could add something from your profile page if you wanted or there was a place on the page to add something. The rest was often automatic stuff like logging streaks, closing their food diary for the day, exercise for the day, comments of health or family. I usually commented or added some emojis for each of my friends daily comments. MFP said people did use it. Some of us did. Your appointment sounds very painful. Glad you do not return until September.

    Have as many good days as you can my friends.

    Best wishes.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Friday! :) It's a beautiful day although windy but will still go to pool after I am done with laundry.
    Ordered groceries to be delivered later this afternoon with plenty of food for the kiddos. We were supposed to go out for Marisa's 19th birthday tonight but she postponed it until Monday which is her actual birthday as she went to visit friends for a couple of days.

    Lin, sorry about your friend and hope she feels well enough to come home. I guess I never posted on the Newsfeed, only the home page.

    Jackie, I did copy and paste yesterdays and will wait for everyone to post today. I did tell her if it was too overwhelming to let me know. I agree, my cataract surgery was easy and I was able to see so much better. Been too long ago so of course I need glasses now especially with the macular.

    Trying to do too many things at once so I better eat some breakfast before it is lunch time.
    Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    Good afternoon. I finally got around to doing some work on the deck containers. Critters pretty much ruined everything over the winter. I am now to the point that I can start removing chewed up parts of the woven fabric containers and the potting soil. It will take a while. I stopped when it got cloudy here and did a couple of Zoom classes. I need to finish one more but so many of the dances this morning involved twisting on one knee. I am not great at tribal and/or belly dances. But I try. So my knee isn’t happy with another half hour of cardio.

    I am trying to put in more time on card assembly. So many additional tasks to finish.

    I had the French Open on for a while this morning but was too busy to concentrate on it.

    Sandy, enjoy the birthday party! And I hope you received everything in your grocery order.

    Jackie, my friend wanted to spend time with her sons as she hadn’t seen one of them for 3 years. We are in the Midwest and he lives in California and has no intention of coming back here even for a visit. And that son will not call her on any sort of regular basis. He will send a text once in a while. Apparently he cannot do things that he knows his mother prefers. So I was very sad for her. Her husband is feeling better now, that’s a plus.

    Well, back to work.

    Be safe everyone.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️


  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member
    Another dry and often sunny day so after a walk on the moors it was gardening again until mid afternoon when I accidentally caught my index finger in the blade of a small, handheld grass edger. Luckily I had gardening gloves on but still managed to pinch the flesh so hard it split. I ran cold water over it until it stopped hurting and bleeding then stuck a cotton pad over the split, pulled on another gardening glove to keep it in place and found some lighter work! I’ve planted a cucumber plant into a big pot and tied it so it should climb canes in the greenhouse. There are also twelve tomato plants, but I will share some with friends, and lots of sweet pepper seedlings to sort through. Linda has given me several spinach tree seedlings that I need to research as I’ve not come across them before.

    Sandy, I’m sure Anne will enjoy catching up with everyone although apparently at the moment her meds aren’t agreeing with her. It’s about six years since my cataract operations and I know my sight isn’t the 20/20 vision I had back then but still much better than before.

    That’s a gorgeous tea set Lin and I also thought yesterday’s was incredible. Your friend’s son sounds very similar to how my older brother behaved and I think he regretted it when we lost our mother in a car accident. It didn’t change him though so I suppose it’s an unfortunate personality trait.

    Nearly midnight so bedtime for me. Every evening I plan to get to bed earlier but it never seems to happen!

    Everyone stay safe.
    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) It's going to be a rainy day but I am hoping for no storms as I am driving 45 minutes to a retirement party. I will only be staying a short time as the kids are coming to spend the night. Tomorrow is supposed to be beautiful so told them to bring their swimsuits.
    I sent yesterday's posts to Anne so she can keep up with us if up to it.

    Jackie, ouch, are you sure you didn't need stitches? Nothing keeps you down when you are determined.

    Lin, you will be happy when you get those containers planted and those little pests leave your plants alone. It is sad when families drift apart, I am lucky to have a close knit family although I wish they all lived in state with me.

    Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member
    After a damp start it’s turned into a sunny day and after a very short walk with George and Betty because neither was enthusiastic to go out, I’ve been pottering, which as you know is my favourite pastime! Linda’s neighbour gave me some large containers to grow tomato plants in so they have been washed, ready for a sunny spot in my greenhouse. My finger is still sore so I’m being careful what I hold in that hand. I’m left handed and it’s my right I hurt so not an issue. Sandy, it’s more split than cut so I’m hoping pressure will knit it back together! Enjoy the retirement get together and definitely fun with the kids! I’m going to feed the hens their afternoon corn and research how to grow the spinach trees Linda gave me.

    Phoned Sheila and was happy to hear she is much more cheerful, although tired. She is down to just one steroid tablet daily having decreased gradually so will hopefully get some decent sleep. After a walk in the morning I will stop off with George and Betty for coffee and a catch up. That’s if I remember to buy a jar of coffee on the way because she has apparently run out!

    Happy Saturday everyone.
    Keep safe.
    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    Good afternoon. It is a laundry day here and card assembly. I am pretty much down to punching and/or die cutting little stars to put on each card. I used up a lot of glue this morning.

    Jackie, do not forget that coffee! Enjoy the conversation. Sorry about your finger. I purchase something called Liquid Skin (I think that is the name) and I put it on any splits/cuts on fingers or toes). It stings when it is applied but it helps keep it from oozing and it does heal nicely. Happy planting! I am a leftie too!

    Sandy, I hope you enjoy the retirement party and have a safe drive. Another good time with the kids on the way tomorrow. A good day I’m store for sure.

    Back to work. Wishing everyone happy days.

    Hello Anne, I hope the medication stops causing you problems.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️

  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    So nice to catch up with everyone.

    Lin, I did go to my physiotherapist but came away much sorer I went in. Darn it. She did cupping and acupuncture and I think the cupping didn’t agree with me. Will have cortisone treatment in a couple of weeks which should help the hamstrings, but then I still have to contend with the gluteal pain.

    Sandy, the little grandkids sure do play me out, but that is offset by how much fun it is to hang around with them. We were going to have a sleepover on Thursday for two nights, but unfortunately, one of them got sick so we have to postpone it until maybe next week sometime. However, last night 19 year old granddaughter and her boyfriend came over and brought takeout Thai food for supper and we played board games. What a nice visit we had. We just enjoyed it so much. Have fun with your grandkids when they come over.

    Jackie, I’m so sorry to hear you caught your finger in the edger. That’s no fun. Sounds like you like to garden. Personally, I like to enjoy the fruits of Ed’s labor. Lol.

    It’s a really chilly day here today and it looks like we can expect showers. I had a nice walk the other day and took pictures of the pretty spring flowers on the hill.


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) The kiddos spent the night and waiting to go to the pool. I love having them but they are exhausting. lol I plan on getting them home later this afternoon so mom and dad can have some time alone.

    Jeri, always great hearing from you. I am sure you understand how it is with little grandkids, that's why we are young when we have our own kids. lol I also love my time with my older grandchildren, just wish I could see them more often.

    Lin, I got lucky and had no rain for the party. I only stayed a couple of hours as it was a long drive.

    Jackie, glad your finger is on the mend. I also have the stuff that Lin is talking about for cuts. I don't blame Sheila, I hate taking steroids.

    Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    Hello, started placing the little red stars on the cards. Wow, very tedious! I waited and waited for my church to Live Stream this morning. Nothing appeared. I was really hoping to be able to listen to the guest speaker today. Darn.

    I haven’t gotten much exercise today. When you are fussing with tiny card additions you have to sit still.

    Jeri, I am sorry you are not getting relief from all of your physical issues. I empathize. And of course, I love the photos you posted. Beautiful flowers and such an assortment of colors. Now I want some fresh strawberries.

    Sandy, I hope you are having lots of fun in the pool this afternoon. And I am glad it didn’t rain yesterday while you were making your trip.

    Jackie, hope today has been an enjoyable day for you. I didn’t watch any of the French Open. Did you?

