Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) So happy to see some of our old friends popping in with updates. Always good to catch up with each other. I did send Anne our posts from yesterday as I didn't send any last week. Hopefully she will respond to either me or Jackie.
    Today is a me day for me. May or may not go to pool but I am just not going or doing anything except rest.

    Diane, sounds like you had a great time with family. It's sad when we don't see each other as often as we would like. Sorry to hear about your hot temps but even more sorry about the fires being so close to your daughter. Glad she is safe and suffered no damage.

    Lin, I am glad you handyman fixed the problem of the cover. What is the cover for?

    Jackie, glad you got some time with Linda, life gets in the way sometimes. Good luck with the painting, not something I would like to do.

    Jeri, sorry you are still having leg problems but hope it doesn't interfere with Disneyland. I haven't been to Disneyland in over 50 years when my children were small. We took a train to California, went to Disneyland and took a 747 home. Wonderful memories. Once Disney World opened we went there since it was closer. Enjoy, even if you have to use a wheelchair.

    Barbie, glad to hear Jake is responding to his treatments. I think I can watch Professor T on PBS so will give it a try.

    The man on the lower level has a dog in his unit since yesterday that never stops barking. I don't know if he is dog sitting or got a new pet but it so sad he leaves him home all day and the poor thing just barks. I am ready to tell him I will take him until he gets home from work but then again I am not home a lot.

    Have a great day everyone and keep staying healthy.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    edited July 23
    Hello. It has heated up again around here and the air is heavy with humidity. I did a couple of little errands this morning including filling my car with gas which is something I haven’t done for weeks. I also got a pricey car wash and dried off my car when I got home. It looks better so I assume it will be raining next time I have errands to do later this week. I tried to fill my online cart with needed items at Whole Foods but again, none of the frozen fruit or fresh fruit I wanted so I decided to abandon my cart for now. Maybe later in the week will be better. I also found a carton of soy milk that I had ordered was totally spoiled when I opened it. Ick! I took a couple of photos and put in a request for a refund from Walmart. They approved it fairly quickly. That was a surprise.

    Diane, wow, your daughter does live in a place that would cause me to worry. Glad they didn’t have any damage from that fire. Also glad you visited with siblings. I am so glad they came to visit you. Take care…..stay cool!

    Sandy, yippee, a day just for you. Love to hear that. I wouldn’t volunteer to look after the dog, you really are not home that much. And you probably cannot take a dog to the pool.

    I chatted with a friend who has developed additional health issues. These things just pop up out of nowhere. So sad for her.

    Jackie, I keep seeing videos of people walking wet dogs. Are they all going swimming in lakes? I don’t see the people in raincoats. I hope you had a good day.

    Barbie, I too, am glad Jake is doing well. I pray that continues. ❤️❤️

    Be safe my friends.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️


  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member
    Oh dear; missed another posting, sorry! There are so many chores I need to do but as ever our weather gets in the way. Yesterday’s walk was chilly so I needed to wear my fleece hat and that was unheard of in July until this year. We were supposed to enjoy a couple of dry, mild days so I cleared the deck ready to clean and paint but of course, the forecast was wrong! Today I will get on with housework that’s been neglected, then do my best to finish painting the snug. Have I said before how boring it is to paint walls?

    I sent a humorous Jacqui Lawson card to Anne yesterday and heard back that she has had a good session with her Cardiologist and is now free of appointments until October. Great news for her and I will be emailing today to have a proper catch up and no doubt talk politics, something best avoided on MFP! I will certainly send her everyone’s love.

    Lin, wet dogs! I know all about it living on moors so if you are seeing pooches that have walked the York moors, they have endured as much rain as Cornwall so deep water sits on soggy ground and creates pools, rivers and sometimes small lakes. Long grass and shrubbery can also soak a dog in minutes so I always keep a supply of towels in my car!

    Sandy, you are like me with the best intentions when it comes to neglected pets but that can sometimes create problems for ourselves. Perhaps you could offer to look after the dog with the proviso, only when you are home with time to spare but how often does that happen?

