Hufflepuff Common Room



  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member
    sanjoparolas...there is not March spreadsheet yet...hopefully that will change soon!

    I just caught Bron's post, and sent her a message with the link to the spreadsheet. I suppose I should have just posted it. I got swamped the second I got to work, so I forgot to ask...Hopefully she can patch us up and give us a template. I am willing to help out anyway I can to help Queeda with HoH duties.

    Jenn...I do miss your posts on this page. Glad you were able to check in. Hopefully Bron will be able to get our spreadsheet fixed up. Try not to be disappointed with the change in weight. That junk in the evenings is a vicious cycle. I started taking my dinner to work (I don't usually leave until 6pm and the rest of the world leaves at 5) and eat before I leave. It has been a huge help to me in avoiding "fast food row" and mu hubby's junk food in the evenings

    bumflap...too much dancing???? I got to a point where I would ache in the mornings after being out all night dancing... it was a sign, as my doctor politely phrased it that "I was growing up" Sounds like a great time. I have not been dancing in ages.

    stats 3/20
    HP 40
    owls 4
    newts 2
  • sanjoparolas
    sanjoparolas Posts: 557 Member
    OWLs - 4
    NEWTs - 3
    House Points - 40
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    Hey, guys!

    I'm a little confused by how you were calculating things in the spreadsheet. I see where you were entering things, but the calculations are a little different from how I did mine.

    Are you saying some people were entering things in the wrong places? I'm not sure how to fix that without being able to compare the numbers you guys had with the numbers that were posted.

    It might be faster to just start fresh in April (we're taking next week off as a group anyways so we can start April actually IN April). We could all be on the same page instead of trying to work out where we went wrong?

    What do you all think?

    PS. I added a tab and put the template that I use there. I think you could probably adapt your format to make it similar (because I think it's nice), but the calculations will be simpler when things stay on the same tab. I don't want to insist that you do it my way, but that's what I've been doing :) Let me know what you'd like me to do next to help, please!


    I see your set up is very similar to Ravenclaw's. Maybe I'll see if Sue (the old HoH of Ravenclaw) can give some input. Either way, you can take or leave the template.
  • Molly_Louise
    Hey, guys!

    I'm a little confused by how you were calculating things in the spreadsheet. I see where you were entering things, but the calculations are a little different from how I did mine.

    Are you saying some people were entering things in the wrong places? I'm not sure how to fix that without being able to compare the numbers you guys had with the numbers that were posted.

    It might be faster to just start fresh in April (we're taking next week off as a group anyways so we can start April actually IN April). We could all be on the same page instead of trying to work out where we went wrong?

    What do you all think?

    PS. I added a tab and put the template that I use there. I think you could probably adapt your format to make it similar (because I think it's nice), but the calculations will be simpler when things stay on the same tab. I don't want to insist that you do it my way, but that's what I've been doing :) Let me know what you'd like me to do next to help, please!


    I see your set up is very similar to Ravenclaw's. Maybe I'll see if Sue (the old HoH of Ravenclaw) can give some input. Either way, you can take or leave the template.

    I believe one of the rows of cells had incorrect fomula's and was throwing our numbers off and generally messing up the whole thing, that what I interpreted it as anyway.

    I think starting a fresh in April will be the best thing to do. Hopefully we'll be able to get a little more active by then too! Thanks a lot for your help so far Bronwen, it's very much appreciated.
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    No problem! I'm going to see if we can get a blank template of this spreadsheet set up this weekend, too. I think that would minimize confusion since you've already been using this. I'll keep you posted! Keep up the great work, Hufflepuff!
  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member
    I agree, lets start fresh in April with the spreadsheet. Thanks for your analysis on our spreadsheet. I had tried to manually correct the numbers, but it wouldn't let me do would make sense it was a glitch in the calucations. I have got to get myself functional in these things.

    Queeda...since we will not have a spreadsheet for the March numbers, would it be helpful if each active member made one post at the end of March with owls, newts, weight lost and HP? It would be a few minutes of work for each member, but it would save you time. It would verify who is still actively participating in the house Let us know what you think. Also just say the word if you need any assistance with your head of house duties. I am willing to assist as needed (I think Molly and bumflap have made the same offer). Let us know what you need.

