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Yes Susan our Minds are Loving towards these baby animals. Good idea Linda to have a Vet have a look at the baby animals to be sure there is no sickness, Hinds thought, I think Mr Green Jeans knows a top notch veterinarian that will offer free service for our baby animals.
Good idea to get the babies checked by a Vet, Linda. They are all kinds of friendly. Sometimes that can mean they are asking for help.
Yes Susan all kinds of friendly Vets out there who check all the Babies Skins to be sure no infection!
Do we have any baby kines? That's another word for cattle.
I believe we do but they are shy and hiding behind the fence that is covered with "vines".
Aww, poor babies! Maybe we can prepare some bottles of milk for them to coax them out from behind the vines. Once one dines, the I there will probably follow.
Yes, that is probably true. Maybe we can do the same thing for the baby "hinds" that are holding tightly to the side of the rock in anticipation of food.
Yes hopefully the Baby Hinds will come out from holding tight to the rock when they see the Food being offered, and being Babies they will also smell the milk that should “Finds” them peeking out from the Vines to Dine on the Food!
I have some rinds from watermelon and other fruits here. Do you think the babies will like them?
I am sure they will love the rinds. The hinds are so pretty with their "rings" of white on their noses and around their eyes and tails. If they eat too much watermelon, maybe their rings around their noses will be stained pink from the fruit.
I will look in my refrigerator to see if I have any more vegetables I could "bring" to feed the kinds and hinds, mare and all the other animals.
I hope the animals are all satisfied with their lovely food. Once their appetites are satisfied, maybevwe can give them all collars with pretty bling on them.
Yes Linda so much wonderful food for our Babies, I am sure you will find more and Bring them next feeding. And Susan I like that having some Bling on their collars they will look so pretty; the Bling will Cling to their collars so well and make are babies look so Sparkly!
With the blingy colors I hope they are fastened tightly. I do not want the animals to start playing and "fling" off the collars by mistake.
No, that would not for at all. Collars with bling are expensive! Can you imagine seeing blingy collars flung all over the firest floor?
Yes Linda, we want the Bling to Cling tightly to the collar so the Bling does not Fling around by mistake, and Susan I can’t imagine the Blingy collars Flung all over the Forest Floor, and we don’t want to see any collars “Slung” across the Forest either.