    Hello Diane. I was only thinking of you a couple of days ago because we in the UK have heard little this summer about wild fires in North America so I wondered if, by some miracle, they weren’t happening! Dear Patsy would keep us informed, and sometimes terrified for her, when fires broke out in her area but let’s hope John, Katie and “ the kids” are safe. It does sometimes seem to happen as we get older that siblings don’t see so much of each other as journeys get more troublesome. I don’t even have a passport at the moment to visit my brother in Spain. It should have been renewed during lockdown but not knowing how long we were going to be stuck at home, I held off. Too hot in Spain for me these days, similar to your extreme temperatures, so instead I will develop webbed feet!

    I must now decide whether to walk round the block in the rain with George and Betty, then drive to the store for fresh milk needed for my afternoon tea, or take us all somewhere in the car. 🤔

    Happy Wednesday and stay safe.
    Jackie 🥰
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member
    Gosh, I’ve now seen today’s BBC App video of fires in North West Pacific Oregon and Jasper, Canada so they are now being reported! Take care. 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) Cloudy right now but sun is supposed to come out, so might be a pool day. I did go yesterday for a couple of hours just to chill out. I can't seem to relax since my reunion but my mind goes a hundred miles an hour thinking of different things I want to get done.

    Jackie, I talked to the man yesterday and he is sitting for his sister's dog. I nicely told him the dog doesn't like to be left alone so he must have understood because today it is quiet. I am glad Anne answered you and hopefully continues to keep you updated. I continue to send posts.

    Lin, you are right, no dogs at the pool. It was a nice restful day and I feel today will be another which is good. I am trying to find airfare to visit my SIL in Arizona in October. She really wants me to visit even though we just saw each other. She is 86 soon to be 87 so that is the least I can do after all she does for us.

    Have a good day everyone, hope your weather cooperates. Opps, I just fibbed, dog is again barking.

    One Day at a Time

  • OhDD65
    OhDD65 Posts: 184 Member
    Hi....Just realized when I sent the long note a few days ago I forgot to mention something. Between the time when my sister,Barb, was here to visit and our daughter being put on alert to a fire we were notified by my sister that there was a fast growing fire down in the Los Olivos area not far from where she lives. Los Olivos is a small country town not to far from Santa Barbara down towards southern California. They were put on alert for evacuation because the fire was growing so quickly. That was the first family fire, which put us all on alert. That one was fueled by the ocean breezes changing direction over time. Thankfully 2 days later the wind changed direction, so they were just on stand by. Glad to have gotten thru that one then as previously mentioned our daughters got an evacuation too. Nice to live in the rural areas, but they do have some draw backs. My brother lives in a rural area also up outside of Redding, but so far so good. Hope every ones day is going well. Take care, Diane
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    Wow Diane, what a scare!!

    Sandy, good luck hunting for a reasonably priced ticket.

    Jackie, I cannot believe your weather! You had to wear a fleece hat! Yikes.

    I am in a bit of a tizzy here. Sorry, too many things going on. I will just say it involves one of my credit cards and is causing a lot of work. This popped up last night and I had trouble sleeping. So many nightmares.

    Take care my friends.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) It's a beautiful day but I am going to meeting so no pool. We have an Al Anon picnic coming up August 4, so meeting my sponsor early to discuss the kids games. I am volunteering to help with the games. Also meeting with my sponsee after the meeting so busy afternoon.
    Cheryl is having a garage sale Saturday and Sunday and asked if I had any stuff I want to get rid of. I will look through the boxes in my garage to see if anything is work selling.
    My friend's husband is in rehab and doing better and getting stronger which makes me happy. She is almost 90 and spends the day with him so I know she is exhausted.
    We will be celebrating Robby's 10th and Charlie's 6th birthdays on Sunday. We did have a cake for them at the reunion along with my son who will be 61 tomorrow but no presents, so just us grandparents will be there for pizza and cake and of course presents.

    Lin, sorry you are having credit card problems and hope you got them all worked out. I might postpone my Arizona trip to Spring as I have so much on my plate right now.

    Diane, I too, am glad your sister is okay. I would be scared to death of those fires. I do hope your whole family and you stay safe from them.

    Jackie, hope your weather is getting warmer, a fleece hat in the summer?

