Senior Golden Sneakers



  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    Hi, hoping everyone had a good day. I attended online church, did a cardio class, a bit of laundry and talked to a friend on the phone for hours. It had been a long time since we talked. I think we are caught up now. 😉

    I wanted to watch the tennis finals but I couldn’t watch Live and knew who the winner was before a network started to broadcast it. I decided to pass.

    Keep enjoying the reunion Sandy.

    Jackie, love the photo of little George. Wow, those sheep have grown! Did you watch the men’s finals?

    So thankful for air conditioning.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member
    It has rained most of the day and this evening a thunderstorm rumbled round but quieter now.

    After a short walk round the block with George and Betty I decided it was a good day to get some indoor DIY jobs completed. Everything does seem to take longer these days but I’m learning to be methodical rather than get frustrated!
    I phoned my friend Les who appears to have extra health issues and had a nurse then doctor visit at the weekend. It’s his birthday Wednesday and his family are getting him out for lunch celebrations in the week because they are aware at 95 he might not be around much longer. I will visit him tomorrow and take a spare tomato plant, something he always used to grow himself.

    Lin, I did watch the Wimbledon men’s final and was cheering for Carlos Alcaraz but actually thought Djokovic played badly, in fact worse than I’ve ever seen so it was easy for Carlos.

    It’s lovely to see Sandy is having so much fun.

    Betty is snoring so it must be time for bed!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    Hello. Miserably hot today and then storms roared through our area. It sounded horrible outside, like non-stop roaring. One tornado did go through our area but there was no damage in my neighborhood. It was a very odd occurrence. I am glad it has moved by us now.

    Today I was doing some coloring, stenciling and die cutting. Sounds quite interesting right? I need to get out another desk light for lining up stencils….waaay too dim for me to discern where to put each layer. Maybe tomorrow. 😯

    Jackie, a lovely rainbow! Thanks for the description of the championship match. I don’t feel bad about missing it now.

    Be safe everyone.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Monday! 😁 The fun continues with family. Some pool time, good dinners and games. Everyone is getting along and having a wonderful time.
    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member
    edited July 16
    A cloudy start with a cool wind but because I was visiting Les this afternoon without George and Betty, I chose to walk on the moors to tire them both so they will snooze while I’m out. A fleece hat was needed to keep my head warm but still, it was fun with both dogs doing zoomies. On the way home I bought a birthday card for Les then got ready for Christine to pick me up. When we arrived, a neighbour of Les happened to be outside his property and tried to tell us how unwell Les was but we actually had a lovely afternoon telling stories and chatting about all sorts. I’ve obviously lost track of his birthdays because tomorrow he will be 99! I delivered the tomato plant then made us cups of tea and we stayed over 2 hours. He doesn’t know it but his bowling club is planning a party for him tomorrow when he thinks he will be there to play! He can’t see well but team mates guide him by describing how far he needs to roll and what direction the bowl needs to travel.
    It’s now a beautiful evening so once I’ve eaten roast chicken breast wrapped in bacon with steamed veggies, I will spend an hour pruning my roses.

    A gorgeous teapot Lin. Stencilling and die cutting sounds fascinating to me!

    Sandy, thanks for checking in. It all sounds perfect!

    Time to eat!
    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    Hello. Jackie, what a lovely day and also a wonderful visit with Les. I am sure he enjoyed the visit. Wow, 99! Amazing.

    Sandy keep on enjoying the reunion.

    I made a quick trip to the grocery store today and the frozen food aisle was just about empty. At least for frozen fruits and vegetables which is what I purchase. Darn. I did more stenciling and die cutting. And ended up on the phone with a friend for a while.

    Time for the Tuesday night live YouTube get together.

    Be safe everyone.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member
    Good morning and happy Wednesday. I skipped breakfast this morning in order to get on to the moors early because I have made lots of DIY and gardening plans. A fog hung over my village but as I drove up to our favourite parking area I could see the sky was bright and indeed we were above the mist. Nobody else there that I know so I strolled slowly while George and Betty sniffed every blade of grass and by the time we returned to the car the sun was out so I began to steam in my waterproof jacket! 🥵
    I’m now enjoying toast and coffee before getting on with my chores.

    Lin, that funny teapot is typical of the 1980’s cheap pottery that came in from China. It killed off our factories but everyone loved them, including me! Interesting that your frozen veggie stocks are low. Les told us yesterday that his daughter was chatting to a farmer and asked why there are no fresh cauliflowers in the stores and he took her to see his fields full of rotting produce due to all the rain we’ve endured. Also I noticed a lack of bees in the Spring and there’s still no sign apart from an occasional loan bumblebee so nothing gets pollinated. This will mean little in the way of fresh produce so I’m really hoping my beans come to something. Perhaps I should have continued my beekeeping hobby!

