


  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,340 Member
    Oh my, I hope you will be in an air-conditioned work space and room - it's gonna be hot down there! It's hot up here! I am sitting in front of a fan ALL THE TIME! I used to not mind being hot, but now I just overheat; and I used to not get colds or flu, but now I've had four months of sickness in the past eight months! Eek! I'll be going to Bible Study tonight though - woohoo!

    Have an awesome Wednesday (or 4th day as I like to call it). Love y'all.
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,359 Member
    edited June 6
    Amelia Island is fairly close to Jacksonville, but right on the ocean, so it's slightly cooler here (6-7 degrees). It's too bad. I'm on the main floor and I have a little patio with a fire table. I fired it up last night just to see it... and it would be lovely to sit out there if it was about 60 degrees - not the 80 or so degrees it will be tonight.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,340 Member
    Wow, that's beautiful! I was in Jacksonville when Hurricane David came through in the early 80's. That is a very nice area!

    Really enjoyed being with my Church family last night. I was looking back and in the past 8 months, I've been sick for four of them - yikes! But God has seen me through and I praise Him that I never had to be hospitalized! I have another week of antibiotics to take.

    I was so happy to see that it had rained last night some time. I don't know how much but I hope my plants guzzled it up!

    Love y'all.
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,359 Member
    edited June 7
    Went for a walk on the beach after having fish tacos for dinner. It was a good workout for my feet and calves
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,340 Member
    I've heard that sand is a great exfoliator for the feet! I was rubbing my feet all in it while I sat on the beach. Hmmm, your pictures make me want to get over to the beach!

    Not much going on with me. I'm trying to take extra steps, but I tire easily still, so am taking it easy as well and just letting my body tell me what I can and can't do!
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,340 Member
    I hope y'all are having a great weekend. Missing you Connie and Carole, I hope all is going well with you. I know you are super busy!

    Going to go to a homeschooler's graduation party this afternoon. Love these get-togethers!

    Have an awesome weekend and a blessed day of worship tomorrow.
  • pianolady831
    pianolady831 Posts: 252 Member
    I've had the best Sunday, hope all of yours has been blessed also. I went with Beth to a little country church about 40 minutes southwest of Johnson City, where she represented the seminary she works for. The drive was absolutely beautiful - farmland and rolling hills with a mountain range as a backdrop. The people were very warm and welcoming. Afterwards, we ate at a place that had been recommended called The Farmer's Daughter. It was family style and so very good! We picked two meats for our table, then they brought 9 veggies and fruits. I love meat, but ended up enjoying the veggies even more. I was ready for a nap when I got home!

    Kim, I hate that you got pneumonia again, but glad that you're doing better now. I have a friend at church with a similar problem, so it must not be all that rare.

    Connie, I continue to pray for your home situation. Keep trusting God like you're doing and things will work out beautifully. I wanted to move here so badly four years ago that I was afraid it was entirely my will, but the way things worked out proved otherwise.

    Cindy, you get to take some wonderful trips with your job! I enjoy Florida's Gulf Coast more than the east side, but I can enjoy looking at and walking on any beach. Be safe.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,340 Member
    My sister and her then-husband lived in Sarasota when Wade and I were first married. I thought the West side a lot less crowded and a lot less built up. The picture I have in my mind is of lots of trees and that feeling of a deserted island! At least then it was like that - at least 36 years ago.

    Carole, I love the feeling of rightness and surety that God gives when He moves us. We've moved a number of times with our Church and then when we went to care for Mom. When it was time to return to the Church here in Williston, the Lord had been laying it on Wade's heart quite heavily. It was the best thing we could have done, especially for Mom's sake. She was so loved here! I've had pneumonia four times (that I know of) in my life, as a baby, at 18, and then these past two in the last 8 months. I guess once you get it there is scar tissue and that makes you more likely to get it again. I have a friend who has lung issues and she has to watch out for pneumonia, she's had it at least twice in the past year. I'm on my last three days of antibiotics. I think I missed some doses because tomorrow should be my last day! :p I'm having a lot of pain in my right SI joint, hip and right leg. When I stand up or sit down the tops of my legs hurt - that's new! I have started adding steps each day, lightly right now, but hopefully getting more each day. Hopefully that should help the arthritis because I've heard exercise loosens those joints and strengthens the muscle around them.