    Take care everyone.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    edited June 10
    Happy Monday! :) Much cooler day in the 60's today. I was hoping to go to pool when cleaning lady came but might be too chilly. Maybe the sun is warm enough, I will see. I took the kids home so I could go to Mass with Robby at 4 but when we got to Church the sign said Mass was at 5 so we went home and came back which meant I didn't get home until almost 7. That meant I went to Mass twice this week for Sunday service, once on Saturday and again on Sunday. I thought Lisa was taking Robby but they were so busy getting house in order for the floor people I just took him myself. He likes going to church while the other two don't care. They forgot to give Max his afternoon meds Saturday so he was bouncing off the walls. I had never seen him that hyper and he ended up throwing up in my bathroom sink. Ugh. He was fine Sunday because I gave him his morning meds. It's not easy sleeping with two kids in a queen size bed, I let them sleep the normal way and I slept horizontal at the bottom of the bed. They had fun at the pool and the park but when getting them ready to take home I looked in the their bathroom and my sink was full of rocks. Max had collected them at the park in a water bottle and Robby emptied into the sink. Now you know why I was so exhausted. lol I slept good last night so I am well rested.

    Lin, sounds like very tedious work with those stars, I hope they all appreciate your hard work.

    Have a great day everyone.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    edited June 10
    Hello. A very nice day here once again. I am again struggling with my cards the paper punch I have been using for the stars. It is the right size but it is not working well. I tried to ‘sharpen’ it up with aluminum foil punching as recommended by many people on YouTube. I will hang in there and will make it through. I am thinking perhaps this punch should go in the trash when I finally finish the cards.

    Sandy, oh my gosh, I would be beyond tired with all of the things that occurred. It is in the mid-70’s here, is that warm enough for the pool?

    Nothing much new, cleaning out some stuff from the refrigerator. Tomorrow is trash day again.

    Be well everyone.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member
    edited June 11
    I’m sorry I haven’t checked in but life has been hectic. Today I had to pause because George’s groomer visited lunchtime and he copes better when everything is calm. First, we walked early but it was so cold it wasn’t fun for me or the pooches so I found some shorter routes on lower ground out of the wind. George behaved for most of the time with his groomer and she even managed to trim round his face without any threats to nip her! The sun is now out so I shall continue to prune bushes, which is a never ending job.

    Lin, I used to always love to watch the tennis tournaments but recently coverage has been on channels that require payed subscription so I don’t bother. Thankfully, the BBC continues to show Wimbledon but I’m not up to date with the players these days. The cards you are making do sound intricate but beautiful with little red stars. Handsome teapots too!

    Oh my Sandy, what a busy time you had, throwing up included! Sleeping horizontally across the bottom of the bed is something Brady likes to do!

    Beautiful photos Jeri of your variety of Spring flowers. I do enjoy gardening although there are times I wish I had fairies living out there to help me!🧚‍♀️🧚🏻

    I began typing this post before 4pm, then my friend WhatsApp’d me and here I am 4 hours later!

    Sheila was much brighter when I visited Sunday and it was great to see her almost back to her old self. She has a chest x-ray booked tomorrow at our local hospital as a follow up on her suspected Covid earlier this year and did ask, if she didn’t feel up to driving, would I take her but she hasn’t phoned so I’m assuming she will feel confident to drive. If that’s the case I will continue working in my garden because after tomorrow we are destined for days of rain!

    Last night around midnight, when I let George and Betty into the garden, I happened to look up at the clear night sky and spotted a long trail of what looked like attached stars flying across from west to east. Aliens, I thought but before I went to bed Google searched the image and there found Elon Musk’s Starlink satellites. It is apparently quite controversial and considering how long it looked, even so many thousands of miles away, I hope they don’t all fall to earth together one day!!

    Time to relax, feet up!

    Happy Tuesday.
    Stay safe.
    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    edited June 11
    Hi! Good to see you Jackie. You are always very busy. We have a threat of rain overnight and tomorrow so I have been shoveling dirt out of those woven pots on my deck. The critters really shredded them to nothing. The large round pot was attacked by squirrels all winter so the sidewalls near the bottom of that pot are ready to give up. So, two periods of sweating over 2 days and I have the woven pot remains cleaned up. Today the squirrels started throwing dirt out of my raised bed (on legs) which is also on the deck. I am not sure what I will do. They got into that one over the winter as well and dug holes, left nut shells and other misc. stuff. That’s for another day.

