Daily Chat Thread



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    I'm glad you all came over here....having to scroll down through "my home" page to see what everyone is up to, is just getting TOO CRAZY!

    Well, harumph to bf's and gf's who end up FIGHTING after V-Day!! Sheesh...that sucks!!

    But, YAY for all the NROL4W going on! We are going to be *the* BUFFEST crew at the beach this year!

    I am taking the plunge, next Friday (I think) and actually getting the "fat caliper test" thing-y done to see what my body fat % is. Because *this* is the measurement I'm SUPPOSED to be working on, I'm now ready to face the judges and see what it is....and then I can (continue to) work on decreasing it.

    PS - Hawaii in 13 days....I'll still be logging my food, but will be much less, um, *present* in my posting opportunities!
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    Well my first married valentines day this year (although we've been together 10 years!), he forgot, and then had to go for a night shift. And due to civil unrest here we couldn't have gone out anyway!! He did manage to nip up the road for flowers and a card though.

    things ok now.

    Just did 1-6A, gonna make a post about squat grip, might put it in the fitness forum for wider audience feedback.

    Exercise helps me stay up late to get onto late schedule for my night shifts tomorrow.
  • cgrout78
    cgrout78 Posts: 1,679 Member
    I am bad...I killed myself yesterday during the day doing cardio and skipped lifting last night. I was trying to win a bet...didn't win the bet anyway and didn't get my lifting done. So I'll be back at it tomorrow.

    i feel better now after confessing

    and my v-day was a bust. My husband didn't get my anything, but did come home yesterday with 2 bottles of wine as an apology...LOL.

    Great idea for a thread btw!!
  • jamk1446
    jamk1446 Posts: 5,577 Member
    BUT, your glutes hurt, which is AWESOME!
    I think sore glutes are a good thing!

    This is what I love about MFP. Conversations like this.

    I always make dinner for Valentine's rather than mess with a restaurant. I try to make something unusual or complex that I wouldn't normally make. This year I made a stuffed pork loin, I'm sorry I made a small one and there wasn't much for leftover lunch the next day. My husband loves brownie sundaes and since I'm gf and also avoid too much sugar, this is a treat we don't get to share like when we were dating. I found a recipe for a banana-brownie-bar-cookie-thing that was fantastic with vanilla bean ice cream. I'm glad I only made a small batch because it was dangerously addicting, I've been stealing bites everytime I go through the kitchen.
  • cgrout78
    cgrout78 Posts: 1,679 Member
    Helloitsdan is getting on my nerves. There, I said it.
    I haven't run across this guy yet. Now you made me curious.

    Now I'm curious too! HA!

    Eh...I shouldn't talk. This thread isn't private....the guy usually knows what he's talking about. Just slightly "off" imo....lol. I was in a bad mood earlier...

    I know i've seen him around...but now i'll have to pay more attention
  • MaddameKat
    MaddameKat Posts: 200 Member

    Stage 2 for me and workout B tomorrow.. i was nervous of the cuban snatches.. no idea why, turns out it was the reverse lunges that i cannot master! no coordination here
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    I like the cuban snatches. I also like the reverse lunges, but, I do find the "balance" quite tricky. (My stupid right heel is still sore....which I *still* think is 'fat pad syndrome', but it could be plantar fasciaits - it's been about 14 weeks, now!)
  • aripak
    aripak Posts: 33

    Also, plank is still killing me. For Stage 4, your'e supposed to do 2-3 sets of plank for 2 minutes. I just can't do it that much.

    I feel you on that one. I'm on stage 4 and struggling with planks at 2 min. I'm only at 1:45... past that and my arms give out, not my core!!
  • aripak
    aripak Posts: 33
    I am taking the plunge, next Friday (I think) and actually getting the "fat caliper test" thing-y done to see what my body fat % is. Because *this* is the measurement I'm SUPPOSED to be working on, I'm now ready to face the judges and see what it is....and then I can (continue to) work on decreasing it.

    I want to get that done too. I have that at home calipers but they only take the measurement from one place so its not as accurate. I really want to get the hydrostatic fat testing done but they don't offer where I live. I have to wait until I visit the mainland. Just more time to lose fat before testing! By the way, have fun when you visit Hawaii, I live on Oahu :)
  • Shyloh1
    Shyloh1 Posts: 422 Member
    My legs are still sore after yesterdays Stage 2B workout,I'm thinking I might skip the cardio tomorrow after I do workout A in Stage 2.

    It took me forever to get through the workout.

    I work all weekend,so I won't be on as much...
  • bluesunshine999
    Hi Everyone!

    I'm a newbie. I just did my first workout tonight! :) It took me a while to work up the courage, but I feel really happy and good about it. I am so excited about the program! Anyway, I just wanted to say hi.

    I'd love to have some more friends who are doing NROLFW, so please add me! I'm curious to see what you are all eating to get ideas. It seems like the food is hard to figure out in the beginning.

    I'm also curious where people are located. I'm in Oregon.

    Have a great night!

  • DarkAngellEyes
    DarkAngellEyes Posts: 335 Member
    love this idea for a thread!

    just to play a bit of catch up... my Vday was somewhat of a bust - my husband and I never really do anything to celebrate except go out to dinner, but I was a total slacker and completely forgot to call ahead to make reservations - so we couldnt go to the restaurant we really wanted to. we ended up at a mexican restaurant (which was fine by me! I LOVE mexican food) and I ate WAY over my calories im sure...