    Our service was really good. For the first time in a long time everyone was there! The folks who lived in Va have moved to this area - woohoo - but I've been sick so hadn't gotten to see them in person, just on Zoom. It was so nice to get to get hugs face to face! The other gal who has pain and breathing issues and often Zooms is doing better and was also able to be there! It was just such a great service.

    Praying for y'all. Love you, Kim

  • pianolady831
    pianolady831 Posts: 252 Member
    I'm having a relaxed day today, one of those stay-at-home days that I love so much. For one thing, I've managed not to click on news headlines and feel better for it. Beth's coming for supper and I'm doing breakfast foods, which we all love. Anyone like grits? That's a favorite of mine.

    We were talking recently about a book partially set in Salem and that made me remember something. Several years ago, Beth and I took a New England trip and actually spent a few hours in Salem while driving through the area. This was in August, not even close to Halloween, but the street signs and lamp posts all had witches, etc. attached. After seeing a historical show about Salem's history, I just wanted to get out of the city. We had signed up for a cemetery tour that evening, but the tour guide was late and I convinced Beth to leave. I cannot explain it to this day, but I really felt uncomfortable, almost surrounded by the presence of evil. I don't know how people manage to live and do business there.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,340 Member
    Oh wow, Carole, I'm glad you got out! I look at the protests going on all over our country and you can just see the evil that is driving it!

    One Wednesday a month we have a meal together before our Bible Study and tonight is the night. That is always a blessed time! I think I will have a bowl of cereal at my normal supper time (3:30), and then have a salad at 6:30 when we get together. 6:30-7:00 is usually when I have my last snack! Growing up 5:00 was our regular supper time, and as I started getting up earlier and earlier the older I got, my eating times changed!

    Y'all have a wonderful day. Love you
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,359 Member
    edited June 13
    I feel the same way about the Ghost Tours in New Orleans, Carole. I haven't been there for work in a while, but on previous trips I've been invited to go along with a small group for a Ghost Tour (I don't know - maybe in cemeteries?)... but I always pass. No thank you!

    I got a gift card from my husband to my favorite salon, so I'm treating myself to a haircut and some highlights. I'm currently sitting under the dryer
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,340 Member
    What an awesome gift! I keep going back and forth on coloring my hair again. There is more and more gray, which I don't mind, it's the brunette underneath it that bothers me - I've been a blond my whole life - now I can't say I was having a blond moment! I like me with light hair, so I am just waiting for even more gray to come in! When it's cut, it's lighter too, so that makes me want to wait!

    My MIL's house was beside a graveyard, and it continued across the street from her Church. We had fun at times going in there and reading some of the old headstones. It never felt creepy, but then again it's wide open with a Church right there! Some of her family is buried in a very rural graveyard and the family, when the boys were younger, would go on the day when they cleaned out the graveyard and help. This thing was on a steep hill too!

    Wow, I finally got the results of my blood test from my doctor's office! I've had them for over a month since I have an account with LabCorp, so I had them the next day!

    I think that the dulce is working to some degree. I'm not getting as hot as I had been and not sweating as much as I have been as well. Last Saturday at the graduation party my face was just dripping (it's never done that in the past) but then by Sunday it didn't sweat at all. I've had moments where I can feel the sweat around my hair line, but not much of it. Only my face too!

    Well, that was lovely. I hope y'all have an awesome day. I hope your salon day has you feeling great, Cindy. Love y'all.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,340 Member
    I hope y'all are having a good weekend! I saw our neighbor when I went to the pharmacy today, she was helping us. I wasn't sure it was her and she wasn't acting like she knew us. The name on the receipt of the person who helped us was her name! Boy, that's lame, not really recognizing someone you've met three or four times.

    We went to the thrift store and they were having a 1/2 price sale on wall art. I found a lighthouse picture! Wade will hang it in my office. So funny too. The guys who work there set out this tool holder thingy, right where we were standing. Wade could use it so we took it too. I just thought of what the guys would think when they returned and it was gone! Heehee.

