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I think the fish are tame if they are able to learn what the trainer wants them to do. I saw them yesterday and they "came" back fairly quickly so I think we are safe getting our balloons today.
"CAME"0 -
I like Purple Balloon. And, Yes we want the Fish to stay close to us, we don’t need any Lame Fish around, that’s for sure!
I've changed my mind. I'd like a lime coloured balloon. And how great that the fish are so tame!
This whole experience has been a great bonding time for us and for the fish. The "dime" I paid for a ticket to the show was certainly worth the money I paid.
Yes so worth it all Linda, amazing what a Dime will buy us. I like that colour Susan, Lime is a lovely Colour. We all can change our mind and what is interesting is we all have Time to decide what we will do.
Time is all relative to each one of us. When I was young time went so slowly because I was learning so much and wanted to grow up very quickly. At my age now, time goes very fast . When I think something happened last week someone will remind me that it was more than a month ago. Haha The Bible says our lives are but a "mist" and then we will go where time is not measured as we do here on earth.
Yes Linda Time does go by so very quickly as we get older. Yes our lives are but a Mist that passes by! To remember some things one has to almost have a List of everything written down so we are reminded of when things are near or have passed on by!
I do keep a detailed list of things I want to remember. If I "lost" that list I would be so confused and not know where I have things stored in the house.
Yes Linda, good idea to have a detailed list,I agree I too would be confused if I Lost my list, although for the Most part I do remember the few things I buy every week!
Sometimes I forget what I have in my pantry and find that I have boughten something that I already have. This makes it expensive to have the "cost" of the extra item that I do not need.
Yes I hear you Linda, on occasion I have done that but have been able to give it to someone who was in need so it worked out but sometimes you are left with an item you don’t need. And with the Cost of living these days it’s not great to have something you can’t use. Then it seems like it is Lost!
LOST 😠0 -
It's nice that most lost things eventually show up!
Yes Susan so true, Most Lost things do show up which is a good thing! We could Post Signs in our Community with the Lost Things so Most could be recovered.
In the past, I have lost some things for a long time though!
That is really hard when you loose something that is important. I just have to "stop" and retrace my steps or check the list in my phone to see it that helps my memory.
Yes it’s not great when we lose things, I have done that in the Past also Susan; yes I do the same Linda, I Stop first think about where I went and then retrace my Steps: One Step at a Time!
It is easy to miss things when going too fast so one step at a time is a good idea. The noise that our shoes make will keep us focused especially if our shoes have "taps" on them from our tap dancing days.
Yes so true Linda The Taps do make noise and will help keep us focused. So important we take 1 step at a time or Zaps of Fatigue will find us out!
The caps on the tap shoes are what zap us with their noise, right? I never did learn to tap dance but plenty still do it in their 70s and 80s here!
Yes the Caps on the Tap shoes do Zap us with the noise. I took Tap, Jazz, Ballet and Swimming lessons as a child as well as Voice and Piano. Yes I was a busy beaver. 😆 there were no Gaps in my Life! 🤣
You were a busy beaver Judith. Did your swimming lessons mainly do "laps" or did you learn to jump from the high dive with turns and twirls as you came to the water?
I imagine you needed lots of naps in between activities to be able to get all that done, Judith!
I agree Susan. That must have been very tiring.
Judith - I imagine that when you had to do all the tricks and jumps out of the water, there were detailed "maps" written out so you knew what do to.
To answer your questions Linda and Susan, my Swimming lessons were at the YWCA and happened weekly, 1 day after school. I never did Diving but learned basic swimming, first treading water learning how to stay above water then the Dog Paddle then breast stroke and back stroke. As I advanced we did laps around the pool. It was a lot of fun. My Tap lessons were on Saturday morning. The ballet lessons were in the afternoon. both Tap and Ballet were for beginners. I loved the lessons. I tried Jazz for a few months but didn’t like it so kept up with Tap, Ballet and Swimming lessons.
Yes all the gals and me took Naps, Our Maps we’re typed out instructions with pictures for us otherwise the lessons gave us Zaps!
Judith - you were very busy and had lots of exercise as a child. We lived in the country and did not travel to the city very often except to go to church or to get groceries. Per"haps" if we lived closer, I could have taken swimming lessons like you too. We were not allowed to dance so those lessons would not have happened.
Yes Linda I so understand! Had my Mother been walking with the Lord my life would of been different! Maybe my family would of put Caps on the Tap Ballet and Jazz 😆
All of us have experienced different lives but we now have Jesus that keeps us united in spirit. I am glad that my life was not like some children who had the "cops" come to their houses to check on their welfare because their parents did not provide for them. My parents were strict but provided food, clothes and a spiritual upbringing which I really appreciate.
I didn't do dance either but did take a few swimming lessons. I was mainly involved in music lessons. The cops didn't have to come to our house. A few families around us took hops to stay out of the way of the police I believe, but we were not friends so I don't know for sure.
I am so thankful for my Christian roots and for my Grandmother Aunts who prayed for me and my Mom and Dad who raised me in a Christian home and because our family were in ministry they had a huge influence on me and my parents and even for a brief time my parents stopped attending church my families faithful witness saw my family rededicate their lives back to Jesus initially at age 13 and then my family saw their granddaughter and niece come back stronger then ever with surrendering her all to Jesus. August 15, 1977.
Yes Linda, we had a few young people in the community who didn’t walk with the Lord and they had police knocking on their door and the neighbors took Hops away from getting in the
way. Susan you and I had the same upbringing as far as Music goes, Voice, Choirs and Piano.
Did you know the Community is planning a Pops concert in the Village Square?