    Happy Friday to all! I can't wait until it is over! (If I was across the Atlantic...Friday would nearly be finished! :smile: )

    Will post later tonight with more updates!
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    If you guys wanted to get a head start on filling in the March numbers, you could put it on the blank template I put in your spreadsheet (on another tab) and the numbers would be easily transferable when the new template is ready.

    If you do this, enter your last week of February's weight in the first column, then just follow week 1, 2, and 3 (and 4 this weekend as normal) putting in at least weights and House Points so we can get some rough numbers overall for March.

    Let me know if you have questions!
  • sanjoparolas
    sanjoparolas Posts: 557 Member
    OWLs - 3
    NEWTs - 3
    House Points - 30

    OWLs - 5
    NEWTs - 3
    House Points - 40

    OWLs - 3
    NEWTs - 3
    House Points - 30
  • bumflapassassin
    bumflapassassin Posts: 316 Member
    hey guys, I'm struggling to keep scores at the moment because my brain is a bit addled with lots of crud. So I will be able to contribute house points at the end of the month but not much else. Also I seem to be yoyoing in weight- only by a few pounds each way but it's starting to annoy me because I feel like I haven't made much progress for months now.

    Having said that I looked in the mirror today and thought I looked ok; better than most other people I know, and that if where I am isn't good enough then what am I aiming for? I have tone and definition, my obliques are nice enough and my diet is much better than it's ever been. Also I can lift things and run about, I can touch the ground wearing heels without bending my I'm going to be thinking about what I want to aim for next. Whether my last few pounds are worth bothering about.

    Thanks to Bronwen for helping with the spreadsheet. What's the progress on this? Do we have a serviceable document for April? I really am not impressed with March, I reckon we should start anew for April if everyone else is in agreement? Hope everyone has had a good weekend x
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Hello Hufflepuff! I was the original creator of the weigh-in spreadsheet and Bron asked me to see if I could fix the glitches in yours - so I went in and completely restructured it. :laugh: I corrected all of the formulas on the weekly tabs so it should all be working now and is ready for April. To whoever will be monitoring the spreadsheet for you, here are a few rules that need to be followed:

    1) DO NOT drag data from one cell to another. If you key something in the wrong place, either copy and paste to the correct cell and then delete from the wrong cell or just key the info where you want it and delete from the wrong cell.

    2) DO NOT touch the formulas on the weekly and summary tabs. They are almost 100% formula driven and are dependent on the "Weigh In Here" tab. If you key anything on those tabs, you lose the formulas. And if you drag data from one place to another on the "Weigh In Here" tab, you corrupt the formulas because they follow the drag - they do not reset.

    3) The formulas on the weekly and summary tabs are made so that the weekly quidditch percentages and house point averages are automatically calculated - no one has to add up and calculate anything if the spreadsheet is used correctly. Just go to the tab for that week and there is the info all ready to be reported!

    4) Because of the weekly formulas, you cannot put more than one month on the "weigh in here" tab - it will corrupt the calculations. To start a new month, delete all weights, OWLs, NEWTs and House Points from the "weigh in here" tab and start fresh.

    5) I've added a place on the summary tab where you can keep track of weekly Prefects, the quidditch captain, head boy/girl and that type of thing for the month. This is a place to record the monthly summaries before the old data is deleted at month end.

    6) The ONLY tab anyone should do any typing on is the "weigh in here" tab. And the HOH or whoever is monitoring everyone's progress can type in the section on the summary tab to the right of the table.

    7) DO NOT drag data from one cell to another. Ever. :wink:

    If anyone has any questions about the spreadsheet, feel free to email me. I'm happy to help. Here's the link to your spreadsheet - all shiny and new:

    ~Sue (Ravenclaw)
  • Molly_Louise
    Bronwen and Sue, I can't thank you enough for the help you've given the house with the spreadsheet. Thank you! Since we now have a brand new spreadsheet for April, where shall we post our stats for March? I am able to look back through previous posts and retrieve my stats but I am not sure about other members.