    Have a good day,
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    Hello, it is overcast this morning but still heating up. We have another heat wave coming with feels like temps over 100 F once again. I am not sure exactly when it is to start but I do remember the weather guy said it is going to last longer than the last one. I have to drive my ancient car to an eye doctor’s appointment next Thursday in the hottest part of the day. 🤦🏼‍♀️ You never know when you make an appointment.

    I did a few errands this morning and now have frozen fruits and vegetables again. Yippee! And wow, I paid with cash. I had forgotten about storing away your change after a purchase. Dumped everything in the bottom of my little bag and straightened it out when I got home. It may be 10+ working days to get a new credit card. Still some issues unresolved. Time will tell.

    Sandy, busy, busy, and more busy. Wow, nice offer to include some of your things in Cheryl’s garage sale. Well, if you have anything you want to sell. 😊

    Wishing everyone a good day.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Friday! :) Beautiful day! Laundry and then heading to the pool. Feeling a little stressed lately and need to just sit and relax. Today is my eldest son's birthday, he is 61 although not sure how he can be so old. lol

    Lin, I went through my bins in my garage but don't feel anything is worth selling. Most of it is Christmas stuff that I used to decorate the house with, but I have cut down in my condo as hardly anyone visits me during the holidays.

    Nothing else exciting. Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    Hello, I have been messing with continued credit card stuff. 🤦🏼‍♀️ Oh, and I watched the opening ceremonies at the Olympics, I think it is about over.

    Sandy, take care of yourself. I hope you had a good time at the pool. And good for you, at least you looked through your things. 👍🏻👍🏻 some people like to go to garage sales for the super duper deals. Or boxes of free items. But you may still use some of those things one day.

    Be safe everyone.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️

    A very old and interesting teapot but apparently the lid is missing.


  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member
    It was cloudy and cool when we walked this morning but pleasant for climbing to the top of the moors. After an hour it was time to head home but in the car park I kept seeing dog walking friends to talk to and spent another hour there. I don’t seem to have achieved much at home but after shopping yesterday for new bristled paint brushes rather than the nylon ones I was struggling with and also a special cleaner for the wooden deck, I have a list of chores facing me. By mid afternoon the sun had returned and temperature gone up considerably so after a walk in tomorrow morning I will decide what I feel like doing. With furniture being moved about I’m living in a mess but that will be the incentive needed to keep me busy!
    I need to message the electrician to come and fix a new electric heater to the wall in the snug because as we head for August I’m aware the evenings will get cooler and the air damp.
    Nothing much else happening although that’s probably enough for now! I missed the opening of the Olympics but am sure a recording will be available on YouTube.

    Time for a last trip in my garden for George and Betty then bed.
    Take care
    Jackie 🥰
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member
    Happy Saturday! Dry and rather cloudy but an early walk was enjoyable for me and the pooches. A heavy dew was pretty but meant wet grass and wet dogs! Before returning home I drove into town to buy cat food, a few dog treats and a tray of Petunias to brighten a couple of containers. I’ve finished my coffee and let another sparrow out of my wood burner that flew or fell down the chimney. It is a reminder to call the chimney sweep and ask him to get on my roof to wrap bird proof netting round the cowl.
    First job is to finish one wall I started to paint a couple of days ago, then I can replace the bookcase and give myself more room.

    An interesting teapot Lin. Edward VII was one of Queen Victoria’s many children and apparently a popular king although somewhat “ naughty” in his youth! I have a cup and saucer commemorating the coronation of George VI in my china cabinet that a friend gifted me a long time ago. If you see a teapot for sale online with the same picture let me know then I can make a brew and drink from my cup!!

    Time to start painting!
    Take care.
    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) Another beautiful pool day after our family zoom call and then Church later. I did watch the opening ceremonies and loved Celine Dion. She has been through so much so I was happy to see her perform once again. I am looking forward to some of the events but must admit I like the winter Olympics better than the summer. Probably because I love to watch the ice skating. Good luck to all of them no matter who gets the gold medal.

    Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    Good evening.