    I have heard you can often spot his StarLink creations in the sky but I never get up in the night to try to see them. And of course, lots of light in a metro area cuts down on what you are able to see even if you are up. Oh, and I understand having to pay subscription fees which is why I haven’t seen much tennis until recently.

    I made a trip to the grocery store this morning and pretty much got everything I had on my list (my mental list🙃) After I got home, I spent quite a bit of time getting signed in to a new mobile app for one of my banks. The only thing I haven’t done is get back the biometric sign in.

    Time to start addressing envelopes and putting the final touches to these never ending cards. 😉 I am not sure I will add anything beyond a signature in the card. Notes…..? Hummmmm🧐

    Be safe everyone.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    edited June 11
    Happy Tuesday. :p I thought I posted this morning but was busy so forgot. Spent the day at the pool and loved it. Came home and rode my bike for an hour. Almost back to goal so have to keep working. Marisa’s birthday dinner was great.
    First they got me on a mechanical bull and now a motorcycle. (I only sat on it for a picture) It is Marisa’s new toy. She is not too spoiled. She also signed a lease for her own apartment so I guess she is growing up.

    Lisa and kids left for a month in Florida visiting her parents. Rob is home finishing up the walls,cabinets, and floors. They are coming Monday to start the floors which will probably take 5 days. The pups are being boarded at a farm where they can run and play. Rob will stay at his in-laws house because it is closer to his meetings.
    I will be spending most of my time at the pool.

    Sorry for such a long post. Have a good evening.
    One Day at a Time

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) It's going to be a hot day here with temps in the 90's. I am going for a no chip manicure at noon and then probably to the pool. Nothing else exciting going on so have a wonderful day.

    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    Hot day here as well. Some storms may pass through here later today and tomorrow.

    Lots of cardio today, addressing envelopes, and texting with friends. Nothing exciting here. Nothing mildly interesting when I think about it. 😎

    Be happy my friends.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member
    Hello sneakers. Winter has returned with a vengeance as a noisy gale howls down the chimney and rain pours. It’s cold too so after early shopping and filling my car with fuel, I walked George and Betty quickly round the block. They were then snoozing while I’ve carried out a few chores and are still doing so. I had seen the forecast yesterday so spent most of the day tidying and pruning outside and last thing, cutting the grass so I can now look out my window and think nothing more needs to be done. If only!

    Lin, it must be so disheartening to have those squirrels destroy so much. When George’s groomer visited yesterday I gave her some garlic I had grown and told her how I had to dig them up because something had begun nibbling them. She told me she has a poly tunnel for growing vegetables in but has a constant battle with rabbits that burrow underneath then pop up inside to eat anything green. She is thinking of giving up! At least I can control slugs!
    A bonus from living in a rural area is viewing the night sky when it’s clear. I often stand looking around in awe while the pooches enjoy a late night garden visit. As clever as the Starlink is, I find it worrying that one individual can put so much metal in orbit!

    Fabulous photos Sandy and don’t you look amazing! I love your pink outfit and am particularly impressed that you could lift one leg over that motorbike! 🥴 🤭

    After a long conversation on WhatsApp earlier in the week with my friend I was left thinking she was to have her first cataract removed yesterday so phoned today to see how she got on. Turns out I was confused because it was an examination only and next Monday will be the operation. I’ve also phoned Sheila to confirm I’m taking her to the Plymouth hospital tomorrow for an update with the Rheumatologist. She told me she missed her lung x-ray appointment yesterday at our local hospital and they suggested she get it done tomorrow in Plymouth but I’m not happy with that because it means sitting in A&E for hours again! If she insists I will drop her at the door and look around some shops!

    Cup of tea time! Love that Japanese style teapot, but then I love all of them!