    I am behind on posting my stats but good news - I have lost 1lb! For those of you who don't know, I've had a 5 and a half week run of no weight loss so I was more than happy to see that this morning I'd dropped back down to 149lbs. Because I am behind on stats for a week, I will post one figure for the week. These are my stats for 19th March - 25th

    OWLs - 94
    NEWTs - 28
    H.P - 533
    Weight - 149

    Oh, Bron/Sue, one other thing, has it been decided if the houses are going to do the same challenges each month or are we going to stick with the current thing of each house has their own challenges?
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    This next week is an 'off week' to let the calendar catch up. You can decide to do something as a House this week to keep momentum, but House Points will not count for March OR April. I'll be updating everyone and reorganizing this week, so keep your eyes on the group forum list!

    ****I added a tab at the end of your spreadsheet that uses my format (just for simplicity, because the formulas are MUCH less complicated. Please enter your March weights there so I can see the results and they we'll delete it when we start April. Thanks for being so patient, guys!
  • sanjoparolas
    sanjoparolas Posts: 557 Member
    OWLs - 0
    NEWTs - 3
    House Points - 0
    Weight - 159.4lb
  • sanjoparolas
    sanjoparolas Posts: 557 Member
    Oops! Left off 3/24:
    OWLs - 3
    NEWTs - 3
    House Points - 30
  • sanjoparolas
    sanjoparolas Posts: 557 Member
    OWLs - 4
    NEWTs - 3
    House Points - 30
  • bumflapassassin
    bumflapassassin Posts: 316 Member
    morning. just to let you know i've put my March stats in the spreadsheet. I have put 0 for owls and newts though because I just don't have that info any more.

    Out of interest, both adverts on this page are for the warner bros. studio tour. I know it's in London but is anyone else planning to go? I haven't booked tickets yet (they're very expensive indeed and I'm told the tour is fully booked for ages). I want to sit in Dumbledore's office!
  • carolinagirl7
    carolinagirl7 Posts: 435 Member
    Thanks to Bron and Sue for getting us straight! I went ahead and filled in March's spreadsheet as well. I gained a pound last week. Considering the obscene amounts of food I ingested over the weekend, I think it could have been much worse.
    I had taken some of my own food/snacks to the conference and it helped to keep me on track where I was there. I feel a couple of fluid pounds creeping on, but nothing that can't be fixed!! In 4 days I drove over 500 miles, tiring but fun. Saw an incredible rainbow before an hour long thunderstorm complete with hail. Weather was beautiful (once the rain stopped that is)...sunny...warm one day cooler the next. The hotel was riverfront with a long boardwalk I spent time walking on. I even walked through a movie set...just absentminded...hope I didn't screw up their scene too bad. I missed what they were filming. though. More and more American movies have sets in coastal and western NC. The Hunger Games debuted here this weekend and by brother in law was telling us they parts that were filmed in their hometown of Charlotte NC.

    Molly-congrats on the weight loss this week!
    bumflap- nothing wrong with re evaluating your goals. goals are never set in stone and can change as new circumstances enter the picture. As long as your weight is in the healthy range and you are happy with your current weight and how your clothes fit...That Warner Bros tour sounds like fun. We have a studio tour as well with a Harry Potter theme in Orlando (home of Disneyworld) that looks incredible, I hope to get to one day.
  • Molly_Louise
    Out of interest, both adverts on this page are for the warner bros. studio tour. I know it's in London but is anyone else planning to go? I haven't booked tickets yet (they're very expensive indeed and I'm told the tour is fully booked for ages). I want to sit in Dumbledore's office!

    I'm going to go! Not sure when but I will be going!

    RE: Spreadsheet - I have added my OWLS, NEWTs and H.P's for the past three weeks onto the spreadsheet and I am assuming we're on week 4 right now so I have left that bit blank so far. I went back through my previous posts to find all my stats and I hope I calculated the totals correctly. It seems about right to me.

    Our new challenges start on Sunday, does anyone have any suggestions for the new challenges? All ideas are welcome.

    On Friday I finish sixth form for two weeks. After that I have six weeks left at school before the summer. I'm so excited! :D
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    This past Monday was the last day to record WEEK 4 numbers! This is an off week as far as Inter-House stuff, and April will begin at weigh in this weekend.
  • sixela0827
    would love to be a hufflepuff and join the a little lost how ever, hope to hear from someone soon :)