Senior Golden Sneakers



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    edited September 26
    Sorry I am a little late, but hope your birthday was wonderful.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) As usual pressed for time. I am walking Cheryl's dog before my meeting and then going to doctor after meeting. I will come home and pack for our long weekend and get to bed early.
    I hope to check in with you but understand if I don't.
    I did go see kids yesterday but basically only saw them while we ate our Mc Donald's. The little ones went outside to be with friends and Robby was on his computer. I did get to spend time with Lisa one on one so that was nice.

    Lin, I am glad you had lots of birthday wishes and hope you enjoyed your special day.

    Jackie, it seems we three are busy all the time. I think that is good but there are days I would just like to sit and do nothing which doesn't seem to be happening anymore. Hopefully, it keeps us healthy. Any word from Anne?

    Have a good day my friends,
    One Day at a Time

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member
    edited September 26
    Hello ladies. I’m late again so should be in bed! I too have had a busy week and yesterday went to a store not far away with Sheila who wanted to buy a thin roll neck top to wear under knitted jumpers. It was fun to look around and I also bought a warm knitted top as one or two that I own need to be removed from drawers and disposed of. Sheila has found someone to drive her to the hospital next week and I’m relieved I declined because it now appears the procedure will take at least 3 hours which, with the travel times, would have been a full day. She told me she had given my name to the hospital to contact in case of emergencies but I said that should surely be next of kin as I wouldn’t know what was required or her preferences.

    Anne did let me know she received the Jacqui Lawson notification but couldn’t see the e-card which turns out didn’t matter because Thursday’s procedure had been more scans and probes so the cataract removal won’t be for another 3 weeks. She is struggling to read so I have told her I won’t send more copies of Sneaker posts for now. She asked me to let you know how much she misses our little group and hopes to be able to get back to us once her sight improves. Her good news is that grandson Derek and partner Bev that are living in her previous home, are planning to marry next year so something to look forward to.

    This morning I walked the dogs early then did a small amount of gardening before a hair appointment, just to tidy it otherwise it gets too thick! A few groceries collected on the way home and that was another day over! After heavy rain tonight it should be sunny and dry tomorrow so I have no other plans than gardening. I am finally enjoying lots of tomatoes and green beans!

    Enjoy your trip Sandy. Safe journey.

    Hi Lin. A new series of All Creatures Great and Small is being broadcast. Thought of you!

    Oops! Past midnight again. 🥱😴

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    Hello, yes, another busy day. Three more days of endless Live Videos. Day 1 just ended. A looooong day. Looking forward to trying a new brand (new to me) of marker first thing tomorrow morning and later in the day, experimenting with a new type of medium to spread with a palate knife over a stencil on card stock to produce not only color but lovely shine. At least that is what I have heard. Must remember to grab a palate knife from my supplies. Also need to cut some card stock.

    Jackie, I heard there was going to be a new season of All Creatures Great and Small on our national PBS station. Yippee! That will be great. You do need to get some sleep. And thanks for the update on Anne.

    Sandy, looks like you will be super busy until next week (at least). I hope you enjoy your trip.

    Be safe everyone.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Friday! :) Up early but just wanted to wish you a good weekend. I hope mine is the same. Stay safe and healthy,
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    Hi, a long day today but the things I tried were fun. Tomorrow is an even longer day. Hoping there are more interesting things that make me smile.

    Jackie, I hope you had a good day.

    Sandy, off on your long weekend. I am confident you are having a great time.

    Be safe everyone.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    This is the view of Cheryl’s sister’s house from
    her brother’s fishing boat.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    Hi! What a wonderful picture Sandy. Oh, that place is delightful!

    One more class to go this evening. And one more day of it tomorrow.

