Hufflepuff Common Room



  • skinnysuzie
    skinnysuzie Posts: 169 Member
    Congratulations Molly!!!! That is indeed very exciting. I worked as a pediatric nurse for 20 years and LOVED it (I worked in the neonatal intensive care unit). You will do great.

    My stats for yesterday: 12/07

    Newts: 18
    Owls: 0
    House Pts: 0

    Sorry guys!
  • Timtam_slam
    Timtam_slam Posts: 10 Member
    Congrats Molly! That is so exciting. Good luck on your new journey.

    HP: 60
    Newts: 20
    OWLs: 8

    I'm doing an outdoor boot camp and was in so much pain yesterday from the workout the day before so when I got home from work I stretched for what seems like forever. It helped a lot. I really like that challenge.
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    Hello! I posted new progress pics today ... Just wanted to share the link if anyone is interested or looking for motivation. I am so proud of myself :happy: Fair warning though I am in my underwear. I know that offends some people.
  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member
    Queeda--Pictures are awesome! Great job so far...I am teetering on the onederland success...

    Stats today

    HP 84
    owls 20
    newts 12--I also took off for my unhealthy meals food won out...
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    Much better with the snacking today!


    I need to stretch more
  • skinnysuzie
    skinnysuzie Posts: 169 Member
    Hello! I posted new progress pics today ... Just wanted to share the link if anyone is interested or looking for motivation. I am so proud of myself :happy: Fair warning though I am in my underwear. I know that offends some people.

    Wow! What a great accomplishment. You look amazing and remember more importantly than looking amazing, you have done a great thing for better health as well.Keep up the great work! You are an inspiration to all of us.
  • skinnysuzie
    skinnysuzie Posts: 169 Member
    Good morning Huffies,
    My stats for yesterday


    Newts: 18
    Owls: 0
    House pts: 0
  • Timtam_slam
    Timtam_slam Posts: 10 Member
    My stats from yesterday:

    NEWTs: 20
    Owls: 0

    I didn't work out but I was really good about snacking healthy.

    P.S. I just changed my username from "rsagi" to "Timtam_slam".
  • nicolio8699
    nicolio8699 Posts: 141 Member
    hey! i was hoping i could be a hufflepuff? i have always figured that would be my house;)
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    hey! i was hoping i could be a hufflepuff? i have always figured that would be my house;)

    Of course you can! If you go back in this thread a bit you can find the rules. I am the Head of House for Hufflepuff. My name is Queeda. Feel free to ask any questions that you have after reading. Welcome!
  • bumflapassassin
    bumflapassassin Posts: 316 Member
    Numbers for the week so far:
    OWLs - 82
    NEWTs - 91
    House Points - 430

    Also stayed the same weight.

    Queeda, one day i'm going to lose 2 more pounds and my ticker is going to say something like "0 lb to go"and at some point my aim will change from losing a bit of weight to maintaining the same would the weigh ins work then? Could the quiddich cup incorporate a system for my goal?

    By the way, great work on the loss - the difference is so clear, you must feel very pleased with yourself!

    EDIT - will there be new prefects or do I need to think up another fun and interesting challenge?
    EDIT AGAIN - changed my numbers because I forgot some mins I did not log
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    Numbers for the week so far:
    OWLs - 82
    NEWTs - 91
    House Points - 430

    Also stayed the same weight.

    Queeda, one day i'm going to lose 2 more pounds and my ticker is going to say something like "0 lb to go"and at some point my aim will change from losing a bit of weight to maintaining the same would the weigh ins work then? Could the quiddich cup incorporate a system for my goal?

    By the way, great work on the loss - the difference is so clear, you must feel very pleased with yourself!

    EDIT - will there be new prefects or do I need to think up another fun and interesting challenge?
    EDIT AGAIN - changed my numbers because I forgot some mins I did not log

    Once you get to goal weight I will just keep you the same each week. It will neither help or harm the team at all. Even if it did it's not worth losing you. Just keep track of your exercise minutes and that will help. We seem to exercise the most anyway we have won the house cup every month since we started. Also new Prefects will be announced today. I am still calculating. ... That might be you again, but I will know soon. Thanks
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    Hello Hufflepuffs! Time for new Prefects. Congratulations to Charlotte66 and Bumflapassasin (again :happy: ) !