    Stay safe and well.
    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    edited June 13
    Happy Thursday! :) Back from taking Cheryl and Marisa to the airport for their trip to Boston. Marisa is a huge Boston Red Sox fan so they are going for the weekend to see them play the Yankees. I have to leave shortly for my meeting but wanted to catch up on computer. It is hot and muggy with temps hitting 90F. I will not be at the pool today only because I don't have time.
    I am taking my son to dinner for Father's Day on Sunday as his family is in Florida. My daughter gave me a gift card last Christmas that I haven't used yet, so thought it would be fun for a mother son date.

    Jackie, you are a lot like me in helping people and getting exhausted from doing so. I hope you don't get stuck for hours at the A&E, although not sure what that is. Is it a hospital or an urgent care type of place?

    Lin, I am sure you are getting our hot weather as well so stay cool. I get tired just reading about all your cardio.

    Have a good day everyone.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    edited June 13
    Hello. Yes, it is hot and muggy here with a higher probability of storms today/tonight. I picked up some books at the library this morning and it was already hot. Wow. Then I did a couple of loads of laundry and just be repetitive, lots of cardio classes today. Inbetween things right now and I am cooling off a bit.

    If I disappear, there is some kind of water problem in a townhouse that is behind my house. They have been fussing and messing about for the last week or so but today they brought in a trencher and my house is actually vibrating from the use of the thing. 🤞🏻🤞🏻 they are close to my Internet cable so if I disappear, they cut it.

    Sandy, I hope your car is okay in this crazy hot weather. I hate going out to get in the car after it’s been parked in the sun. Hope you found a shady spot.

    Jackie, I heard your weather in May was abnormally hot and then a complete turnaround to very cold in June. What the heck! I hope you don’t get trapped for lots of hours in Plymouth tomorrow. Your dogs need you and it is unpleasant to be trapped in these waiting situations.

    So my Independence Day cards are ready to go. A few go out of state so I will mail them earlier, the rest re pretty much local. Here’s my stack. I am just showing the back of a card as I want to keep names and addresses covered.


    I think I will give up making Halloween, Autumn, and Thanksgiving cards. I will continue with birthday cards though. I am going to start a mega list for Christmas cards as I want to see if I can use up many of my handmade cards from prior years. Happened when I did multiple designs. Friends will just have to suffer with a duplicate card from a prior year—-if they remember. 🙃

    Well, time to get something to drink before the next class.

    Take care everyone.



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Friday! :) Another beautiful day so when done with laundry I will be heading to the pool. It's going to be a beautiful weekend and next week temps in the 90's. Summer has arrived.
    Nothing else exciting going on so I wish you all a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    And a happy Friday from here as well. Hot and sunny today, but mild compared to the next few days. I am washing towels today. It takes a long time for oversized bath towels to dry. Yep, more cardio classes and I hope to break open one of the library books I brought home.

    Jackie, I hope your trip to Plymouth doesn’t take too long. And that you had a safe drive.

    Sandy, wow, an afternoon at the pool. Have any shade? Take a huge water container.

    I hope everyone is safe.

    See you tomorrow.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️


  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member
    An early start for me then, after breakfast I walked George and Betty round the block. George scared me falling down the stairs from top to bottom as I eat my cereal and although I saw what was about to happen, I couldn’t get to him quick enough to stop him hitting the floor and rolling. Lots of cuddles and fuss settled him but when we walked I made sure it was a slow pace. I collected Sheila around 1030 to get us to the hospital for her 1130 appointment and once again, because we didn’t know why she was there apart from a follow up, I sat in the waiting room when she was called. The Rheumatology department was a separate building to the main hospital and thankfully relatively quiet compared to the main A&E so what turned out to be an hour appointment was bearable. Sandy, our first very long night time wait was in the Accident and Emergency department. Today’s ultrasound scan showed no arthritis or nasty growth, so the specialist diagnosed a form of migraine and has sent an email to the GP suggesting the best painkillers for her condition. Next obstacle will be for her to get a GP appointment!

    Heavy rain arrived this afternoon so it was a good excuse to do nothing and at one point I did shut my eyes for a short nap. I will make sure I get to bed early! Heavy rain showers tomorrow so I don’t think we will be walking on the moors but I can get my tomato plants repotted in my greenhouse.

    Take care.
    Jackie 🥰