    Be safe everyone.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️


  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member
    edited September 29
    Sunday evening and another storm blowing through. Everything that might get blown over or away has been tucked away and I’m snuggled up with the pets in front of the wood burner. I did manage a long walk on the moors yesterday and saw David who gave me a rather large lemon cheesecake from Marks and Spencer to thank me for taking him to his hospital appointment. It’s delicious but so rich it will take a week for me to finish. Not that I’m complaining! Lots of gardening in the afternoon wore me out but I’m pleased with what I achieved.
    A different story today because it was already becoming windy when I got up, so took George and Betty for a quick walk round the block, then phoned Sheila to let her know a pair of slippers I had offered to lend her for her trip to the hospital Tuesday had been washed so I would drop them off. I stayed for coffee and came home just as the storm arrived, so made the cottage cosy, phoned my friend Christine to talk about Les’s funeral on October 10th and agreed we would go together, then relaxed.

    Sandy, that’s a lovely home by the lake. Reminds me of summer holidays when I lived in Toronto. Happy days!

    Lin, you will have so much more knowledge by the time you finish your classes and I’m sure will have fun putting it into practice. A pretty tea set with rose pattern. 😁

    Even Brady is indoors sitting by my knee which is unheard of!
    Take care and stay safe.
    Jackie 🥰
  • OhDD65
    OhDD65 Posts: 184 Member
    Decided to drop in to see how things are going for everyone. I am rather concerned about Lin and Sandy due to the bad weather conditions in the Midwest and East Coast areas. With Sandy traveling to Texas (?) right now I am not too sure where she was going there. Hoping all is ok with her. Lin likely has had some horrific rain storms, so I am l hoping that is all she has to deal with also. We just have the heat up to 101 tomorrow. Hoping this will be the end of our summer. I am more than ready for fall.

    Jackie....It seems as if your summer has had more rain than usual also. Very hard to keep up with all of the gardening when you have to do it between rain drops. Glad you got those last tomatoes etc brought in to enjoy. Hope you are feeling better again. Get some rest when you get a bit of free time so as to keep the virus' away.

    We keep an eye on the storms on the east coast. With our son and family now in Tennessee the current hurricanes become more of a concern. Spoke to him yesterday. Thankfully his home is on a hill so he isn't being flooded out. He also resides in the upper right hand corner of the state. The storms have hit many towns/cities there, but not where he lives. Our dil can still get to work and our granddaughters to school this week. Sean has to work from home for a couple of days because where he works there is currently no power or water at the business. Plus he has to change his route there because the bridge he usually crosses is now gone.

    My husbands family are also ok but had lots and lots of rain. They all live in No Carolina.

    Hope we hear from Lin, Sandy and Anne soon. Thinking of everyone.

  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    Still in the last gathering of this event. Will get back tomorrow.

    We have had no rain for a long time, farmers are harvesting in clouds of dust.

    Be safe everyone.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member
    edited September 30
    Happy Monday. A quieter day with the storm gone although I could hear chainsaws buzzing when I walked locally with George and Betty. I assume trees or their branches came down in places but my garden plants survived, apart from the spinach trees in the raised bed. They are bent double, poor things! I did some batch cooking and generally had a relaxing day and the sun finally appeared late afternoon so we should be in for some gardening weather tomorrow.
    David phoned me this evening to let me know he has been given dates for his pre op and hip surgery, which is great news. I’ve offered to drive him to the appointments and Hattie will stay with me while he stays in hospital. Sheila then called to tell me she cancelled her operation tomorrow because the driver she booked can’t take her and no one else wanted the responsibility of someone in their car who just had an operation! Seems odd to me, and if she had told me before she cancelled I could have helped but she seemed cheerful about not going!

    Good to hear from you Diane and know you are well although it must be a worry when family lives in other states. The Florida floods were horrendous but I also see Nepal suffering a similar fate with torrential rain, huge floods and mudslides that make our storm look nothing. Mother Nature is definitely giving us a telling off!

    I hope Sandy is enjoying herself and Lin chilling after all those lessons.

    I’m off to bed early for once!
    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    edited October 1

    Jackie, glad you are going to get some rest! Yippee! A relaxing day for you, marvelous……sorry about the poor spinach trees. Any chance they will survive? You are such a good friend. David must be happy for your assistance.

    Diane, it was very good to hear from you. Came back anytime….!

    Sandy, home again?