    On that cheerful note I’ll finish my coffee and start working.
    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Wednesday!! :) Weather is cooler today but the sun is out so will still go to pool. Our boat tour was cancelled for toight so more games. Time to run since the kids are waiting for me to get ready.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    Hello. A sunny, cool, and windy day. I did a bit of DIY, working to remove an old system that beeped when any door was opened. It stopped working properly and parts are not available for it. I have one piece I cannot remove. When I get up on a ladder to reach the screws, I get dizzy. That didn’t happen with the others when a lower step would work. I also read a bit on Ring doorbells since they were on sale today. I saw lots of criticism and allegations that the device crashes the home’s WiFi. I don’t need that.

    Jackie, I am sorry to hear the cheap teapots out your producers out of business. I guess that happened to many industries as China produced so many cheap products. Did you get lots of project work done today? And I think the empty shelves in the frozen food area was due to a shipping hiccup rather than a lack of product. But I could be wrong. The super hot weather cannot have done anything good for our growing regions.

    I did purchase a few things on Amazon Prime days. Very odd shipping times. Several things will be here tomorrow and one the first week of August. 👀

    Be safe everyone.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) Last day of fun before leaving tomorrow. We have to be out of the Airbnb by 10am so will be packing tonight. My cousin who lives in Indiana is coming to visit later. Her daughter will pick her up from her independent living facilty and visit for a couple of hours. It has been a while since I have seen her so it will be a nice reunion with her and my niece. It's a cool day so no pool today.
    Hope all are well, have a good day.
    One Day at a Time

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member
    A beautiful day with lots of sunshine and very warm so only a short walk so George and Betty didn’t overheat. George’s groomer visited and we agreed she should clip his coat short and he’s certainly a happy boy now. Another warm day tomorrow then the rain returns!
    I have prepared the walls in my snug ready for painting as well as trimmed grass and cleaned the hen house.

    Lin, I don’t know if it’s still true but I was told not to attach Ring doorbells because they can be hacked and movements in and around the property monitored. Feeling dizzy up a ladder isn’t good so please don’t climb!

    Sandy, enjoy your reunion with your cousin.

    Time for bed because I will be up early tomorrow to walk and shop.
    Jackie 🥰

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    Hello. Yes Jackie, there were so many criticisms of the Ring doorbell that I decided to pass. But many of my neighbors have them. Several people have shared videos from their doorbell when some suspicious activity has occurred.

    Anyway, we had nice weather today. We may receive a bit of rain overnight. I worked on some odds and ends for cards I have been working on. And I did go overboard with cardio classes today.

    Glad George didn’t mind the trim up today. Enjoy your shopping. I hope your weather doesn’t turn severe.

    Sandy, home again tomorrow! Can’t believe the reunion is just about over.

    Take care.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member
    edited July 19
    It was misty this morning but I took George and Betty on to the moors and by the time we set off to walk the sun was breaking through. A few cows with young calves had to be avoided but it was otherwise uneventful. My plan was to drop the dogs back home, then drive to the supermarket but David arrived as I returned to my car and wanted to chat about a hip replacement operation he hopes will happen. The sun was hot by then as it was 8 am so I made my excuses and drove home. The supermarket was quiet and I managed to buy all the fresh produce I wanted. Back home again I hung out washing to dry then had breakfast on the deck but sitting under a parasol. It was too hot to garden so instead I began painting the walls of the snug a pale creamy white that annoyingly will require 2 coats! I find it a boring job but am sure the room will be brighter for my efforts.
    The mist has now returned so I’m in my cluttered Snug watching gardening programmes on tv!

    Fabulous photo Sandy and I love your t-shirt! ❤️

    The T.Potts double decker bus is hilarious Lin! I did once consider placing a CCTV camera on my property when a neighbour’s daughter, who had gone off the rails, was bringing drug dealers to our little community but thankfully she was sent to family in Australia in order to break the control they had over her so now I only have to deal with unpleasant neighbours!

    Take care
    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    edited July 19
    Hello friends.

    Sandy, lovely photo and of course I love your shirt. Beautiful shade of blue and you look terrific! Have your daughter and SIL left for Florida already? Or has the crazy software issue have them stuck in the area? Lots of laundry to do?

    Jackie, it happens. You have everything scheduled and ready to go when a friend calls or you run across them and your schedule is thrown for a loop. I am glad you got your fresh veg. Yes, some chores can be very dull. I did get the paste I was waiting for and plugged up the holes where I had removed those parts the other day. They were all in the woodwork and this product worked well. Argh, two coats of paint. Do you have enough?

    And yes I would like to know, without going outside, what is going on around my house. Sometimes it is very quiet in the evenings and other times odd things happen at odd hours. Well, maybe someday.