    Have an awesome Lord's Day, y'all. Love ya
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,705 Member
    Whew! It has been a minute since i have caught up. I am busy packing, purging and organizing. I will be glad when we are in the new little villa. July 2 the truck will be here. We close on the 1st and have to be totally out by the 8th. Right now I can't stand the mess!
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,340 Member
    Praise the Lord you found something! I will pray for strength and wisdom!

    Trying to bear this heat. I am taking something called dulse, which is a North Sea aquatic plant. Suzy Cohen said that it could help with thyroid difficulties. I'm hoping that the heat that I am feeling in my face will be helped by it!
  • connierandel
    connierandel Posts: 1,705 Member
    edited June 20
    I have a couple of minutes this morning before the crazy starts here. I have had my sister-in-law and her hubby in town from Texas. They came to get a sideboard that was Bill's great grandmother's. We weren't going to have room for it and wanted it to stay in the family. They saved us several hundred dollars...they came to work. I was going to hire out the garage clean-out, but the three if us got it done. Then I was going to have the moving company pack my antique dishes, and they did that, too! God definitely sent them to me! Bill's daughters have been great, too.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,340 Member
    Praise the Lord. I was praying that someone would be there to help you, and God sent several! I'm so glad.

    My new leg wraps came. I ordered them off of E-bay. Normally one of them is somewhere around $72, but I found these and offered a slightly lower price. It was accepted. Two of them, with the shipping was just over $50! I'm so happy about that and they fit great! Well, they are a bit long, so they go from my ankle to over my knee - which is actually very good!

    My hand is quite sore so I am wearing my thumb brace - I think it got strained when I was lifting my weights. My hands just can't take that, so I will be doing them without weights. I did some half bending overs to try and strengthen my lower back, but it only caused my SI joint and hip to flare up! Sigh. Won't do any more of those. I hope that the easier stuff will do some good. As I told Bren, something is better than nothing!

    Have an awesome day! Love y'all.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,340 Member
    Have a great weekend, y'all. Tomorrow we have our after-service fellowship meal with the body - these are so fun! We do one Sunday meal a month and Wednesday evening meal a month - such a blessing!
    Love y'all.
  • pianolady831
    pianolady831 Posts: 252 Member
    Kim, I forgot to tell you that I made your chicken casserole recipe. It was so good! I got a family-size can of mushroom soup so I could use more than the one can it called for. And I did something dumb. I had planned on adding a can of English peas for the extra veggie like you suggested, but had already put the chicken mixture in the dish when I remembered. So I added it to the crumb topping without thinking. It might have looked a little funny, but everything gets mixed together in a casserole, so it turned out fine. I plan on making it again this week because everyone loved it.

    Connie, packing to move is rough, both physically and emotionally. So thankful you had good help when you needed it. Downsizing has been a blessing for me. Hope it works out well for you and Bill also.

    Cindy, those New Orleans ghost tours sound similar to what Salem offered. I don't like anything that has ghosts, witches, spirits as a theme.

    Church was so good this morning, and not just because I got to play! The songs were selected to go with the text, which was the David/Goliath story. Two of my favorites were Stand by Me and It Is Well with My Soul. A very talented lady played cello during the communion service with me. We did Near the Cross, with her taking the lead. I thought her playing was beautiful.
  • Restfinder
    Restfinder Posts: 2,340 Member
    Cello is an instrument that just goes to the heart, I love listening to it. What a blessing! I'm so glad you liked the casserole! We made it yesterday before going to our Church lunch. You can add the peas after you put in the chicken and soup, that's how Wade does it, then mixes all of that together and we put the stuffing on top.

    Do any of you have a good recipe for Tuna Macaroni Salad, cold? I've been craving something like that lately, but all I can think of is tuna, macaroni, peas and mayo!

    We had our Church dinner after morning service yesterday. I was having quite a bit of pain in my leg and back I did Zoom for the evening service. We have a lady that comes on Sunday nights (she goes to her Church Sunday morning and Wednesday evening). Her teenage son comes when he doesn't have to work, but this week she brought her 10 year old son who had listened a couple weeks ago on Zoom. He wanted to come with her! How awesome is that? It's exciting to see young people wanting to come to Worship services.

    Have a great day, y'all. Love you!