    I settled down and ordered the things I decided I will need to actually do the card projects. Much shorter list than the recommended lists in the packet. I have lots of birthday cards to make. Time is flying away

    Be safe everybody one.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    edited October 1
    Happy Tuesday! :) Back from our long weekend which was wonderful. I even went kayaking, and tubing. I had a trial appointment this morning so my eyes are just getting normal from being dilated.
    Went and sat for an couple of hours last night after a six hour drive so mom and dad could play in the volleyball playoffs. I wanted to get my car washed to get the bugs off but I will wait until tomorrow when I can see better. Getting my hair done and a nail appointment tomorrow so will be able to run my errands.
    We were supposed to go for a birthday dinner after my meeting Thursday but the birthday lady was in the hospital yesterday with two ulcers which they cauterized. She is home at her daughter's and says she will still be able to go so we will see.
    More busy days ahead as Rob is going out of town with work Sunday through Wednesday so I will be staying there Sunday night to Wednesday afternoon. Lisa leaves for work at 6:30am so it will be easier than driving back and forth.
    Hope all are well and enjoying life.
    Good to hear from you Diane but I was in Wisconsin not Texas so perfectly safe.

    One Day at a Time
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Wednesday! :) Had a bad night last night so cancelled my hair appointment although starting to feel better so I may call her back to see if she can still take me today but a little later. I have errands I want to do so will see how I feel after eating breakfast.
    I was so chilly I turned my heat on to get the chill out of the house.

    I hope everyone else if feeling good and can enjoy their day.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    I was running about yesterday, got tired out and fell asleep. Sorry.

    And now another day pretty well gone. I did a couple of errands early this morning. It was cold but I did not turn on my furnace since it is forecast to be a bit hotter each day. But 45 degrees F was chilly. I wore a long sleeved shirt and a medium weight jacket. I hit a couple of grocery stores and returned some library books. It was too early to check out my holds. Maybe tomorrow. I put my groceries away and did several cardio classes. I did some research and paperwork, wrote a response to an email from a friend and then spoke to another friend on the phone for a couple of hours.

    I would like to do some messing about with inks, etc. but the neighbor’s dog jumped on me, I put my arm out and the dog’s dew claw put holes in the area at the base of my thumb which has been bleeding and bleeding. Every time I wash up, it seems to start up again and soaks through my bandaid. I did a load of laundry that was blood stained from this little encounter. I wish it would scab over or something.

    Sandy, I hope you are feeling better.

    Jackie, hello. Are you working on your landscaping? The friend I spoke with this afternoon said she has a lot of dead heading and weed pulling to do. Doesn’t sound like lots of fun. It may be dry here but the weeds are still thriving.

    Well, be safe everyone.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️

  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member
    Hello! Not much happening in my neck of the woods. Dry, sunny days have let me dog walk on the moors and continue the never ending garden tidy. Lin the spinach trees are still bent over but with more stormy weather predicted for the weekend I don’t think it worth tying or staking them.
    My heating is on now Sandy. Far too early for my liking but it’s been that sort of year,
    Tomorrow morning I drive to Plymouth for a dental check up and Friday early, the chimney sweep will be here. Exciting times!

    Jackie 🥱😴

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Thursday! :) Meeting and then we are taking our 90 year old friend out for her birthday dinner. She said she is fine to go so I hope she is not overdoing. She likes to gamble so after lunch we will go to a small slot machine place if she is up to it.
    It is chilly right now but going up to 78 degrees F.

    Out of time again but wishing you a great day!

    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member
    edited October 3
    I’ve been on the go all day. A lovely dog walk across the top of the moors, then I drove to my dental check up. Lots of traffic meant I only just got to the surgery in time but then had to wait because it seemed an emergency had to be dealt with first. A chipped tooth will need to be repaired but the first available appointment isn’t until mid December. On my way home I stopped for a few groceries and further along the route I returned one of the knitted tops I had bought last week because although in my size, it was baggy and oversized so unattractive. I found a gorgeous chunky cardigan to replace it. After lunch I was back in my garden but stopped around 5pm to clean out my 2 wood burners ready for the visit tomorrow from the chimney sweep.
    The days are certainly getting shorter and cooler so it won’t be long before I’m lighting a fire!