    Jackie I will definitely let you know if I see that design on a teapot. I am guessing I would need to hunt our antique stores and it isn’t too likely Americans bought that design in a teapot. My grandmother collected teacups and saucers. And she would not let anyone use them. 😁 Wow, you have a lot of tasks lined up. I hope you are able to get the electrician and the chimney sweep to stop by to take care of the needed changes.

    Sandy, I very much enjoyed Celine Dion. Her voice was back to 100%. Fabulous. I could have passed on a lot of the supposed entertainment though. That spectacle went on forever and I wanted to see the athletes! Hard to see quite a few of them as the rain was pounding down. Wow, what weather. I watched some cycling time trials this morning. It was raining and one lady went down 3 times. I was near shrieking. I was afraid she would be badly injured.

    I did a few loads of laundry today and a bit of cooking. I was surprised to receive a text message regarding my eye doctor’s appointment next week. There was a warning that if you have to reschedule, expect to have to wait 6 months. 👀

    Be safe everyone.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) Had a nice relaxing day at the pool yesterday. Today it is rain off and on but that is ok as we are celebrating Robby's 10th birthday which is today and Charlie who was 6 on the 16th during the reunion. Time sure goes fast when you are old like me. lol

    Lin, I agree it took forever to get through the opening ceremonies and all I really wanted to see was Lady Gaga and Celine. The rest was just too long and quite controversial. I didn't watch any yesterday as I said before, I prefer the winter Olympics except for gymnastics. There must be lots of people rescheduling that they would send that text.

    Jackie, you reminded me of the time a bird went down our fireplace chimney and when I opened the flu it went flying around the finished basement. I did finally manage to get him to fly out the backdoor and I bet he was thankful.

    Have an easy morning as we are not going to Robby's party until 4:00. Hope the rain clears up by then. Have a great day.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    edited July 28
    Hello….another hot and sunny day here.

    I have been doing some cardio…..still need more minutes. I watched online church with a special speaker. I could barely hear him due to a howling little one. Wonder what was wrong. I will have to go back and see if it is better in a replay.

    I also watched some of the American men’s first basketball game. Wahoo! They play pretty well together. Go USA!

    Sandy, enjoy the birthday celebrations.

    Jackie, did you get multi-color petunias? It is too late here to plant flowers. People in this area are posting questions on a Facebook gardening group asking about flowers that are suddenly failing even though they have faithfully watered them or squash and pumpkins that are not setting crop. Many people are disappointed. A friend is unhappy as the tomatoes she is getting are very small and she planted a variety that is suppose to produce giant slicers.

    Well, be safe everyone!

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member
    Oh no! I typed a post when I returned home from walking this morning but can’t have posted it! 🫢😠 It was interesting for once too! Teeth brushed and night cream rubbed in and off to bed so will repeat it all tomorrow.
    Jackie 😴
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Monday! :) I do not know where this day is going but I just had breakfast and it is almost 1pm.
    I made a Walmart order but after doing so realized I had a promo code worth $10 so talking through chat I ended up cancelling the order and reordering. Making a list of birthday cards I need for August and catching up with other computer stuff it seems the day is half gone. I do have some errands to run before my grocery delivery so I better get moving.

    The birthday party was a success and when I got home I installed a motion sensor light bulb on my balcony outdoor light as we got a notice there have been some attempted break ins in my area. They try to open patio doors so I also put safety bars to keep the door from opening. Not feeling as safe as I used to living here but I think it the same all over. If I ever find a place near my son that I can afford I might make the move but for now this rent is still the best.

    Have a good day all.
    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member
    It has been a hot sunny day so I have managed to get a few outside jobs done. First though I took George and Betty to the moors for our walk and was home again to sweep the deck and paint it with preserver while it was in shade from a tall shrub. Just in time because the sun was already hot by 9am. I watched Olympic high diving pairs and was in awe of their synchronised dives then tried to tidy the lawn but it was too hot in the sun so it seemed a good option to set a garden chair in the shade and read a magazine! I did manage to clean the hen house and brush a second coat of preserver on the deck that I then had to create barriers with upturned garden chairs to keep the pets off!
    A few butterflies and bees are finally flitting about the flowers so hopefully numbers are recovering. I’ve dug out new potatoes from one of the sacks I filled, picked a cucumber and in the next few days should have a small amount of tomatoes to pick.