    Welcome blueshunshine! and congrats on finishing the first workout!! I was a little nervous about going into the free-weights area at first too, but now I just walk around like I own the place! :laugh:
  • cgrout78
    cgrout78 Posts: 1,679 Member
    HI Jamie and welcome to our corner of the world!! I'm in Minnesota/North Dakota...LOL. Sounds odd, but I live on the border, so I always say Fargo although I technically live across the river in MN.

    Mexican..LOVE IT!!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    aripak - I think I'll do the water-displacement (body fat %) test a little further on in NROL4W....or maybe even at the end of the program. I think you are very blessed to live in Hawaii! Nice!

    Shyloh, sometimes even an *easy* cardio work-out can help with muscle aches/pains, I find....it just gets the blood circulating to the body-parts that need it, I find!

    Welcome, blue! It's gonna be a *fun* journey! And, it's nice to have company along the way, for sure....

    DarkAngel - mexican is my FAVOURITE food - I'm glad you had an enjoyable meal!

    Me: my diary went C*R*A*Z*Y yesterday. Out of the blue, I'm jamming chocolate-covered blueberries down my throat like I've never had FOOD in my life! It was NUTS!! I berated myself. And then I went and had SOME MORE! Went home and was determined NOT to eat any supper. dumb. And, I ate a small plate of chicken and pasta. Then, all night long, I'm craving salt/sugar/salt/sugar. Normally, I'd have just said, "whatevah....the day is ruined because of the choc-covered things, anyway....go for it!" But, last night, I just said, "No sabotage, girlie....you're off to hawaii in 2 weeks and you have to weigh/measure for challenges then, too!"

    So, I didn't sabotage any further. I figure I'm over by about 500 calories.

    And THEN.....I bled through my underwear this morning because, whadda-ya-know, MY PERIOD CAME!

    This is a *whew*.....now, at least, I am GRATEFUL as to what must have mentally made me go KOO-KOO and, further, that I ONLY ate choc-covered blueberries (at work)....and without even knowing it, didn't raid my pantry in the evening.

    All good now! Madness FULLY-EXPLAINED.
  • gillleeman
    gillleeman Posts: 397 Member
    Hi all. Think I must be the only UKer???? :cry:

    I'm also curious about that guy now :laugh:

    Since starting NRFL my diet has been dreadful so no way would I open my diary, it totally gives out the wrong message!! I've done well today so far, now my husband has just suggested chinese takeaway tonight :ohwell:

    Please feel free to friend me though :heart:
  • gillleeman
    gillleeman Posts: 397 Member
    Beeps I can't even use my period as an excuse it was last week :cry: :cry:
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    Is anyone esle finding the high protein diet hideously expensive?

    I'm a pescatarian, so i get some protein from fish/tuna/prawns/salmon, but i prefer not to eat fish every day (worried about mercury etc). Therefore I rely heavily on greek yogurt, cottage cheese, protein powder and protein bars, all of which have to be imported to Bahrain, hence the price. Fortunately we're not broke, but i do feel guilty when my parts of the weekly food shopping are way over-priced!

    I've just discovered that plain old milk is the cheapest source, so am trying to increase that.

    Unfortunately the high-dairy content is causing me to go slow in the 'bathroom department', so will have to make a concerted effort to keep the veg up. Having a 2 bean chilli tonight in the hope that'll help!
  • Tara4boys
    Tara4boys Posts: 515 Member
    I *thought* I would lift after spinning today. NO WAY!!! Spinning kicked my butt today!

    I may try to go later today or I may have to do it in the morning.
  • idauria
    idauria Posts: 1,037 Member
    Me: my diary went C*R*A*Z*Y yesterday. Out of the blue, I'm jamming chocolate-covered blueberries down my throat like I've never had FOOD in my life! It was NUTS!! I berated myself. And then I went and had SOME MORE! Went home and was determined NOT to eat any supper. dumb. And, I ate a small plate of chicken and pasta. Then, all night long, I'm craving salt/sugar/salt/sugar. Normally, I'd have just said, "whatevah....the day is ruined because of the choc-covered things, anyway....go for it!" But, last night, I just said, "No sabotage, girlie....you're off to hawaii in 2 weeks and you have to weigh/measure for challenges then, too!"

    Omg, I was doing good yesterday until I started eating Nestle Toll House mini chocolate chips by the handful. What the hell is wrong with me? No wonder not only am I not losing inches, I think I am adding them, despite the fact that I work out 4-5 days a week! I am not looking forward to getting measured by my trainer on Tuesday. But I will let you know what he says of course. I need to do a better job with my diet. Most days I do great but some days I just fall apart. I don't know why the willpower just isn't there and it's just sabotaging my efforts.

    On another note, I just something really cool. I bought 2 10 pound kettlebells the other day. I just did 35 minutes on the elliptical followed by 4 minute kettlebell swings tabata style(20 seconds work 10 seconds rest, 8 times). I wore my hrm and it definitely burns crazy calories. I think when I got off the elliptical I was around 250 cals burned, after tabata I was at 311. Not too shabby, huh?
  • gillleeman
    gillleeman Posts: 397 Member
    Jen was going to suggest skimmed milk, then read about your problems. I suffer from that too and never thought to think of the milk content. I probably drink at least 1 pint a day in shakes and tea/coffee.