    Lin, I think you posted the same time as me so I missed it. That injury to your thumb sounds particularly painful and I hope it’s less so today. Too late for me to recommend holding the bloody hand up above your heart level to stop the bleeding. I quite enjoy dead heading and generally tidying sections of flower beds, so long as I don’t become distracted by a completely different area.

    Sandy, enjoy the birthday celebrations for your friend. I’m sure she will be fine because we are told today’s 90 year olds are the new 60’s!

    I’m going to see if I can get to bed earlier tonight so I feel refreshed when Robbie arrives to clean out the chimneys and no doubt make a mess!

    Take care.
    Jackie 🥰
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    edited October 3
    Hello. A warmer day today. In the mid-80’s with some breeze. I made my trip to Whole Foods for my favorite sweet potatoes. I also found a new type of vegan yogurt to try. I wanted a tiny container of it to try but they only had one size of the unsweetened plain yogurt. I had some for a late breakfast. Not my favorite but the ingredients are suitable. Maybe it will grow on me. 👀

    Sandy, a busy day. I hope you enjoyed lunch with your birthday gal and that someone won something if you did a bit of gambling.

    Jackie, a very busy day for you. I hope the chimney sweep gets everything cleaned up tomorrow. That will be very good given the heating season has started already. Wahoo, a chunky cardigan sounds very good! Get a good night’s sleep.

    On to a special Live Class for a group of people who purchase from a local vendor of card supplies. I didn’t know there were so many unlisted videos on YouTube. Wow!

    Take care everyone.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Friday! :) Laundry is started and I finally have a day to myself. Our dinner was good and we all lost a little money at the slot machines but the birthday girl was happy. She admitted she was very weak but didn't want to disappoint us. She should have waited until next week but it all worked out.
    Rob added another day to my visit although I can go home Wednesday night and come back Thursday morning just for a few hours. Kids have appointments at different times and both parents would like to go together. I may end up spending the night Wednesday but will see.

    Lin, are you a 100% vegan? I think that would be hard for me, but probably healthier than what I eat.

    Jackie, you are as busy as I am so I hope you get a day to yourself soon.

    Have a great day,
    One Day at a Time
  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member
    edited October 4
    Hello! Way past my bedtime so a quick drop in. The chimneys were swept and I had a nice catch up with Robbie who also installed the stoves a couple of years ago. I sent him home with a punnet of tomatoes for his wife who has been fighting cancer for several years. The pooches enjoyed their walk on a route that’s mostly flat and we stayed out for over an hour. Home to sweep out my garage before sticking down a rubber door trim across the entrance to hopefully stop rain running in when we have what’s now regular downpours. I have to leave my car out until Sunday to let it stick properly. More garden tidying but not for too long as my back was complaining from all the bending in my garage! Oh yes, then the window cleaner turned up so I’ll have to clean inside too.

    Lin, I normally buy natural yogurt from a local dairy but decided to buy a pot of Duchy (now Prince William!) on my way home from the dentist. Turned out cheaper and delicious! Stunning teapot!

    Sandy, I think we have heavy rain from Sunday so a good day for time to myself!

    Must let the dogs out then get to bed.
    Jackie 🐔
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    Good evening. I made a quick trip to the library at opening to pick up a book being held for me. Yippee, it didn’t get returned to the shelf. I got home, did some cardio and then the phone rang. It was a friend I’d not spoken to for quite a while. We ended talking forever…..really, for hours. In fact, we had a two-part conversation. That ate up the day! I made a donation to hurricane relief in North Carolina. And I finally heard from the company where I ordered eons ago. They said they were unable to confirm my payment. So why did they just let this hang without contacting me. I made me a bit angry so I told them to forget about the order. The Fall sweater season isn’t that long.

    Tomorrow is World Card Making Day so there are many presentations and classes online. Yep, I will be. Back on YouTube!