    Charlotte66 please post the food challenge and tell us how many Newts it will be worth and Bumflapassasin please post the exercise challenge and tell us how many NEWTs it will be worth.

    After this round of Prefects are done I will be posting a special Christmas/New Year or Holiday week challenge for 2 weeks so there won't be any Prefects for that week and then we will pick the Prefects back up in the New Year!
  • msrobinson77
    Working a lot of nights lately and have been too tired to work out. Excuses, excuses...Boo! Also, I weighed in at 136 this morning. I don't think I'm going to reach my weight loss goal by Christmas, but I suppose I should be happy that the scale is moving in the right direction. Hope everyone is having a good week!

    Thurs 15 newts 0 owls, 60 house points
    Fri 18 newts 0 owls
    Sat 18 newts 0 owls
  • bumflapassassin
    bumflapassassin Posts: 316 Member
    Evening all, I hope you are well. I'm up at 2am with toothaches :sick: also I sliced my thumb and little finger on my scissors while cutting my friend's hair :ohwell: it's just not fair!

    Final numbers for the week, though I may be a bit late since prefects are already picked:

    OWLs - 82
    NEWTs - 110
    House Points - 430

    For this week's challenge I'm going with abs exercises.

    >>>A set of 10 crunches of any kind (e.g. normal crunches, bicycle crunches, crunches that twist or have your legs in the air at 90 degrees, crunches with one leg resting on the other knee...) will earn you 1 OWL.
    >>>A set of 10 "supermen" (laying on your front and raising your arms and/or legs) will earn you 1 OWL since this works the back area and probably complements the crunches. Don't forget that if you struggle with raising both arms and legs at the same time you can modify it so either your hands are on the small of your back, in an E shape (your head being the middle sticky out bit), or alternating arms/legs. Remember to breathe out when you raise up; if you get this wrong you're likely to feel pretty awful.
  • skinnysuzie
    skinnysuzie Posts: 169 Member
    Good morning,
    My stats for friday 12/9

    Newts : 20
    Owls: 0
    House pts: 0

    My stats for Saturday 12/10

    Newts: 20
    Owls: 0
    House pts: 31

    Will post my weight after I weigh in later.
  • msrobinson77
    Nice exercise challenge! A few years ago, I hurt my back and went through physical therapy. The therapist had me do the "superman" move every session. She said it's one of the best ways to strengthen your core!
  • skinnysuzie
    skinnysuzie Posts: 169 Member
    Queeda, my weight for this week is 162.4, a slight gain. I plan on more exercise this week so hopefully will be a loss next week. Great job on your loss this week! You rock!
  • Molly_Louise
    Ahhh I'm so sorry I've been absent for a few days. Thank you all so much for the congratulations messages, it still hasn't set in that my dreams are going to come true. Yes, that sounds so cliché and cheesy but I was about 4 years old and one day I proclaimed I was going to be a nurse. 14 years later I still feel the same way I felt back then, and now I'm going to be a nurse!

    I know you're missing several days of stats from me, so sorry for this really long post!


    OWLs - 4
    NEWTs - 19
    House Points - 20


    OWLs - 0
    Newts - 17
    House Points - 45


    OWLs - 0
    NEWTs - 20 - I barely ate all day
    House Points - 30

    Weight is down to 156, yay!!!

    I've been awfully ill this weekend :( I have a chest infection along with blisters all in my wind pipe, throat and mouth, so eating isn't the easiest thing in the world, nor is drinking. I was supposed to work a 10 hour shift on Saturday but ended up spending most of the day in hospital as I couldn't breathe properly. I was made to walk around there so they could look at how much air was going into my lungs etc, which is where the 30 mins of exercise came from. I went back to work today, but really regret it. Gahh.

    Anyway, how are you all? Good, I hope. I'm going to read through the posts that have been made so I'm up to date with everything! Love to you all xo
  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member

    Weight 203 down a pound!

    HP 90
    owls 20
    newts 16

    HP 60
    owls 20
    newts 15