    Jackie, have you heard of Lisa Horton Crafts? She is evidently located in the East Sussex area. She produces various things for your domestic market and now companies in the US have started to stock her inks and other supplies. I watched a live presentation today of her Interference Inks. A combo of dye and pigment ink with lots of mica. Applied to white card stock, each ink pad produces one color and applied to black card stock, it produces a totally different color. It is also water reactive, layers well, all in all, a fantastic product. She currently has 24 ink pads (so 48 colors) and I heard she plans to bring out additional colors soon. I am going to try them.

    Well, I did a few cardio classes today, several loads of laundry, and cut up some veggies. I cannot believe it is the weekend already.

    Be safe everyone.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Hi again! Yes my daughter and SIL’s flight was delayed about 3 hours. My granddaughter and her boyfriend were delayed 2 hours. I did all my laundry before taking them to airport and now I am going to relax.
    Will be back tomorrow.
    One Day at a Time
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) Vacations are fun but always good to get home. Will be going to pool for a little while to see my friends who have missed me all week. I will then go to Church later and have a couple of errands to do after Mass. We had a wonderful time on our reunion and are already looking forward to next year at a new location. Nothing is more important than family. <3

    I hope all are well and the weather is cooperating.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    edited July 20
    Hi! A bit of a drizzly day. I have been darting around from one thing to another. A few cardio classes, more foiling, coloring stamped images with pencils, die cutting, assembling a couple of cards, fussy cutting an image that didn’t have a die available for purchase and a bit of reading.

    Sandy, back home and on the go again! I hope you enjoyed your day.

    Jackie, hi! I hope you are well and had a great day.

    Be safe everyone.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,165 Member
    :) Jake had a zoom visit with the cancer doctor to review his latest blood test results and the news was good. The chemo has been effective so he will continue and see the doctor again in September.

    :) Now that Annie is going on long walks with me, he nails are staying shorter without help from the groomer. She is more social and today during the neighbourhood garage sail she met lots of people and got petted a lot.

    :)Sandy, Your reunion photo is great. Glad you had fun.

    <3 Barbie
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member
    Oops! I must have typed but not posted yesterday. Not that you missed much. Lots of rain that was particularly heavy as I walked George and Betty round the block so we all got soaked and even my wellies began to fill with water! I spent the day painting and no Lin, I don’t have enough paint so will have to return to the store. It’s a place holidaymakers visit when the weather isn’t good enough for the beach so I will have to choose my day carefully!
    I’m afraid it is not going to be a good year on my veggie patch. With very few pollinators flying about, flowers are dropping off the tomato and strawberry plants. Masses of green leaves on everything else but I can’t eat them! I haven’t yet dug down for potatoes.

    That’s great news for Jake Barbie. Yesterday I tried to carefully clip a couple of Betty’s nails on her back feet because they were curling towards her pads but she screams and struggles. I did manage but what a commotion!

    Welcome home Sandy.

    I hadn’t heard of Lisa Horton Crafts Lin so checked the Etsy website which is where a lot of craft makers sell their wares. She doesn’t use it but I see she does sell on Amazon UK. That’s probably a better option to sell globally. I’m loving the latest selection of teapots!

    We haven’t walked yet so as it’s supposed to be a dry but cloudy day I will drive to the moors.
    Happy Sunday everyone and stay safe.
    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) Not much time as Cheryl is picking me up in an hour and a half to go listen to our friend Gary play at 2:00. We are meeting Babe's nephew and his wife there so should be a good time.
    Ran around trying to get a frame only to find out it was the wrong one and wasted 2 hours going from one store to the other last night. I finally ate dinner at 8pm which messed up my tummy all night.

    Have a good day,
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    Hi, busy day working on card materials again, church, several cardio classes, and then breaking news for quite a while. My handyman did not show up to check out my garage door keypad. Time for Professor T.

    Nothing else interesting.

    Be safe everyone.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,165 Member
    :)Lin, We have been watching Professor T. What a great show.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Monday! :) Had fun meeting up with Babe's nephew and his wife. Good music, good food and fun times. Tonight Cheryl is making dinner for Cathy and I before going to see the new Twister movie at the theatre. Cheryl and I got tickets buy one get one free so we couldn't pass up the deal. My summer continues to be busy but as long as I get a day or two to myself I am fine.

    I looked up Professor T and it looks interesting, reminds me of Monk. What media do you watch it on?

    Have a good day,
    One Day at a Time
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,165 Member
    :) I watch Professor T on Brit Box (I think) that is a extra pay feature of Amazon. Yes, he is a lot like Monk only more subtle. The actor who plays Professor T was the original British detective on Death in Paradise where he played an English detective transferred to the Caribbean where he continued to wear wool suits and drink tea.

    <3 Barbie
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    Hi, I watch Professor T. on my PBS station. Last night’s episode was a stomach churner…..
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    Hello Everyone. Sandy it looks like you had a great time at your reunion.