    Sandy, glad you got a day to yourself. Wahoo! And yes, I am 100% vegan. I don’t even eat milk chocolate. 😅

    Jackie, another day of major accomplishments. Terrific! I’m a, glad you found a yogurt you like that is even less expensive. Well done. My neighbor had his concrete driveway lifted today (so it is all level again). I see the drive is blocked off. I wonder if that is just for a couple of days?

    Well friends, be safe. Wishing you happiness.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Saturday! :) Zoom call with family and Church later. Will stop at Dollar Tree for a couple of cards but other than that nothing else going on today. I am going to order some groceries to be delivered to Rob's house as I have my own breakfast and lunch. I will make dinner and hope the kids eat what I make since they are all so fussy. Not like my childhood, where we ate what was put before us. Although I will admit I was the baby and my mom spoiled me. She would make me something separate if I didn't like what was being served. Not all the time but some of the times depending on what it was.
    I put up my Halloween decorations last week and bought a giant mum from my Church. Today I took down my hummingbird feeder as I think they flew south with the cooler weather. Fall has arrived.

    Lin, you amaze me with your long phone calls, I hate talking on the phone, prefer to text. I do talk to my daughter and SIL but not for too long. I think I talked too long as a teenager. lol
    Sorry about the mishap in the store, but they should have told you that from the beginning.

    Jackie, so sorry about Robbie's wife, I am sure they appreciate your kindness. I do hope you get a day to yourself but not too much rain. Any word from Anne?

    Have a good day and keep staying healthy.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    edited October 6
    Hello. Well, the International Card Making Day celebration is over for me. I watched a number of the videos today and even snagged a deal with one company. An item I had in my wish list was free with an order today. Oh yes, I ordered it. Free was exactly my price. 🤓

    Some of the ink pads I ordered to do projects from my recent classes arrived today. Excitement!

    Sandy, you have a busy week coming up. Glad you had a it of a slower day today.

    Jackie, hope all is well. I read a bit about spinach trees. Very interesting plant, were you growing them for their shape and what looks like unique foliage or were you planning to harvest leaves? If so, is it tasty?

    Well, be safe everyone.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️


  • jacAth3
    jacAth3 Posts: 1,897 Member
    edited October 6
    Happy Sunday. Another stormy day yesterday so I lost WiFi and my tv reception was so bad it made my head spin! We’ve a heavy police presence and drones flying over the parish because a vulnerable lady in her 70’s has apparently gone missing. She uses walking sticks to get about so assumably can’t have gone far but could have caught a bus so gone anywhere. My friend Linda dropped by after her vaccinations appointment and over coffee we sorted through packs of seeds for next year. She had brought spare chicken wire for me to place on top of my chicken run because sparrows, and even a squirrel, we’re sneaking in to eat the hen’s corn, so went home with a couple of plants I had grown from cuttings for her, plus a bowl of tomatoes as a thank you.

    Today is cold, foggy and wet so I’ve not done much, except small amounts of housework. I’ve held off dog walking until the rain eases, which should be mid afternoon, but I did phone Sheila although she has caught a bad cold and struggled to talk much without coughing.

    Lin, that’s great news that you are taking receipt of new ink pads and some other items for your card making. The spinach trees were seedlings that Linda gave me early summer so to be honest, I didn’t know anything about them! A disappointment because the edible leaves are tasteless so even the hens aren’t interested. They grew to over 5’ high and had some pretty pink flowers on the top but I wouldn’t bother again. They are bending even more since yesterday’s wind so will be chopped up and composted!

    Sandy, I’m continuing to exchange emails with Anne and I think she will feel a whole lot better once the cataract procedure is over although Mike is doing a grand job looking after her. We discuss world events that are really not suitable for MFP forums!! However, she told me yesterday she had received a Google message telling her you had moved to California! I’m not sure why but it could be some sort of scam. Anyway I’ve promised I would let you know in case other friends are receiving a similar message.