    Lin, yes, the Petunias are in a variety of colours, mostly pinks and purples. I often plant annuals early but then find they are over with still plenty of summer days but this year, with the summer season being late, I might be on to a winner!

    Sandy, an outside light is a good security deterrent. I had one installed last year that mostly reacts to Brady’s nighttime wanderings!

    Another hot day tomorrow but I’ll do my best to work in shady areas of the garden to tidy flower beds.

    Stay safe and well.
    Bedtime! 😴
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    Hi, hot day! The day evaporated for me as well. A bit of hand laundry, baked a batch of sweet potatoes, paid a few bills online and got a check ready to send to my church. The mail finally arrived about 7:30pm. A number of things I have been waiting for finally arrived. I will try to wrap up a few things tomorrow.

    I am just so relieved the mail showed up.

    Jackie, I hope the petunias turn out to be lovely.

    Sandy, glad the celebrations were fun! I have a motion detector light over my deck but I ended up not turning it on at night. It went off all the time. Any bunny that hopped by set it off. 😄😄

    Be safe everyone.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Tuesday! :) Had quite the evening last night. Cheryl sent me a text during the day saying her friend keeps asking her to go to this one restaurant to hear the live band. She asked if I wanted to meet them for dinner at one place and then go to listen to band at the other place. I agreed although they weren't having dinner until 7:30. Cathy was also going and she usually picks me up but I hadn't heard from her so after exercising and getting ready I did text Cheryl and ask her if we were meeting at restaurant but she didn't answer so I got in my car and headed out. She then sent me a text saying Cathy would pick me up and I told her I was already on my way. She said FRIDAY not tonight and apologized. No where in her first test did she say Friday so I thought she meant last night. I turned around and got home to eat a lean cuisine at 8:00pm. Oh well, stuff happens. lol

    Could be a pool day but I am watching kids later so parents can play volleyball. It's later than I would like since I don't like driving in the dark but my car knows the way by itself. lol

    Have a good one and don't be dumb like me.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    Hi! Storm after storm this morning. It is back to hot and sunny now. I did all sorts of little things today. Got my new credit card activated, got an updated account with the Federal government for Social Security, Medicare, etc. one login for everything. I tried to update my email address, password and payment method with one of my accounts that I use often. No success. Will try another day. Did get all the cardio I hoped for.

    Sandy, how confusing regarding dinner out and the live music. Life is less than clear too often. Sorry to hear that.

    How is everyone else?

    Time for me to login in on my usual Tuesday night Live video.

    Be safe.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member
    Hello and happy Wednesday. I don’t know why but yesterday there was a major outage in my area so I lost my broadband connection. I didn’t know until after our usual doggy walk on the moors when I stopped at my local farm shop for a few supplies and was told I could only use cash because their system was down. I only carry a credit card when walking but managed to find enough cash in my car to buy a pint of milk for my cups of tea which was handy because it was an extremely hot day. I pottered around and mid afternoon drove to Linda’s home to leave a gift and card for her birthday today. There was no answer to my knock so I hung the gift bag on the door handle but with the broadband still down I couldn’t message her so crossed fingers the bag wouldn’t disappear before she found it! Broadband is back this morning and I have heard from Linda that she found her gift and in fact had been home, sitting in the shade of her garden, possibly snoozing!
    It’s even hotter today so I took George and Betty on to the moors at 7am but we didn’t go far, just enough for them both to sniff around for half an hour. I’ve been shopping for groceries and stocked up with fresh fruit and salad and hope to find shade in the garden this afternoon to tidy the plants. I did manage to cut the grass yesterday evening when it cooled slightly but my back is complaining today!
    I have tried to phone the vet to order Betty’s special diet food but a new message told me to now order online. I tried but because it isn’t a prescription as such, their system wouldn’t accept it so then I went direct to the company that supplies the bags but it required a credit card payment and I will only use PayPal. Amazon sells it but their price is over 100% more!! I thought modern technology was supposed to make our lives easier! 🙃😠 Hot and bothered now so will pause for lunch!