    Lin - Your teapot always look so great. I don’t know where you find them all but they’re really really nice. I think it was you that posted a copy of an email from Anne. Have you heard anything more about her? I’d really like to know how she’s doing

    Hello everyone else.

    We’ve been really busy, of course. Still having problems with my glutes and my hamstrings So frustrating as I can’t do as much walking as what I like to do. The real challenge will be next week as we are going to Disneyland with our daughter, Melissa and her two sons and her husband . My physiotherapist has been doing shockwave on my leg and it is helping somewhat so hopefully I won’t be too bad . There are always options. Then, of course, the scary part is the strike that may happen at Disneyland. Sure don’t want that to happen.

    Have a great day everybody and it’s always nice to catch up with everybody’s posts.
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member
    Almost my bedtime so a quick catch up with everyone’s posts. Here it has been overcast but mild and after a local walk with George and Betty I collected Linda and drove to one of our many favourite small country restaurants for coffee and cake. We hadn’t met up for over 3 weeks so had lots of catching up to do and chatted for over 2 hours. When I took her back home she invited me in to pick up a jar of her homemade marmalade that is always delicious and a bottle of Elderflower cordial. All she received from me was half a dozen eggs! Back to painting walls this afternoon, a job that is taking longer than I had hoped because the texture of the paint isn’t as thick as I would have liked. If it is a dry day tomorrow I will paint the garden deck with preserver.
    Although it sounds British, I don’t know Professor T! Might look it up later. So many changes going on here and around the world I’m currently avoiding the news with my head in the sand!

    Take care everyone.
    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member

    Jackie, sounds like a fun day with Linda (until you got home to the painting).

    Jeri, it was Jackie who provided the update from Anne. I hope we hear something soon. Are you going to Disneyland in California? I don’t know anything about the attractions there. Everyone here goes to DisneyWorld in Florida. I hope you have a good time.

    My handyman showed up to mow my yard. I went out to blow away the clippings. He said well goodbye, have a good week. That’s when I said, I still cannot remove the cover from the outside opener. He said oh, I forgot. 🤦🏼‍♀️ he did manage to remove the cover and installed a new battery which he said has a 10 year life.

    One more thing working again!

    Be safe everyone.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️


  • OhDD65
    OhDD65 Posts: 184 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    Nice to catch up again. Looks like everyone has been quite busy with projects, home maintenance, walking the pups and enjoying mini vacations with family members. Plus dodging the rain drops, various storms and tornados too. Glad every one is safe from the storms.

    This month we have had the hottest temperatures on record, which seem to go on day after day. We had 2 days with temps in the 80s. All of the rest have been over 100 plus going all the way to 107 for a few days. Too warm to do much other than water my hanging plants and pots then moving back inside to the AC. Have occasionally made a trip to the mall just to be able to get in some walking. After 10 am it is too hot to walk for my 30 minutes. Fall can't come soon enough.....

    My sister made it up from the Santa Barbara area to spend 4 days with us. She carpooled with a friend, who was going to a wedding in Reno. We have lived here for 10 yrs now and this is the first time she has come up. Even my two brothers made it up a month ago to spend the day with us. They are only 1.5 hrs away either direction. Really nice to see my siblings again. We have seen them, but usually we have to drive to Castro Valley for a quick gathering. We are the eldest...time they make the drive. Nice to catch up with everyone. Yes, though the eldest, we are doing quite well thank you. We laugh.....just maybe they were afraid of what they would find up here. Really nice to interact with my sister though we are 4 yrs a part in age. As kids we had our own busy lives that we were living. Fun to bring up memories from those years.

    With all of our heat comes the forest fires in our state from one end of the state to the other. As we caught news flashes of fires happening in the state of course we pay attention to it. One in particular caught our eye, which was about 25 minutes away. We turned on the news to get more details. A fire that started in Newcastle, a small town, which is where our daughter lives with 7 acres...all rural. They live on a very rural road at the end of the line with 5 other homes. I dislike making that drive being that it is an unpaved up and down narrow road. We were able to contact her then follow the CalFire website as the fire progressed. They had an evacuation warning at one point. The fire burned just up the road two streets away....that was the evacuation line. Thankfully our SIL made it home to be with our daughter and granddaughter during this time. Our SIL has done a great job cleaning up the property, cutting trees and building fences to house the 6 goats that keep the weeds cut short. In between all of this is a small pond. Nice place, but a bit too remote for us. Anyway
    the fire was held at 9 acres....all started by a lawnmower. Thankful for CalFire, the local fire departments, a fire helicopter and the police. A big scare for all concerned, but all is well now.

    Other than this that has been what has keep us a bit busy. Enjoy hearing from everyone and ANNE too. Hoping to get a quick note from her that she is feeling a lot better. Thanks Jackie and others for communicating with her. Well enjoy your week.

    Take care, Diane