    Gosh, there’s a hint of sunshine suddenly so time to get George and Betty out! Enjoy the day and stay safe.
    Jackie 🥰
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Sunday! :) It's going to be a good weather day with temps in the 70's. I will be packing to go to kids around 4:30 since I want to be there for my grocery order. I am not looking forward to getting up at 6:30 every morning but I am sure I will adapt. The kids will be in school from 8:30 to 3:30 and Lisa gets home around 4 so will be easy days with the dogs. I could just go back and forth every day but there are some days the kids have activities where Lisa will need me and since I don't like driving in the dark it will be easier to just stay there.

    Jackie, for some reason Anne came up on my google sharing but I don't know how. I must have added her by mistake but then deleted her so maybe that is why she got that notification. Not sure why it said anything about California but some sort of glitch. Thanks for watching out for me though but I am sure all is good.

    Lin, I am glad you enjoyed the International Card making and hope you got some good ideas with those bargains. My life is busy but during the colder months I should be home more than going out. I hope.

    Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    Hello friends, I watched church online and attended several cardio classes. I am hoping we get back to the regular instructors soon. One lady said she would be gone for a couple weeks but it is over 3 weeks and she still isn’t back. One of the instructors said they thought she would be back this week but she isn’t on the schedule for Monday. She is the best dance instructor. Another really good instructor has been gone over a week and she lives in the Southeast and has lost power and Internet. She got a message through that a tree came down on their house but everyone is okay. Her son is autistic so I am guessing this is very difficult. I of course am selfish, as she is a wonderful instructor and I always hunt for her classes. Another instructor just isn’t teaching much, I don’t know where she is hiding.

    Jackie, thanks for the additional information on the spinach trees. How sad that they are not tasty. Good to hear that you got extra wire for your chicks to protect their food from scavengers. Cool, that you and Linda sorted through seed packets for next year. Now that is planning! I hope the missing lady was found.

    Sandy, sounds like good plans for this week. It gets dark so early and stays dark in the morning so long. I cannot believe the changes. We had a high around 68 degrees F today. That compares to 90 degrees F yesterday. What bizarre weather. Take care my friend and I hope all goes well with the kiddos and the dogs.

    Barbie, how are you? Anything special coming up for Jake’s birthday?

    Be safe everyone.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️


  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,293 Member
    Happy Monday! :) It's been a busy day so far with getting up early, making pancakes, trying to get kids off to school. They did go to a neighbor who is kind enough to let them walk with his son and him so I don't have to get showered and dressed so early. I will walk there to pick them up but he said he will also go and he would have let them go home with him but I feel guilty. I forgot my laptop at home so after bringing the kids meds to school I went home and got it. I also forgot deoderant so was glad to grab that as well. lol I will be making chicken wings for dinner and hope they eat them. They are very fussy kids.

    Lin, I am sorry the trainers you like are mia, but hopefully they make their way back. You have busy days as well, do you every just relax?

    Trying to catch up on all my computer stuff so will make this short. Have a good day.
    One Day at a Time
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,384 Member
    edited October 8
    Hi, I hunted for preferred instructors for my classes today. Just one was on the schedule and the person doing the dance class said our regular would not be returning this week. I received a phone call while I was in the midst of my second class (with a great instructor) so I waited until the cardio section was over and called my friend back. We talked until she had to leave for lunch with a friend and then they were going to play volleyball at the Senior Center. I was starting to assemble ingredients for my lunch and received another call. It was my friend who is endeavoring to heal up from a broken knee. I hadn’t spoken to her for a long time so it was nice to talk with her for a while. She is using hand weights to try to strengthen her upper body. She says it is very difficult to move about with a leg that you cannot use. A few more weeks and she will go back to see her doctor. If she gets his okay, she will then be approved to move the leg a bit and to start some type of therapy.

    Spent the rest of the day doing some sorting of things to throw some away as there was room in the trash this week. I also finished reading a book that needs to go back to the library.

    Sandy, I hope all goes well this week. Glad you were able to grab your missing items. And I hope 🤞🏻they ate what you cooked for them. One day down!

    Jackie, I hope you are okay and are not overdoing your outdoor work.

    Be safe everyone.

    Lin 🙋🏼‍♀️