    Gosh Sandy, you are amazing! I would have been so grumpy about that mix up but you’re right, stuff happens and I will remember your words the next time I feel grumpiness building up! 😄

    Fun teapots Lin 😁. I couldn’t contact the electrician or Barney the tree surgeon yesterday and the vet experience has put me off now! A fresh day tomorrow!! Half the petunias are potted up so I’ll finish planting the other half as we may get a drop of rain tonight. Gorgeous colours are appearing already and I had to double check their price because this year, annuals have been so expensive but these were very cheap.

    Enjoy the day and take care.

    Jackie 🥰

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    edited July 31
    Happy Wednesday! :) Sitting went well, although I didn't get home until after 10pm. We were going to go to Santa's Village today (an amusement park) but the weather is too hot and might rain so I suggested we go another day. I bought the tickets a while ago because they were a good deal but we have until October to use them. So instead I will go to pool if sun stays out and later for a no chip manicure. I received a lot of compliments on the blue so going to do that again. You only live once! lol

    Jackie, sorry about your blackout but glad you had enough cash for milk. Paypal uses your credit card so isn't that the same thing? Or do you have it set up different?

    Lin, sorry about your storms, so far we haven't had them but they are expected. I think they will come late tonight or tomorrow when I go to my meeting. :p

    Have a good one ladies and keep smiling.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    Hello, storms, storms, and more storms. We are under warning again this evening. Wild winds, pouring rain, and hail. Oh this weather.

    Sandy, it gets too hot to do things outdoors. PayPal has to be a payment option in reorder to use it for payment on line if they just have spaces for credit card information, that’s the only option. Some merchants have credit card and Apple Pay, but not PayPal.

    Jackie, glad you got your shopping taken care of. Well, except Betty’s food. I am convinced our electronics have become tyrants. My Amazon Echo Dot has taken itself off line again. My Network is fine, it just says it cannot reach it. The Bluetooth pairing failed. That Echo dot has all my upcoming appointments and educational seminar reminders stored in it. Now they are unreachable. Baaa! Thank heavens Linda found her birthday gift. Yippee!

    I have my first appointment with the new eye doctor tomorrow. I must gather up all my information as there will be lots of forms to fill out.

    Be safe everyone.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) My coffee pot died so I am drinking tea this morning. I ordered a new coffee pot which will be delivered this afternoon. I have my meeting today and a couple of errands. It is a gloomy day but as long as I don't hit any big storms I will be fine.

    I am volunteering at an Al Anon picnic on Sunday. I will be running some of the kids games. Rob asked if I could keep the kids Saturday and have them spend the night so it may be a little hectic but I will figure it out. I might attempt to take all three of them to Church but will see. Lisa will pick them up and take them to picnic so it should all work out. I hope.

    Lin, I do use PayPal but it just gets deducted from my credit card. I also have it set up for my checking account depending on the price of the item. They do have their own credit line but I don't use that one.
    It is hot here as well but when at the pool, I am in the pool cooling off.

    Time to eat and get ready for meeting, have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    Hello, I had a good appointment today. It is a big clinic and you get run through many different areas with different technician. I do feel my eyes have been quite well examined! Results, no immediate cataract surgery is needed. It may be another two years before they recommend removing them. Even better, no evidence of macular degeneration, no glaucoma nada. I got a new prescription so I can purchase new prescription sunglasses.

    All in all, a good day.

    Sandy, sorry to hear your coffee pot died. I do a pour over but if the ceramic cracked, I wouldn’t have a way to make coffee either.

    Be safe everyone. I need to get some cardio.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Friday! :) Gloomy day today so no pool. Doing laundry and then a late dinner at on restaurant and after listening to some music at another with Cheryl and two others. I don't like eating late and our reservations are for 7:30 so not too happy with these arrangements. I just don't sleep well when I eat too late, I like to be done eating and drinking by 8pm. I will survive and probably have a good time.

    Lin, not sure what a pour over is, can you explain? My new pot arrived so all is good, even though I probably shouldn't even be drinking coffee but it wakes me up.

    Jackie oh Jackie where are thou?

    Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    Sandy, this is my ancient pour over cup/mug.


    Back to laundry and cardio!
